Local Government TV

Friday, May 03, 2013

Killed Him a Bar When He Was Only Three

This was one big, bad bar. Seven feet standing. Which local political legend got this Ursus Americanus? The hunter was armed with only a bow and arrow, though he was a bit older than three at the time. Had he missed, he'd be a trophy in that bear's cave.

I'll answer on Monday.

Updated Monday, Midnight: Yes, it is Jerry. He wants to take me hunting with him, but I've seen The Hunger Games.  


  1. Jerry Seifert

  2. His name is Seyfried you coward. And you can find me. I am not hard to find. Bunch of low life idiotic cowards. And it is Jim not James if you really want to mock me you coward. 8

  3. It's Tricia Mezzacappa, except she didn't use a bow or even her six-shooter. She wrestled the bear to the ground and finished him off with one of her stiletto heels. 7


  4. I know it was Seyfried

  5. Political legend, in his dreams.

  6. This is obviously a campaign flyer from mc clueless trying to demonstrate how aggressive he would be if the residents of Norco would be foolish enough to elect him

  7. Hey 5:49 AM- in a perfect world, we'd hunt you for sport.

  8. davey crockett

  9. I'll be interested in hearing the story about this bear. This should be really interesting. If it was shot with a bow and arrow using fair chase rules, then my hats off to whoever accomplished this feat. I know Seyfried is into hunting so my guess is Jerry Seyfried. For your readers who don't know him, He has raised millions, not thousands, but millions of dollars for sportsmen and for kids. He's well known in the sportsmens circle and respected. My guess is Seyfried although Emrick would be my second guess.

  10. to 5:49 A.M.
    It's assholes like you that give a bad name to assholes. There's a number of politicians that are hunters but because of your constantly praising Seyfried, I would say that is my first guess.

  11. It is Seyfried an O'Hare mancrush. This bear story is as old as Davy Crocket.

  12. Word is he killed that bear thirty years ago. Give it a rest already.

  13. Word is you are one jealous bar.

  14. Kinda disappointed we already know the answer, the Mezzacappa theory seemed credible especially if the bear stumbled upon her and Earl on a Sunday walk through the woods we all know how protective she is of her little bundle of joy

  15. Seyfried raised millions for sportsmen?
    What fantasy island do you live on.

  16. He didn't raise millions for sportsmen, but a group he founded just passed the million dollar mark on raising money for kids and teaching them about the outdoors.

  17. So what did I win?

  18. If you are going to make fun of me it is Jim not James. You coward.8

  19. He has been riding on the sportsmen thing for years. Its about votes.

  20. That's bc Jerry is a sportsman. On Thursday, he passed up an opportunity to appear on Business Matters so he could go turkey hunting. He has raised over $1 million for disadvantaged kids thru his annual sportsman's banquet. He did that when he wasn't running for anything, and has reached a point in his life where he doesn't give a shit what anonymous assholes like you think. He does care about the kids. Pity you don't.


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