Local Government TV

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Jim Gregory, Lounge Singer

If he loses his job with Northampton County, it's nice to know that Jim Gregory has a back up plan.

Updated 11 AM: According to his alter ego, Tom Foolery, "Gregory's IQ on Stanford-Binet test for Mensa was 128..Just missed then." He also claims, "if I were Gregory, you'd be missing in action. Gone from this earth, lol.. Get the drift?"


  1. Wow Bernie,

    My guess was that it was sent into you anonymously by Jim's ex girlfriend. If she thinks this will hurt him some how, she is mistaken.
    He loves going to Champs in Easton to see his friends on Thursday night. Too bad, after betraying him, she'll never be there again..I doubt she'll be welcome.

  2. I think his voice needs homing (badly), but he looks pretty good for someone who will be 61 in July.
    You really think I'm Jim..That's funny..Looks like you got bad information again..This is becoming an issue with your blog.

  3. Homing, lol..I type too fast for this stupid keyboard, lol..Bernice, if I were Gregory, you'd be missing in action. Gone from this earth, lol..
    Get the drift? You and your piss ant little pond scum bitches who attack from the rear and then run and hide when things get hot. To date, from what I have heard , no one has the balls to express these comments to the face of that 61 year old fat man. Why? Cause he is allegedly crazy? Or cause he had three years of Tae Kwon Do? That was thirty tears ago. Kraft had training back then and look at him now..lol..So before all your pond scum anonymous alter ego buddies rise from the depths of their pond to stab Gregory in the back, I'd say to them, watch out, he might just turn around.

  4. Trish gives her best to you..She could crush you on her worst of days. Her IQ alone surpasses yours by 100 and she is, I'd guess around 135. That's Mensa territory..Did you ever thinking of testing for MR intake, lol..I think it's now called intellectually disabled. You'd fit right in, lol.. Actually , you are probably too low, IQ wise for entry, lol...Night..Boo

  5. Come over and tape it yourself in person if you dare Bernie..I'll be back there on Thursday if I'm not out of town. 50-50 chance..But Jim should be there..

  6. Jesus, Bernie. Can you please stop this. Jim is obviously ill and spiraling downward. He is not a bad person Can't you tell the difference? It's wrong for you to keep doing this.

  7. Yes Bernie, seriously! It's not funny anymore..This guy needs help.

    OMG 5:58

    Everyone knows you are Bernie using the anon tag. Really Bernie, go back to sleep. Do you really think people are that stupid. All the shots at Gregory are you..Go get a life!!

  8. By the way 5:58,

    Do not use Jesus and Bernie in the same breath, especially not on Sunday. It's sacrilegious!!!

    If you keep acting like a moron, we will think you are Ken Kraft..That's not fair to Ken. He's only half as dumb as he sounds, lol

  9. Seriously Ken, Do you really think know one knows you post on here.

  10. Yes, right. I'm Gregory. I spent the day at Mt. Airy and the night at the Sands and then posted on Facebook and the blogs all night. lol..Still don't get it Bernie, do you??

  11. @ " Tom Foolery said... if I were Gregory, you'd be missing in action. Gone from this earth, lol..
    Get the drift?" No wonder Lina needs a PFA. Jim & his follower's are clearly a danger by their printed word's.

  12. How's that 7:07,

    First thing, Bernie is gone from this earth already..he has lost touch with reality. Missing in action? Bernie's brains are always missing in action. He is so pissed at Gregory that he did an entire post on how Gregory was doing polling at work. He then had to apologize. Then he posted about Gregory being arrested for harassment before Gregory even knew. Now, he and Bethlehem will be sued by Gregory, and his ex girlfriend..The officer who slipped him the confidential info will be fired or rebuked. So I'd say Bernie has been missing in action and soon sadly enough will be "stay tuned for the next episode" lol

  13. As Bill Clinton might be known to say Clearly isn't always as clear as one might think..Gregory would probably explain that to you if he wasn't up Mt. Airy playing with the playmates. OH, you didn't see his Facebook posts..He looks so distressed by your attacks, lol, especially while coddling the playmates..

  14. All of Gregory's friends are ten times smarter than Bernie and ten times tougher than his ANON selves.

    Jim Irvin, Jim Schlener, Joe Jachowicz, and Jerry Green are much much smarter than Bernice and I wouldn't want to get into a bar fight , or any fight, with them. Gotta watch out anons..You will get your asses kicked..Forgot Trish, lol. She'd crush the little worm all by herself. Physically and intellectually, without a sweat!

  15. @ 7:19 AM

    Surely, you know, Louis DeNaples was barred entry into his own casino (Mt. Airy) for Mob ties & Jim is a Union Steward whom frequents the Establishment. Any envelopes exchanging hands again @ Mt. Airy?

  16. 7:31,

    lol, If Jim had mob ties, this blog wouldn't exist and Bernie would be missing in action, lol. Wish he did..Calling the DeNaples family

  17. Better wake up Bernie,

    The phone is ringing, lol. "Hello, Mr.D, I have this little despicable blog poster who said your daughter is a C***. Bye Bernie!

  18. Bernie, How stupid are you.

    Kraft and McClure are playing you for a fool. As long as you spend your time beating up gregory, it's less time you have to beat up Mc Clueless.
    Kraft was seen outside at the Blue talking to Gregory's ex girlfriend. She feeds him crap, he feeds it to you and wallah. I don't know if he's getting any, but they seem to be close..She certainly don't like Gregory anymore, lol.

  19. Wow, one of Gregory's friends must have found out about the affair..

  20. Will Mr. Gregory defend the Honor of his Queen, or remain a cuckhold?

  21. What queen..She dumped him..She'll have to defend herself. I've heard from Gregory that she can scrath, kick, and punch with the best of them..She can kick Kraft's ass. Or kiss it for all he cares..lol

  22. Despite the startling similarity, that's not Jim Gregory. It's a scene from a 70s gay bdsm porn flick you're using without attribution. At the conclusion of the song, the singer retreats to the dressing room and receives a special delivery from a tall West African courier named Snake. This is the video the carack addict middle school principal was watching when BPD busted him while he was crackin and jackin with his pants around his ankles.

  23. Yes, yes, yes. 8:18

  24. i'll throw open to the blogosphere a challenge that we create the "Jim Gregory Playlist". I shall start:

    Hit me with your Best Shot

    Crazy for You


  25. Good grief! Gitmo has replaced water boarding with the Jim Gregory play list.

  26. I'm kinda partial to :" Ain't no Sunshine when you're Gone

    Bill Withers... Say Boo!

  27. How bout the Movie". Steve Almighty". With. Jim Carrey

    Starry Bernie as The Dog. Lol

  28. This is all just free advertising for karaoke night at Champs Corner every Thursday night.

    Sounds like a smashing good time!

  29. Is there something wrong with good, clean, legal fun? It's not like he was caught doing something unseemly. He is not an elected official. I think you need to take a step back from this.

  30. In light of the tanning and manscaping revelations:

    Y.M.C.A. by The Village People

  31. "Is there something wrong with good, clean, legal fun? It's not like he was caught doing something unseemly. He is not an elected official. I think you need to take a step back from this."

    He would like to be an elected official, and has just set up a PAC. He is a union steward, is a county employee who has told Council to fire his boss and his boss's boss. He abuses his clients by using them as props at Council meetings. And now, Apparently, he is a woman beater.

    I thought this song was perfect.
    This song is just good clean fun, as you say, and I'm poking a bit of fun at him.

    Apparently, I am now going to get rubbed out, but I don't worry about death threats from women beaters.

  32. You could at least wait for proof of an aspiration to hold office, like filing the papers, before you pretend to be helping us avoid making a choice we'll all regret.

  33. You are so hilarious Bernie. Everything you just said was a lie. He won't rub you out. He's up at Mt Airy now talking to DeNaples family. They'll take care of his light work, lol

    Keep it up Bernie. He raised enough money Thursday to pay the fine for choking your candy ass out. Keep pushing it. Or maybe just bump him a little like you do to the folks in the wheelchairs. See what happens then.

  34. You are so hilarious Bernie. Everything you just said was a lie. He won't rub you out. He's up at Mt Airy now talking to DeNaples family. They'll take care of his light work, lol

    Keep it up Bernie. He raised enough money Thursday to pay the fine for choking your candy ass out. Keep pushing it. Or maybe just bump him a little like you do to the folks in the wheelchairs. See what happens then.

  35. I will do you in Bernie. I am trained in the martial arts. I will let you go to your knees and will allow you to give the first blows. Nice way of saying you are being a C---sucker about this whole affair.

  36. someone sounds a wittle gwumpy-

    and also like they've crossed the line into terroristic threats

  37. Dear 1038,

    I love you

  38. Dear 10:56

    Definitely. Go arrest them, lol

  39. Gregory is at Mt. Airy getting laid and laughing his ass off

    You are all breaking his heart, lol

  40. How abou Callahan singing pink Cadillac on you tube Bernie Want to post that?

  41. Sure. Send me the link.

    &#9835 Ain't no Sunshine when she's goooone. &#9835

  42. Just saw it. It's too good. It just lacks that je ne sais quoi

  43. At this Thursday's Kareoke night I will be there to show Jim G how to party, they say men are most "convertible" after a bad break up so I'm gonna roll the dice and do my best to woo this Neil Diamond look alike back to my love nest over after a few drinks. x0x0

  44. I'm going to hear and see Jim perform. I am taking a fistful of ones to put in his G-string. I hope that other women won't be there. You know, the one who threw her panties at him and made a fool of herself. I outdid her when I threw my size 56 triple "f" bra at him and almost knocked him out. I'm so damn sorry. I looked a bit foolish with my bossooooms hanging down below my knees. Bernie, do you know what a fifty year old woman has between her breasts that a twenty year old woman doesn't?.....It's a belly button.

  45. Does anyone out there feel sorry for Gregory? He is obviously very disturbed and needs help. Hopefully his friends tell him.

    Bernie, you were right on this deal.

  46. Somebody wrote that her was a 30th degree black belt in something.

  47. Am I mistaken or is he openly threatening your life?

  48. Pretty much, but I ignore woman beaters. They are cowards.

  49. ... his singing did practically kill me.

  50. I must have missed the part where your life was threatened by anyone.
    Guess you and that anonymous piece of crap that brought it up are wrong, again..Doesn't it get tiresome trying to piss on Gregory's leg and have him move away every time..Keep trying Bernice. You'll catch up eventually, lol. You are such a punk..Anyway, he'll be at the Steel hall tonight..Why don't you stop by and ask him questions. You and your pathetic anon selves...Can't wait to see you there..Oh yeah, Jerry green, Jim Schlener, and Jim Gregory will be waiting..Just walk in and say " Hello" , you coward..

  51. Bernie were you ever in a relationship with a woman?

  52. Gregory and Schlener? woo hoo- the "he-man woman-haters club"

  53. You forgot about this youtube video:


  54. That's the sound Jim makes when he gets his taint waxed after tanning.

  55. What in the Hell is going on here? Is this the Jim Gregory that is in politics? Christ the guy sounds like he is in a complete meltdown mode.

    Does he have any friends or family to help him?

  56. 5:14, That's Gregory before make up.

  57. "Gregory and Schlener? woo hoo- the "he-man woman-haters club""

    They're putting together a PAC right now. The first thing they want to do is get rid of that pesky PFA law. Gregory claims it's unconstitutional.

  58. "Bernie were you ever in a relationship with a woman? "

    I got news for you, bippy. Lots of guys have relationships with women, even me, and we don't bat them around.

  59. "Can't wait to see you there..Oh yeah, Jerry green, Jim Schlener, and Jim Gregory will be waiting..Just walk in and say " Hello" , you coward.."

    So now you're reverting to union thug, eh?

    On Thursday night, when I had questions about what happened, I walked right in there and point-blank asked you about the incident. I wasn't exactly intimidated by you or anyone else. All you did was lie to me.

    Now you want me to come there again, to face you and two other union dudes? And isn't it amazing that one of them, Schlener, is a woman-beater just like you!

    That's not fair, Jim. Before I do something like that, you better get a few more guys, one or two that are used to fighting men. Once you have about six or seven, let me know, you little weasel.

    You guys can get the Fake Rev. He wants to punch me out, too. You can meet me at 3 AM tomorrow, right at the dock at Lake Nockamixon. I'll be armed only with my fly rod.

    If you don't see me, just wait.

  60. Lina lives up that way..They have property up there..She can handle my light work..Most of what you continue to spout is lies, as usual. No PFA has been filed so stop using that word. It's obvious why you were disbarred. You are a complete moron. Who lied to you on Thursday night..The cop didnt tell me about the harassment complaint until after I spoke with you and Lina on Friday afternoon. He then rolled up to my residence and apologetically gave me the summary citation..I told you on Thursday night to ask her about the charge. She apparently ran out and removed her property, and my property illegally from my residence while you were asking your stupid questions. Anyway, could you be more specific as to your whereabouts tomorrow and what time big guy. I'll send Lina or a two year old up to drown your useless butt, lol/. We'll be waiting for the directions..I'd get some underwater breathing apparatus if I were you.

  61. I already told you where I'll be at 3 AM. I thought you were an almost Mensa?

  62. If I'm not there, you and your goons should wait a few minutes.

  63. Doubt Jim G would make such statements BOH,think your getting trolled hard by someone...

  64. Although I'm sure that some of those statements are from impersonators, I'm just as sure that most of them come from Gregory.

  65. M. Gregory is not in the real world at the moment and is indeed making those crazy statements. He has been calling others saying the same crazy things.

    He keeps referring to his former girlfriend Lina. She is gone, he blew it. She wants nothing to do with him. He keeps pestering her. She is terrified of bumping into him. He should really just see a doctor and get some medication.

  66. Make an appointment Jim and I`ll drive you to it. I assume no one ever taught you how to use the bus , that would only make you independent.

  67. In Lower Macungie Township, some are concerned about out of control development. A few smart growth advocates are challenging three incumbents Commissioners who happen to be REALTORs. I just saw commercial on CNN promoting the slate of LMT Realtors, Roger Reis, Ryan Conrad, and Ron Eichenberg. The commercial proclaims smart growth successes. The add was paid for by Alliance for a Better Pennsylvania.

    I found a link to LMTs campaign finance from an online Mcall article dated May 15th.

    Reis (Realtor 1) took $6800 from Alliance for a Better Pennsylvania from 500 North 12th Street, Lemoyne back on May 6. Conrad (Realtor 2) received a combine $6800 from the same group on three different dates. Finally, Ron Eichenberg (Realtor 3) report contains letter from Alliance for a Better Pennsylvania Treasure David Phillips confirms website, two direct mail, and automatic call $6,800. Ironically, the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors have the same Lemoyne address who CEO happens to be named David Phillips. The other report also lists as in-kind for website, direct mail, and automatic call. Wonder if this includes the commercial or if that is an additional, “late” contribution?

    Realtors cash-in on every house they sell. Three Realtors, taking money from Realtors Associate are going to represent who? Wonder if Developers contribute to Alliance for a Better Pennsylvania?

    Good Luck LMT.

  68. 1110....these were all in-kind-contributions

  69. Is Jim Geegory in LMT?


    This is irrelevant

  70. So let me make sure I have this one straight ... Jim Gregory beats up his "girlfriend." Bernie asks Gregory about the police and an altercation and Gregory says he knows nothing about it and to ask his "girlfriend?"

    Well let's ask this question instead: Did Jim Gregory lay his hands on his "girlfriend" in some fashion of force that may have caused damage and pain?

    If the answer to that question is anything but no, you sir have a definite problem and need to seek help immediately. Also you need to change your attitude. A person that becomes physical, especially on another human being that is weaker than you is abusing their power, taking advantage of another person, putting that person in harm, and is a scumbag. You should be nothing but apologetic.

  71. I bet you he doesn't show up for work tomorrow ...

  72. Work?? He should sign himself into a clinic.

  73. Norco Bear said...
    Hands off Norco Twink. I am into those petite Mediterranean types. They are convertible after a breakup or at least open to bicoastal suggestions.

    he can park his Gucci's under my futon any day.


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