Local Government TV

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Gregory/Mezzacappa Chronicles: Part 1

For reasons that elude me, Jim Gregory and Tricia Mezzacappa have decided to post their conversations on Facebook, for the entire world to see. In this conversation, Gregory wants Mezzacappa to blog about some people that even she thinks can get them both in trouble.

Sunday, 7/14/13, around 10:15 AM

Trish: Hi, how are, you...I have one foot out the door, we have to make this one quick

Jim: Ok, let everyone know I am in 23 hour lockdown..in isolation, in a private cell

Trish: Why are you on isolation?

Jim: They said its for my own protection, being an ex-cop, but not sure, someone said I am on suicide watch, what a joke

Trish: What color jumpsuit are you in?

Jim: Orange

Trish: No way, thats the color for troublemakers

Jim: Yeah, I know, this sucks because I cant get out of this cell. The CO was nice enough to let me use the phone

Trish: Ok, I set up the account....$1.80 per minute

Jim: Ryback said he talked to 69 news..what has been printed in the newspaper?

Trish: They did an article on you, and I got the DA on a hearing list for Friday, they printed both on Saturday

Jim : What did they write?

Trish, I have to get going, but how about George Zimmerman found not guilty? (jumping up on couch and cheering) YEAHHHHH BABY!!! 2 nd Amendment justice....whooooHOO.

Jim: ok, ok, ok, ok.........

Jim: Zito, D'Atalia, Cohen...$$%^&&$$$$$

Trish: I know

Jim: %%&&&*&&&&&***** B***H !!!!

Trish: I hear you, God takes care of people like that. Zito needs an up dose on his Aricept an Namenda because he is crazy

Jim: Start bloggging about *******

Trish: We have to be careful. They can slap a search warrant on my computer too...

Jim: Make sure people know what is going on in here...I am on 23 hour lock-in

Trish: Will do, call me ...all week between xxx and xxx, I wont be here. I just got back from getting your camaro, its here.

Jim :ok, bye


  1. I have no idea who he wants her to blog about. That being said, it would sound as if Master Gregory still sees himself as the star of some goofy reality show. As opposed to being a common criminal in jail because he is considered dangerous by the court. I tend to agree. For the safety of any women in his life and even people he feels wronged him, this maniac needs to stay in prison or be committed to an asylum for the criminally insane.

    I seriously doubt he has any concept of reality left. Our very own local Charles Manson lite.

    A legend in his own mind.

    Does he realize that everything, everything he says and does is recorded and can and will be used against him by the authorities. I get the impression he sees himself as some dollar store version of Napoleon .

  2. One gets the sense Mr. Gregory way be outsmarting everyone involved. he will be out within a week.

    The powers to be may fear what he has in his files.

  3. "the powers to be"


  4. he will be out within a week.

    Is this a revision of your predictions that he would be out yesterday, that he would never see a jail cell, or that it would be his ex who would go to jail. You need to stick with viewing Dorothy through that crystal ball of yours.

  5. I'm going to suggest that everyone just let the guy alone. Driving him way over the edge shouldn't happen but it will if this nonsense conyinues. you will be partly responsible. Mezzacappa and Gregory are ill, they need help. They will start plotting. They are extremely bad losers. Pay-back is all they can think of and when their demented minds feel that they know who is doing this to them, they will try to get even. This isn't a movie script. This is reality.

  6. Is that why most people post anon.?

    For fear of retaliation from Jim & Trish?

  7. Mezzacappa has no hesitation in publishing lies about people using false names, such as Doug Camaro, making comments on her own blog using other people's names, and also commenting anonymously. The big fear is that she is a nut walking around with a gun. When shots are fired I want Bernie to know I'm behind him 100%... anonymously.

  8. In reference to the posting at 7:47 a.m. Yes, I do believe J.G is ill; however, he is the one with PFA's, contempt of court charges, possible illegal videotaping, questions of where the PAC $ went to, etc. He needs to take responsibility for his actions and get the mental and or medical help he needs. Someone needs to speak up for the victims. No more excuses for him. I do not think any part of this is funny and I do not use humor when commenting on his situation. It is up to him to turn his situation around. He is in prison because of what he did. I do hope he can gets the help he needs. Time will tell.

  9. Clinton,
    People post anonymous for the same reason you have a pen name.

  10. Harassment charge dropped against ex-councilman, district court says: http://bit.ly/199gOLl

  11. I'm dumbfounded that Mezzacappa would decide to publish the transcripts of their conversations. For one thing, it ties her directly to anything she might blog that could be libelous toward any party involved with Gregory's case. It also would be evidence of the two of them being in a conspiracy, should she be taken to task for what she writes. The sense I got from the entire conversation was that Mezzacappa has some type of ADD and that Gregory is less important than the Zimmerman verdict. You could read that even he got frustrated and had to keep her focused on the subject of his call. Him.

    Two people focused on themselves, acting as though they give a damn about the other. Sad.

  12. "YEAHHHHH BABY!!! 2nd Amendment justice....whooooHOO," cheered Mezzacappa.

    She needs to be disarmed before she freaks out and goes after some 2nd Amendment justice.

  13. Harrassment charged is dropped and she did not show up for contempt hearing then we are missing something!?!

    Seems to be that Gregory may have been right about his ex's shenanigans. However his behavior has led is to think otherwise.

    Bethlehem PD has had his stuff for over a month and nothing has come of it!


  14. Still trying to make a case for doubt about the validity of the claims by Gregory's ex? There's no doubt in anyone's mind. Including yours, Tricia. Tell Jimbo to write a tell all book. He's got just under 6 months to finish it.

  15. "Harassment charge dropped against ex-councilman, district court says: http://bit.ly/199gOLl"

    Yes, i noted this yesterday. She's not gonna' do better than what she already has.

  16. "People post anonymous for the same reason you have a pen name. "

    Except that is his real name. He lives in Upper Mount Bethel.

  17. "One gets the sense Mr. Gregory way be outsmarting everyone involved. he will be out within a week."


  18. " When shots are fired I want Bernie to know I'm behind him 100%... anonymously."


  19. "I'm going to suggest that everyone just let the guy alone"

    Now that Gregory and Mezzacappa are taking up the cause of a child rapist, I think I've only just begun.

  20. I jokingly commented on another blog of yours that Mezzacappa would be competing with the Innocence Project. Though she should call it, The Fund To Get Jim Gregory Released Early Project.

  21. Suggestion to BOH: Because these two crave publicity and can count on you to publish all of their nonsense, the wise thing for you to do is totally forego any mention of them.

  22. I'm being flippant, but there's also something to be said for exposing these people, both of whom have political aspirations, before they can do much harm.

  23. Tricia has expressed many death fantasies about you. You should not have to live in fear of her continued abuse,Mr. O'hare. Speaking out and informing other's as to her behavior, is a Public Service.

  24. All these phone transcripts are illuminating. They help many to understand the mind of the criminally insane.

    Who does Gregory want her to blog about?

  25. BOH 12:28 PM

    Go for it! They've not only taken up the case of a convicted child rapist, but the minor victim was apparently related to the perv creep she's defending and giving a voice to too. He was convicted of SEVEN counts, six of them felonies, including sexual assault on a child under 13 and incest.

    To defend the perpetrator of such crimes is just SICK, especially when TM throws around accusations of pedophilia at nearly anyone she doesn't like.

    "Innocence Project"?!?! What about the innocence of the kid that this utter creep robbed?

    Going to go throw up now...

  26. They are perfect for each other.

    The perfect Storm!

  27. Waiting on Part Two with bated breath, This is my favorite show next to "The Walking Dead".

    Please tell me he will soon be allowed visitors.

  28. Jim is allowed 2 visitors at a time, one in his mouth and the other where the sun doesn't shine...

  29. The visitor list request form states explicitly, that it takes 30 days for approval of your visitor's list.

  30. Why the Hell is To9ny Rybak getting involved and giving interviews to the papers for Gregory? Does PD Corriere know about this? Not great for the Department.

  31. What Mezzacappa and Gregory say, and reality, are two different things.

  32. She took down her blog post defending the child rapist and proclaiming the Innocence project. No explanation. Just poof!

  33. She also took down the comments that Bernie and his buddy fake rev. father alex go out together looking to score on little boys. How disqusting.

  34. That would be either her or her Blog Mentor.

  35. Mezzacappa likely didn't do any research (as usual) about the person she chose to be her first "Innocent" project. The perv wrote her a letter and she ran with it. Likely her knowledge of what he really is was obtained here.

    As to her "Innocence Project" name, somebody sent the real Innocence Project an email to let them know she was infringing on their copyright name and some background on her. She probably received a Cease and Desist notice within minutes of them getting the info.

  36. Since everyone is running to drop charges against Mr.Gregory, it would seem apparent that he will soon be free. it is sad to think that in the end, an innocent man went to jail.

    If that is the case, he will sue and get millions.

  37. Nobody is running to drop charges against him. He is in jail, and will stay there until he is evaluated.

  38. "She took down her blog post defending the child rapist..."

    The fact that she published it in the first place is proof that Mezzacappa is a disgusting slimeball. Giving voice to the convicted rapist of a 12-year-old girl is about as low as one can get. Shame on you Tricia. You like to write about praying the devil back to hell. YOU are the DEVIL.

  39. Bernie, what's going on at wefp? Looks like trish is deleting everything related to Jim. I wonder if they had a falling out already

  40. I just noticed. Could be that Gregory had finally hired a lawyer, who would want him miles away from her toxic influence.

  41. "Mezzacappa likely didn't do any research...Likely her knowledge of what he really is was obtained here."

    She is responsible for what she chooses to post on her blog. Even a novice knows how to use Google.

    Her new venture sounds more like the Guilty Project: domestic abusers and child rapists welcome.

  42. "Looks like trish is deleting everything related to Jim. I wonder if they had a falling out already."

    She may be coming to the realization that the shit she has posted re Gregory and his ex could bite her in the ass. Not that deleting all of it will help. It will always exist on Google.

  43. George, It looks like she's deleted all posts that refer to Gregory, his ex or Judge Zito. But as you ably point out, they are still there. Not sure it will be indefinitely.

  44. Time to grab some screenshots or pdf those pages then...

  45. Already have done so. Another reader made that suggestion around 7/4, and even provided a link to a program that creates PDFs.

  46. Already she has deleted all references to jg on her blog.

  47. Facebook is different too

  48. You can not outsmart Mr.Gregory,he and Trish know what they are doing. He won't be in jail for long and Trish is not guilty of anything.

  49. You can not outsmart Mr.Gregory... Trish is not guilty of anything.

    Blah, blah, Mensa, blah, blah, innocent, blah, blah, blah.
    One outsmarted himself into jail and the other has been found guilty of disorderly conduct and harassment, with other actions being investigated.

  50. "It looks like she's deleted all posts that refer to Gregory, his ex or Judge Zito."

    Too late. We have an exact copy of her entire blog (all posts, pictures and videos from Day 1). It is up to date through the evening of Thursday, July 18, and includes the doctored picture of Judge Zito with a clown wig.

    Her feeble attempt to cover up and destroy evidence is a waste of time and shows a consciousness of guilt on her part.

  51. Jim is on suicide watch... they do not put protective custody inmates on 23's, they go up to L- block with the sex offenders.

  52. "Her feeble attempt to cover up and destroy evidence is a waste of time and shows a consciousness of guilt on her part."

    Exactly right! It makes an easy argument that she removed them because she knew they were harassing and served no legitimate purpose. Not to mention libelous and defamatory.

  53. @"Exactly right! It makes an easy argument that she removed them because she knew "

    What did she remove from the car?

  54. The subject wasn't the car. The comment referenced the blog postings about Zito, Gregory, and his ex that Mezzacappa removed.


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