Local Government TV

Friday, July 19, 2013

Gregory Cleared on Third Contempt Citation

Judge Leonard Zito today dismissed a criminal contempt citation filed against Bethlehem Mayoral candidate and Northampton County Human Services caseworker Jim Gregory. It was the third of three contempt citations filed against Gregory for violation of a temporary Protection from Abuse Act Order (PFA) entered against him in May.

On July 3, Judge Zito entered a final PFA against Gregory, barring him from any contact, direct or indirect, with his ex. Zito also found Gregory guilty of criminal contempt following a hearing that day, and placed him on six months supervised probation. 

In a second hearing on July 12, Judge Zito entered a second PFA against Gregory following a claim of abuse from his sister. In addition, Gregory was convicted of criminal contempt a second time, based on Internet threats to his ex. This time, Gregory was sentenced to six months in prison, although Judge Zito indicated he might parole Gregory after a psychological evaluation.

As Gregory was slapped in hand cuffs and carted away by deputies, his ex-girlfriend and even her mother burst into tears.

Today, she did not appear, and my guess is she's had enough. She is likely unwilling to go through the ordeal, knowing that Gregory is unable to hurt her. I did not speak to her or her mother. I did call Allentown Attorney Leighton Cohen, who represented her in previous hearings. He was unavailable.

Instead of flip flops or a suit, Gregory came to court in an orange jump suit and shackles. He had no friends in the courtroom, not even Tricia Mezzacappa. She has savaged Judge Zito on her blog, and her appearance would have been unhelpful.

Though this third contempt citation was dismissed, Gregory will remain in jail. Contrary to some anonymous claims, he was not released.

For once, Gregory said nothing.

Updated: Gregory's ex has withdrawn the harassment prosecution previously filed against him as well, according to The Express Times.


  1. Seems fishy that she did not attend.

  2. "Gregory came to court in an orange jump suit"= Disciplinary Housing Status, Admin. Seg. or P.C.?

  3. Had she attended and testified, Jim would have been sentenced again. It was good she didn't attend. This way, Jim will be out in the near future (after his mental evaluation and his promise to stay away from his ex).

  4. Can't fault Mezzacappa for staying out of sight and away from the hearing. She finally did something smart for Gregory. Now if she would only do the same for the rest of Northampton County

  5. The Cheesey Cheeto should be beachside playing shuffleboard not ruling on PFA's and other serious matters.

  6. http://northamptoncountypa.org/

  7. 1:02 is Mezzacappa, who beliongs in a mental institution.

  8. I heard he looked gorgeous. Prison jumpsuits can be very slimming. They're like ladies stretch pants, though. 95% of the population can't wear them well. Jim's a jumpsuit natural, though. I'll bet he goes to the look after his release. It worked for Elvis and Liberace, after all.

  9. I wonder how the judge feels that she did not show?

    That's a bogus and distespectful as showing up in flip flops!

    The court should charge her for this waste of time and misuse of taxpayers' money.

  10. I agree that the court should have been informed.

  11. Does this mean he will be released very soon? Why hold him?

  12. Because he is already committed contempt twice. Because he continued to threaten his ex-girlfriend after she had the order. Because he has refused to accept responsibility. He has been sentenced to six months in jail. He will not be released until he is evaluated and a treatment plan is established.

  13. M.O.N.T.H.'S. not W.E.E.K.

    Jim has false hope about his quick release.

    1. A week feels like a month....trust me

  14. I am assuming the only reason he did not say a word is because he did not have anyone to argue with. I seriously doubt he changed his behavior in a week. I do not think he should have been released today. He needs to take responsibility and show the court that he is making an attempt to get the mental and or medical help he needs. A week certainly is not going to change things.

  15. He will take the wrong message from this. In his mind this will mean he was right and the world was wrong. He probably thinks it was dropped because it was wrong and he is WINNING.

    I tell you Bernie, this nut will draw all the wrong conclusions from the withdrawal of the citation. Probably embolden him even more.

  16. I bet he's sweltering in jail. Lollolololol as Jim would say

  17. I have the Gregory chronicles, and will be releasing them tomorrow.

  18. Jim's EX should take a few tips from Schlener's hot little vixen. Her husband died off in NORCO prison.

  19. Maybe Schlener's bewithching centerfold had an in with the guards.

  20. Why wouldn't his ex show up? Somethign is fishy

  21. Mezzacappa should be in the cell next to her new lover. Time for a PORK BBQ!

  22. Why wouldn't his ex show up? Somethign is fishy

    Nothing fishy about it. It's an extremely stressful experience to appear in court to testify about the abuse you suffered at the hands of a sociopath. She's appeared more than once already and Gregory has gotten 6 months. Doubtful that any time would have been added to it. If her lawyer wanted her there she would have been there.

  23. What a waste of taxpayer money for beign a no show.
    BULLSHIT! there is more going on

    1. The waste of tax payer dollars is Gregory.

  24. Its more stressful to live afraid

  25. JIM is gettign everything that he has coming to him. Hopefully there is more to come.

  26. OK. Have it your way. It's a plot involving everyone against Gregory. Fell better now?

  27. Man...all he had to do was tell the judge he needs some help. But, a sociopath will never admit a wrong and continue to blame everyone else. Like I said before, there's no cure for a sociopath. Good luck jimbo

  28. How did he get his house? That's the million dollar question. Where's the PAC money at?

  29. "Why wouldn't his ex show up? Somethign is fishy 4:04 PM"

    Maybe Jim & his Union buddies threatened her not to.

  30. @ "Why have his friends abandoned him?."....becuase he will tell secret's....to save himself.

  31. Jim shall be released... upon opening up his oriface or bending over...

  32. His ex-girlfriend should be held accountable by the court.

    Stressful for her??

    Give me a break. That's a total farce and you know it.

    She had no problems calling police, filing pFA, contempts, multiple interviews and statements, and court appearances.

  33. Spoken by someone auditioning to replace her.

  34. Well played! (Truthfully spoken Mr. O'Hare)

  35. I hope he stays in the pokey for a while. I doubt he has learned anything or accepted any responsibility at all.

    I feel bad for everyone when he is released.

  36. Is there a "Debt Clock" for Jim Gregory's housing expense's for NCP? NORCO resolution demand's payment for incarecation. Curiously, a policy that is a Failure.

  37. Jim will have his day when released.

  38. & someone will have to D.S.A.F.

  39. Will I still be able to vote for Mr. Gregory for Mayor???
    And if he wins will they let him hold meyor meetings at the prison?

  40. Jim has an excellent opportunity to get some counseling from Pastor Santos on the ins and outs of "making gonernment work for you". Santos seems to be benefiting from the prison's level of competencey. It is only fair that Jim should have the same choice.

  41. Eric, So far as I know, Gregory can govern Bethlehem from the can, so have no fear. Of course he has to defeat Bob Donchez, the nominee of the Dem party. Bob refuses to withdraw, despite the obvious power of the Gregory machine.


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