Local Government TV

Friday, May 17, 2013

Disgruntled Caseworker Charged With Harassment

According to The Bethlehem Police Blog, disgruntled Northampton County Human Services caseworker Jim Gregory has been charged with harassment after an altercation with a woman. The police blotter claims he scratched her arms and struck her right shoulder.

16-May-13 1357 Hrs CA CASE SUMMARY:
Man scratched girlfriend's arms and struck her right
shoulder area causing redness. Non-traffic citation to
be mailed. Woman given PFA information. Cleared

I heard about this yesterday and called Gregory. Getting no answer, I tracked him down at VanBittner Hall, where he was conducting a fund drive for a newly established PAC. He denied that anything had happened. He appeared shocked when I told him that I had heard he was charged with assaulting his girlfriend.

"You can ask her yourself," he told me, but I left. I feel uncomfortable discussing these allegations with someone who is identified as a victim.

The police blotter does not identify the woman that Gregory allegedly attacked.

Contacted late today, Gregory still professed ignorance, claiming that the charges "are news to me." He denies being contacted by the police. In blog commentary, he claims that I've been set up, am stupid, that I'm in trouble now, that I must pull the post or be sued and the Bethloehem police department is in real trouble now.

A former Bethlehem City Council President, Gregory is eyeing a challenge to Council member Ken Kraft, and had a fundraiser for that purpose yesterday.

Updated 6:24 PM


  1. I remember a guy who roughed up girls. He picked a girl with six brothers. The couple are no longer dating. Six weeks of eating through a straw gave him the opportunity to contemplate dealing with his anger and bullying problems. Here's hoping the lady has brothers of her own.

  2. Hope she filed a PFA, looks she was given the info on how.

  3. At least he didn't jump in his car and get a DUI like Joe Brennan did after beating up his wife!

  4. Mr. Gregory needs to take a break and step back and reassess his life. he is out of control and emotionally ill.

    He should request a medical leave of absence and check himself into a mental health facility.

  5. 'Roid rage = small weiner.

    Don't hassle the girl for being unsatisfied. You knew the trade off.

  6. As of 2:30 pm, there was no record of a PFA on file at the courthouse.

  7. As of 3:53pm I still did not take my after lunch dump!

  8. Bernie, y

    You now know that this a lie..You are warned. Pull the post or be sued..

    Jim Gregory

  9. I think Jimbo Gregory should hook up with Tricia Mezzacappa, the new political power couple of the Lehigh Valley. GREGORY COULD RUN HER CMAPAIGNS WITH HIS PRETEND FIRM AND FUND HER WITH HISPRETEND FUNDRAISERS. TRICIA COULD BRING THE CHARISMA, WHAT A MATCHUP.


  10. None has or will be filed because it's a lie. You are so much in trouble..If you want , I'll come down down and keep you company..Where should we meet..Jim

  11. You are so lucky that my printer isn't working..Whoever gave you this info will be fired tomorrow. The Bethlehem Police department is in real trouble right now. Whoever gave you this information, especially if it was the mayor,is in deep , deep trouble. See you later Bernie, Love , Jim

  12. You gotta know you are screwed on this one bernie..I'll gladly come down to the PFA area and wait for Lina, lol.. You do know that she worked the whole day for me setting up for my event. She even sold raffle tickets..So , if this is true, why was she there..Think about it. You aren't that dumb, or are you..I supposedly harassed her on Wednesday and she worked the entire day helping me set up the event. I told you the truth yesterday and today. No one from the police department came up to me and said anything..I was right around the block so I wasnt hard to find..There were about four council candidates at my event and two judicial candidates. They all saw and spoke to Lina..Hello??? Does it sound like you were set up..OMG..How stupid are you??

    Man scratched girlfriend's arms and struck her right
    shoulder area causing redness. Non-traffic citation to
    be mailed. Woman given PFA information. Cleared

  14. The people at the fundraiser were under the impression this was for a new business/union government pact that had been formed. If people thought this was some fundraiser for a Gregory challenge to ken Kraft I doubt anyone would have come.

    It would appear, once again Mr. Gregory has mislead people. Even people who have tried to help him with his craziness.

  15. Have to agree. Bernie, you're usually pretty good when you create some spin but you didn't put nearly enough polish on this one. Or you are just completely being led on by someone.

  16. Also, why does the report say cleared by arrest for a summary offense?

  17. 6:57, What exactly are you agreeing with? You don't make that very clear. It's pretty obvious that Gregory has been charged with harassment by Bethlehem police. When I heard about this yesterday, I tracked Gregory down to get his side, and held off on this story until I was certain that charges were filed. I also contacted Gregory again, later today, to get his reaction, not knowing at the time about his comments here.

    I am not being led by anyone, and think it's pretty ridiculous to make that insinuation. On my own, I have been pursuing this story since I first heard about it late yesterday. There were telephone calls to police officers, a late night trip to Van Bittner Hall, a trip to Bethlehem police HQs and two conversations with Gregory. Thus story does not hurt or help any candidate for any office. The purpose of this story is to inform, especially since Gregory intends to seek a Council seat.

  18. I am not running agaist Ken. Lina is. By now you should know this is bogus. If I harassed my girlfriend on Wednesday why would she work hard all day to set up my event. Two judicial candidates spoke to her and many of us took pictures together. She spoke to Mr. Heckman, msHunter, and Mr. Seyfried. She looked gorgeous as ever
    As Jerry Green can attest Lina worked harder than anyone to set up the event. He was with her most of the day. So we're the other Steelworkers. This is nuts Bernie . If Callahan gave you this info he is toast. He is not that dumb , is he. Heard you told Kelly I was arrested. Bet that broke her heart. Lol. My advise to you would be to give up your mole and run for the hills.
    Callahan is toast anyway. If not Tuesday, then next Fall
    John Brown will clean his clock. If its discovered, and it will be on Monday, that he gave you this information, he'll not only be sued personally but he'll. be toast in the election..Goodbye Johnny Casino!!!!!

  19. Universal reaction of anyone who is actually in politics, not just wishing they were: Who the hell is Jim Gregory?

  20. Just the thought of Jim or Lina running for A Council position two years from now is absurd. Does he really think that someone who attended his affair last night will actually endorse him or his girl friend two years from now? Get Real.

  21. 7:44, I did not speak to Joe Kelly about this, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Also, I really have no idea whether your girlfriend, your ex-wife or someone else was the victim. She is not identified. What I do know is that you are identified as the perpetrator.I have given you an opportunity to explain this matter, and as I understand, your contention that nothing happened and that this is the work of your evil political enemies.

  22. Wow, a girlfriend beater, that will look REALLY GOOD on a mailer. I can't wait for the next election cycle.

    Jim Gregory's alter ego.

  23. Bernie,
    It is one thing to report and blog, it is another to defame soneones's character. I'm sure in time this will become more black and white. In the past 48 hours you have stated:
    1. Jim Gregory used a county phone line and during work hours did a phone poll.
    2. Jim Gregory was arrested for harrassment yesterday after a physical altercation.

    Not only are these posts untrue, but they are defamatory.

    Lets also make it known that, you:
    1. Alerted Stoffa that Jim Gregory was blogging on county time.
    2. Were alerted about police matters with Jim before any charge and before the police even talked with him.

    These two points will prove useful in defamation/libel suits.

  24. Oh by the way Bernie, I am at the Sands with Lina's mother. Maybe you want to swing by for a photo op of us. But please come dressed better than you were earlier today for the groundbreaking. LOL

  25. These kinds of threats are just what I need to spur me on, so thanks. I've acknowledged that I got some of my facts wrong in my post about your political activity, and acknowledged that in my post. I strive to be accurate. But even if I failed to make that acknowledgement, getting the facts wrong is not libel. Ant this post, which reports that you have been charged with harassment for an assault on some woman, is right on the money. As you know, I confronted you about this last night, and held off on this story until I was certain that you were, in fact, charged. After a Council meeting, I drove to Van Bittner Hall for the express purpose of getting your side of the story. After learning that charges were filed, I contacted you a second time to get your side of the story, and believe I have reported it accurately. Of course you are presumed innocent, and are more than welcome to claim that this sis some conspiracy to get you and that I am defaming you, etc.

  26. Do you want me to send you a pic?

    What's your email?

  27. Did u ever get the sense that your boy, Callahan is setting you up?

  28. That is complete and utter nonsense. When a former City Council Prez gets charged with something like this, news travels fast. Once I heard, I called Callahan's camp. Eric Nagy declined to talk to me about the matter. I tried contacting a few sources in the police department. I was told something happened, but would have to wait for the blotter the following day. If they were out to get Gregory, they would have had copies of the citations sitting there for me. They also would have arrested him and taken him away in handcuffs, and then I could get pics of him doing the perp walk.

    This bizarre suggestion is insulting, not just to Callahan, but to a very professional police department, one of the best in the state. I would say it is insulting to me, too, but I am pretty stupid at times.

  29. Wait this professional police dept also employs the astute professional officer/employee who let word out before the blotter and before Gregory was contacted??

    Cannot wait to see what they pay out will be on this one!!

    Hopefully ACLU gets involved as well.

  30. Bernie,
    Do you even realize you are giving me more facts and ammo for my case??

  31. Then you are going to have weak case. When I call police and am told that something might have happened, but I will have to wait until the next day to see the blotter, that is a professional response.

    I'd suggest that you get help for what increasingly appears to be some sort of mental health issues, and i hope you do so before you hurt someone. Clearly, you are unfit for your current role as a mental health worker.

    Like many abusers, you appear to be in denial and are lashing out at everyone but yourself.

  32. I was going to write something to make fun of Gregory, but it just isn't the right thing to do. It is clearly evident as of now that he really does have some mental health issues and problems that he needs to seek help for.

    Jim Gregory if you are reading this, and we know that you will, it isn't a shame to seek help. You are hurting people and yourself. Go get help now. Don't continue to be in denial. You need help. Don't waste one minute longer.

    All of us can't be wrong. If you think that we are all wrong, then it is that wild scenario of you against the rest of the world. And that should send off rockets, bells, and whistles; red flags should go up that something really is wrong.

  33. I completely agree with the above comment. I am going to resist in the urge to make fun of Gregory as well. Jim, you have lots of passion and drive, and I honestly think you mean well, even though you have trashed not just me, but some of the people I admire most in life. Please get some help.

  34. Does Jim Gregory work anymore ?

  35. Bernie,
    I realize that you think you have nothing to loose but you do. If your blog is linke,d to the Call and Express and they released this, they are also liable for this defamation . If an officer or the mayor gave you this information before I was even alerted you are in deep trouble and so is the city, the Call, and the Express. My advise to them is to pull your blog! Or face the expensive consequences. Lina was told by police not to contact me. That is illegal. She can sue also for that advise. If I were the Mayor I'd leave the race now. If he was involved in passing this info to you. If that's the case, he's done politically forever. The worst thing here is the damage that has been done to Lina by all those involved, including the police for giving her that advise.
    However, I respect the police and the police department to the nth degree and will not consider suing them. However if an individual officer passed this to you to slander me , he only hurt the girl I love and I plan to have him fired, She is the victim here. She just wants a quiet and peaceful life and you all made it so miserable, that she is now in hiding..Shame on you all !,,,,,,Have you no shame Mr OHare ?.....

    As far

  36. Jim, see my comment above. That is all I have to say to you.

  37. What I have to say to you is much more, much more. Let me get this straight. ..My girlfriend files a harassment complaint, which I knew nothing about until later yesterday afternoon after speaking to you for the second time. . This was discovered by me when I was contacted by my girlfriend to alert me to the complaint. She stated, the obvious, that you had someone from the department call you and make you aware of the complaint even before I was first notified by the department. That's why I was in shock when you told me and I then referred you to Lina. Then I received a second call from you later yeaterday asking about a complaint. I still knew nothing. I then received the above call from Lina implicating you in this. While i was on the phone with Lina, the officer drove up and asked to speak with me. he informed me of the complaint. Knowing that it was false I asked why it was filed before speaking to me. He said that was the procedure and the law. I was stunned. When I was an officer, we gave both sides the opportunity to respond before filing a complaint. Apparently our lawmakers, in their wisdom, not, passed a law that says you are guilty before being proven innocent..This is a new take on our constitution obviously. However, it's true. Another officer later confirmed this to me. Wow, So a man is accused falsely of whatever, he is charged without even being spoken to and then is told to take it to court. OMG. To make matters worse. in this case, in your hurry to defame me, you post this right after it is fed to you by this low life officer or the Mayor, and you run with it. So you knew a full day before I did that I was being charged with these false accusations. However, with glee, you posted it on line, in an attempt to destroy my reputation and ran right to my boss Kathleen Kelly to gleefully give her the news. Again, all this occurred before I was even aware of the charge. Amazing. Now , my girlfriend is in hiding and afraid to speak to me because of illegal police orders and the polkice said, hey just take it to court and have it dismissed. Are they crazy??
    Even if it is dismissed, and it will be promptly on Monday morning,
    the damge has already been done to me and my girlfriend. I'm tougher. being in politics I am used to this type of craziness. However, to subject my girlfriend to this is unforgivable. Absolutely unforgivable. She was already feeling guilty and ran out the second after my event ended and pulled all her things from my our house. I knew nothing at this time because she spent thew entire day working extremely hard making our event a success. You see, she is UPAC. We all are. Anyway, she called me to apologize for all the fuss and blamed it on my estranged wife, lol. Since we get along rather well these days I spoke with
    Elaine and told her what was up. She was in shock and swore she never told Lina to call the police..However, whether or not Lina is telling the truth or not, she was set up by soimeone here whose motives were unconscionable!
    By rushing to attack and defame me, they ended up crushing a person with a great soul. My girlfriend Lina. She is still in hiding though we made contact through her mother tonight. Hopefulkly when she awakes tomorrow, we can end this nightmare. However, I am warning whomever set off this chain of events and hurt my friend so, so much! Hide now Mr. Mayor, if it was you or if you had a part in this. I pray not for your sake. If not, I expect you will investigate this matter properly and thoroughly and bring the guilty party to justice. If you don't , then someone else will I am certain. And soon!

  38. Who filed the complaint? I'm confused.

  39. I think she is hiding from you

  40. Bernie, I think this young woman is terrified. I know people who speak well of Mr. Gregory but warn that when he is in one of his "crazy" episodes, he loses touch with reality.

    Mr. Gregory, listen to yourself. You are saying the police, the constitution, O'Hare, the newspapers, the Mayor and the rest of the world are all conspiring against you. You are going to sue and fight them all. You realize that you sound very disturbed.

    Mr. Marcus should suspend you and you should take a medical leave of absence. You need to seek treatment. Please leave this young woman alone for now. She is traumatized not by Bernie but by you. You are acting crazy and alienating people, face facts and deal with it.

  41. This is all easy to solve ..When she does come forward, and the case is heard we will all know if Mr. Gregory is crazy or whether his assumptions are correct and all who attack him and hide from him are right or wrong..However, as he says correctly, he had been tried and found guilty before even knowing about the charge..Their is npo disputing the fact that someone from Bethlehem Govern,ment heard about the complaint and fed it to Mr. Ohare, trying to cause problems for Mr. Gregory..If that is the case, Mr. Gregory and his girlfriend have actionable complaints against the police, the city, and possibly, the mayor. We need to just wait and watch..For the Mayor's sake, I hope it isn't him or one of his campaign assistants. For the police, it would be a betrayal of their oath and trust. The sad thing however, if it is the least bit true, the city taxpayers will have to pay the awards. Hopefully his girlfriend also sues the individuals involved. It's not the fault of the taxpayers that they elected these idiots. Or is it? No matter what Gregory did or didnt do, his girlfriend has an action against the city for releasing the harassment complaint without her knowledge..

  42. Dear 2:40,

    That was an extremely cowardly statement to make. That means you are either Bernie or one of Callahan's minions..No surprise here, but once the girlfriend comes forward, a lot of folks will be eating ALOT of crow..Dont eat Jim's..I understand Lina loves her..lol

  43. "..If that is the case, Mr. Gregory and his girlfriend have actionable complaints against the police, the city, and possibly, the mayor"

    really? is there some sort of hippa-like confidentiality act as it applies to criminal complaints?

  44. Clearly, Mr. Gregory doesn't understand the changes made to Domestic Relation Law's concerning "intimate's" & Spousal Abuse initiation-of-Proceeding's.

    Lina is "The Victim" in this situation. Lina has RIGHT"S to be free of threat from her assailant.

    A screen-capture of Mr. Gregory's blog posting's would be sufficient evidence for Lina to win a Protection from Abuse Order against him.

  45. Dear Mr. Gregory and Lina,

    I think I met you both once this year at a county council meeting. I have no idea what happenned. I peruse this blog because I am preparing a massive libel counter claim for all of the straight up lies, libel and slander that appears here on a daily basis about me.

    Know that this scenario is the exact MO of O'Hare. He has been doing this exact same thing to me for 2 years. He connives people into filing bogus reports with the police, and then spins the truth to suit himself. The reports appear on his blog before they are ever even made public. The newspaper prints stories without seeking my comment. he has blatanly lied numerous times in his accounts that I threatened to kill people. ITS A STRAIGHT UP LIE.

    Lets sue his sorry arse and nail him right to the wall for all the trouble he has caused us. Please see me at triciamezzacappa.org, triciamezzacappa.net or triciamezzacappa.com

  46. MezzaKKKrazy, a racist who has been convicted of threatening to kill an elected official and currently faces charges for impersonating someone, enters the fray on Gregory's side. I'm sure that's a big relief to him.

  47. Sounds to me like there is a lovers spat here. The girlfriend talks to the x-wife and then goes to the police. Sounds like a jealous girlfriend. An emotional and quite involved affair of the hearts.
    My question is simply, what happens after everyone comes to their senses and the charges are dropped. I believe this has to be done at the minor judiciary level. The police (I believe) must follow through on the original charges and the case must be heard. It is now part of the record. We haven't heard from Lina yet. If she drops the case she will lose all credibility and can forget about running for public office. If she follows through on the charges, jim is minced meat even if he wins at the lower court level. What a shame.

  48. That sounds like the kind of remark James Schlener would make. Abuse is downgraded to "lovers' spat."

  49. Jim will scale the fence, even if Lina has a P.F.A. against him.

    Does Lina have a weapon for self-defense? Seriously.

  50. So let me get this straight.

    Jim Gregory beats up his girlfriend then gets mad when the victim files charges and everybody finds out.

    I pray you will get help Jim. Stop hurting and threatening everyone and work on improving yourself.

  51. 7: 44,

    You are so right..The truth will come out and soon..The amazing thing here , in the face of all the evidence, OHARE refuses to admit he is wrong and was set up badly by the police officer or the Mayor of Bethlehem.
    Just give it up already Bernie or give them up. I could care less about you and now, for sure, so could Lina.
    We have bigger fish to fry. At least now she knows what you are like. Good luck convincing her otherwise.

    Dear 7:58.. Gregory is far from Minced meat..He, and Lina will be laughing all the way to the bank.. Oops, forgot, so will Mezzacappa,
    when she takes Stoffa, OHare, and the County to the bank! Go getm Trish!

  52. Oh yeah, they might want to run away from Bernie's story as soon as possible. It's poison..Any libel laws protecting them will go flying out the window with this one..

    You are right John.. No need to test this one..Easy!!

  53. Again, this is typical denial. Gregory leaves marks on his girlfriend after getting physical with her. So it is everyone else's fault but Gregory?

    Just on this thread alone he has been caught in too many lies, who can believe one word he says? Along with his recent behavior, his unusual past reputation of "stretching" the truth preceeds him.

    And his behavior of calling people cowards and challenging them to find him, look him up, or that he is not hard to find resonants greatly that he is a threat to escalate his behavior to become physical.


  54. Only way Mezzacappa is going to the bank regarding Bernie, is to pay him the judgment against her.

    What is the Blog Mentor's real name?

    Enter your comment...

  55. The only marks on his girlfriend are in your head you freaking moron!! She was in front of two judicial candidates and countless other officials at her (UPACs) function with a sleeveless gown on..Many pictures were taken that night. How freaking dense are you people...Aside from the fact that she was there helping set up the event all day and was selling raffle tickets at the event, what other proof do you need that this is bogus..Once Gregory gets those group photos, this silly argument is over..But he doesn't want her to deal with any more headaches. Its Bernie and you guys with all these ridiculous lies that are hurting her. Stop it already Bernie. You CANNOT WIN. Tell HIM MARIO!!

  56. This will go to court to be processed or withdrawn. Either way, the County will have to investigate this and determine whether Gregory is fit to be employed in his present position or be discharged. I think it is obvious that he will now lose his job. He is protected to the hilt with Civil Service Regulations but I know of no Civil Service Regulation that will protect him on this issue. He may want to retire and save whatever he can of his past. He is surely going down on this unfortunate situation. Even blaming Lina for over reacting or embellishing what happened can't save him.

  57. They say Gregory is manic..Maybe he's just freaking furious. You are trying to destroy his reputaion, his friends are running away from him so fast that Heckman is probably in Florida right now..His girlfriend is afraid to speak to him and has left cause the cops, and his estranged wife have told her to do so..Kenny Kraft called it rage yesterday..He got it right..Who, IN THEIR RIGHT MIND wouldnt be furious with all of this happening..Besides this, his boss is trying to fire him for speaking out and his friends on council stand by like bumps on the freaking log and do and say nothing..If you are afraid to defend Gregory, at least defend his clients who are being so wronged by the Stoffa administration..Wake the hell up everybody.. Kick of that Matrix already, lol

  58. Give it up Bernie..Not only are you helping to hurt his girlfriend, every
    lawyer in town is copying these comments to use in court for her and him..Give it up and say who the coward is who betrayed him and sent you this complaint. You know they are tied to Callahan someway..You know it..Just print there name and go on vacation..You re the small fry here.

  59. If charge's were actually filed, then ALL your talk of Litigation is Moot.

  60. near as I can tell, only two options present themselves. either:
    a) Gregory roughed up his girlfriend, or
    b) his girlfriend filed a false police report.

    either one is very, very serious.

    neither one of them is O'Hare's fault, and in neither instance is his post libelous.

    am I missing something?

  61. Yes you have..OHare is done..Maybe you missed yesterday's story in which he accused Gregory of running a poll on County time and then posted a picture that shows that he wasnt on county time, and that the polling firm was using Gregory's home, Home number. If civil service acts on that false info, OHare is toast for libel..In this regard, the girlfriend
    was prompted by someone to file a false report..She now regrets it and thanks to the police, and Bernie, is in hiding..She'll come out to collect all the money the city will owe her for making this report public and turning her world upside down..Even if OHar is not somehow liale in this mess, he is certainly culpable. Even an idiot can see that..How's that 55 IQ working out for you, lol

  62. And if Callahan is behind releasing this report, he might as well hand the election to McClure now so he isn't embarrassed in the fall.

  63. "he has blatanly lied numerous times in his accounts that I threatened to kill people. ITS A STRAIGHT UP LIE."

    In her trial last November, two witnesses testified that Mezzacappa threatened to kill an elected official. She has also posted online death fantasies about killing me. These fantasies were o creepy that her account at The Express Times was terminated.

  64. Give it up already Bernie..Gregory and the girlfriend could care less about your part in this mess, really..What is wrong with you??

  65. That's better Bernie..Change the subject to Mezz. You are on much safer ground there..Its amazing to me that you hate GREGORY SO MUCH THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO HURT HIS POOR GIRLFRIEND ALSO WITH THIS STUFF.. Stop IT.DO YOU THINK SHE ISN'T READING THIS.. Guess WHAT, SHE IS!!

  66. Police reports are public information. The BPD puts out a daily summary of the previous days police activity. This matter was included on that report. It was on the police website.
    The truth is Gregory was issued a citation for physical harassment. Bernie reported that. Bernie did nothing wrong. He did not report on this blog until he had the documented police summary report. He cited his work.

  67. Excuse me? I did not change the subject, but responded to Mezzacappa's false statement that she never threatened to kill anyone. That is simply untrue.

    Also, I have no idea who Gregory assaulted. The police blotter does not identify the victim. Gregory is the person who dragged her into this story. Though Gregory wanted me to speak to her, I declined. Finally, where I heard this story from is irrelevant, but it did not come from anyone on Bethlehem's payroll. Moreover, the Callahan camp declined to talk to me about it. It's not exactly on their radar.

    My concern, and the reason for bringing this to light is that (1) Gregory works with the mentally ill, but the evidence is pretty clear that he has his own problems; (2) he has threatened to run against Kraft; and (3) he has formed a PAC and had a fundraiser on the very day of this alleged assault.

    I gave Gregory multiple opportunities to get his side of the story out there, and he has done so.

  68. again..confused

    Isn't a police blotter/report a public record?

    how can anyone be "behind" its release?

    how can Bernie be liable for reporting the contents of a public record?

  69. Dear confused,

    Maybe once you learn to read you'll figure this out..Bernie isn't liable in this case and no one really cares..No one!!!!

  70. i thought you were innocent till proven guilty ?

  71. 9:19, It was actually quite a bit of work. After Thursday night's Council meeting, it involved attempts to get corroboration from the BPD (I was told to wait); calls to several people who know Gregory; a trip from Nazareth to Van Bittner Hall to speak to Gregory; a trip the next day to the BPD, where I was told to look at the Beth Police Blog; a trip to the courthouse to check for PFAs; and a subsequent call to Gregory. I did not speak to his girlfriend bc I did not consider that appropriate. I believe I acted fairly in this matter, and know I reported accurately that Gregory has been charged. It appears, from Gregory's comments, that a PFA may have been filed after my trip to the courthouse.

  72. "i thought you were innocent till proven guilty ?"

    You are. A PFA can be filed ex parte, but is temporary until a full hearing in which both sides can be heard. The legislature believes that battered women have rights, too.

  73. What are the chances that the woman that Gregory allegedly roughed up were not his girlfriend, "Lina"? But another woman that Lina does not know about? ???

  74. Good question..Maybe it was Kate Upton..After this, Gregory will be able to afford to be in her company, lol..

    My guess is that Gregory will head up to Mt. Airy to play cards very soon and look at all the pretty waitresses and say..Wow, now I am single and free. And soon I can spend all my time here relaxing and meeting new waitresses, lol, I mean friends....

  75. Bernie,

    What about the man's rights? Is it right that they are arrested without even being allowed a defense. Is it possible that the legislature got this horribly wrong? You know some of these jarheads and political panderers in the legislature..You gotta know that is just wrong..Innocent till proven guilty..Isn't that the standard that we allegedly live by? Are we all to be victim's of political correctness? Where are you Bill Maher, lol

  76. For thousands of years, women have been beaten and abused. A PFA, which permits a very temporary ex parte order, saves lives.

  77. No PFA here Bernie, or haven't you noticed..Police officers are supposed to save lives too, not get wrapped up in political bullshit. One did and will be sorry..Gregory would never sue the police department. He loves them..He was one of many who spoke up for officer NYE when he was being prosecuted and persecuted by the Callahan administration..Nye was a good cop, a tough cop, but he deserved better!! Most cops Gregory asked told him that if they needed a backup , Nye was the guy they wanted aside of them..He was fired by Callahan..Great move John.. As far as Jim and Lina go, they are in Love..Once they get back together, all this crap will fold like a house of cards. If they don't get back together , the city is still in trouble by allowing that information to be released to you..Whether it was factual or not! Good bye Bernie..Off to the Poconos..Have a great day!! Relax and have a drink, lol..

  78. 10:04 am, you got issues. You need someone to talk to. Seriously. Go seek help.

  79. " 9:19, It was actually quite a bit of work. After Thursday night's Council meeting, it involved attempts to get corroboration from the BPD (I was told to wait); calls to several people who know Gregory; a trip from Nazareth to Van Bittner Hall to speak to Gregory; a trip the next day to the BPD, where I was told to look at the Beth Police Blog; a trip to the courthouse to check for PFAs; and a subsequent call to Gregory. I did not speak to his girlfriend bc I did not consider that appropriate. I believe I acted fairly in this matter, and know I reported accurately that Gregory has been charged. It appears, from Gregory's comments, that a PFA may have been filed after my trip to the courthouse."

    You are so blinded by hate you have no idea what a sick obsessed stalker you are , and have always been. Time, money, parking, gas......WTF, you are a WACKJOB

  80. Dosen't change the fact Jim was PUBLICLY charged with a crime.

  81. Bernie I've heard a number of women in the Becthel building refer to Jim as "the tripod", is this a reference to his three positions in politics, a Union steward, caseworker, and future candidate?

  82. There are 80 plus comments on this Blog pertaining to this incident. I am willing to bet that approximately 40 of them are from Jim Gregory. My advise to you Jim is let this go and go find yourself an attorney that will give you and Lina good solid advise and then take it. You gain nothing by arguing your case here on this Blog with idiots. If you truly love Lina, and she truly loves you, get your act together by consulting an attorney and stop wasting your time on this blog arguing with anonymous sources. They know where you tied your goat. You can't win arguing your case here.

  83. 10:39, aka MezzaKKKappa, Time for your drug cocktail.

  84. @"Bernie I've heard a number of women in the Becthel building refer to Jim as "the tripod", is this a reference to his three positions in politics, a Union steward, caseworker, and future candidate? 11:20 AM"

    This sounds like a double entaundre'/sexual innuendo in which that behavior displayed in the office has no place in the PROFESSIONAL administration of County Servicie's. Jim Gregory's boss may actually be incompetent for allowing him to remain in the employ of the County.

  85. Rumor has it that Lina, the true owner f the PAC, is giving all funds raised Thursday night to Kraft so Gregory won't go to jail for his "arm length attachment" to his bogus attempt to stay within hatch rules and to not lose his status.

  86. http://www.osc.gov/haFilingComplaint.htm

  87. Lol. these last few comments are so hilarious. Tripod is a sexual reference, really? So, so funny. Are these the same people that took the picture of him polling on county time lol

    A few idiot stewards from Children and youth tried to come to our building and get Jim fired as a Steward..They were laughed out of there..To date, they have no signatures on the petition . Oops, I forgot..They had one Kathleen Kelly
    Oops I forgot, she doesn't count. She'll be gone next year..

  88. Bernie, Mr. Gregory is indeed a sick person. His former girlfriend is terrified and will hopefully remain apart for the time being. she is a quiet person and no doubt had no idea what she was getting into with the Mediterranean Lothario.

    His function was a flop. He gave out free tickets and people came. The expressed purpose of the event was to launch a new PAC to promote better relationships between business and labor. A guy like Jerry Seyfried would have never gone to some goofy Gregory for council event. I doubt if anyone there had any inkling of this being some kind of political fundraiser of Gregory to oppose another Democrat in 2015.

    I feel most sorry for the injured young lady. I hope she stays safe. I also feel bad for the people who did show, being duped by Gregory into thinking they were helping along a new PAC.

    It is time Mr. Marcus grows a pair and suspends this gentleman. Or at least puts him on desk duty and not allow him contact with people who are mentally vulnerable. Mr. G needs to seek psychiatric help. He is running out of excuses and victims.

  89. If my recollection is right, Seyfried, Heckman, Reibman, Sletvold, Hunter, Browne, Reynolds, and a few others were there to "support something". It wasn't a Gregory fund raiser. It was a good old fashion get together. I don't even recall a PAC being mentioned. The lovely Lina was greeting people at the door and Jim was inside greeting people inside the building. The music was great and the food quite tasty. Lina did a good job.

  90. Oh and Abe Cassiss was also there

  91. This thread and the follow up comments are starting to become real familiar. Bernie, I got to hand it to you, I don't know how you always attract these type of mentally unbalanced people. My heart goes out to you. This is just another case of a person that thinks a little too much of himself and needs some serious mental help and an attitude adjustment. Bernie, please keep up the good work. And let us not make fun of these people anymore, that need some serious mental help.

    By the way, speak of people that need serious mental help, Mezzacappa just wrote an interest piece on you today. She needs a strong dose of reality. The rain will come soon enough for her when she loses both races, has to cough up some dough for your judgment, and possibly give up her sources - such as the infamous "Blog Mentor's" name. (Cue in the best Dracula laugh possibly.)

    Peace out my Brother from an Irish mother!

  92. " I don't know how you always attract these type of mentally unbalanced people."

    It's a gift. I saw the blog entry.

    What I was doing was being very careful before writing about something with potentially serious repercussions. In other words, I was trying to be fair. But at the same time, I was pursuing a story.

  93. Dear 305,

    Th pathetic thing about cowards like you are that you hit and, run like,skunk you re. Why don't you stop by Gregory's
    House and make those comments.. Usually when someone makes crass anonymous statements like that they are flagged by Bernie. However, I dint notice him calling you out...Gregory would if he were home today but you'd run screaming like the petulant bitch you are..I think I read somewhere that he lives at 1502 High st in Bethlehem...
    Why don't you stop by and introduce yourself as the author of those comments. His girlfriend would kick your ass, punk...have a nice day

  94. This makes you wonder about Gregory. Why has he been married so many times? Why do his girlfriends and wives leave after a while? Is he a guy that gets his kicks knocking around women. He would not be happy in the big house. His petite features and Mediterranean "tan in a can" would make him as vulnerable as his lady friends.

    If this is indeed what this guy is all about, how can he think anyone takes him seriously. Word is unions are running away from him, politicos want nothing to do with him. he couldn't win a political race in Bethlehem against a Republican at this point.

    He and Mezzacappa should team up. They make quite a pair.

  95. Bernie can you find the picture of Jim G scaling the fence, seeing that slab of prime beef straddling a long hard series of poles would really be good viewing for a lonely lil boy on a Saturday night. Thanks hon! xoxo

  96. 4:32,

    When this comes out in the wash , all you cowards and haters will be back in the corner of the room whining like the pathetic human beings you are..Again, Gregory is never hard to find. Why dont you grab your teeny, teeny teeny balls and have the guts to face him..He's sixty years old according to the report..And he's got a gut. Maybe if he turns his back , you'd have a chance..Either face him or dhut the hell up..You are getting boring..

  97. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKx0H3P_Vs4

    Jim G doing Kareoke, eat your heart out haters!

  98. I think this video sent all the rats in downtown Easton to go drown themselves in the Delaware River.

    Now lets hope some of these posters follow.

    Seriously though, it seems to me like people are getting set up and have way too much time on their hands.

  99. I just wanted to be the 100th post!

    Do I win a prize?


  100. @918, yer prize is holding gregory's "tripod" while he shoots a full length adult film featuring Trish "the disH" Mezzzz, Bernie "Mare" O'Hare, Ron "Donkey Kong" angle, and Earl "the pearl" in GangBlog Vol 1

  101. It's getting weird on here

  102. Who's the real coward?

  103. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKx0H3P_Vs4"

    Holy shit! After watchng that, I'm filing a PFA myself.

  104. No one, should have to be afraid in a relationship. Guys that like to knock around women need to get there head examined. I hope she stays safe.

  105. "I hope she stays safe."

    That's the most important thing, you are right. I am really tempted to turn that video into a post bc it is so funny, even down to the song selected. All he needs is Schelener singing back up.

  106. "Usually when someone makes crass anonymous statements like that they are flagged by Bernie"

    I pretty much agree with those sentiments, especially insofar as they apply to Mezzacappa.

  107. Actually we have a great time at Karaoke every Thursday night..Come down and video all you want.. ALOT of good friends and a good time. It's all in fun. To bad Mezz didnt film you bernie when you came down the steps naked, lol...Ooops, nevermind

  108. Jim, She's in a different league of cRaZy, as you yourself pointed out after meeting her, or have you forgotten?

  109. The perfect political power couple. Gregory and Mezzacappa. She is more in his league than the sweet girl he was dating. Poor thing was terrified of his wildness. Hope he leaves her alone. Mezza is just his speed. Made for each other. Their fantasy worlds complement one another.

    Now that is the matchup of the century. Hope they hook up. Or at least debate. We could sell tickets and give the proceeds to Charity. That kind of crazy don't come cheap.

  110. Bernie, had to listen to the song by Gregory. OMG, the song should seek a PFA. Wow!!

  111. Its funny how you are all so concerned about this poor victim of abuse, yet there is absolutely not one iota of proof that it ever occurred..She's in hiding because the idiots at the police department told her to do so. Gregory's wife is furious with this ex girlfriend because the girlfriend is saying, untruthfully that his wife told her to call the police. If this ex girlfriend lied about her reasons for calling the police, then what makes anyone certain she didn't lie on the complaint also..Why Dont you call the wife at Allentown Wegmans and ask her if she was abused or if she had the ex girlfriend call the police if you are so interested in the TRUTH..But you wont do that cause you are only interested in trashing Gregory..You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

    I know that because it's hit you in the face and you still can't even see it..

  112. anon 9:01, Mr. Gregory. Please get help. Stop harassing your ex-wife and your former girlfriend. You are sounding more and more insane. I am sure your ex-wife wants phone calls from people at her work[place. do you realize how crazy that sounds?

    Don't you get how crazy you and all your lawsuit talk sounds? you are one sick puppy!

    In this case Bernie is actually helping you.

  113. I will be at the next Karaoke night. It is going to be a blast. Tricia will be singing the ole favorite by Nancy Sinatra...."these shoes are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these shoes are going to walk all over you". yea, in spike heels. Lina will be singing the song "Earl" by the Dixie Chicks. Remember the part where Earl walked right through the PFA, and Jim will be singing the ole ballad by Johnny Cash that goes, "I wish I had wings like an angel. Over these prison walls I would fly".
    Tickets are now on sale. Hurry before there is standing room only.
    Their will be a special solo by Bill white. It is for all the lunatics in attendence. It was originally sanf by Pearl Butler and the song starts out, "I'll walk just beyond the moon and then I'll stop and wait for you."


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