Local Government TV

Friday, June 07, 2013

Jim Gregory, the Deja Vu Mayor

Suspended and disgruntled Northampton County Human Services caseworker Jim Gregory has told both The Morning Call and WFMZ-TV69 that he's got his eyes set on another job - Bethlehem Mayor. He's apparently going to knock off Bob Donchez and make sure that Sands Casino is completely unionized.

Though the Primary has come and gone, that won't stop someone of Gregory's caliber. He'll run as an Independent. He changed his registration and everything. But his email address is still Democrat@epix.net.

So begins the latest chapter in the Gregory saga, which started with his career as a Lower Saucon police officer. After publicly complaining about police scheduling, which let the bad guys know about security flaws, Gregory received a written reprimand. Then he was fired, based on evidence that he (1) left his patrol duty on the night of October 25, 1985 without justification and spent more than two hours at his home; (2) improperly reported his whereabouts during that time period; (3) responded falsely and evasively to questions by the police chief and the township manager about his activities that night; and (4) had received five written warnings for improper conduct during the preceding four years.

Gregory sued in Northampton County. He lost. He then sued in federal court. He lost again. He then appealed. His case was thrown out, except for some allegations of "bias" against individual Township Supervisors. They settled for $42,000. But in the meantime, Gregory lost a state house race in which Joe Uliana distributed flyers showing a cop sleeping on the job.

After this, Gregory had some lucid years. He somehow managed to get elected to Bethlehem City Council and even served as its President.

Then he went bonkers again.

He decided to run for Mayor in 2003, and inexplicably began scaling a fence to demonstrate inadequate security. When then Governor Rendell visited Hanover Elementary School, he showed up uninvited, got kicked out, but did threaten to sue an event organizer who noted his bizarre behavior.

When Gregory lost the Mayoral primary with a 6% showing, he was in the elections office the next day to announce he was running anyway. He called the registrar a "knucklehead" when she pointed out the "sore loser law" prevents him from another bite at the apple, and threatened to have her fired.

Then Bethlehem City Council stripped him of the Presidency, and Gregory's reaction was that he was "sure" he was leaving the Democratic Party.

With a background like this, is it any wonder that he landed a job with Northampton County?

In mental health?

That's what happened.

Now it's deja vu all over again.

Gregory has again quit the Democratic party, is running for Mayor after the primary, is in trouble both on and off the job, and is threatening to sue everyone.

Except this time he won't even get 6%.


  1. So this guy is now suspended, will he be fired. This is amazing. He is nuttier than a fruitcake.

    Bernie, you could not have made up a story more whacky than this one.

  2. All of what you print is true on this blog report. However, this cat has nine lives. Is all your other blog reports about slick Jimmy true? Is he or is he not suspended and how do you know for sure? I think you have that one wrong.

  3. I am well aware of what he is telling people, but I am very comfortable with what I have written. Gregory likes to twist things.

  4. Word is that if Gregory is not elected Mayor, he will be given the Donchez vacant city council seat. If that doesn't happen, Bethlehem plans to send him to Mars as their ambassador.

  5. This guy is suspended by his employer, soon to be discharged. He has a PFA hanging over him, and a contempt of court order hanging over him. His past is filled with bizzare behavior.

    He is suing Bernie, Stoffa, Marcus, Bethlehem, the Mayor, the police and a few others.

    Is he really serious or is he playing us all?

    It is hard to imagine this guy is on the level. he is either the smartest guy in the room or flat out batshit crazy and should be committed.

    His old girlfriend better stay hidden.

  6. Hey, I'd vote for him....as Mayor of FUNKYTOWN

  7. The sore loser law may still apply to him. You can't run as an indy or a 3rd party candidate if you were registered with a major party during the primary. So, the $64,000 question is when exactly did he change his registration.

  8. He is overcompensating to take attention away from his domestic violence allegation's. Many politition's are wife-beater's. It is not a disqualifying attribute in a Public Servant, if you like that sort of thing....

  9. 8:32
    So, how MANY politicians are wife beaters? Where do you get your information from, what is the percentage of people who run for office that are also wife beaters. You make it sound like everybody out there is a Gregory type if they run for office. It's people like you that make our choices so bad, because you are continuously making everybody no good as soon as they step up to run. I wonder who ou are and what YOUR story is. Maybe the apple does not fall far from the tree eh?

  10. "Word is that if Gregory is not elected Mayor, he will be given the Donchez vacant city council seat."

    The only person saying that is Gregory himself. No member of City Council will even nominate him for election. Can he even apply if he is not a Democrat?

  11. The only people who would vote for this fruit cake would be the clients he manipulates for his own personal gain. Or, if Martians land in Bethlehem just before the election.

  12. Kevin, you are correct, but i was hoping that Gregory would have about four news conferences before learning this. I will find out when he changed registration this AM. I believe he would have to do that 30 days prior to the primary.

  13. I saw a sign at Yocco's looking for a fry cook? But Fleck was ahead of me in line.

  14. Who gives a shit???????????? If he wants to run let him run!

  15. Hey guys, What the hells going on with the NC dems here of late.Brennan,Schlener and now Gregory.Garvin better show some sophisticated leadership or the NC dems will be the laughing stock of the region.Garvin in the eyes of state and national party leaders will have the most to lose.

  16. Nc dems need a new face. Someone young who can raise money.

  17. Gregory for "mayor of Rittersville." That's the new battle cry. Why do newspapers give this guy any credibility by carrying his stupid press conferences. His Union endorsed candidates in the primary. How do they feel about him? Are they supportive of his bullcrap and nonsense?

  18. Garvin doesn't have a sophisticated bone in his body. He wouldn't know leadership if it slapped him in that fat head of his. He is a laughing stock. Now even he knows it.

  19. 4:46 PM Sounds like callahan to me.... No one in this district has the contacts, trust, nor the ability to raise mony and play with the big boys. I'm lucky in that I get a chance to see it often. He is incredibly well liked within the party but central, and pro business enough to pull votes not only from the center but also some previous party lever pullers. I am on the callahan team and will not hide it, but it does not change the truth.



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