Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Easton Finally Says No to a Vulcano

Pat Vulcano sits on Easton's school board, while his wife is on Easton City Council. Both are idiots. He gave about forty different stories to the state AG during an investigation of political consultant Tom Severson. He used his office to take care of his daughter. Easton voters nevertheless always voted for him.

They finally said No last night. Pat Vulcano was unable to win a spot on either the Dem or GOP ballot.


  1. It's "Easton". Who is the idiot? The one who can't spell the name of the city he's blogging about or the one who was re-elected by her constituents?

  2. Who's the bigger idiot:
    - a blogger who makes a typo, or
    - a commenter who doesn't even read the post to discover the gender and office being discussed?

  3. Hey, moron. Are you able to both read and comprehend? Did you miss the part where he called Mrs. Vulcano an idiot as well?

  4. She is an idiot, too, and won bc she had no opponent. Easton needs to run people against the Vulcanos. They stand for themselves.

  5. Stick to what you know, Bernie. Easton isn't it.

  6. I have never understood why Easton continually elects people like the Vulcanos, who stand for bad government and continually make asses out of themselves. So you are right. I don't know Easton.

  7. I know Easton. Bernie's got it figured out exactly.

  8. Hey, they elected Panto. Bernie is right.

  9. Back in the day , the Vulcano's put Southside on the map, They were good people and all politician's sucked up to them for there support, Now they throw them under the bus, Panto and Brown and the rest of them owe the Vulcano's alot for helping them start there run, Sure it was time for him to go , but don't bash the family , move on people, anything thing, Bernie talks to a few Black friends as he says and calls Nazareth racist, Takes alot of guts to make that statement Bernie, im sure they wouldn't want your kind in there town, Why don't you run for something instead of running your mouth.

  10. Because I am far more effective in this role than I would be in office, to which I have never aspired. I already hold the highest office - that of citizen.

    Let me point out that the Vulcanos are self-interested hacks of the highest order, and neither of them belongs in any office. I saw them during the Severson preliminary hearing, where they contradicted themselves repeatedly under oath. They should have been prosecuted. I have no respect for either one of them, and politicians should stop buying your stupid pens.

  11. Anon 8:20 please be real. Panto owes the Vulcanos nothing. They never helped him, they always worked against him but in their behind the scenes style. They are what's wrong with politics and people like Panto are what's right about PUBLIC SERVICE. To Pat its always has been about him He is still pissed that he wasn't the first Italian mayor. Gee I thought he was American. Pat stabbed Sal in the back every chance he got, most recently with the school district position. WOW Pat, you said Sal wasn't qualified, well not only do I disagree that he is more than qualified for the position of superintendent and that he would do a great job.....but WOW your own daughter was hired with the opportunity to become certified in one year. She didn't and was let go.......you even voted for the motion to remove anyone not certified. Now you are suing the district. You have big ones!!! But we are finally rid of you.

  12. pat and his wife are both phonies who don't belong in government in any capacity. During the Severson preliminary hearing, they were a trip and frankly, should have been prosecuted themselves. They have no interest in the public and are alll about themselves.

    Politicians should stop buying their stupid pens and palm cards.

  13. Bernie, calling Vulcano's wife a idiot ? wow your a tough guy, Maybe you should stop hob nobbing at all the political function, Trying to get everyone's insight and asking questions with your stupid recorder, People see you and say things worse that what you called Mrs Vulcano, grown up old man, you have no clout in this town

  14. I consider the Vulcanos proof positive that self-serving idiots can prevail in local politics. Five minutes of watching either one of them in action should convince any apathetic voter to get out there. Any of a number of good South Easton people I know would crush Vulcano at the polls. I think they've had enough of you.


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