Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tea Party Extremists Continue Assault on NorCo GOP

Former Northampton GOP Party boss Bob Kerr resigned just before the Primary election. But now he wants his job back. He'll make a push tonight at a meeting of the entire Republican Committee. Kerr, you might recall, is the tea party extremist who resigned rather than disavow a GOP candidate with a penchant for death threats. He claimed he was resigning to end the "fractures and personal attacks that factions bring to every meeting." But now he wants to continue ripping the party apart, more intent on concentrating his own power than in getting Republicans elected.

Kerr's candidacy is nothing less than a battle for the heart and soul of the County GOP. Will it be tea party extremists like Kerr, whose litmus test standard for Republicans would exclude party stalwarts like Ron Angle and Peg Ferraro? Or will sanity prevail? That question will be answered at 7 PM, when the Republican Committee meets at the Chrin Center.

Just a little more than a month ago, Kerr came under intense criticism over the way he was handling the party. He got rid of the party backbone, people like Dottie Niklos and Mary Baurket, the ones who would go out on weekends to plant yard signs.

Then, he incredibly invited Tricia Mezzacappa, a racist convicted of making death threats, to lead them all in prayer at one of their monthly meetings. Kerr should have realized something was amiss when Mezzacappa began to stick needles into voodoo dolls, chanting some ancient Mesopotamian curse.

Ron Angle's hair started on fire.

He fired Brian Monahan as the party's solicitor, a position he held for twenty-five years as a volunteer. He fired area chair Teg Hughes, another workhorse. I personally witnessed Kerr refuse to allow members of the party speak at a meeting, though he himself had just finished giving a long, rambling justification for his support for judicial candidate Tom Carroll.

Carroll finished dead last among four candidates.

But what was most appalling was his refusal to allow Peg Ferraro to speak. She's only the County's highest ranking Republican elected official, a state committee member and is herself a former party chair.

"A past Chairman is just that - past," said Kerr, as the crowd gasped.

Kerr is joined by a few people from the Lehigh Valley Tea Party. These include people like Tony Simao, Arlene Klocek, Ronnie delBacco and County Council candidate Hayden Phillips.

"They're as thick as fleas on a dog's back," reports my intern, Ron Angle.

Kerr is opposed by Craig DeFranco, Acting Party Chair. Kerr refused to distance the GOP from Mezzacappa's vitriol, but DeFranco released a statement denouncing her behavior as " inconsistent with the beliefs and standards of the Northampton County Republican Committee."

Mezzacappa has sworn revenge. "We have some spineless people who will be removed from the GOP in the coming months," she told Express Times reporter Tom Shortell. Joining Mezzacappa in condemning DeFranco was failed Easton School Board candidate Ronnie delBacco, whose latest crusade there was an attempt at book banning. But the very same delBacco, in a February email, stated, "[Kerr] has been a disappointment in that he seems to be all about control and not about serving. I think he is in this mess for himself more and more."

Maybe delBacco should try to get his own email banned.

DeFranco should be elected overwhelmingly tonight, but these are Republicans. Who knows?

Updated 2:15 PM:  I have amended my headline, at the request of LV Tea Party Joan Campbell, to reflect that the assault on the NorCo GOP comes from extremists within the LV Tea Party, and not the party itself.


  1. There isn't a hair width of difference between the Tea Party and Ron Angle, party stalwart or not.
    He is as nuts and obnoxious as the rest of them.
    It is a major reason they will all go down this Fall jays as Angle went down.
    Keep the fruitcakes out of county government, we barley survived the last four years..

  2. One of the biggest fruitcakes running happens to be a Democrat, Tom O'Donnell.

  3. Is he a nazi too?

  4. Phillips, Gesinger and Benol are full out baggers.

    Not sure about the rest. Ferraro has always been more of a country club type.

  5. Rs would do well to follow the advice of liberal, life-long D. That'll make things better.

  6. There would be no special election meeting if Kerr would have never resigned. He craves the personal attention and thrives on dissension. Not a wise choice for a leader.

  7. you guys who rail against the tea"baggers":

    you don't think government should stay out of your business and allow you to keep what you earn?

  8. This has nothing to do with the tea party philosophy. This has everything to do with a small cabal more intent on furthering themselves than in getting members of their own party elected.

  9. It has to do with your frustration that some Rs aren't just like D's.

  10. Actually, they are acting just like the goofy Ds. I have written about them in the past. In both cases, a small clique is more interested in themselves thannin electing members of their party.

  11. Patriots like Kerr are the future of our party---indeed the future of our great country.

  12. When members of your party are simply minor league D's who regularly vote for overspending and debt and ever increasing taxes, it's understandable that many want change. There's no difference between electing a fiscally irresponsible R like Peg, and a fiscally irresponsible D. Peg offers no philosophical opposition to Ds. Electing Peg is the same thing as electing a D. Purification is an unsightly process for both parties.

  13. To the cretin who wrote "Patriots like Kerr are the future of our party---indeed the future of our great country." (probably Kerr himself)

    If that statement is true, we are all surely doomed.

  14. what is a "bagger"?

  15. Mezz will lead the 9-12 project on its ascendency to becoming the major party in the US of A, i predict a Stolz / mezz white house un 2020

    Tea party footsoldier

  16. You forgot the support they have from Seth Vaughns Girlfriend and by extension Seth himself.

  17. Bernie O'Hare said...

    This has nothing to do with the tea party philosophy. This has everything to do with a small cabal more intent on furthering themselves than in getting members of their own party elected.

    9:15 AM

    You recognize that this infighting as nothing to do with the tea party philosophy, yet continue to label this as a tea party assault on the NCRC.

    This is a fight within the NCRC itself, has nothing to do with the tea party. The tea party hasn't taken a position on it, nor have we become involved. I ask you as a 'bottom feeding blogger' to please correct your facts. While there are many people who belong to the tea party who are committeeman, in both counties, in both parties, this has nothing to do with us.


  18. Joan, Your point is well taken and I have amended my headline accordingly.

  19. Seth Vaughn does not control his fiancee. She is her own persom\n. She is a tea party extremist. He is a moderate.

  20. Bernie makes up stories and ties them to his latest personal target. This blog is not a flawed alcoholic's penance. Its an extension of the petty shit-headedness that made Bernie a drunken shit in the first place. He's still intent upon hurting others. Such is the lot of many an angry drunk. Some never get better. At least he admitted it's not about the Tea Party. He's a real pro at the apologizing thing. It's a step that repeats and repeats. It's why their only friends are fellow nasty apologizers who will die angry over having g to down all that stupid coffee.

  21. Don't hate me because you can't be me.

  22. 2:12, is Gregory. He has dumped the OMGs and lols. He is almost Mensa for Gods sake.

    The Tea Party is like a group of Gregory clones all in a Party together.


  23. I'll drink to that. You just sit and stew. Have a coffee or whatever you use to substitute.

  24. A laser hair removal joint just opened in Bedlum, just in time for JG's mayoral close up!

  25. west easton fat printJune 11, 2013 at 5:08 PM

    All you do is lie!

    RINO Ferarro is the most liberal county council member there is. She made a deal with your devil, on his way to hell with his son, ANGLE.

    She voted to bankrupt the entire GOP to humiliate and libel mezzacapa for sport. with GOP money, letters and ROBO CALLS. she voted again to have deFucko hold a press conference to announce nothing but LIES and LIBEL and SLANDER about mezzacapa

    all, LIES because you have no cock and got kicked out of her house.

    Kerr and simeo refused to drain the entire GOP for primary smearing against its own candidate. Only morons would have done this, and morons they are, like the 4 leaf snovers

  26. We now know who is on the attack. Tricia Mezzacappa is blaming everyone but herself for her last place finish in the County Council race. Time for your drug cocktail, MezzaKKKappa.

  27. Hey BO, Gregory is attacking you on the SPG website. He has dropped the names and the lol's and OMG's but it is him, his style is unmistakable.

    Apparently, you pee on him.


  28. Peg Ferarro is the highest ranking republican???????????????????????????????????????

    are you back on the sauce?

    Have you ever heard of Emil Giordano or Ed Smith or Anthony Beltrami or John Cusick?

    your are officially brain dead

    please never include the word ferarro and republican in the same sentance

  29. Bernie, Your article said: "DeFranco should be elected overwhelmingly tonight, but these are Republicans. Who knows?"

    What happened? Was DeFranco elected or not?

  30. The above comment was made by Tricia Mezzacappa, who is apparently unaware that Judges Smith, Beltrami and Giordano hold NONPARTISAN offices, or that Cusick is not seeking re-election to County office and holds that same position as Ferraro. Either unaware or untuthful. Take your pick.

  31. Peg is not really an R or a D. She's a T, a taker. A career taker who doesn't care about anything or anybody but Peg, not that there's anything wrong with that. We name parks for pensioned politicians like her! Her magnanimous spending (o.k., wasting) of others' hard earned money defines her as truly heroic. We name parks after credit-taking, pension-slopping politicians like her. Mezzakkkrapshoot may be evil and insane, but the broken clock theory applies here re: Peg.

  32. What do the tea baggers and Jim Gregory have in common?

    Both are not winning!!!!


  33. Bernie, you are not a nice person! You are always attacking Tricia Mezzacappa. Let it go. I heard that she dump you or something like that. Your constant attack on her is shameful. I don't even know her but I have heard you have a vendetta against her. Let it go and be a better person. Forgive and Forget Bernie!!!!!!!!

  34. This post is about the NorCo GOP and she is very much a part of that story.

    Wouldn't you want to know that a Council candidate is a racist? That she was convicted of disorderly conduct after a tirade that included death threats against an elected official? That she is running for another office? That she fabricated references on her LTCF application? That she claimed to be incompetent to stand trial in a libel case I filed against her? That judgment was entered against her? That she currently faces additional harassment charges for abusing a public employee and continuing to impersonate someone after he asked her to stop?

    Am I not a political blogger?
    I suggest you go back to your own blog and stay off mine.

  35. Bernie@10:07 PM:

    You forgot something. Mezzacappa holds herself out to the public as a massage therapist but never bothered to obtain the required state license. Since she's a candidate for public office her violation of the licensing law is a legitimate story waiting to be written.

  36. I don't believe RNs need massage licenses.

  37. I disagree with you Bernie. If an RN massages a patient within the scope of (and incidental to) her regular nursing duties, she would be exempt. However, if a person who happens to be an RN is doing massage therapy outside the scope of any regular nursing duties she would not be exempt. She would have to comply with state licensing requirements, including completing educational courses, passing an examination, paying fees, etc.

  38. The Mezz must be foaming at the mouth over the DA's decision not to file charges against anyone other than the lone deputy in regard to the leak of her "confidential" carry permit. Was on WFMZ's news tonight. Poor Mezz. Her predictions of everyone going to jail and her getting a windfall of money just isn't going to happen. No magic left in her broom.

  39. He didn't charge her, so you and Bernie must be foaming as well azzhat!


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