Local Government TV

Friday, May 17, 2013

Sheriff Gets Six New Deputies

I told you yesterday that Northampton County Sheriff Randy Miller needs six more deputies on top of the 59 FT and 14 PT deputies on his staff. Last night, he got them, in a unanimous vote by Council. Sheriff Miller explained there has been a 400% increase in foreclosures, that there are 5-6 transports going at one time, and it is becoming impossible to keep up. Part-time deputies are working 40-hour weeks. Deputies also provide security for the judges at the courthouse. During a criminal trial, there are typically three deputies in a courtroom for the judge, jury and defendant.


  1. How can you give this guy six more deputies when he openly admits that he has an 11% absenteeism problem. If you have 68 deputies with an eleven percent absenteeism problem that equates to more deputies than he was handed by Council. Take care of your absenteeism problem and save the taxpayers one half million dollars.

  2. More money being spent by a lame duck Administration and a clueless county council. I have bent over, "more please"

    John Q. Taxpayer

  3. 6 more union pukes - 6 more legacy costs

  4. Wait,don't jump to conclusions ! Maybe the Sheriff WILL get Constable Fred and his sidekick Richard Seeds to show his people HOW TO get'r done. I'm as serious as a heart attack.No body .I mean No body can out find dead beats like these two. I bet my next check , no one from the Sheriffs Dept.can at this time beat these guys , we should host a contest.They should bring a hefty consultation fee as you would be tutors, like in college but of dead beats,and county folks would have the knowledge for ever after. But ,it will be worth it to the county.

  5. Ok. Now you get new folks! Take it from me that you need firearms training,If you don't get it propery it will be only a matter of time before a disaster and you don't want it in your office. I do not believe any of your staff could shoot EXPERT on the U.S.Army combat coarse of fire much less in MOPP GEAR or chemical environment! B-27 and Q targets are stationary. Hostel target are not.

  6. Example;Look at the amount of undisciplined gun fire toward the BOSTON BOMBER ,he had a hand gun and the SWAT team and other fired over 300 rounds at this character and only pit him in the hospital. I would not ever admit to any one had I had been there ,Intell in this is that cops are setting ducks AND I as a bad guy am safe at 50 yards. Now I'm am on your side SHERIFF and I beg you for my friend on your staff ,get a program now,learn to shoot, THE KILLER BEE'S from Phila prison system are just plain dangerous to bad guy' Great shooters great firearms handlers. Get your folks shooting with them at the monthly matches


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