Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

McClure and Unemployment

Lamont McClure
Out of money, NorCo Exec candidate Lamont McClure has been reduced to sending emails to potential supporters. He is now blaming Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan, apparently, for the Great Recession.

From his most recent missive: "Our opponent in a recent debate touted his job record in Bethlehem. The one important thing he failed to mention is that unemployment in his city is over 10%. That is a 57% increase in unemployment since he took office 10 years ago."

Let's look at McClure's record in Northampton County, using the same data, shall we?

When McClure took office in 2006, unemployment was 4.5% throughout the County, and now is 8.5%. That's a 53% 89% increase since McClure took office.

But Callahan won't do that. Unlike McClure, he doesn't think you're stupid enough to believe that either of them is responsible for the Great Recession.


  1. It is becoming very apparent that Lamont is falling by the wayside campaign wise. Will he revert to form once eliminated and be a thorn in the side of whoever IS the party nominee? Will he hand his support to the winner or will he send that support elsewhere or just cut them loose? Could this be the impetus for a "Dem's for Brown" offshoot coalition? Possible? No?

  2. I've never seen a candidate send so many negative e-mails. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

  3. Nor does he have the backing of the $$ of the in-laws like Callahan. You know that family gets "benefits" from Callahan being Mayor

  4. Whoever wins, he will throw his full support behind. This IS only the primary.

  5. Is Lamont the county executive? Isn't he only one vote on council? He did lead the charge to save Gracedale unlike the current executive who didn't listen to the voters of the county that overwhelming wanted Gracedale to stay in county hands. So if there is a problem with job growth and unemployment that would fall on the executive or a Mayor right? Blaming council is irresponsible. Especially one member of council. Keep up the good work Lamont you are by far the best choice to lead this county forward.

  6. " He did lead the charge to save Gracedale "

    more accurately, he stood there while the charge happened around him

  7. They are both responsible for the job losses, vote Reibman!

  8. He never led anything. The douchebag rarely showed up! He makes a better ambulance chaser than a politician. His campaign finances should shock everybody who understands the need for a good fiscal manager. He couldn't sell a Stoffa birdhouse at an Audubon Society fundraiser.

  9. How can anyone but himself say he "led the fight" to save Gracedale. he could not even convince one other county council person to change their vote.

    this guy is great at revisionist history. Just another lazy pol looking for a fulltime ego trip.

  10. "Whoever wins, he will throw his full support behind"

    Nice of you to acknowledge he's going to lose. Knowing that, there is absolutely no reason for him to be so negative. And this stuff is just nonsense. Does he really expect people to believe the Great Recession is Callahan's fault? It's just mean-spirited.

  11. Arrogant pricks like Callahan in the private sector caused the Great Recession. do we want him in government?

  12. John's a nice guy, but nobody who knows him thinks he'll split the atom anytime soon. John's just not smart enough to have caused the ongoing economic malaise.

    And Great Recession? Please. We've been in recovery since Q2 2009, just weeks after Obama took office. We've been in recovery for the entire Obama administration. This is as good as it gets and this is just the type of economics we'll get from any one of the three assholes.

  13. Callahan on Creating Jobs?
    90 less workers, plowing streets, cutting grass in parks that our children use, fixing potholes, answering residents concerns at city hall and other vital services that people enjoy by living in a City. All these cuts with Tax Increases, Re-Cycling Fees Tripled, Water & Sewage fees Doubled, Borrowing money to cover huge deficits that will cost future taxpayers over 30 Million.
    That is what I want for my next County Executive.
    The Taxpayer Pays More and Gets Less!
    Vote Callahan if this is what you want!

  14. Bernie,

    Your math is wrong--moving from 4.5% to 8.5% is an 89% increase.

  15. Let's ask all the county executive candidates, in both counties, to provide copies of their credit scores, to see how well they can manage their own finances.

    Apparently credit checks are a requirement for many employers these days, so why shouldn't we voters demand the same. The executives are responsible for managing substantial amounts of money, and if they can't manage their own finances why should we let them manage ours.

  16. 9:45, Thank God I;'m not running or I'd be on a crucifex right now. Will fix.

  17. Sounds like Bush-esque "fuzzy math" to me!

    Is this guy for real? McClure is not the champion of anything, unless maybe his absentee attendance at NorCo meetings.

    Bernie, c'mon man!!
    You are better than that saying McClure's comments are "just mean spirited."
    This is politics and you have said a lot worse on your blogs.

    But back to the main point, McClure is in the negative on his campaign. Have to give him that as he is trying hard to win, while Callahan is just cruising his Bethlehem vehicle around campaigning on taxpayers' dimes.

    And for Reibman, well I guess we are still into recycling these days.

    Honestly, it is a week away and there is still no front rumner in this election.

  18. There is a front runner. You just are unwilling to admit it. Also, Callahan is provided a City vehicle for his personal use. That's the deal. They get to call him out of bed at all hours and he gets to drive his city vehicle wherever he wants. This is relatively common. That is just another red herring from a candidate who would not even make a very good blogger.

  19. OCCUPY EASTON IS BACK, 4th AND CHURCH! FIGHT THE PWER, and END income inequality!

  20. The polls are much closer than you are making it. You either know that or are bullshiting or being bullshited. Reibman and
    Callahan down to the wire. You may lose that office after all.

  21. This is just spin from a losing candidate trying to crate a buzz so he can sucker a few more voters.

  22. Latest poll is in..Not even close.

  23. All I have to do is see the desperation by McClure to see this is over. The only thing that's grown for him in this race is the size of his jowls.

  24. The front runner should have some ethics and lead by example. Why not take his own car for campaign business? I don't care of they call and prank him every night for BS. I also dont care if they give him a vehichle with a fancy blue license plate. He should be doing the right thing and using his own funds and resources for his campaign. This is what is wrong with this country. People are not making common sense, ethical, and moral decisions. Instead everyone is for themselves and will use whatever and whoever for gain.

    So again, there is no front runner for me yet. Which is sad because I am working hard through all the BS to make a decision.

    Keep up the good work Bernie!!!

    You are more informative than the Call and Express combined.

  25. bout a year ago, some supposed good government guy sent me a cell phone picture of a LV Mayor's car, parked at a Democratic event. It was the public car. I was outraged and ready to blast him. But for some reason, I decided to give hi a call. He admitted it. He told me he didn't even have his own car anymore. That car is supplied to him, both for his public and personal work, with the understanding that he is available at a moment's notice. I never ran the story and later learned that the person who supplied me with the photo was a disappointed vendor, out to get even.

    So when McClure slinks around, snapping photos of the Mayor's car at places where he is allowed to take it, I am not impressed.

  26. Who cares..If it's not in a mail piece, no one will notice..

  27. Even then, no one will notice..Maybe it's Fleck's car, lol

  28. As County Executive will Callahan have his own County vehicle ? Even Reibman didn`t do that.

  29. Will we go back to 25 deputy sheriff`s cars going home every night with Callahan at the realm?

  30. I don't care if the government gives them a Porsche for their job and private use. As long as they can show a need and perform their work, more power and gung-ho to them! This is a non-issue. The opponents are grabbing for anything to keep them from sinking.

  31. 5:02. Nice I agree

  32. 5:02, n9ice deflection. City cars for the Mayors are bullshit and a waste. Johnny boy used his inappropriately and this is just the start. Will he demand a county car?

  33. I guess McClure just doesn't want to work after hours? Needless to demonstrate that he hardly works during hours. Can't even be found to attend meetings and hearings that concern his constituency.

    By the way, nice picture. His barber should be jailed for that haircut.


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