Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ott, the God Candidate

Whether it is the Fake Rev or a devout Muslim, I'm very leery of people who claim God is on their side. But it happens all the time. During the Civil War, just about every general except Grant claimed God was on his side. Abraham Lincoln finally set one of them straight. “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.” Too bad Lincoln never had a chat with Scott Ott, Lehigh County Exec candidate.

Four years ago, he very nearly propelled himself into office by leaning heavily on the evangelical Christians he got to know as a preacher. He made sure that the Epistle of Ott, also known as "Don Cunningham Attacks Lehigh County Churches," was delivered to churches throughout the Lehigh Valley. Never mind that Cunningham was only concerned about one church, the one that was violating its nonprofit status with Ott.

Dean Browning is a pretty religious guy, too. He actually goes to Church on Sundays, and I believe that he's an evangelical Christian himself. Last Sunday, volunteer Ben Long invited Dean to worship with him and his parents at Faith Church. Dean went. He was there to pray, to be on God's side. So he wore no campaign buttons and made no effort to play politics. He had no hand outs, and made no remarks. He was just going to church.

Later that day, Ben [he's also been a volunteer for Charlie Dent and Ryan Mackenzi] received an anonymous text message from 610-[redacted]. Ben was told to pray about who he's supporting. "I know who God is supporting," the text claims. As it turns out, 610-[redacted] also happens to be the number of Ann Marie Slavick. She's the Vice Chair of the Lehigh County Republican Committee.

Looks like Ott is trying to present himself as the Messiah again.

I called Tim Benyo. He told me God can't vote in Lehigh County because He lives in Northampton, and is registered independent.

Updated 5/22, 8:50 PM: At the request of Ms. Slavick, the reference to her cell phone number has been deleted.


  1. I am not amused!


  2. Yes, I'm sure Dean was just there to attend church. Certainly no ulterior motive with Dean, ever.

  3. Earlier this month a candidate in North Miami, FL put out a flyer in which she claimed to be endorsed by Jesus Christ. It even included an image of Jesus, for those who may not know what he looks like:


    Well, apparently Jesus has a terrible Get Out The Vote program, because this woman received less 1% of the vote.

  4. This pro-life Libertarian has always liked Ott. I attend church weekly and am involved in several ministries in my church. This is weird and offensive. I understand asking folks to examine their consciences when voting for judges (even local ones) and other offices where life decisions are made. I don't get the God angle on a county race. Now, I'm faced with a choice between a disingenuous 16% tax raiser and a guy who's needlessly injecting my Lord and Savior into a county exec race. What a mess.

  5. You are wrong as usual Bernie. God does live in Northampton County, and he is registered as a Republican. He lives in Upper Mt. Bethel township and uses an anonymous title "The Northampton County Bulldog". Now you know the rest of the story.

  6. I like the guy who was a Mormon Bishop. That shows a clear grasp of reality. I like that in a leader.

  7. I see. Too bad the LGBT movement thinks it's OK to hate Mormons, so long as you love transgenders.

  8. Mormons reach the truth about LJBT's. Some people can't handle that.

  9. When I see the LGBT advocates speak out against the religious discrimination I saw tolerated in the last Presidential race, I will be convinced of their sincerity.

  10. Give the LDS an equal voice. They are no weirder than the cross dressers and trans-sexuals.
    Fair is fair.

  11. Think of life as a LGBT LDS. Oy va!

  12. Joseph Smith didn't go for the kinky sex stuff, so why should........ Oh just forget it.

  13. I support the Mayor of Allentown because he supports the common people and because he is a good,honest, Christian man and a graduate of the Moody Bible Instute Collage.
    Thank you Mr.Mayor for all you do,
    Praise Jesus.

  14. LGBT is a an abomination. LDS is a Christian heresy. Both groups should try to get along. Strap-ons and magic underwear will have to learn to coexist. They'll be spending eternity next to each other in Hell.

  15. The older I get, the more I notice that the people most attracted to church always have something going on. The most holy people I've ever known, always quoting the Bible, etc. have turned out to be pennystock fraud perpetrators, wife beaters, and drug users. Ironically, it's the atheists I know that seem to be the most Christianlike in their behavior, though they might not know it. Sometimes I think detectives and police should start their searches in church.

  16. The most Christian people I know are Jews.

  17. Ann Marie Salvick was the cuprit I belive I was at the same service and she was there and she is an Ott puppet. As a Republican I will never vote for Ott.

  18. Scott didn't say God was on his side, Ann Marie did. And, she has a right to her view. If you don't like it, too bad! This is still Free country. And, believing in God is not yet against the law!

  19. No but pretending you have an inside track is morally repugnant.

  20. I was never more offended than any one comment in my entire life. This idea that somehow God picks sides with sports or politics is disgusting and immoral. To make matters worse, this was sent to me in a text anonymously from the vice chair of the LCRC. We should all be shocked to find out that the leaders of the party weren't neutral all along.

  21. Having courage and principles, having the willingness to stand up for what is right; is wrong in the eyes of Emperor Wayne Woodman. The moment I stood up to Wayne and his bully like tactics was the most liberating moment of my entire life. Laying low and saying nothing and not taking action would've been a lot less stress and aggravation. However, I am a Republican who is willing to do and say what is right. I will fight to take back the Republican Party that my family taught me to love.
    Ben Long Republican Committee Person

  22. Your entire life......of what, 12 years? You are a child. You worked for the biggest fake in LV politics - Dean Browning. An even though he spent 2x as much as Ott, he got his tail beat! Are you going to blame that on Woodman?

  23. Ben, oh smart one, tell what is so right about you position! Please enlighten us!

  24. Last I checked being 20 isn't a child. Am I here to tell you I have it all figured out? That I have all the experience in the world? I am young, there's no doubt about that. Should that stop me from having conviction? Should that stop me from getting involved and making my voice heard? I am not here to say that everything I believe is right and that I know it all. What I am here to say is that doing what is right in this situation is standing up to a man who thinks he can control and bully to get his way. I will fight to see that Wayne Woodman's science fair project of Lehigh County does not succeed. This isn't an argument about whether conservatives or moderates or liberal are right. No one person or one party is always right. Also I am proud to say I worked for Dean Browning, there is no fake bone in his body. I had the privilege to get to know Dean and I am proud to call him my friend. Maybe instead of writing anonymous, you should come out and say who you are. I know Wayne likes to do everything behind closed doors, and not publicly endorse but privately and cowardly do everything behind closed doors. But don't hide behind that computer screen.

  25. Ben: so you support Dean's position on reassessment? Please explain?

  26. No response Ben? Didn't think so. Because you can't defend this fake friend of yours!


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