Local Government TV

Monday, May 20, 2013

PFA Order Filed Against Disgruntled Caseworker Jim Gregory

Senior Judge Lawrence E Brenner issued a Protection from Abuse Act Order this afternoon against disgruntled Northampton County Human Services caseworker Jim Gregory. Pending a full hearing on May 31, Gregory has been ordered to stay away from his girlfriend, surrender his firearms, and make no attempt to contact her in any way, even through third parties.

In a sworn affidavit, Gregory's girlfriend, whom I decline to name, recites a pattern of abuse that became life-threatening last week.

Before last Wednesday, he had punched her while driving, choked her and headbutted her.

On Wednesday, things got worse.

"He kicked me in the gut and knocked me backwards out of nowhere. I asked him why he did that. I threw the phone. I went to leave the room. He grabbed me by my neck  and threw me onto the bed and was strangling me. He got on top of me and was punching me in the head. I grabbed the pillow and stuck [it] in front of my face. I was pinching him to stop. He grabbed me again. He bit me by my wrist. He stuck his finger in my eye sockets and was pushing hard. I kept trying to scream for help. He was still trying to strangle me. I somehow got away from him. I went downstairs and grabbed my keys ... ."

On Thursday, she contacted police, who filed charges against Gregory. On Friday evening, police told Gregory not to contact her. But he has ignored that advice, attempting to contact her over 100 times since his conversation with police. He also told his girlfriend's mother to bring her to the magistrate's office to drop the charges.

He's grown increasingly more angry, and has begun sending text messages telling her he will destroy her and ruin her in any way he can.

He has also, according to the sworn affidavit, impersonated his girlfriend in blog comments here.

Gregory's girlfriend first tried to seek a PFA Order on Friday afternoon, but was told she'd have to wait until Monday to file, or seek an emergency order from a Magistrate through the Bethlehem police. She tried contacting Bethlehem police. An officer who is friendly with Gregory, himself a former police officer, tried to talk her out of it, according to the mother.

Gregory is former President of Bethlehem City Council and works with mentally ill people for Northampton County. In recent weeks, he has called for the removal of virtually every supervisor in his department, as well as Executive John Stoffa.

According to his girlfriend's sworn statement, "He is manic and is having a breakdown."


  1. holy shit snacks

  2. I think she said it all. That about sums it up.

  3. Hate to be the cop that tried to talk her out of it.

  4. Now the end is near job wise for him. And to think Lamont and Cusick gave him all that air time in front of Council. He is a dangerous punk, an embarrassment to himself ,his family, his employer, his clients, his union his wife, girlfriend and most importantly himself.

  5. Really nice of him to write a letter to the editor today for Glenn Reibman. I'm sure Reibman really appreciated that. All of this after he was holding hands with John Brown last night at the Steelworkers dinner. Maybe Gregory wants Callahan to win after all...

  6. Actually, Cusick pulled the lug on this reprobate, and caught all kinds of hell for it from the Fake Rev. Barron von Footinmouth leaked expense sheets to him so he could raise a stink about that, too. He has had many enablers.

  7. Wow, wow, wow. I sure hope the sherif went over and took his weapons. Who kicks and punches a girl? What a loser. I feel sorry for the victim

  8. Passionate lovers can sometimes have rough quarrels, hope both parties are ok and the person charged can control himself better in the future.

  9. 6:58. Your kidding us, right?

  10. @7:11, why would anyone assault another person "out of nowhere"? No justifying it either way but it seems improbable.

  11. 7:28. Ok Jim keep lying to yourself and pretend it came out of no where. You have been going off your nut for the past several weeks and your girlfriend was scared and told MANY of her friends that she was becoming afraid. So keep lying.

  12. funny how the guy who calls many commentators here cowards is himself the guy who roughs up a woman.

  13. Bernie I doubt anyone excuses this behavior. I am sure his friends s and acquaintances' are shocked by this behavior. He is sick and needs to go get help.

    He has always been a bit "crazy" but I doubt anyone imagined it had gotten this bad. I guess Kenny was right.

    The guy has no excuse for slapping around a woman. His karate won't help him much in jai,l if he ends up there.

    He sounds absolutely crazy!! Marcus has to stop his contact with patients. The guy is a menace.

    The cops who dragged their feet should also be disciplined. Domestic violence is something you don't mess around with. Zero tolerance.

    I hope the young woman stays safe and stays away for him.

  14. He is innocent until proven guilty, Tawana Brawley anyone? You anti union pukes make me sick.

  15. "ain't no sunshine when you get shower-raped in prison"

  16. I would like to know why the BPD didn't arrest this ahole?

  17. They didnt arrest him because he was a cop in a previous life. so you get special treatment for the rest of your life i guess.

  18. This guy is a narcissistic loser who can now add woman-beater to his resume of insane acts. He should be terminated immediately from county employment less he injures someone while on duty. He is a loose cannon who is a danger to himself and others. The MH unit he works for should put him away.

  19. Not one shred of evidence has been produced to show this to be true..She is all over his facebook page over the last month smiling and taking pictures..He was married before and both wives never, ever accused him of abuse. This girl worked at an event for him all day thursday..She was taking pictures with him in a sleeveless gown..No marks..Two judicial candidates were there and saw Lina. She was fine.
    Does anyone here see that this is a spurned girl trying to destroy this guys life..Think about it..No evidence of abuse. She is in every facebook picture for the past two months and was going to Karaoke every Thursday night with him during this time..Call me crazy but before he is cut to ribbons, someone somewhere should produce an ounce of proof, no??

  20. He has retained Gary Asteak..For her sake , there better be proof of something..I wish her luck..Expect a quick press conference..

  21. He attempted to file a PFA Friday night after his girlfriend trashed his place and her friends stole his property..The cops told him they would not file the order..Now, we have her filing an order five days after the incident..Why now? Why not when it allegedly occured. Who is behind this and why is she trying to destroy his life..Spurned is the best word for it...You people can hate Gregory all you want but alot of folks will be eating crow if he is right..For God sake, look at his facebook photos..She looks as happy as a clam...No abuse here folks..Go on home.. Gary Asteak here we come..No more games.

  22. Anyone wants the truth, keep posted..I'm sure that Mr. Asteak will have ALOT to say later in the week..
    I'd tread lightly on this Bernie..If anything posted here and said by you would affect his livelihood, you will be held liable..Talk to Rick, he'll tell you that. No one has heard Gregory's side of the story..When they do, they'll be stunned.. ALOT of political agendas here. Callahan especially..Other than Lina's PFA
    and Lina's accusations, where is the proof??? She worked an event for him on Thursday all day..She took tickets and sold raffles..She had a sleeveless gown on. No marks.
    She and friends went to his house and they trespassed and stole his property. No charges filed by Bethlehem police. Anything waking anyone up here..Think people!! Where is the evidence. Gary Asteak
    will devour her..It didnt have to be.

  23. The simple fact is anyone can file a PFA and 99% that are filed are granted based on no evidence and only a statement. Then when the hearing comes around less than 25% are awarded.

    Why is that?
    Because this is a loophole people play to try to hurt another person. But when it comes to time for factual evidence then the true story comes out.

    Problem is that there is little to no consequence for the accuser of the original PFA after it is thrown out. And the reputation of the accusee is already tarnished with most of the public.

    This post is unbiased towards this situation.

    I would hope that we shall see the truth come out during the hearing.

    Bernie, I'm sure you will report the result on May 31

  24. "I'd tread lightly on this Bernie..If anything posted here and said by you would affect his livelihood, you will be held liable"

    As far as I am concerned, you should be canned now. How's that for treading lightly?

    I am glad you've retained Asteak. The first thing he will tell you is to shout your big fat mouth. You may think you're a Mensa, but you have already convicted yourself of a number of offenses with your stupid mouth.

  25. "The cops who dragged their feet should also be disciplined."

    In fairness to the BPD, which I consider the best police in the state, they may not have dragged their feet at all. That might be a misunderstanding during a trying time.

  26. "Bernie, I'm sure you will report the result on May 31"

    Of course I will.

  27. "Jumbo" Jim Greggy, will you be at Champs this thursday in light of the recent events? I have my outfit and matching cologne all ready...

  28. Jim, I am not signing this for very obvious reasons. Stop responding to these charges reported on this Blog. It is obvious that it is you giving information that no one but you can possibly have. Although you respond anonymously, all e-mails can be traced including these Blogs. Keep your mouth shut and offer no more comments. you have one of the best criminal lawyers in the state representing you and he has handled many of these before. You can walk away from this with a blemish, but at least it won't mean your job and your retirement. Lay low for the next year. You are under a lot of pressure and tension is high. For god's sake shut up and let your lawyer handle this.

  29. 9:05, Your data is flawed, wich is probably why you provide no link. Here are some facts:

    1. One in four women experience domestic violence, which is the leading cause of injury to women ages 15 to 44.

    2. In 2011, there were 166 domestic violence fatalities in Pennsylvania.

    3. In Allegheny, about 40% of PFAs are dismissed. As someone familiar with the courts, I can tell you in most instances, it is bc the parties reconcile and the male promises to never do it again.

    Until she ends up in the hospital.

    Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/opinion/perspectives/improve-pennsylvanias-domestic-abuse-law-681104/#ixzz2Tt0szyRA

  30. Bernie,

    You are a disbarred lawyer with nothing to lose..You live in a shack in Nazareth and have few friends. So the big talk is a joke..Taking about shutting your big mouth, you should try it..When the truth comes out, you will have to crawl from the area. look at the photos..Talk to people at the event..You dont want to becausae it'll prove you to be a liar. Talk to his ex wives..Talk to their friends..This woman was spurned and she is listening to bad advise and going crazy..I don't see you doing a story on the house trashing? How about one about her kicking his door in? How about the one with her kicking him and breaking his IPAD.. Missing those stories?? You won't once they are public. Nor will anyone. They were a very loving and passionate couple that didnt work out..Now she is taking advise from her ex boyfriend who she's been in touch with for months. Did she mention in the complaint that she was caught sending a message to the ex boyfriend and ending it with xoxox.
    Oh, you must have missed that all Bernie?? Again, there has not been one shred of evidence produced that her statement is true. Not an ounce..Good luck finding it..

  31. OMG..Asteak will have a field day!!

  32. Jim G, f the haters and stone casters. This Thursday were doing like we always do, going to champs to toss back a few then belt out tunes! Love you brother, stay strong.

  33. 9:26, Good advice that the "almost Mensa" will ignore until his lawyer lowers the boom on him.

  34. Many men hate you because your packing a beefy kielbasa and look like a mediterranean Hasselhoff, most chicks dig you for those very same reasons. The problem you face of which milf to hunt and which bozo to take her from, rock on Jimmy.

  35. Funny bernie,

    If there is so much truth in this , why aren't the call and the Express breaking down Gregory's door for answers..He's a former cop, a former Hellertown and Bethlehem Council person, and a county worker. Yet they didn't bite at your pathetic story..Why is that?? Cause it's crap, that's why. Nothing to it. There are nothing but accusations and no proof at all to back it up...NONE! So keep it up Bernice..Nothing here..Nothing but your neck.

  36. I've got a deal with the papers. I don't tell them what to cover and they don't tell me what to cover. In my opinion, this story is highly newsworthy for several reasons, and I would not be surprised if one or both daily papers decided to pay attention.

  37. Bernie,
    Let's get into the article referenced in the Post-Gazette:
    1. In 2011, judges in Allegheny County approved 97 percent of all initial PFA petitions. In about 60 percent of the cases, the plaintiff either withdrew the petition or failed to appear at the evidentiary hearing 10 days later.
    2. The PFA law does state that a person who files a PFA "in bad faith" must pay the defendant's attorney fees and can be criminally prosecuted, though this almost never happens. Proving bad faith is impossible in most cases because of the "he-said, she-said" nature of domestic violence.
    3. Here are five common-sense ways to curb abuses under Pennsylvania's PFA law:

    • There should be a discussion or other means of ensuring that PFA defendants understand the consequences of accepting a final PFA. It could be as simple as checking boxes on a standard form.

    • Courts should make it easier to allow defendants to recover attorney fees when a PFA is withdrawn or dismissed.

    • District attorneys should criminally prosecute what Judge Eaton calls "serial filers" of bogus PFAs.

    • Law schools and legal aid clinics should partner to train students to provide free representation for low-income PFA defendants as well as plaintiffs.

    • Temporary PFAs should be removed from the public database when a PFA is later withdrawn or dismissed.

    Such measures would strengthen an important law by limiting the damage caused by bogus PFAs without weakening protections for victims of domestic violence.


  38. "Talk to his ex wives.."

    The fact that you are using a plural here speaks volumes. You really need to shut your mouth, almost Mensa.

  39. 9:50, I agree with the reforms proposed, but that's no excuse for you posting false information, as you did in your 9:05 PM comment.

  40. Again Bernie, instead of your ignorant wise cracks, why don't you do that..You know Asteak will. Talk to Elaine Gregory and Karyn Gregory.
    He was married to them over twenty years. So ask them..Ask them or shut your mouth already! Again, where is any proof of abuse? The only proof is that of a spurned woman who was jealous of every woman Gregory spoke to .Did she mention in the complaint that she lost tens of thousands of dollars of his money at the Sands casino..Guess not..Must have missed that Bernie..Must have missed that..

  41. Keep mouthing your crap and the truth will come out here and you will destroy the poor girl. What are you thinking??

  42. If you care at all about this poor girl, stop it Bernie..Don't you realize what you are doing..If she is
    right, it will come out..If he is right , it will come out..Are you personally trying to destroy her by defending her? What is your agenda here..To hurt her more.

  43. How does Jim G have tens of thousands of dollars for her to blow at Sands? I thought he was a man of humble means?

  44. Gregory, The proof of abuse is her own statement. I tend to believe her and not believe you. I consider you a disgusting woman beater who should not be allowed near anyone seeking human services in Northampton County. I also happen to have heard from other parties that they've witnessed you being abusive.

    Interestingly, you told me to talk to your girlfriend bc this untrue. Now you want me to talk to both your ex wives.

  45. When this goes to court and when the harassment hearing takes place, the truth will come out..It has to.
    Have you no faith in the system? There will now be two forums. One will be the harassment hearing and the other will be the PFA hearing..
    Oh yeah, and possibly the hearing for the trespassing on Gregory's property by her friends and theft of Gregory's property by her friends. Although callahan's officer's do not want to investigate the theft , it will be investigated..Thoroughly.

  46. If I left marks on my girlfriend the APD would be five deep escorting me into the van. Must be nice being an ex-cop

  47. I don't give a damn what you believe..It will be tried in two courts..Then we will see..Be there Bernice..

  48. The report said she had scratches and red marks you fckin coward

  49. Wow! Jim is a nice guy and all-but talk about going off the deep end! Last time I saw him he was a tad manic,maybe he has a chemical imbalance ....? He should listen to his lawyer,keep his mouth shut and stop taunting people....The fire arms thing scares me,please say he doesn't have any-for everyone's sake!!!

  50. Oh yeah..Where are they? Where are the pictures..Could she have scratched herself. You call Gregory a coward and yet you don't identify yourself..Are you another one of Callahan's cronies? Pushing this for your own agenda or his? Anyone can call Gregory anything but they run and hide when they have to face him, like you..Where are you? Oops, hiding behind Bernie and his blog... Tough guy , you are..

    1. Im in center city Allentown and never beat a girl

    2. Drive past 6th and Gordon and turn right into the alley before 7th street. I'm wearing a blue t shirt by the garage on your left

  51. Gregory hasn't carried a firearm since he left the police force..Why should he? Again, I see all of these cheap shots and proof of nothing.
    Not one thing...Bernie, are you and all your alter egos talking to yourself again? Trish knows that you do it..She told everyone...It's not a secret..You post as yourself and also as many other names and anonymous..You think no one knows. really???

  52. You're Ed Pawlowski, lol

    1. I wish I was the king of atown

  53. "Trish knows that you do it..She told everyone...It's not a secret..You post as yourself and also as many other names and anonymous..You think no one knows. really???"

    Sorry, Jim, I post under my name only. I think it's wrong to deceive readers the way you and Mezzacappa do. She is a pathological liar and has already been found liable for defamation. It appears that you have trouble with the truth yourself.

  54. "Gregory hasn't carried a firearm since he left the police force"

    Then he shouldn't mind surrendering it.

  55. You mentioned that according to Lina's mom, who spent most of the night at the Casino with Gregory and who owes Gregory $1000 dollars, said what? LOL..Funny..Lina said he's manic. lol. She got her degree from whom? Maybe he was upset that she busted his door and brand new IPAD..Maybe he was upset that her friends entered his property illegally and stole a gold chain and the IPAD owned by him among other things. Maybe he's upset that she took a video of him at Champs corner and put it on UTUBE then fed it to you. Maybe he is upset because a Bethlehem Police officer gave you a tip about his harassment summary charge before he even knew about it..Or was it the Mayor who passed that information along?? No, why would he be upset by this?
    Probably just manic, lol

  56. Man this guy is seriously insane.

  57. 68 news has a breaking story of a shooting on Main St in Nazareth, still with us?

  58. James "Tripod" Gregory was unavailable for comment on this story because he was in the back of his 64 Camaro balls deep in a M.I.L.F he bagged up at Panera while waiting in line.

  59. Maybe the State Police should take a look into this matter since the BPD didn't

  60. "68 news has a breaking story of a shooting on Main St in Nazareth, still with us?"

    My guess is that this death threat comes from Gregory or Mezzacappa, neither of whom can now carry a gun.

  61. LOL all the way to the big house, girl beater!They have karaoke night Thursdays on cell block A.

  62. Jim Greggy has mastered karate, tae-kwon do, and bukkake.

  63. Leave Jim's estranged wife Elaine out of this. This does not in anyway shape or foem involve. He left her 2 years ago for a younger women and thought that the grass was greener. I am a personal friend of Elaine's and I can personally say that she has closure, is moving forward with her life and I have never seen her happier. Apparently the grass isn't greener. As far as what is beig said there is his side, her side and somewhere in there lies the truth. They made there beds so now let them both lye in it. They only have themselves to blame and Elaine should not be brought into this web of deceipt and lies. She is well respected among nher peers as well as her place of employment.

  64. 11:06, Don't worry. I have no intention of speaking to either the ex-wives or the ex-girlfriend. It's not fair to mention them or their names.

  65. Instead of paying casinos employees wages why not help out your estranged wife with her bills tht you helped create while living there for 18 years, so shecan retire and enjoy her life and family!!!!!!!

  66. If Gregory wants this to go away, why is he giving this any credence? There are over 70 posts to a thread that got created in the afternoon. Threads can be on this blog for over a month and don't even get 20 posts. The only one posting here, and anonymously I might add, are probably Mezza-cRaZy, the "Blog Mentor", and the author of Lehigh Valley Rumblings himself - Gregory - unless he is going to lie about that again.


  67. If I have mental problems do I have to see Mr Gregory for help? lol

  68. Holy crap Batman the shit just hit the fan for beefy kielbasa Gregory.

  69. The blind leading the blind on the county done

  70. COAF just put up their ridiculous endorsements that Gregory forced them to do. Losers

  71. Do you think we will have any predictions by Buddy Christ this time around? Any over/unders on the "interesting" candidates?

  72. Buddt Christ will appear in November. I could't afford him for the primary. I am asking my readers to make the calls.

  73. Norco Bear said..

    Hey Twink knock it off. I already told you. This petite Mediterranean manslab is mine. We bears love our men small and dark.

  74. Bernie, the sad thing is I agree with Gregory's ex-wife's friend. The problem is it is that insane Gregory who has posted most of the anonymous posts about himself on this blog. You know that you only have to read them to see they all are written by the same person. They all have the same Gregory manic twang to them. Not surprised a county elected pol said this was coming.

    No one, not even his "friends" would approve of smacking around a woman. He has gone off the deep, deep end. I think it is shameful he even suggests people bother his ex-wives.

    They are probably glad to be "ex-wives" at this point. One has had to cover a lot of debt.

    Funny line of the night by anonymous (jg) is..
    "she lost tens of thousands of dollars of his money at the Sands casino."

    Now that is funny!!!

    Bernie if Gary Asteak is his attorney and Gary is one of the best, would he not have had Gregory's mouth taped shut to stop him from using it as a shovel to dig a deeper hole of shit than he is already in. Have to wonder if Gary knows he has been pulled into the Gregory saga.

    The courts don't laugh off woman beaters anymore.

  75. Dear 11:06.

    Why would you even consider reading this man's blog..He is despicable.
    Elaine is a good woman who worked hard her whole life..Until this Lina girl brought her into this, her and Jim were doing fine. Elaine has a great family and good friends..That is all that matters. You guys take care of her. Jim will handle these false charges by the girlfriend. Stay away from this blog and keep Elaine away. This girl is drawing everyone in and turning this into a fiasco.

  76. The person who brought up his ex-wives, and who unnecessarily named them, is Gregory.

    Gary Asteak is one of the best lawyers I know, and I am sure he will sew Gregory's mouth shut if he has to.

  77. Gregory brought up no one..Didn't even see his name mentioned as an author on the blog. You and his ex girlfriend brought them in

  78. Time to take your medicine and go to bed Gregory. Aren't you working a poll tomorrow? God knows for who, I feel sorry for them.

  79. @"Oh, you must have missed that all Bernie?? Again, there has not been one shred of evidence produced that her statement is true. Not an ounce..Good luck finding it.."

    In the end, the Trier-of-Fact (Judge) will decide the TRUTH based on your Word's at Trial. Physical marks are not a pre-requisite for a Conviction. All of Jim's justificational misdirective statement's are irrevelant to Lina's testimony. Classic Immaturity.

  80. Is this the same James Gregory who was Bethlehem City Council President ten years ago? That James Gregory was a real trip.

    He scaled a City Hall security fence to show that it didn't work. He was locked out of his own campaign office by the labor union that had been supporting him. He had to escorted out of a school by the police when he tired to crash an appearance by the Governor. And he likened John Morganelli to Tony Soprano. After losing the Democratic primary for Mayor, he was ousted as City Council President and declared that he was leaving the Democratic Party.

    Does anyone know if this is the same James Gregory? If so, it would explain a lot.

  81. You know nothing about Jim , Kevin..You should shut up!

  82. He's clearly mentally ill. Bernie, you're jousting with a troubled soul to whose downward spiral you may be contributing. Please stop. Mental illness is not something to make sport of for the purpose of generating blog clicks.

  83. 8:04 Because BPD only arrests people who don't resist they are afraid of guys like gregory but they are real tough at the HOme association where they all hang out get drunk drive home....but who really cares ..RIGHT??? may the new Mayor will change things...yea Right???? wishfu thinking BETHLEHEM SUCKS!!!!!

  84. Anonymous said...
    You know nothing about Jim , Kevin..You should shut up!

    8:26 AM
    Hit a NERVE?

  85. "Does anyone know if this is the same James Gregory? If so, it would explain a lot."

    It is.

  86. "Mental illness is not something to make sport of for the purpose of generating blog clicks."

    Nor is beating woman, especially when the person doing it is a human services worker. I will point something like that out whenever i see it.

  87. He can hid behind mental illness but smacking around a girl is a wuss move. Then he pisses about his stupid gold chains and IPAD. He sounds like a teenage thug.

    What a loser.

  88. Hes crazy... His wife or ex wife whatever she is, is a loser. We got it...Isnt there more important things in the world to discuss?

  89. With the trivilization of the complaint of abuse and the assault on the character of the alleged victim...Abuse Victim's are villified for speaking up/out & asking for HELP!

  90. Stop making Jim guilty until he has day in court. Bernie this blog is a perfect place for you to constantly show your hate & distain for people.
    you have called several men woman beats on here when you have only half a story.

    No woman ever should be abused but you are just way too over the top in your biased posts

  91. Thank you 240. You are correct!!!! He has retained Melissa Rudas. She will handle everything, with kid gloves, I'm. Sure.

  92. Simple, even for nutjob Gregory, a man does not beat up a woman. Now go buy a new gold chain get a tantastic spray tan and man up for once.

    Testosterone Ton!

  93. Missy Rudas is a good lawyer, too, and like Gary Asteak, she would tell Gregory to shut his mouth. He will ignore his lawyer, lose his case and then blame her.

  94. "you have called several men woman beats on here when you have only half a story."

    Mensa man Gregory has already convictd himself, but the allegations against Gregory are just that. In Schlener's case, a final PFA was entered. As a matter of law he is a woman beater. Like a woman beater, he practices denial and tries to minimize.

  95. There are more people filing false police reports and false PFA's than there are true ones. Take some time and look at the statistics. The intent of a PFA is good, however it now has become a tool to rip apart a person's character, lose employment, alienate children, etc.

    I say that if a false PFA is filed then the accuser should never be allowed to file one again, pay all legal fees, and damned publicly.

  96. I have to stop readin this blog, it's cutting into my tanning!!!

  97. but I have a GLORIOUS manscape...

  98. She said at the end what I was going to comment. It's pretty sad, actually. He's sick. This is definitely the kind of person that should not own a gun.They shoot up a school or a public place and then everyone acts shocked.

  99. I would like to think both Mezzacappa and Gregory do not have any guns or even sharp objects for that matter.


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