Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jim Gregory, A Creepy Predator

I was told last week that a search warrant was executed at Jim Gregory's Bethlehem home. I decided against writing about it because I thought it could interfere with a police investigation. But WFMZ-TV69 has now broken the story about last week's police raid at his home. It was prompted by a complaint that he had installed a camera in his bedroom so he could surreptitiously record his girlfriend while they were having sex.

This guy is a creepy predator.

Not only did he admit that he was secretly recording his girlfriend, whom he supposedly thought was stealing from him, but he himself is the person who foolishly informed Channel 69 of the police raid. Secretly recording her is wiretapping. By his own admission, he committed a felony of the third degree.

On Facebook, where he really should stop posting, he admits that the camera was purchased by someone using his name and his computer.

Maybe that's because it was him.

He also states that police missed his safe deposit key, which he calls the "real evidence."

He tells a friend "to warn Callahan" to "have the police get my stuff back soon. And Narlesky is screwed for signing a warrant with hearsay."

So far, he is suing Mayor John Callahan, Judge Jim Narlesky, DA John Morganelli, Bethlehem police,

Gregory is obviously a taker who preys on people. Unfortunately, as a caseworker, he comes into regular contact with older people having mental health concerns. How many of these people have fallen victim to someone who increasingly looks like a Dickensian villain?

I can think of two occasions in which he brought "clients" to Council meetings, using them like props.

But there's more.

Gregory is a constant gambler who apparently thinks his office is the Sands Casino. He uses his "clients" to feed his gambling habit. He has taken and used money cards that are provided for them by the casino. He does have their permission, but is this really voluntary?

Finally, just how did he get the house he owns in Bethlehem? I know. I also know how much he spent for the funeral of the woman who lived there.

He is a taker, a user who takes advantage of people.

And a Lehigh Valley Labor Council VP. Hopefully, not for long.

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  1. I saw the WFMZ video under police raid house.

    If this is true this guy could end up in jail. Yet he claims it won't affect his run for mayor. Is this the Twilight Zone. Is he playing everyone for suckers? It is hard to imagine this is al true.

    Bernie, even if he had their permission to use Northampton County clients money, he was not authorized to do so in his capacity and certainly not in a casino.

    For that alone, if true, he can be fired and investigated by the Dept. of Public Welfare.

    This guy should worry less about who he is going to sue next and have himself committed, it may be his only defense. Otherwise he may be committed to the NCP.

  2. After thinking it over all weekend, I reported what I was told today.

  3. first of all their is no tape and no clock. No one said she was taped without her knowledge. If she saw tapes, why didnt she destroy them. If she thought this was done, why didnt she confront him with evidence. He owns the house, he can put any camera in that he wants if he wanted to. But there is no proof of that, is there. Anything that was found, like evidence of her affairs, the cops would have. If he violated any laws, he'd be arrested. Why isnt he? The Stoffa Emails are now coming out thanks to you..Pat your self on your back moron. It's done! He's toast! His credibility is about as pathetic as yours. The warrant was based on heresay and Narlesky will have to answer questions as to why he allowed it. . The cops took semi nude photos of her from the house that she herself took or her boyfriend took in Gregory's house. On what authority. NONE. If anything you posit here is true, why hasnt he been charged or arrested? Oops, you and all your fake anonymous posters are shown, as usual, to be without any facts or merit. No wonder you were disbarred. You are a pathetic loser with, from what I hear, a despotic side that rolls around and foams at the mouth. If Gregory had tapes, they were and are his property. Period. If she told the police she saw them, then she obviously knew they existed. Why not take them or confront him. Nope, she calls the police who are crazy enough to act on her word and her word alone. Sucks for them and sucks for her

  4. Problem for her here is that there are no tapes and no clock. I'm certain the police will report their findings. Tey have had his property for five days. What is taking so long.

  5. Sounds like Bob Donchez will have a fair amount of information to use in the race for Mayor.

    Maybe Jim will come to his senses and stop the run for Mayor, he doesn't have a chance.

  6. He's a write in candidate moron. He never had a chance.

    Howevr, Donchez and council need to be asking the police why this was done and who authorized it. The police has had his property for five days. Why? For what reason?
    They were supposed to be looking for sex tapes. In his IPhone, lol? In his Ipad? In his computer. No, they trampled on his rights for something else. They stole semi nude pictures of his girlfriend. By who's authority? They wre way off base and went way beyond the scope of their invesigation. Way beyond!

  7. This is all very confusing. Is he back at work or not?

  8. 1:40, a forensic analysis of a computer can tke quite some time. I don't really give a shit that a creepy predator like Gregory has to wait. The more he comments here, the deeper his grave.

  9. 1:41, hopefully, they will not allow him near anyone.

  10. Sounds like the BPD better return his property soon with an apology. This man was a police officer and was never charged or arrested for anything in his life.If they can do it to him, they can do this to anyone. How would you like it if someone rummaged through your house on a false pretense and then discovered they were duped in the first place by the person who filed the complaint. He will be cleared and she will be charged. Otherwise, BPD will be in hot water. Because of these missteps the city will get sued..
    Believe me, if they had found anything, the'd have released it by now to protect themselves. They have nothing. They'd best just arrest the girl and cover themselves...Anything found outside of the scope of the investigation is fruit of the poison tree. So don't try it boys.

  11. Funny Mr. Molester'

    What amazes me is that they allow you around anyone after your alleged sexual assault..Still pending, oops.

  12. It is hard to imagine the Mayor, DA, police, BO, Stoffa and who knows who else is afraid of getting sued by this guy.

    He'll be lucky if he isn't jobless and in jail in the next month.

    Thanks for the updates Bernie

  13. Are the tapes on Redtube yet?

  14. Gregory's 15 minutes have dragged on way too long. now he is simply tiring.

    Jim, please just go away.

  15. Again, Bernie is allowed to libel Gregory with half truths and innuendo. He keeps trying to piss on his leg and keeps missing. The truth of all tese matters keeps slipping out no matter how hard OHare tries to obscure it. The actual facts here are nothing like Bernie prents them, as usual, then he uses his fake selves to carry the argumeent. Bernie's fifteen minutes are coming to an end as the Stoffa era cruelly winds down. This is a man who purposely hurt a defenseless animal. After kicking the animal a number of times, he slipped back in darkness and tried to poison it. This is the sick type of individual OHare is. It speaks for itself. Now he's foaming at the mouth because Gregory goes to visit Trish. Give it up bernice. She despises you. You lost a few pounds but you are sadly still ugly as hell. Aint happening.

  16. I wonder if he has taken responsibility for any of his actions. Can everyone be wrong but him? I doubt it. Police departments and courts are very careful on how they handle things because of fear of lawsuits. PFA, contempt of court, secret video taping, and possibly using Northampton County clients' money at the Sands. Does he realize the serious problems he is now facing. I wonder if he could even go to prison? I don't know how he could possibly go back to work or serve on the labor council. A very sad story indeed. I hope his family tries to convince him get some help but at this point I highly doubt he will.

  17. His actions? What about her actions?  The police raiding ahome with nothing but flimsy evidence. They took his electronic devices while supposedly looking for a sex tape? They have found nothing, but still haven't returned his stuff. The half nude shot of the exgirlfriend on a caendar that was taken by them, was that in their scope of the warrant. They have alot of explaining to do. Narlesky signed a warrant that had evidence of nothing and was solely based on her word. What if her word was false. You act if the police never can do wrong. If they can get away with this , what's to stop them from doing it to anyone. Stop the ridiculous argument that courts are careful. Seriously?

  18. Gregory, Irwin, Schlener the 3 Jim's must be proud. Gregory is a loon! I think that's clear. Irwin is the scary looking Tattoo guy why is learning quick to be a thug. He likes to intimidate people, that’s rather clear. Schlener is a fired fireman who beat up his girlfriend. If this the best Norco has to offer I’m moving out of the county!

  19. How do these three thugs even get a woman? What qualities can they posses?

  20. Its a good thin You were smart enough to make copies Jim, dont worry Bob Donchez will get the help You want Him to have,, got You covered buddy

  21. Jim Gregory brought all of this on himself and is slowly but surely giving Northampton County every reason to send his ass to jail. I do believe that Gregory is to use his words...toast

  22. Gregory is a jerk with some real mental issues. Isnt he a mental health worker?

  23. One man's creepy is another man's hot!

    Warmest regards,
    Ron Jeremy

  24. 9:01, i would not lump Irwin in the same category as Schlener and Gregory. You can actually talk to him.

  25. What's creepy about that photo??

  26. Hope there wasn't a camera hidden in that shoe Gregory gave to Mezzacappa!

  27. What's even more creepy are his enablers. Mezzacappa is one of them, and that's no surprise. But there are others who are actually encouraging his bizarre behavior.

    One is Robert J Hawker, who apparently thinks that fidelity to unions requires him to enable a predator.

    Another is Maryann Schmoyer, one of the Fake Rev's flock. She is so consumed with hate that she aligns herself with Mezzacappa and Jim Gregory.

  28. "Hope there wasn't a camera hidden in that shoe Gregory gave to Mezzacappa!"

    There was one in thre high heels he gave to me.

  29. Who cares about any of this stuff going on, I just want to see the tape.....alone.

  30. Gregory is just nuts. Im shocked he can even get a gal. He's an old man poppinmg the little blue pill. Schlener's current girl is lustfully attractive and rather
    De-lish. Im sure he will blow it like just like his career job. He's a narrow minded Union thug boss. Stay tuned

  31. That shoe, anyone can get one, is sold at Staples, it's a tape dispenser! lol

  32. I wonder about that shoe and that RED CAMARO in his pictures. I wonder if they are his? And if they are, I wonder how he purchased them??? LOL.8

  33. That's not a Staples tape dispenser. Too large. The shoes are fabulous. I can't believe Jim found a pair in his size. He's a can-do kinda guy.

  34. Wonder if Boonie is attending Jim Greggy's press conference in front of his attorney's office, should be a shit show. God bless you Jim Greggy!

  35. Gregory failed to show for his press statement at Danyi's office, and according to ET, Attorney Danyi does not represent him.

  36. Irwin is a Gregory/Schlener in-training. The Tats are for intimidation purposes only.
    The only thing he will learn from these two how to kill your career and abuse woman.

  37. "The tats are for intimidation purposes only." Really how do you know this?

  38. Was Jim the homeowners case worker?

  39. you are all complete morons if you believe anything this sick animal abuser says. He was seen kicking a defenseless animal, time and time again. How depraved is this guuy. Then he tried to rape or did rape and assault a woman it is alleged. This sick individual is bernie ohare. There is nothing as sad as someone who harms a defenseless animal..And it was witnessed. look to channe 69 tonight for the Gregory press conference. Also read the Express times newspaper tomorrow now that they have the whole story..
    SSStoffas Email is now public.. Sucks to be you Johnny boy

  40. Dayni does not represent Gregory..I do

  41. The crap about the homeowner is a complete lie..

  42. omg bernie, creepy preditor... really!! you are a bigger preditor than anyone i know!!! that is really calling the kettle black!!
    since when do tats intimidate anyone. my father had tats and was the nicest man on earth!!! get real! tats are just skin art!!!

  43. "creepy predator" wow, does that take the cake? The proverbial pot calling the kettle black. With your slimy past you should never suppose to judge another human being.Just STFU!

  44. Enough already, it is time3 for Stoffa to pull the plug on this guy., There is more than enough to can him. The county has enough on its plate without this silly drama. He is obviously an attention whore.

    Cut him loose and hand the matters to the one of many solicitors sitting around up there.

    Enough. Hell, he should be canned based on the creepy picture alone.

    He is in serious trouble and if even one or two of the things are true, he will be convicted of something.

    Stoffa needs to end it now. Let the Department move on. Many are afraid of the guy as it is.

  45. 3:29, i honestly don't know whether he was a casworker for the woman who suddenly decided to give her house to him in her Will. I do know that a thorough investigation of his workplace ethics is more than warranted.

  46. 2:39, he is nothing like those two. He is hard core union, but you can talk to him.

  47. Tom Foolery, you sure make some pretty big accusations against Bernie. Where is your proof?

    Here is an accusation: that red Camaro you drive, that is the money you "gifted" from your clients and your EX-girlfriend.

    How about we call your wife and she can add some credibility to your claims? You aren't singing that tune, now? Are you? LOL.8

  48. I have a libel judgment against Mezzacappa for those ridiculous accusatiions, which he makes to deflect attention away from his own sickening behavior.

  49. Bernie, now that you are on both his and Mezza's hit list you better watch your back.

    They are the crazy couple of the year.

  50. Jim will kick Tricia to the curb, just as soon as she is exausted ,and serves no futher purpose in defending his actions.

  51. The tripod's tape will put Tommy Lee's member to shame, were not talking length as much as girth, and he's got a set of cohones that could be served as genuine bovine rocky mountain oysters.

  52. We all knew Trish was a little loose before Jim "entered" the scene....

  53. Jim Gregory's persecution on this site is not very surprising, after all country club Dems like Callahan (O'hare's future patron) despise him, moderate R's despise his union ties, and the authors current patron Stoffa has done everything in his power to ruin Gregory.
    People of Bethlehem dropped the ball in 2003 when they failed to Jim G, if they make the same mistake this election cycle we will have a dire situation here in the Christmas City. The steady stream of blogs about Gregory suggest there is a coordinated assault on his good name not only by the MSM but cretins like O'Hate who is more jilted by the thought of Gregory having romping good time on Ridge St, must hurt to see your arch nemesis driving brand new muscle cars and bagging milfs on a the regular.

  54. Whats the easiest way to get in touch with this Jim Gregory, I want to hand out with him........he seems like he knows how to party!!!

  55. Earl's lower intestineJune 18, 2013 at 8:00 PM

    Jim G was gentle with us, he is a caring lover.

  56. The comments at 7:45 and 7:52 are brought to you by histrionic personality disorder sufferer Tricia Mezzacappa. She seems to have a very high opinion of yourself, and that's a good thing, bc it's shared by no one else. The steady stream of blogs about Gregory is the result of his own Criminal behavior, just as the stories about you are the result of yours.

    The final evidence of your own lack of credibility is that assholes like you can't take responsibility for your own words. When you do, you get charged with harassment or find a libel judgment entered against you.

  57. While reading this article did I just see a Facebook page under JG's name which appears to have postings from him indicating he is still trying to send messages to the woman who has the PFA against him? If this is true, this is unbelievable! That would be another violation of the PFA and perhaps another contempt of court charge.

  58. You are correct. See my post tomorrow.

  59. Boondoggle O'Hate, we could go "tic for Tac" on these blog comments but I think it's better if you just retreat to your hovel, open up a can of Chef Boyardee, crack an ice cold O'douls, and call it a night. The only people benefiting from your "reporting" are the scurrilous bounders that make up the poison posse.

  60. The above comment comes from Tricia MezzaKKKappa, who has been convicted of disorderly conduct after threatening to kill an elected official, faces two harassment charges, has not paid the fine on the first harassment charge and has a libel judgment entered against her. Her account has been suspended by The Express Times because of her penchant for death wishes. She finished dead last in the recent race for County Council.

  61. I know of the harassment charge brought forth by Matthew Dees, what is the second one you speak of?

  62. The second one relates to a West Easton Boro Clerk she is alleged to have followed around.

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. You have been deleted for violating Godwin's rule.

  65. More fuel for the fire.....keep it up Trish.

  66. MezzaKKKappa enjoys talking to herself.

  67. Where was the big press conference??

  68. This guy has problems.

  69. TIC TAC

    Dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude.

  70. Please revisit how jg obtained the house. He is a predator


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