Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

O'Donnell Beats Wallace in Official NorCo Tally

In November, all five Northampton County Council at-large seats are up for grabs. At the May 21 primary, Democrats chose Deb Hunter, Ron Heckman, Jerry Seyfried, Christen Borso and Tom O'Donnell. Republicans chose Peg Ferraro (incumbent), Hayden Phillips, Glenn Geissinger, Mat Benol and Seth Vaughn. Republican turnout was 13.91%. Democratic turnout was just a little better, 15.55%, thanks to a contested County Exec and Bethlehem Mayoral race. The only real question was whether Tom O'Donnell would hold his 6-vote lead over Bill Wallace.

The official count is now over. O'Donnell extended his lead over Wallace and beat him by 21 votes. O'Donnell garnered 4,742 votes to the 4,721 ballots cast for Wallace. 

I've heard that Wallace might seek a "recount," although the official count is actually a recount of the unofficial tally from election night.    

O'Donnell's election as a Democratic nominee assures that at least one Republican will be elected in the Fall. He is an incredibly weak candidate. . 


  1. Would have preferred Wallace.

  2. Isn't it great that Mezzacappa didn't win? Can you image a debate between O'Donnell and Mezzacappa? Interesting!

  3. Phillips, Geissinger and Benol are Tea party extremists. This should be interesting. Wonder how it will play out this Fall.

  4. Don't forget that Vaugn is callingPhillips, Geissinger and Benol as his friends and confidants.

    I say Peg is the only Republican that wins

  5. Bill Wallace isn't going by "William Wallace" anymore??

    I remember back in the day when he first ran he used that to try and pull some Braveheart fans....

    Remember the William Wallace yard signs?

  6. Some R candidates are associated with Tea Party. But none of them even come close to being extremist.
    Anon 4:15 must be an IRS worker.

  7. And 4:59 makes the point, we have a winner.

    We only need to look west to Lehigh county to see were this barrel of monkeys will take us.

    A county election about Obama, the UN and the IRS.

    Good times, good times!

  8. Gruntled, With the exception of Hayden Phillips, i agree. I do not know him, but have heard he is allied with the Kerr faction. That would make him an extremist. I will ask him when I see him.

    The others are all fairly moderate. Peg Ferraro will win convincingly precisely bc she appeals to both teams. Seth Vaughn, an Iraq war vet and physician's assistant, is another moderate. Geissinger brings a business perspective. Benol is a Libertarian, but is also a consensus builder.

    You have a good team.

  9. Has Bill's hysteria begun yet? Watch out! He is not going to be able to accept this loss.

  10. Bernie, if/when you see Hayden, I would love to see his answer. Certainly Benol and Geissinger (I appreciate the poster for good spelling) are great choices. I also don't know Hayden well.

  11. I think Peg may get back in but I doubt the other R's have a chance. four years ago the Tea Party guys got in and we have had chaos to the point of them not running again because they would have gotten hammered at the polls.

    This time around, very interested folks will come out and vote, unlike four years ago and that spells disaster for the Tea Party.

    The county does not want a repeat of four years ago and will vote accordingly.

  12. is this the end of Bill Wallace running for office?

    I mean seriously...

  13. Bill Wallace (a partisan Democrat), is on the ballot for Wilson school board, as a Republican. If that isnt funny, I dont know what is. HaHaHa!! He is runnign against John Cusick ( a Republican who is on the ballot as a Democrat.

    You can't make this shit up!

  14. Yes, the Cusick switcharoo is hilarious. And William Wallace should team up with the wilted kilt, Steve "Von Footinmouth" Barron, and the Scott's "Feed your lawn, man, FEED IT" guy in a dance review at Bravehearts in Hellertown.

  15. How humiliating for Bill. Sixth place behind the Grinch, Tom O'Donnell. Goes to show you what Dems in Northampton really think of Wallace.

  16. didn't Wallace actually pay a consultant to help him on this race?

    how much wuld it have cost to come in 7th...


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