Local Government TV

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Republicans! Don't Vote for Tricia Mezzacappa

Tricia Mezzacappa is one of seven Republicans seeking five at-large seats on Northampton County. As woman with a good last name n a crowded field, I'd say her chances are pretty good. But if she succeeds and is elected by Republicans as one of their candidates, it is very likely that she will drag down every Republican candidate in the County. She is that bad. Here's some of her past.

1999 - New Jersey Commissioner of Education affirms her dismissal as a Business Manager at a New Jersey School. She "had left work without permission twice and, on occasion, was uncooperative and resistant to direction."

2004 - Mezzacappa files for bankruptcy in New Jersey (04-24451-ref).

4/5/11: Mezzacappa summons Easton police over a beeping cabbie. According to several witnesses, including the cabbie, she used the "N" word with respect to her neighbors. An Easton police officer reports, "her vocabulary was tinged with hints of racial bias."  She also threatens to get rid of Easton police, once she's elected.

4/13/12: Mezzacappa applies for a concealed carry permit, listing as references two people she knew would  oppose her application. She lists Executive John Stoffa and my Attorney, Rick Orloski, as her supposed references.

May 2012: In a defamation action filed against her, Mezzacappa filed this statement in Court: ""I have had to seek medical attention to properly handle my anxiety, fear and stress. It is the opinion of my physician, that I must be sedated with medicines that are included on the Schedule of Class IV Controlled Substances , for all matters involving Bernie O'Hare, to quell the situational anxiety I have suffered at the hands of Mr. O'Hare. It is my opinion (as a Registered Nurse of 10 years), that due to the potency of this medication, I would be unfit to stand trial, or provide my own defense pro-se."

June 2012: Mezzacappa leaks her own application. In an email to Sheriff Randy Miller, she demands to know why her license is taking so long. She sent copies of her email to a number of people: Easton Mayor Sal Panto, State Rep. Bob Freeman, Assistant County Solicitor Jill Mancini and Easton Police Chief Carl Scalzo.

11/15/12 - Mezzacappa convicted of disorderly conduct after a profanity-laced tirade at West Easton Borough hall, during which two witnesses testified that Mezzacappa threatened to kill Borough Council President Kelly Gross.

January 2013: Mezzacappa loses her posting privileges at The Express Times website after posting this death fantasy three times:
Maybe I'M scared, but I dont think I'm paranoid, or a gun nut. See, law enforcement doesnt always work for insignificant nobody's like myself. They dont always serve and protect, either. When armagedon comes a runnin towards my house, I stand armed and ready. I picture armegedon about 5 ft 9 and balding, little eyeglasses on the tip of his nose, and enough fat flaps to insulate a bull. Deep breath, aim, shoot, and....one hollow point goes right through his skull, he's dead before he hit the ground, kersplat....PERFECT
February 2013: Mezzacappa ejected from an Easton gun shop, where she was circulating her nomination petition without permission.

3/7/13: Judge Anthony Beltrami issues order barring Mezzacappa from filing stalking complaints against me or Ron Angle without first getting the Court's permission.

4/11/13: Mezzacappa sues The Express Times for reporting about her online impersonation of a former candidate.

4/11/13:  DA John Morganelli approves harassment prosecution of Mezzacappa, based on evidence that she was impersonating a former candidate online, pretending to have his support, and that she continued the impersonation after she was asked to stop.

4/21/13: Now posting as Pigface817 at The Express Times websiter she tells one reader that his mouth needs "acid wash." Speaking of West Easton Boro Council Prez Kelly Gross, Mezzacappa states, "Word is, Gross already had her head bashed in once, (years ago) but never learned her lesson," Mezzacappa states, referring to a brutal assault inflicted on Gross when she was a caseworker at KidsPeace. "People with less restraint than Mezz would have twice bashed her head not agaisnt a wall, but through it," claims Mezzacappa. "Gross is a nutcase who needs to be removed from office for good."

5/13/13 - DA John Morganelli approves harassment prosecution of Mezzacappa, based on evidence that she is following West Easton Borough Clerk Jill Garcia in a public place.

5/16/13: Default judgment filed against Mezzacappa in my defamation suit against her.


  1. Tea Party FootsoldierMay 19, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    Mezzacappa has conducted herself like a lady at all the public functions I have been to recently. Hopefully she gets on Business Matters after winning the primary and gives people a glimpse of our parties future and direction.

    I feel most of the negative postings about her on this fine blog are mainly the result of a personal dispute and are not a reflection of her character. County Council seats are very important and after losing the Norco Bulldog we need a compassionate fiscal conservative more than ever, on May 21st vote Mezzacappa for Council.

  2. It appears from your timeline, that this person still has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Say it ain't so Joe!

  3. It that what a he/she looks like?

    Was she a he first then a she?

  4. Why the Jim Gregory photo to accompany this post?

  5. She is liked by the ta party because she is a conservative who is not afraid to stand up for herself. She is a better choice than spineless Ferraro.

    Bernie and Tricia had a falling out. Republicans could do a lot worse than vote for Tricia Mezzacappa.

    She has my support!

  6. You forgot something, Bernie.

    In May 2012, while her application for a license to carry concealed firearms was pending, Mezzacappa raised concerns about her own mental state in a County Court filing.

    She told the Court on May 14, 2012 that she was under a doctor's care for "anxiety, fear and stress." She said she was being sedated with potent controlled substances. She further said: "It is my opinion (as a Registered Nurse of 10 years) that due to the potency of this medication I would be unfit to stand trial or provide for my own defense pro-se."

    She never disclosed this information to Sheriff Miller, who was in the process of reviewing her firearms application. If Mezzacappa thought she was unfit to stand trial, how could she possibly think she was fit to carry a concealed firearm?

    And guess who was served with her May 14 Court filing? Attorney Rick Orloski, who she listed on her firearms application as a character reference, was served with this information in his role as plaintiff's counsel in a defamation lawsuit against Mezzacappa. I understand Orloski also received an email from Mezzacappa describing her medication as a "drug cocktail."

  7. House of HarkonnenMay 19, 2013 at 7:43 PM

    Many in the C.O.A.F are still greatful for the support and maturity showed during the Gracedale Initiative, it took great courage for her to change positions and will be remembered as being on the right side of history.

  8. 7:34, I added your point. Forgot it.

  9. Her LTCF has been revoked, but she has sued to get it back. Anonymously.

  10. Bernie, The bankruptcy was filed in Pennsylvania. It was a Chapter 13 and Mezzacappa wasn't discharged from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court's jurisdiction until July 2010. In other words, less than three years ago Mezzacappa, the self proclaimed fiscal conservative and vocal critic of government spending, needed federal help managing her own financial affairs after spending her way into personal debt. I guess her motto is: "Do as I say, not as I do."

  11. As Republicans for good government, we are back Tricia for the following reasons ten reasons.
    A.) She is a woman
    B.) she is a woman
    C,) she is a woman
    D.) she is a woman
    E.) " " "
    F.) " " "
    G.) " " "
    H.) " " "
    I.) " " "
    j.) We think she is a woman with a big set of Balls. As an individual she is strong. She eats gunpowder and craps thunder. She believes in the second amendment and freely exercises the first amendment. She will straighten out this County and fire the Sherrff for not properly doing his job. Her motto of vote early and vore often will be our theme in the General Election. We're so proud to have her as a candidate.

  12. Thanks to all the coverage you gave her, She will be a shoe in.

  13. Messycrapper has the backing of the local coprophile community.

  14. "She will be a shoe in."

    Oh please. Get a grip. Mezzacappa couldn't win a seat on the West Easton Borough Council, even though there were three open seats and only one incumbent running.

  15. "She...freely exercises the first amendment."

    False and defamatory statements made with actual malice are not afforded First Amendment protection. You have a libel judgment on your record, Tricia.

  16. 8:43, aka Bernie. Have4 not heard her defame anyone. have heard many on here defame her. She was wronged by a government official and will succe4ssfully sue the county, Stoffa and the Sheriff.

  17. 7:09 Peg will win easily. As for Trish maybe in the primary because some Republicans are crazy but never in the general. Bernie does she have a chance?

  18. I think she has a good chance in the primary unless Rs are informed about her. I have been doing my part. She is not just bad for Rs, but bad for anyone interested in good government.

  19. "Have4 not heard her defame anyone. have heard many on here defame her."

    A judgment for defamation has been filed against her. A quick review of her blog would be enough to how she has actually defamed a large number of people, and in the most disgusting terms.

  20. I'm sure Stoffa likes her to be a "shoe" in!!!

    I cannot wait until the TRUTH comes out!!

  21. You've been playing that tired story for months. Mezzacappa has a shoe fetish, as one look at her blog makes clear. Whatever.

  22. Now be fair...that photo of her was taken years ago and at least 20 lbs ago.

    Have you seen her fat face, double chins and meaty arms?

    Supersize thighs and a rotund middle

    Maybe she's pregnant

  23. "We think she is a woman with a big set of Balls...She eats gunpowder and craps thunder."

    Translation: She's the transgender candidate whose farts are very, very loud.

  24. I have been putting her signs out all over the place, I am hoping to bed this one since Lina left me. Ha ha 8

  25. "4/13/12: Mezzacappa applies for a concealed carry permit, listing as references two people she knew would oppose her application. She lists Executive John Stoffa and my Attorney, Rick Orloski, as her supposed references."

    Two days before Mezzacappa applied for a license to carry concealed firearms she was sent a letter from attorney Orloski informing her that he was representing Bernie O'Hare, who was suing her for defamation.

    What was Mezzacappa's reaction? A couple days later she used attorney Orloski's name as a character reference on her application for a license to carry concealed firearms. At the same time Mezzacappa wrote on her blog that Orloski was "a snake." She also sent Orloski an email which said in part: "You are obviously the same type of bully woman basher and hater as your client, expect to be joining my next lawsuit against the both of you. This is going to get very very ugly pal."

    Clearly, Mezzacappa didn't take the firearms application seriously. It was part of her game of spite, retaliation and deception.

    I know this background only because Mezzacappa chose to publish it all on her blog on April 15, 2012. The Sheriff and the County Solicitor should look it up. It may help them prepare a defense to her appeal in which she is asking the court to return her revoked firearms license.

  26. MEZZ is the best and when she wins I hope the hell she comes after You bernie You are not doing any of us any Justice with Your constant Bullshit!!

  27. She is as mentally sick as Gregory. The only difference is she admits it.

  28. We are with you Tricia. You will be one of the five. Hope you take out Ferraro from the ticket.

  29. I love you, Tila Tequila of West Easton. You da bomb!

  30. "The heart of Tricia’s appeal was that she was just a regular person in politics who happened to be extremely good-looking; a sex symbol who would talk to you back. And she successfully used the goodwill she built up to hopscotch into mainstream fame before falling back to the sort of modest following she had at the beginning of her nursing days – this time, a following comprised of O'Hare-haters rather than other nurses. And her rise and fall would be fine, and sort of karmic, except she’s clearly mentally unstable, and while she was given plenty of attention, she never received any of the help she clearly needs."

  31. "West Easton has changed what it means to be a politicians, and while that does help people court fame through grassroots support, it also makes it hard for fragile people to keep a healthy private life – and since Lehigh Valley Live celebrity is a more fickle type of fame than traditional political growth, the mix of no filter and no safety net can make for a disastrous combination.

    Tricia's the original example of how people will “connect” with you, “hike” with you, and vote you in office, but they won’t really know you – and they’re not there to help. Everyone wanted to be Tricia's friend in the Republican Party when she was there to provide titillation, but those same followers are nowhere to be found as she continues to exhibit profoundly paranoid characteristics. That’s why it’s useless to have O'Hare as an enemy when he isn't changing her deranged outlook on life at all."

    Please respond to this Bernie.

  32. All I can say is that she is the absolute worst kind of person to be in politics. She has a histrionic personality disorder, and would use her position to hurt, rather than help, people. The most accurate summary of Mezzacappa that I've ever seen is in the narrative of Easton police officer Charles McMonagle, who dealt with her when she called to complain about a beeping taxicab. You can read about her racism, the way she really feels about her community, and the way she acts to a police officer who won't do her bidding.



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