Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Disgruntled Caseworker Jim Gregory Gets Three Days Off

He'll probably want to sue me for reporting this, but I'm reliably informed that Northampton County Human Services caseworker Jim Gregory has received a three-day suspension. He's currently in a bit of hot water for an apparent assault on his girlfriend. But I'm told this suspension is for totally unrelated conduct.


  1. The lava is flowing from LVR's toxic volcano of hate, watch out politico's you could be next to get launched by this vortex of vitriol. I predict that Jim G will seek a libel action against the operator of this hate hut and bankrupt him swiftly, PERFECT!

  2. The above comment is brought to you by Tricia MezzaKKKappa.

  3. How can u bankrupt a stone. Bernie has no assets and he has no major source of income. He qualifies for food stamps and should be on welfare. He can't give you change for a nickel and someone is going to sue him. Rots Of Ruck. Get in line. He has to get bye Mezza, Pawlowski, MacClure, Reibman and a whole boat load of castaways first.

  4. Having offered your counselling services to Gregory, I am wondering if the same charitable thoughts prompted you to consider offering your services to those engaged in fraudulent acts affirmed on appeal resulting in million dollar plus judgments? Why not help an entire class of citizens, the elderly, the infirm, and the widowed? Or perhaps your counselling expertise doesn't extend into predatory consumer practices.

  5. How is it that you are informed of county personnel decisions? How does a blogger get this information? The press would not be afforded the details of a personnel matter.

    Your informed source should not be giving out this type of information!

  6. Actually, the press would publish this in a heartbeat, and has done so with respect to many personnel decisions in the past.

  7. MC black and decker HammerJune 4, 2013 at 3:07 PM

    When it is all said and done, I mean this from the bottom of my heart, sickness can touch any one of us. We should be thankful that we are healthy, upright, and taking nourishment. All the rest is salad dressing. It is the salad that is important. People can move through the problems. So why must you people make matters worse and drag things out. Get out and live your lives; if you are sick, see a damn doctor. Besides that be thankful you are healthy and leave Bernie alone. He is just reporting the news. All you pot shot shooters make it worse.

  8. Who are making these posts? The society of the mentally ill?

    Gregory's suspension is probably a prelude to a full fledged dismissal. His actions are one of a self-destructive narcissist.

    If you go to his hearing in June Bernie, you better be careful. This guy is really off the wall at this point.

  9. The Jim Gregory types are the same ones that keep this county down. He should be terminated out of sheer disrespect for his supervisors and bosses. He gives union a bad name.

  10. The labor council is going to be tossing him.

  11. Please tell me how you knew about the suspension

    Before Gregory knows. What a joke. This entire episode is pathetic. They are stupid . Gregory wants to get fired, lol

    They are playing right into his hands. If they try , he'll

    Probably release the Stoffa Email to the press. They have It but their legal morons are afraid to use it, but if Gregory goes, Stoffa is f---Ed

    Gregory has been out sick since May. How can they suspend him, lol. He isn't working. That asshole Stoffa is used to getting Sued. But Gregory will sue them all personally, He likes Eagles, good,,,

  12. The labor council can't remove anyone until they are dismissed. So Gregory stays. Not that he cares, he hates the Council president , I've heard

  13. Bernie, the assault charge is not an assault, you moron

    It's a summary harassment. Tell your friend. The lawyer she's sleeping with, that there's a difference, right Leighton?????

  14. Gregory is probably so pissed at Stoffa right now

    That the Email is ready to go.. You'd better think about this suspension there, Johnny boy

  15. See you at Champs Thursday cowards, lol, or maybe I won't because you clowns are too busy blogging about other people to get out cut loose, and belt out a few tunes.

  16. "Please tell me how you knew about the suspension"

    Two of his union buddies. He apparently does not have the friends he thinks he has.

  17. I would rather be back in Dachau than lead a life without my Mediterranean Man-slab.

  18. 5:51, The harassment charge is the result of an apparent assault. I believe I have it right.

  19. Jim, having had spent over thirty years with the Northampton labor council in various positions, they can throw you out. You may want to check the by laws. I don't really know the president and you have always been a decent guy. Not sure what is going on in your life but I hope it all works out okay for you.

  20. Two union buddies? Has the union been notified? If he gets suspended then the discipline should be given to him by his supervisor with a union rep present if he wants one. Why are you being the one to inform him? Something does not add up here.

  21. A court appointed employee works at the leisure of the Court. A public servant/civil service servant works at the leisure of whom? Seems like everyone wants him gone even his union buddies. So where's the problem? If this was a private sector business he would be long gone instead of making his living off other people's taxes and sucking on the public teat.

  22. He is protected by civil service. Not so easy.

  23. @"Leighton said...
    Bernie, the assault charge is not an assault, you moron

    It's a summary harassment. Tell your friend. The lawyer she's sleeping with, that there's a difference, right Leighton?????5:51 PM"

    § 2709. Harassment.
    (a) Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of
    harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another,
    the person:
    (1) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the
    other person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to
    do the same;
    (2) follows the other person in or about a public place
    or places;
    (3) engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits
    acts which serve no legitimate purpose;
    (4) communicates to or about such other person any lewd,
    lascivious, threatening or obscene words, language, drawings
    or caricatures;
    (5) communicates repeatedly in an anonymous manner;
    (6) communicates repeatedly at extremely inconvenient
    hours; or
    (7) communicates repeatedly in a manner other than
    specified in paragraphs (4), (5) and (6).

    This is a lesser charge for people with intimate relations, More serious charge's will apply....if it continues. Which one are you charged with?

  24. This guy, Jim Gregory, comes off as a real jerk. A bully who thinks the image in the mirror gives him special privilege.

    Well, Jim, you are delusional. Your public performances (no matter what name you have used) on this site have NOT helped your reputation.

    Go ahead, big boy. Threaten me.

  25. Gang Stalking:

    Gang Stalking is a form of bullying and intimidation from multiple perpertraitors.

    Whereas ordinary bullying is usually one on one, and workplace mobbing is where multiple people in one workplace attack one (or a few) person(s), Gang Stalking involves multiple people attacking one person in any situation.

    Groups of people, or, loosely organised people pick a target, and attempt to destroy the victims life in any way that they can.

    They attempt to scare and terrorise their target, causing anxiety and other problems.

    They will do whatever they can to get the target fired from their job.

    People become a victim when they have attacked a member of a group (ie gang) as part of revenge, or, in the case of political groups, attack their political opponents such as authors, etc.

    The person who is responsible for picking the victim out is called the Gang Stalking Rat.

    All of this is done secretly, and is usually known only to the attackers, and the victims. Other people around the victim will be oblivious as to what is going on.

    I see it Mr O'Hare. A complaint should be filed.

  26. Thank you Clinton . Glad you noticed. It should be. Filed. Did anyone notice that the harassment charge has not been tried in court yet. The police filed it against me without asking my side. We will see that side in court. She won't like it. Dear 807, my image in the mirror is pathetic , lol. However, consider yourself threatened. I did notice you are anonymous, therefore I will be also. However, I know Gregory lives at 1502 high st. Please, please , please stop by. Yes, I said my above. Means nothing. Please stop by you coward.. Please

  27. It is disturbing that what should be a confidential personnel matter is leaked in this manner. If true, it is certain that Gregory himself would be the first to arrogantly mock the suspension and dare the county to fire him. But that would be his choice as the affected employee. Neither county officials or union representatives should disclose this private matter to the press. Or in your case Bernise the phony press.

  28. I prefer the term pseudo press. You'd be surprised what I know and have NOT published.

  29. @ 9:48 Ever since Deep Throat & Nixon, informants have opened their mouth to report the truth. Jim Gregory seeks to silence that with his bully-boy mentality.

  30. Just tried to call Jim Gregory at the number found on the web. There was a recorded message about not having a voice mail message set up at this time.

    Oh, well.

    (I'm (8:07) really not a coward, Jim)

  31. So sorry . Switching phone companies. Stop by. Still anonymous I see, coward. The champs comment was not made by Gregory for sure. He told me so. Bernie , civil service is a joke. Anybody an fire anyone for anything. Period!!

  32. If you haven't seen Jim Gregory said or even if you have, it probably doesn't mean he said it..Bernie loves to play those games. gregory , out of respect for his friends, doesn't go to Champs on Thursday nights at this time. The only assault that took place was when his girlfriend attacked him and he restrained her..The only visible scratch was the one on gregory, which the Police Officer will verify..For him, not her..No assualt on his part..If two of his union buddies really exist and told you that, they will be tossed from the union at the hearing when Bernie is made tpo testify..If they are in the union, they certainly aren't his buddies and they certainly don't belong in any union except for the pond scum union.
    3:07, you are funny..Awww poor Bernie. Your right he is sick..Bernie that is.
    If Bernie really thought Gregory was crazy, then he'd be crazy to post these things. Think about it.

    6:22, There is a special place in hell for you..For sure. She had a stroke . She is in Good Shepard..I'll pass your regards to her family.

    I checked the Bylaws. They don't have the guts to try..If they did, best of luck..
    Bully boy mentality, really? > Gregory is far from a bully..He is the one being bullied by, as fake Clinton says this gang of fools Bernie creates..Dear 10:00,
    Verizon will be at Gregory's house sometime between 8 and 12..I know, I live with him..Stop by..Dont trip over the shotguns, lol.

  33. Not a coward, Jimbo.

    Simply give me a number and I'll call you . . . really!

  34. "they will be tossed from the union at the hearing when Bernie is made tpo testify"

    You'll have to try harder than that. I don't give up sources. But they gave up you.

  35. Who is you Bernice/ As I told you before, you are talking to your self, lol..They don't exist..Are these the two union idiots who erroneously told you I started Rumblings..Lina told you the truth..Are you now calling her a liar? So, one thing is for certain, either they are lying or the girl who lived with Gregory and slept with Gregory for over four years, is a liar. One or the other is lying..Your choice..If it's them, they are playing you for a fool..If it was her, she was..You lose..

  36. "Actually, the press would publish this in a heartbeat, and has done so with respect to many personnel decisions in the past."

    You do realize that there are labor and civil laws broken here by the person who told you who works for the County!
    Someone or people will soon be in real trouble. The county will be paying out another large suit for gross incompetence and misconduct.
    I would hope not only will Gregory's private attorney file suits but also his union.

  37. I'll try this so you can read it once more Ken or whomever you are. Gregory dumping RCN..Verizon is taking over the service tomorrow and also the internet..He'll be home in the morning..Stop by.

  38. Dear 8:07,

    Gregory is not big..He is small and chunky..He's 5"8" and 177 lbs.

    He's in really bad shape..Ask Lina..She kicked his ass all the time..And that will be shown in court if these nitwits in the county ever schedule a damn hearing..So Gregory is short, fat, and 60 years old..Should be a pushover..Stop by!!!!

  39. Talking to union people Bernie?

    Who are these insane characters or how do you usually refer to them? Union pukes

    If what you write is true, they are Rats!

  40. Oh, I forgot, Bernie always forgets to mention that Little Lina kicked down a door to attack Gregory..She admitted this to guy who fixed door..Yes, he will be at hearing..She kicked him in the back and he couldn't sit for months and she kicked him and broke his new IPad which she will admit in court if it gets there..Gregory had at least 50 people , including Judge Sletvold and Judge Grifo at his function...They saw and talked to Lina, even took pictures..She had no marks on her..So whatever Leighton tells you bernice, it won't fly and he'll be disbarred for starting this smear campaign against Gregory to help the client from the Casino..You know she has no money to pay him..How is she paying him anyway?? Ouch, the old boyfriend won't like that.

  41. Why is he a disgruntled caseworker, lol..He seems happy to me..

    I think you are disgruntled Bernie.

    Still trying to piss on Gregory's leg, and still missing..

  42. "He's in really bad shape..Ask Lina..She kicked his ass all the time..And that will be shown in court if these nitwits in the county ever schedule a damn hearing.."

    Mr. Gregory, The terms of the PFA filed against you bars you from attempting in any way, even through third parties, to attempt to contact the victim. I believe your comments here are an attempt to intimidate the victim of your domestic violence.

    Also, I should point out that Judge Benner scheduled a PFA hearing for 5/30. It is your attorney who sought a continuance, not "nitwits at the county." Also,Judge Zito scheduled a contempt hearing for sometime this week or next week. Once again, it is your attorney who sought a continuance, not some "nitwits at the county." Now your own attorney, who most certainly is NOT a nitwit, will be none too pleased that you made remarks that insult the court.

  43. The Rats are the employees of the county that let this out to anyone. This is a personnel issue. Another true headache for the county administration and the HR director.

    I'm sure the county controller will be investigating this as well.

    Defintely will be interesting.

  44. "I'm sure the county controller will be investigating this as well."

    Barron von Footinmouth comes to Gregory's rescue!

    I have no trouble believing that our political controller will jump in head first where he does not belong.

  45. The county controller has never leaked any privy information. Never.

    Your problem isn't with Bernie. It is with your own friends, whom you keep as friends. Or to put it bluntly, the problem is with you.

    And like everything else in this modern day society, one never looks in the mirror and accepts blame. It is always everyone else's fault.

    You might call me a coward, but that is only because you never grew up. So GROW UP! And grow a real set. Ya' Pansy!

  46. Dear 12 :07

    You are right on the money..Thank you for your insight !

  47. Wow 12:07.

    You are so, so courageous and tough..Then stop by his house and admit you are the coward..He'll be waitng coward! He left the lights on for you.

  48. Gregory can count his close friends on one hand...Jim Schlener, Jim Irwin, Jerry Green...The rest seem to be hiding..guess they're not friends..Who said the controller leaked information you dimwit??

  49. Again 12:07,

    Still don't see your name listed..List it already! Be a man, lol..

  50. 12:07's comment is the best I have ever heard on this topic. Thanks for the insight, but unfortunately it will be lost on dimwits like Gregory and become incite.

    Gregory is the real coward, especially when he beats up his women, each and every one of them.

  51. Yea well you coward, Melissa Rudas has a signed and notarized statement from Gregory's wife that says in twenty years of marriage, he has never, ever abused her in any manner whatsoever..He did have his affair with Lina..My guess is that Lina would be better off placing the PFA on Gregory's wife cause she'll need protection if she calls her again..Let's see this Lina girl wrecks Gregory's marriage and is the hero here?? Really. You are not only a coward but a moron
    She, Lina Whats her name, actually called Gregory's wife and asked her if he was having an affair with her!! OMG How stupid was this girl..Still don't see your name..Buck! Buck ! Buck!

  52. And whether you realize it or now, you are still getting yourself in hotter water with your own incriminating remarks.

    You are being played! But you are worrying about your macho charisma too much instead of wising up and keeping your mouth shut. Only Gregory would know what is being written, no one else.

    How does it feel to be someone else's bitch?

    Like I wrote before, you just need to grow up and shut your stupid, fucking ugly, coward mouth. You pansy!

  53. Mr. Gregory, Let me remind you again that your "anonymous" comments here are an attempt to intimidate the victim of your domestic violence and constitute indirect criminal contempt of the court's PFA Order.

  54. Bernie, Gregory thinks he is smarter than everyone else. He thinks his "anonymous" comments give him immunity. He has violated the terms of the PFA and all this so-called evidence from his ex-wife and other nonsense will have little bearing width the judge on the issue at hand. His ex girlfriend is in fact intimidated by all his crazy talk and threats..

    You realize that now he is angry at everyone because he is in trouble and he wants to pull others down with him.

    Mr. Potter, the head of the Labor Council has been asked to dump Gregory from his leadership position. Many in labor want him out.
    He is apparently doing his own political consulting business and uses his position on the labor council to claim labor support to candidates that have not received endorsements.

    He has told everyone he will see Callahan and the entire Dem ticket brought down. He will work to elect the Republicans, which may violate civil service rules.

    The man is really out of it and may very well be losing his county job if he is actively politicking as he claims.

    No wonder this young woman ran from his house to the police. The guy is crazy and maybe dangerous. His home should be searched for weapons.

  55. He has a political consulting biz? How is he paid?

  56. Not sure, it is just a rumor in all fairness to Gregory. Supposedly one or two of the Republicans have been approached. People are trying to find out about it. The county may know more than they are letting on at this point.

  57. Still anonymous I see you coward!!

    Buck Buck...Well, we will flush you out with the rest of bernie's friends. Most of what you just spouted is a complete lie.No surprise, fake Bernie or KK or whoever you are..Sorry, I missed your name...lol..Yea, dammit, search his home..If you had a brain, not a pebble for a brain, you'd know she called the police the day before his event and filed a simple summary harassment charge, then she worked all day at his event ( doesnt seem scared to me) then robbed and trashed his house, and then filed a PFA three days later after advise from her mom who owes Gregory a thousand dollars..CmON coward , get a brain and follow this..Get off Bernie's
    D**k and pay attention..Geez. How stupid are you..Oh yeah, when the police officer came down the street on FRIDAY and handed Gregory the citation, he was talking to his girlfriend on the phone..She lied to him and blamed the summary harassment filing on his wife..Silly girl. If you are really in touch with her, ask her..She'll either lie or confirm it all..It will come out in court.

  58. No Bernice..He doesn't have a political consulting biz..He used that as a cover..If you know so much about his suspension, you should know this..What's up , Stoffa holding back on you?

    Ya gotta watch "Absence of Malice"

    with Paul Newman and Sally Fields.

    How dumb are you??

  59. Bernie. Thank You. You have opened the door and Mr. Gregory has done the rest.

    Pure Internet Gold!

    From climbing fences to throwing himself on the Governors car, his crazy exploits are legendary. However, you have opened a door to a whole new level of crazy.

  60. Dear 1:56,

    No gold here..No assault of girlfriend at all..Other than in Bernie's feeble mind and county hasn't even informed Gregory of any suspension..The fense thing is tn years old, scum bag, you are really reaching..Anonymous

  61. Throwing himself on the Governor's car??????? Must have missed that..Oops, like the alleged assault, it didn't ever happen..Boo!

  62. Whether it's Bernie or whomever, don't you realize that you are also hurting this girl you are supposed to be protecting by airing this out on the blog..You talk about Gregory allegedly scratching her ( I believe that's what the police harassment charge said) and whatever but by stating things here that you have no idea about, you are just hurting her.
    Looks like you are the abusers..You and that idiot ex boyfriend of hers who talked her into believing Gregory was having an affair with his wife..Actually he was smart..He conned Lina and he ended up with her. God Bless

  63. Let's see, the guy hasn't worked in three weeks. He was allegedly suspended but doesn't even know about it himself. Sounds right again, for the Stoffa administration..Can they do anything right??

  64. Who has asked Potter to dump Gregory?

    His two union "buddies" who Bernie said betrayed him.. No surprise there.

  65. In 2014 Gregory will be standing and watching Kelly and Marcus leave..

    Jack Brady said" : Have a nice day Mr. Marcus...Or he will in 2014

  66. Dear friend, 1 :46

    He has no business.He never got it off the ground..Anyone who gave a check at that event will find that it wasn't cashed..There is no paperwork, nothing..UPAC was Lina's creation..She is gone , so is UPAC..

    She did the cards and the flyers and set up the event. Oh yeah, while she was allegedly being abused, lol. And yes. He met with some Republicans..He told you that..It's his constitutional right to do so..The constitution still exists in this county, no?

  67. I think Gregory is lying to say whatever suits him or whatever reality he is in that relates best to him. Just like Mezzacappa. Both are makong it up as they go along. Also under duress, his wife or ex-wife, whatever he claims she is right now, will sign anything to get him back or the hell away from her. Either way you slice it, he is spewing a whole bunch of lies. Lying coward that he is.

  68. Gregory is so filled with rage, he will do anything to see Callahan and other Dem's lose this Fall. He is even abandoning his friends and Party.

    He is going downhill fast. A Republican insider confirmed some of the rumors out there. Fact is Republicans have been told by their Party leaders to steer clear of him. He is toxic. Even the labor guys want him out.

  69. The only coward on here is the famed loud mouth, does nothing steward from the Wolf Building. Instead of smoking cigarettes to calm down maybe you need some meds.

  70. "Gregory has been out sick since May"

    how can that be true if, as he brags, he's constantly gambling at the casino?

    maybe he's taking a page out of jimmy s'sbook

  71. If this is Gregory posting under "Anonymous" it is clear that there is an attempt to continue intimidating his former girlfriend. I hope any friends he has left will just start ignoring him and not buy into the bullying. They need to take a step back and ask themselves what this guy is doing for them. He is doing nothing for them but using their names and trying to make it seem that they are on his side and believe everything he is saying. I can't think of one reason that his former girlfriend would lie about what happened. I believe she is telling the truth. I think everyone should stay away from this guy right now and just let the drama go. The truth will all come out in the end.

  72. Gregory is filled with rage??

    Saw him yesterday and he was smiling and laughing..He left the party because he doesn't need to be affiliated..It's simple. As far as the unions go, SEIU has been totally useless in his fight with the County because some stewards (Bernie's buddies) have been backstabbing him.
    The Labor Council hasn't even met to address this or anything dealing with Gregory. Whether he and Potter get along or not, my guess is that the bylaws make it tough to remove anyone. If so, then what..Gregory started the defunct PAC because the Labor Council could have none..He endorsed mostly pro union candidates in the election. If the Republicans choose to "stay clear of him" that is their loss" Luckily for Sletvold, she did work with him to garner Democratic votes. Again, he hasn't charged anyone for his services..He did a
    quarter page ad for city and county candidates and he polled in most races. The polls, especially the Callahan race was dead on. If Brown has been told to stay clear of Gregory and does, it's a coup for the Callahan camp. So John Brown, again, if that is accurate, then you've shown Gregory that his faith in you was misplaced..Gregory wants to see the Dems lose in the fall??? Really..He likes Hunter and Seyfried and will help them if they want. Peg will win no matter what. As far as the other Republicans go, he knows them little, except for Brown.In the end, he will be retired next year,
    one way or the other, from the county. Whoever wins, wins. Won't affect him at all. Wow. Another nice, sunny day off for Gregory..Enjoy folks and have a nice day..Oh yeah, if the County did add three more days to his time off this summer, I'd bet that'll break his disgruntled heart..Amen!

  73. Intimidate his ex girlfriend? Really? Only a moron could come to that conclusion..Oops, forgot..

    You are the guys who keep bringing that issue up. Yes, please wait for the hearing..Then invite NBC, CBS, ABC, and whomever to the hearing.
    They'll get to see the truth also.
    Can't wait. If she's back with the old boyfriend, that would be punishment enough for her. She brought it on herself..

  74. "Intimidate his ex girlfriend? Really? Only a moron could come to that conclusion."

    Calling someone a moron, is intimidation. If Jim Gregory's supporter's use the same tact as that which he is accused of....

  75. Wow! Jim Gregory you sound like a man possessed. You should really see a doctor. You need help before you hurt yourself or someone else.

    Politically, Deb Hunter has said she wants to stay far away from you. Her victory was due to hard work and had nothing to do with you.

  76. So, what exactly did he do to get suspended?

  77. He was Jim Gregory. That's enough.

  78. Kevin, I believe there were a large number of complaints related to his job performance. I did not ask for specific, just wanted to be sure it is unrelated to the domestic abuse allegations, the insubordination and conduct that appears to bring his office into disrepute.

  79. To 3:00

    You forgot to add " and a Union Puke "

  80. Now he is running for Mayor of Bethlehem. WTH

  81. Gregory 2013..."Shock the City"

  82. Push it to the limit

  83. First of all in regard to your
    6:15 comment, Gregory never received a complaint from one of his clients that he's been serving for years..That's just a fact jack..
    I could be wrong but I don't believe he was ever disciplined for insubordination, ever.
    He wasn't disciplined at all until he asked his bosses to resign and his former boss, Deb Nunes, thought he was a very good worker..Any bad performance reports are news to him since he hasn't gotten any in forever..So , as usual, you lie..There aren't a large number of complaints about his job performance at all..Complaints from whom? Certainly not the clients he serves..Not one, I remind you, not one complaint! That sucks for you Bernie..But this will all come out and is as we write..Your union rat friends who supplied you with this information are wrong..He has received no word of a suspension..That pretty much means you are F*****! Sucks for you..

  84. Rather quite. Lol. Guess the haters are not as smart as they thought they were.

  85. Chris the union puke or rat will be out with this administration!


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