Local Government TV

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Jim Gregory Contempt Fund

This is incredible. After her antics helped land Jim Gregory in jail for six months, Tricia Mezzacappa wants donations so he can continue violating the PFA Order by making phone calls and blogging from jail. She also slams Gregory's sister, another victim of physical abuse. Here's her plea. Maybe he should sell his Camaro before hitting up others for money.
If anyone is interested in setting up an inmate account for Jim Gregory please dial 1-888-949-3303. I just posted $50 for his phone calls. It runs out fast. my account number is 6103306943. I think (I hope) anyone can put money on it. We are both broke. Please help us.

We will be talking daily, and Jim will be blogging live from the jail. Stay tuned. I may post things on his facebook account also. His voice will still be heard. My hands will do the typing.

His sinister sister is a dirtball , and because of her Jim is in a 1 room cell. I just talked with him. He got 3 free calls. He is doing fine and is prepared to serve the 6 month sentence.

I told him that a 1 room private cell sounds like maximim security. Not sure where he is. I dont think I will be posting where he is, once I find out which block he is in. Right now he is in intake. I have permission to use the camaro until he gets out. I will keep is polished and clean, and safe!!


  1. Is the 610 330 6943 her phone number?

  2. She's posted it on her blog about a gazillion times, so she has no expectation of privacy about it. Yes, it is her number.

  3. I only get a massage if the masseuse will work the nether regions.

  4. Since this unholy alliance things have gone from weird to beyond bizzare.

    WTF are they thinking? Gregory needs help and not this from Mezz.

  5. Is this an episode of the Twilight Zone???

  6. How could this idiot blog from jail? By calling Trash Mezzacrappa and having her post it? He should be denied any calls except to his lawyer. This miserable dirtbag and his insane cohort have to be silenced. She is a sick maniac and deserves to be broke and living on the street. Let her starve to the point where she roasts and eats Earl.

  7. I guess she has access to his Facebook account, too? Huh?

    They are both broke? Amazing how they can own expensive guns, computers, cameras, shoes, Camaros, go to karate class, file expensive paperwork for lawsuits, go gambling, go out drinking and serenade people at bars, put forth money for campaigns and campaign parties, donate to other people's campaigns, and the list goes on and on. But they are both broke. Amazing! I wonder why. And I wonder where their monies comes from, since both of them cannot hold a permanent and regular job.

    If they can't hold down regular jobs, why would they be voicing their opinions and wanting to represent people in a public servant position? They are really out there because they take themselves seriously and cannot see how flawed they are.

    I actually feel sorry for them. They have my pity. The Blog Mentor, too.

  8. There's a saying that if the hole you are in is getting deeper you should stop digging, but Mezzacappa continues with an ever bigger shovel. Gregory may end up being one of the few people who enters the system with a 6 month sentence but winds up doing 20 years as additional time is added for offenses committed while in prison. Mezzacappa, acting as his "voice," will definitely be held accountable. Mensa? F'n morons is more like it.

  9. I wonder what will be Gregory's position on the County reinvesting their monies to upgrade county owned facilities like the prison? Especially after his stay there during the hottest months of the year?

    He better hope that he gets into the work release facility where there is air conditioning. If not, he will be inside of a stone building that has not any air conditioning, and with about 3 to 4 grown adult males in a room about the size of a double wide closet. Won't that be fun and smelly?

    Just imagine when you have to sit on the toilet in a room of that size without any privacy and 3 other grown men looking at you while you do your business. It must be fun wiping your own ass in front of you cell mates?

    Cruel and unusual? I doubt that.

    I bet he comes out of there with a whole new perspective on life.

    Now if only we can get a few other wackos to take the same look at themselves. One down, two more to go as Mezzy and her blog mentor foam at the mouth and bang their heads against the walls.

  10. It is amazing that Gregory and Mezzacappa once again show how super smart they are. Gregory tells Mezzaloony he will call her and she will post his words. So by that we can assume any bashing done on her blog is from Gregory.
    He still doesn't get it, despite his Mensa brain. He is now basically a number. The prison can take away his phone privileges as well as almost any right, other than food, toilet and lawyer contact.

    This fool doesn't realize he still has charges hanging over his head.

    Mezzaloony is now crossing the line into criminal harassment of a person and Gregory's ex may have to file charges.

    I wonder who will be paying Gregory's bills, who will tend to his house. This clown probably figured he would walk home in victory as they carted away his ex.

    Not the outcome he expected when he left in the morning. His house could be on a sheriffs sale before he gets out. Maybe Angle will buy it.

  11. Do you think he's sleeping yet?

  12. Everybody in the whole cellblock
    is doing the Gregory rock

  13. For security purposes, all outgoing call made from the inmate telephone system, are recorded.

  14. 12:02,

    I bet he comes out with a new hole

  15. "You ain't gonna shit right for a week."

    Bill Bob Thornton
    Bad Santa (2003)

  16. I remember in Scared Straight how they described knocking out the front teeth of prison "girls" to avoid biting during forced fellatio, begging the question: does Jim have a gap yet?

  17. I remember in Scared Straight how they described knocking out the front teeth of prison "girls" to avoid biting during forced fellatio, begging the question: does Jim have a gap yet?

    I was already straight, but it certainly did scare me. People react differently, though. Perhaps Jim saw Scared Straight and became excited about the possibilities. NCC isn't federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison, but there are many very sexy inmates who might enjoy some strange. Welcome aboard, Jim.

  18. Correct me if I am wrong, if he attempts to make contact with his ex from jail the phone privilege will be revoked and his contempt jail time can be extended.

  19. I am not surprised. I had a guess this was going to happen.

    Definatley not that they would ask the public for funds, but that she would continue to assist with his public blogging / comments while in jail.

    Tricia, I will give $$$ but I want one day with the camaro? Ask Jim.

  20. Just because I'm in Frickin jail lol you think i'm fricken toast lol. I know Karate and i'm a mensa and I ain't fricken scared of shit cause you're all toast lol. Good behavior got me special priviledges so I'm in charge of the kitchen toaster. I'm going to convert it into a tanning machine and make everyone toast lol, fricken right. you'll see when i mastermind the largest prison release ever. Till then me and little pepe are going to keep the female inmates happy. They fricken love me cause I's mensa baby. Oh, and by the way, I'm not the only mensa in here. Some of these guys gratuated from the seventh fricken grade and can even cipher large numbers. I miss Earl. When I get out you're all toast. I am bringing my home made tanning machine wit me and you're all fricken toast. lol, the food in here isn't bad, we had ziti for supper. Where have I heard that before? Tricia baby I love you. Throw yourself on the mercy of the court and ask forgiveness of all your sins. Gosh I miss Earl.

  21. Do you think Jim awoke with a morning boner?

    Does MezzaWacky read this blog?

  22. Where did Mezzacappa post this plea for financial assistance??

  23. At this point should any of us be surprised at anything either one of them do. I wonder if he is taking any of this seriously. The only hope he has of getting out early would be him getting some psychiatric counseling and/or medicine. Unfortunately I think he is just going to continue his antics from the inside of prison walls. It will be interesting to see if people give them $ just to see the drama continue. Hopefully after a few days he will realize just how much trouble he got himself into and make an attempt to turn his life around. Time will tell.

  24. "A judge will be hearing the "Prosecutor Declines To Prosecute" citizens arrest warrant sought against Kelly Gross (that John Morganelli tossed into the garbage with glee) It has a cute little docket number , and an appointment on the miscellaneous hearing list for 7/19, courtroom 1. "

  25. And a judge will quickly toss it, as judges have quickly tossed most anything Mezzacappa has done. She is not the District Attorney.

  26. "Where did Mezzacappa post this plea for financial assistance??"

    On her hate-filed blog. i refuse to link to it.

  27. Today is Tricia Mezzacappa's birthday. She is 43 years old but up close looks 53 (too much sun and too many cigarettes). She is a failed accountant, failed nurse and failed political candidate. She is angry and spiteful and dishonest. She lives alone except for her pet pig Earl, which she loves to cuddle (freaky). She was in bankruptcy for five years (designer shoes are expensive). She has a libel judgment to contend with and more litigation to come. She is a gun owner who had her license to carry revoked because she's dangerous (thanks Sheriff Miller). Now she openly carries a gun and is begging for trouble. She writes with glee about shooting someone (that's sick). She takes potent controlled substances for a mental condition, according to her own court filing. She hooked up with convicted, jailed abuser Jim Gregory and is actually participating in the abuse. She is bashing the abused victims, a respected judge, an experienced DA, the police and many other good people on her hateful blog. She freely uses racist insults and other course and vulgar language. She has no real job (giving massages at a flea market is not a job) and says she's broke. She was convicted of disorderly conduct in November and criminal harassment a few weeks ago. How is she going to pay her fines? Stay tuned because more charges are coming. So have a happy birthday, Trish, because you have nothing but more wrinkles, cellulite and self-inflicted misery in your future.

  28. Citizens arrest warrant? I don't think such a thing exists under the laws of Pennsylvania. Even if it did, a judge is not going to interfere with the prosecutorial discretion of the District Attorney.

  29. Well said 10:13 AM. Maybe she will get tossed in jail and receive the psychiatric evaluation she seems to need. She frightens me even more cause she is armed.

  30. 10:23, There is no such thing as a citizen's arrest warrant. She can appeal a DA's decision to refuse to prosecute someone, but the standard is very, very high. Courts are not going to interfere with prosecutorial discretion.

  31. Tricia Mezzacappa was not honest with the Sheriff on her LTCF application. And DA Morganelli exercised discretion not to prosecute her for listing references she knew would not vouch for her. Prosecutorial discretion also worked in her favor. @10:13 AM is correct. Mezzacappa is "angry and spiteful and dishonest" - and "dangerous."

  32. 10:13 am. Well written!

  33. "Today is Tricia Mezzacappa's birthday. She is 43 years old..."

    It is hard to believe she's a middle-aged woman. She behaves like a spoiled brat. Check out her blog and you will be shocked by her immaturity. Just Google her name and see for yourself.

  34. Did he shave his taint?

  35. I guess Jim didn't file a pac yet for his mayoral bid. I checked the state website and couldn't find anything. Did he gamble the money away?

  36. It appears that he has spent whatever money was given to him without filing the appropriate paperwork. He did buy an ad under his own name.

  37. Jimbo took out a loan on his house not long ago. he got the house under questionable arrangements. Now he may lose it.

  38. As long as he doesn't let any semen dribble out of his mouth, he'll be fine!

  39. Did he join the navy or the merchant marines? I thought they had age restrictions?

  40. Who was the woman that died and have Jim her house? Was she under the care of Northampton? I've searched there isn't a transaction for this property. Something smells fishy and I don't mean trasha

  41. There is one persons name associated with the house and many other homes. I can't tell if he was involved in the transaction but IM looking

  42. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, it's probably a duck

  43. Gave Jim her house? I wouldn't give that greaseball ten cents to cross the street.

  44. Typical sociopath move

  45. Bernie, you work with titles

  46. I've only been here 24 hours. having a great time miss u all. LOL The food in here sucks. just like some of the inmates. Lil Pepe getting lonely. lol the food menu is strictly italian. Ziti for bkfst, ziti for lunch, ziti for dinner. lol They threatened to put me on bread and water. I told them I preferred toast. I miss earl. I hid the keys to the camaro. Don't want tricia driving it. The only women drivers should be women over eighty. Then their should be a law that they must be accompanied by both parents. Received one phone call. It was anonymous. Guy claims to have seen me and tricia in the camaro. (the bastard is toast when I get out) Turned out it was Earl and tricia. They look so much alike it was hard to tell who was driving. I hope not the pig. lol I'm suing everyone when I get out. I'll own this joint when I'm done.

  47. This is NOT a Gregory post. How can I tell? The periods are in the right places and the words are spelled correctly. Also, not enough Mania!

  48. Bread and water ONLY ON Naval vessels ,and for three days then regular food then back on restricted diet, at sea, by Capt. Mast only. This also would mean you defecate, and pee in a large coffee can in your cell---for three days too. And, that is covered with drape to keep them in the dark.Now I know all about this as I once worked as a 'turnkey' or super in a Marine Corps Red Line Brig on duty. It was a real hell hole, I mean I will not even attempt to expand on the real good stuff ,not like NCP at all , comparatively NCP is a country club. We would get them off the stainless steel rack,no mattress at 02;30 and cut half their hair off and half their beard and it would all go in their T-shirt and back in the rack. This is an ez-y one .Mr.Gregory has it easier than the average Marine did during the war, believe me! No sympathy from me, a JUDGE makes an order ,one is wise to follow it to the T.It's all perspective.

  49. Jim has just filed a civil rights complaint because he's being denied wax for his uni-brow and patchouli oil to cover the stank on his taint.

  50. "Who was the woman that died and have Jim her house? Was she under the care of Northampton?"

    It is very fishy to me. I know she was a long time City of Bethlehem employee who decided to devise it to Gergory in her Will, along with her entire estate, when she daied about 3 years ago.

    Gregory paid $2,500 for her funeral.

  51. This was posted on another thread at 3:06 PM, 7/13:

    "I know I am late to this conversation, just wanted to say- I saw Mezz get into a car, with her firearm (which btw- she had 3 extra clips for). She also was dressed highly inappropriately, FOR GOD'S SAKE WOMAN, NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR BRA!! Her Red Polka Dotted shirt was completely see thru!"

  52. " Was she under the care of Northampton?"

    Don't know if she was and that information is confidential. I did bring the matter to the attention of Human Services.

  53. If you saw her get into a car with a gun and drive away, you can also call the NC Sheriff's Office to report the matter.

  54. Three extra clips? You mean magazines.How would one be so close to know 3 extra magazines, they are small in size, you had to be standing over the car for example. Not allowed to transport firearm on her person in the vehicle without permit.

  55. Bernie, Sheriff.s Office not proper venue for a stop . Report sighting to 911 and have her picked up by 'disinterested' patrol car who get a person not registered to carry firearms charge ,and let it roll from there. That's it! END of non-sense.

  56. Bernie, are you implying that a person of care custody and control on payroll by the county ,might beat the county out of return funds from an ESTATE of a dependent resident of this county?

  57. Peter I do not know if this person was a county client. It is entirely possible she devised her entire estate to someone unrelated to her, out of the goodness of her heart. But I provided the information to Human Services.

  58. Does the prison accpmodate spegcif diary needs. Jim has a protein shake every morning to keep that fashion model figure.

    I wonder if he can order them for extra $$.

  59. I'm sure the chefs there are willing to help.

  60. Jim will be working out everyday in the weight room. He will probably get into the prison boxing club. When he is released he will be rock hard with pure muscle.

    Mock him now but he will have the last laugh.

  61. I've always had nothing but contempt for Gregory. is there a fund I should be giving to?

  62. Mock him now but he will have the last laugh.
    Seriously doubt he'll be able to laugh with his ass hurting so much from the stretching it was getting over 6 months.

  63. Oddly enough, TM does in fact now drive a Camaro.

  64. Some people think Jimmy was framed. He will research the case while in jail. His appeal is forthcoming.

    We still love you man.

  65. Other than Gregory and Mezzacappa, I can't think of anyone nutty enough to advance that argument. And they know it's a lie, but lies are their stock in trade.

  66. She is definitely continuing to harass the victim of a crime.


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