Local Government TV

Friday, May 17, 2013

Northampton County Council to Sue Over Stoffa's End Run

By a 7-1 vote, Northampton County Council decided last night to sue Executive John Stoffa over his decision to award a sealed bid for nonemergency transport services to Lifestar. Though that bid is $174,300 lower than the one submitted by Nazareth Ambulance, Council members wanted to stay with Nazareth. In fact, Stoffa went the competitive sealed bid route only after Council had twice rejected proposals that would have awarded the contract to Lifestar.

Executive candidate Lamont McClure, who proposed this resolution, called Controller Steve Barron to the podium so he could make his case. Barron, who apparently is now a prosecuting attorney, claimed that Stoffa's action was a "usurptation [sic] of the Administrative Code," as well as a "violation of the Criminal Code."

Barron didn't bother pointing out what section of the Criminal Code Stoffa violated, but he is a certified fraud examiner.

McClure tried to frame the dispute more in terms of the competing powers of two independent brancches of government. "That's why we have courts," he lectured.

That's also why we have a Legal and Judicial Committee. McClure, who heads that Committee, has failed to schedule a meeting in over three years. I guess he'd rather see two branches sue each other and waste everyone's money than actually do the job he was elected to do.

The sole member of Council to vote against suing Stoffa was Bob Werner. Bruce Gilbert, a lame duck not seeking re-election, was absent.


  1. County Council had no choice, John Stoffa spit in their face. This is on his head.

  2. let me be clear....I have NO love for John Stoffa.

    But let's all hope he wins this lawsuit, for the sake of the strong executive form of government.

  3. this is why the entire house needs to be cleared. hopefully good changes will come on Tuesday.

  4. This was a simple Purchasing Dept. matter - draft up a detailed "request for quotation" and then place the business based on the quotations received. What added value would the Nazareth Ambulance group bring that would justify paying a premium for their service? Perhaps when this contract term ends, Nazareth Ambulance will sharpen their pencil and submit a more competitive bid. Hurrah for John Stoffa for watching out for taxpayer $'s.

  5. Saving the tax payers money really. What a joke. How much money has he wasted on law suits, Gracedale, bad capital improvements, letting county buildings rot, and the list goes on and on? Yet no mention of any of these things on this blog. Didn't he just lose a court case to the DA? Didn't he also let the swaption get out of control? I've heard Reibman say it was making money when he left office. Stoffa is wrong again and it took the leadership of Lamont McClure and most of council to stop him.

  6. What are council members paid? If Bruce Gilbert is receiving any money for being a member of council, he should do the honorable thing and repay it.

  7. Hus attendance, at both committee hearings and Council hearings, is horrible.

  8. " Stoffa is wrong again and it took the leadership of Lamont McClure and most of council to stop him."

    MIA McClure's leadership was on fll display when he asked the Sheriff questions that had already been asked and answered the day before. His leadership on Gracedale is vey clear when ihe is depriving its own manager of an opportunity to make it more profitable. Yes, it is real leadership to pander for Nazareth votes.

  9. Really attacking a question to the sheriff? At least he asks questions. If the administration would have let the from administrator do his job maybe Gracedale would have been profitable. Didn't he have a similar plan that was ignored by this administration? Do we as tax payers now pay more for a management company so the administration could have an escape goat? Will you find a way to defend this administration since they are never wrong in your eyes?

  10. Gracedale was in the black and doing well when Stoffa took office. The consultants, the Zimmit Group, had implemented changes and things were looking up. When Stoffa took office he promptly fired Zimmit and threw out their changes. The home went downhill quickly.

    Was it all part of the Stoffa/Angle plan to sell the building. You be the jug.

    Remember, in the last twenty years, Gracedale was profitable and only lost mo9ney when Stoffa was either Director of Human Servies and County Executive. Coincidence?

  11. What is the difference between Bruce Gilbert not showing up while collecting a check - and stealing? I thought he was some kind of religious dude.

  12. Bruce is out of town.....he does work, has 5 very nice homeschooled children a wife and a demanding job. Whether its work or a vacation he is entitled to it. Who the hell do you people think you are????? Bet you don't have half of his responsibilities. He does make most meetings and at that he surely ignores something else. He is a friend and he does the best that he can. Great dad and husband and also a good provider. Get a life.....and make your mommy proud.

  13. I don'tgive a rat's ass about his homeschholed children or the songs they sing. He was elected to serve the public, and has the second worst record on Council. I would defend him if his absences were only occasional but they are not. If he's too busy to serve until the end of the year, he should resign now. I know plenty of people willing to put in the time that he won't.

  14. Well who on council do youu approve of Bernie? Everyone is a package and not everyone makes all meetings. Bruce seems to be a bit soured on the job I give you that. It happens to others. Ann missed a lot her last year also and others don't seem so enthused. It's a burn out job as everyone wants everything except higher taxes. It's a good job for people who think they have a little power but really they don't.

  15. I don't approve of those who don't show up. That's a biggie for me. By that standard, Lamont McClure is terrible. Bruce is bad. If he doesn't want to work, quit and let someone else take the job. Barb, who is on her way out, has missed meetings, but not nearly like Bruce. Cusick, Werner, Ferraro, Dietrich, Parsons and Kraft all get very high grades. Cusick is the best in that score.

    They are all good members of Council, save Dietrich. He likes to hear himself talk, but rarely has anything to say, or that anyone understands.


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