Local Government TV

Friday, May 17, 2013

Steve Barron Toots Own Horn

Two people addressed Northampton County Council during courtesy of the floor at tonight's meeting. The first was Democratic Council candidate Tom O'Donnell, who gave a long rambling speech about ... something until President John Cusick pulled the plug on him. Like Controller Steve Barron, he's a certified fraud examiner. That's a fancy way of saying he's no accountant. Anyhoo, he's on to something, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what the hell it is. He claims he "will not name names unless elected." Since that's not going to happen, we'll never know. 

The second person to address Council was none other than our Controller, Barron von Footinmouth. He spent his allotted time patting himself on the back, describing in great detail a routine peer review that his office recently passed. He was asked to congratulate his staff, something that must have slipped his mind.    


  1. He got to toot it ; no one else will.

  2. Steve has been nominated for a statewide Controllers award. too bad Bernie.

  3. no that was the wide-as-a-state controller's award he was nominated for.

  4. What award? "Embarrassment of the Year" award?

  5. Tooting isn't the only thing he does with his beautiful horn. I love him.


  6. 12:05 stop being a fucking pussy coward.

  7. Stop hitting girls you weasel. What a piece of shit you are.

  8. My martial arts skills and giant intellect will force you to submit to my Mediterranean charms.

  9. this guy is a disaster waiting to happen. And he thinks he is County Executive material.

  10. well, let's be frank-from a purely organic standpoint, you might be able to make two, two and a half county executives from barron

  11. Yes, by volume alone Little Stevie Blunder could equal 2-3 former county executives. But with 2-3 times less gray matter to work with.

  12. What is with this non-professional nit-wit? Every time he addresses council he tries to be cute by using the salutation "you guys." Doesn't this blow hard realize that there are two women on council? What a buffoon.

  13. Do any of you actually really know Steve, the person, not Steve the county controller? No, I didn't think so, but I do. You all act like you know his next career move, but you are all WRONG! Tell me what he has to gain by working at all hours of the day, taking time away from his family and being ridiculed by you assholes?! NOTHING! He does it because he cares about the county and the people in it.. He is a kind intelligent giving person, unlike the rest of you know-it-alls who comment here. Making fun of someone's weight is immature and mean. He can lose weight but you will all be assholes for the rest of your sad lives.

  14. I have seen his "horn" I was unimpressed.

  15. 5:23, I do know Steve. He is neither kind nor intelligent. He is an opportunist and a panderer who cares only about his own advancement, nit the County. He's only there when he can put on a show. From what you have written I daresay I know him far better than you.


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