Local Government TV

Sunday, July 14, 2013

LV Coffee Party Sinks to New Low

You might think the Lehigh Valley Tea Party is nuts, but they have standards. The proof of that is that they tried to drum me out of their little club about two years ago. I had no idea I was even a member, but being a miserable bastard, fought their excommunication and won by a direct appeal to the membership. They are nice people, but as you can plainly see, they have lousy judgment.

The Lehigh Valley Coffee party must be even worse. Instead of excommunicating me, they've invited me for an Internet TV show today at Terra Café in Easton. It starts at 2 PM

My guess is we'll be talking about local politics.

Since it's TV, I have to take a shower.


  1. What time does the broadcast start, and who else will be on the panel the owner Manuel seemed like a exiled leftist guerilla, sporting those fashionable commie hats and wearing Che tee shirts.

  2. It's at 2 PM. I updated my post to reflect the hour of reckoning. I have no idea who else will be there.

  3. Che was the most efficient mass murderer in the history of the Western Hemisphere. His t-shirt wearers are romanticizing birdbrains who won't eat meat, but salute human slaughter. Che was record-breaking killer, though. I guess that warrants some recognition. Watch out for propaganda and ptomaine.

  4. Didn't see Che tee shirts or Commie hats.

  5. Che was a great killer but he was surpassed by George W. Bush by a mile. One of the top mass murderers of all time as per most of the world.

  6. Bernie my dear, good performance on the webcast it was enjoyable and informative. My desire for a cold O'Douls was quenched by the wise words from you and David, who by the way looked F-A-Buhhluzzz in his construction worker vest and fingerless gloves. You on the other hand look like you could use a good workout, I run a weekly 7pm Zumba class at the Bethlehem YMCA on Tuesdays, please stop by and get your ass in gear boyfriend!

  7. Any clue as to tomorrow's big announcement by the Coffe Party? Will Mr. O'Hare be going National?

  8. I hope you enjoyed your Shirley Temple.

  9. That was extremely courageous of David to tell the truth about the situation at the Santos compound. He deserves a medal for what he has been thru and for what he has accomplished thru sheer determination.

  10. Yet..they..the jail admin. and advisory board..painted David as a liar and just another criminal who makes stuff up when these issues initially arose. What say they now? Silence...


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