County employees have been receiving either robocalls or push polls from Gregory after normal business hours, but his work phone number at the Bechtel Building is listed on the caller ID. Gregory seems to think it's OK to use County resources, so long as it's done after regular business hours.
One employee photographed one of Gregory's incoming calls, and has forwarded it to me. This appears to be an improper use of County resources for partisan political activity.
I have forwarded this photograph and accompanying email to Executive John Stoffa for whatever action he deems appropriate.
Updated 2 AM: Phone Calls Show Home Phone Number, not Work Number - I am no longer convinced that the above story is accurate. The telephone number listed in the attached screen capture is actually Gregory's home phone number, not his work phone number, as I incorrectly stated in the story above. It is easy to confuse the two, because there is only a one digit difference. But that digit makes all the difference in the world, a difference between partisan political activity on the County dime and political activity that is permitted. I am not entitled to my own facts, and if it appears I have this wrong, I will admit it. But for now, I feel obligated to point out that at least a part of this story is wrong.
If you weren't absolutely out of your mind, it would be funny
Another employee took a picture of Gregory making a phone call, sounds suspicious or maybe a G
HIPPA violation at best. That's so pathetically sad if true or not. Another one of your ghost employees, lol. Where's the pic? You are in need of help Bernie. seriously, you are on meltdown
Jim Gregory, I don't really understand what you are saying here. An employee photographed one of your incoming political calls, and it is attached to this story. It shows your work phone number at the Bechtel building as the source. Thus, you are making political calls yesterday, apparently polling, from the Bechtel building. This is illegal political activity. It violates both the Home Rule Charter and Civil Service regulations. Several employees have already complained. One of them sent me that picture. Your conduct is improper, to say the least.
Well Bernie,
I was out most of the day and the moron who took the pic is
Brain dead, lol,. The calls were made by a polling firm in Texas at six at night, you idiot. But you go ahead and file whatever. Lol...This is hilarious
Jim, as a very handsome man you will get people who try to tear you down it's hard to understand but your stunning mediterranean features are both a blessing and curse. In solidarity, Douglas Camaro
I even called Jerry Seyfried right after the results were in. Ask him or Heckman. Or Werner for that matter. Please don't pull down this post though. It's fun, lol
Thank you 1:02
But my looks left twenty years ago when Bernie lost his mind
"The calls were made by a polling firm in Texas at six at night,"
... from your work number at the Bechtel Building. You improperly used County resources.
"Jim, as a very handsome man you will get people who try to tear you down it's hard to understand but your stunning mediterranean features are both a blessing and curse. In solidarity, Douglas Camaro"
This, of course, is Tricia Mezzacappa, a racist Council candidates convcited of death threats to another elected official. Gregory is in good company here. .
"the moron who took the pic is
Brain dead, lol,"
That is one of your co-workers.
Thank you yes the phantom co worker, lol. The one who doesn't exist but in your mind..Please get help, can't wait till my hearing when the Phantom shows his face. Ooh, Hahn
Jim is dashing. He's just not too smart. Busted! He should be jailed. His looks will make him very popular at NCP. Hey now.
Don't argue with an idiot who was disbarred for:
Dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude.
HOLD ON ...Bernie dont you an to tell us what agreat guy Calahan is.. You always manage him in to Your conversations somehow...LMAO!!
Dear 1:13,
Jim is not dashing..And he is far from stupid..His IQ so far outdistances yours and Bernies it's so sad for you. Don't blame you and the other cowards for remaining antonymous because when Bernie bothers to check into this he will be looking like a complete ass. If this were true, civil service would be calling Jim right now...Ooops, no phone ringing..Guess you morons are wrong again..Doesnt it get tiring to be so freaking stupid, really???
Former political hack here. Worked a race in the Valley years ago, still try to stay up on local happenings.
This probably isn't quite what it looks like.
Every piece of autodialer software I've ever used - whether for live calls or robos - allows one to set any number they like as the Caller ID number. The number on the voter's caller ID does not actually need to be used to make the calls. This is done because voters in the Lehigh Valley are not so likely to answer calls from a Texas polling firm if they know the calls are from a Texas polling firm.
That's almost certainly what's going on here. It's very unlikely any physical county resources - phones, phone lines, staff, etc. - were actually used.
Is it illegal to give the impression they were used? I don't know. It certainly seems inappropriate, and is at best stupid and unprofessional.
Civil Service tried to call him, the line way busy.
They dont exist..Bernie makes them up..He is as pathetic as they are..
Fire his ass. He has lost what little cre4dibility he ever had.
You can find him at Tantastic II at the Westgate Mall getting his Mediterranean darkness on. Between that and the hair coloring and lazar surgery, he is quite the looker.
This information may cause Gregory to lose control of his bowels. Controller Fat Bastard could then conduct and audit of the poop to determine if Gregory had eaten any corn lately.
I'll expect your apology by tomorrow in print and the name of your photographer. Otherwise, I spend my day looking up the best libel attorneys around..Thank you for the gift..Apology in print please!
Libel lawyer said,
Jim Gregory, Numerous employees have complained about your political activity. One of them posted here, and then sent me an email with the screen capture I used. Others have complained directly to county officials. It's also obvious you used county resources to get their phone numbers. You know who they are bc you are the person who was annoying them.
Ruh roh, Bernie. You could have researched autodialers in about five seconds to see how return phone numbers not making calls are still used. Your blog indicates regular research that's far more involved than the five-second Google search I just conducted. One could be an autodialer expert in a few minutes. Nonetheless, you made a careless, defamatory charge. Again, ruh roh.
Now you are in trouble O'Hare, I am a 7th degree black belt in 'I do Poo' martial arts. I am also a member of MENSA. I am the worlds greatest union leader. Also a lover with a huge reputation.
You are in trouble
Bernie OHare,
I dont care about those employees..If they dont like it , say it to my face..Not one did, cause they are cowards..That aside, you are completely wrong here and if I were fired. you'd be liable for the actions for the damage. Sometimes Civil Service fires and then asks questions later..If that happens, my vacation time and my health care costs will be on you..If you dont believe me, ask Rick..You've blown this one..You can only hope and pray they dont fire me..I, of course, am hoping they do. We will see. 8
lol, I just noticed you dummy, it says on the picture that it was six thirty PM...The building is locked at that time, you moron..Geez Bernie..Your evidence is now my evidence..Thank You!!
By the way, knucklehead, that number is my home number. My county phone is 610-997-5864..Oops again. That sick feeling must be coming over you right now...I'll take the name of the photographer now, lol Geez Bernie. Do your homework!
So close but so , so far away, lol...Must really suck for you Bernie!!
Jim Gregory has been a problem employee since day one. As a private sector union employee we have given back a number of concessions in our contract. It the economy stupid! But public employees like Jim think they are owed something. You have a fine job and you should start working with the adminstration instead ofbeating them up because in relaity you are beating up us taxpayers.
That is so incredibly dumb I wouldnt know where to start..Im trying to save taxpayers millions by pointing out they are wasting millions on a new building they dont need and also they are wasting millions on provider housing that should be much cheaper..
But you can see my home number, thanks to Bernie, feel free to call and stop being an anonymous coward..really, stop . It's annoying! Thanks for posting my home phone number. Since Lina is UPAC, she really hates you now..Good job..Pull it before you get in more trouble!
Jim Gregory is a dedicated public servant, who has helped me in countless ways throughout the years. Trips to the doctor, pharmacy and library. When Jim climbed the fence it was for us all, a peaceful demonstration of the city's wasteful spending. His speech at courtesy of the floor took a lot of guts, something most of the people posting sorely lack. Attacking a man for tanning, manscaping and generally looking good is the hallmark of jealous person unhappy with their own fragile shell.
Jim's manscaping is not germane. It's gay. And it's fabulous! Marriage is everybody's civil right. Jim is a man's man. I just love him.
Occupy Jim
Jim don't flatter yourself. Your home phone is advertised on the County's website citing all of the contacts for its mental health caseworkers. Your phone nu ber has been up for quite a while. So don't play games that the number should be taken down. It that was the case a coward like you would have an unlisted home number. See you at Panera's. But you won't see me because you don't know whose eyes these are that are watching you. You coward.8
I offer no defense of Jim Gregory and personally think he is a jerk. However, common sense should tell us that his personal phone line at work can not produce enough volume to be used for push polling or political message phone calls.
I have some experience with this. When you hire a firm to do these types of calls they can use whatever caller ID info you give them, or none at all. That is just a fact. My guess is that they inadvertently used the wrong number as the outgoing caller id info (maybe they had it as one of his contact numbers). This exact scenario has happened to me --- a company used the wrong outgoing number for a call coming from a PAC I was involved in. Thus, the number shown on caller ID was not the number that was meant to be displayed and also NOT the number where the calls were originating.
I don't know if that happened in this case, but considering the nature of the calls being described, I think it is very likely.
I received calls for a couple evenings from that number and caller ID. Unlike the robo-calls from other candidates no message was left when I let the machine take the call. I almost thought perhaps it was a live call for that reason, but for the fact it was approximately the same time every evening thus automated I am sure.
so if Jim Gregory is wrong, then how do you feel about the pictures of your mancrush Calahan using his city vehicle for campaign business, as well as some of three of his city staff seen coming and going from his East Broad Street campaign office, why haven't you reported this? Oh you must need a new laptop!!!!
Because it's nonsense. Callahan spends at least 60 hours per week as mayor, even during this campaign. The city vehicle supplied to him is both for official and personal use bc he must be ready at a moment's notice. This is typical in nearly every City. Only a politician like McClure and the wingnuts who support him would try to make this an issue.
You are already on thin air with this article today which falsely alleges that I made poll calls from my residence. I just arrived home from my event tonight and received your other message..The person you speak of had worked extremely hard all day helping me put together my event..As I am sure you are aware, we spent the night together at the event and actually , the entire day
apart while she was helping prepare the hall for the event. I am sure she will address your concerns tomorrow..So will I.
Go to work once in awhile Gregory. You are sucking up tax dollars and your clients need taxi service.
Before I write about something, i make an effort to establish whether it is true. That is why, in addition to calling you, I made the trip to van bittner hall.
Dear 8:55,
That was kind of funny.. No idea what you are saying but I do know this.
At least Bernie, as despicable as he can be, will face me or put his name on an article with any and all accusations, no matter how foolish and libelous they might be..You,and many others who take pot shots anonymously are just pathetic cowards who know better than to face their accusers in any situation or forum because you would get eaten alive..
Anon Coward that can't even write his name at 12:21, oooooh! I am real scared! Gregory, you keep going pathetically lower. You invoke a verbal threat for physicality towards another anon. Keep looking over your shoulder or the one you speak of being eaten alive will kick the shit out of you. And you are full of a lot shit, so there is going to be a lot of kicking!
And newsflash! Since when does Bernie post serious pictures? All of his pictures have humor attached to them. Did you ever think he purposedly didn't post the picture of "your" work number???
Actually, that is the pic that was supplied to me. One of his co-workers told me he was making these calls from his work number. Interestingly, it's easy to confuse the two bc there is only one digit of difference.
But if the calls ere placedcfrom his home or some other neutral setting, and if he was not using a county director, then my story is wrong.
I tried calling the number several times yesterday, but never got a warm body.
I am not entotled to my own facts and if i have them wrong i will admit it. But i have heard from co-workers that these calls were made from Bechtel.
Thank you for that Bernie..As I mentioned before, the calls were not made from work. They were made after 6 by a firm from Texas who did the polls. My home number was used because that is the number used by my friends political action committee.
Whomever made those accusations from the Bechtel building were way off base. Actually, they are outright lying..As for 1:03's comments, again I would say, come and see me. No physical threats were made at all. Don't be afraid.
I wont hurt you..My address is listed however. Come over and we'll discuss your courageous remarks, lol
My post alleges that you engaged in political activity while on the county dime. That screen capture contained what I thoght was your work phone number. I have since learned it is your home phone number. I have alsonlearned, from several of the comments posted here, that the number can be programmed to make it look like it is coming from youbwhen it is not. Still, i have allegations from your co-workers. I will question them, and if i am convinced that they got it wrong, then i will concede that I got it wrong. I will do so in a brand new post as well. Although i don't much like you, and you don't much like me, it is important to me to be as honest as I can with my readers. Like I said, i am not entitled to my own facts, and am less enthusiastic about this story than i was when I first wrote it. As you discovered last night, i do check things out.
Hey Fucknut at 1:32. Come over tomorrow at the WaWa by the Bechtel building around noon. I will be the "coward" anonymously wearing the grey shirt. Will see if you shit breath really stinks from your bullshit or because you are going to eat shit.
Anon 2:07, enough with the macho nonsense. I am a 23rd degree black belt in karate. I was taught by a Shaman monk. I work out every day and have had offers to fight in Mixed Martial Arts competition. I am stronger, faster and tougher than men half my age. I "do" have a hot young girlfriend.
While I am as skilled as a member of elite special forces, I am a peaceful man. I will not meet you as I wish you no harm.
Please do check it out..No matter where you work, if you are outspoken as you know, you are not going to be loved by everyone. Shit happens, lol..However, whover made the allegations from bechtel are lying . The sad thing, unlike you, they dont have the courage to walk up to me and say anything..The supposed funny anonymous folks on the blog are welcome to stop by High st. to chat with me..They can play all they want, but in the end , they prove themselves to be nothing but cowards. Some stewards from the wolf building were upset that I went to council and opposed the Human Service building. They came to our building to ask people there to sign a paper for me to resign as Steward..To my knowledge they have to have 30% of the folks at the building sign to start the process. To date, I am aware of zero signatures. So, even the cowards who made allegations here no better than to sign that. Not because of any physical threat, lol, I am 60 and way out of shape. Because they would be embarrassed by their coworkers at Bechtel who support my actions. If youd have bothered to ask, youd have discovered that the vast majority of the folks their love working at that building and absolutely oppose the Human Service building..They feel it's a complete waste..Not just me, just about the entire building. My only mistake was to listen to the majority rule argument of the Children and youth folks and speak in support of it for SEIU..It will never happen that way again. The Bechtel folks deserved a voice on that issue and never were even considered..
My apologies for my spelling or grammatical errors. It's early and I've had an exhausting night..However, Id expect you get my point..
You should sue the CYF stewards who defamed your character along with Bernie.
It will put an end to the games.
If you do not, you will have more sleepless nights.
It will come Joe..Soon. I wish they'd be successful in getting me fired. Then I'd have unlimited time to harass them as they have harassed me. They'd better watch what they wish for. Stoffa, Kelly, and Marcus wouldn't survive the year. Either way, next year , they are all gone, gone, gone, gone. Did I say GONE ?
Bet on it!!
Oh by the way Bernice, your friend Charlie is going to help me end Callahan's political career. You might not see it, but he will. Charlie Dent is not only one of the nicest guys around, a great guy (except on union issues)
he is a shrewd politician..The best I have seen. He'll never let Callahan win.. Never. Wait and watch!!
Take the bet! Better get to know Brown..He will be our next County executive when MC Clure gets crushed on Tuesday!
" He'll never let Callahan win.. Never. Wait and watch!!"
He already has.
Bernie there are pictures...PICTURES of Callahan’s city car at his campaign office during his working hours on many, many days. WHY, TELL US WHY you don't report that? SO it's ok for YOUR BOY, YOUR GOLDEN CHILD to F* the taxpayers?
You pick ppl (like Jim) that you have a case of the a$$ for to tear down! You are so biased, sneaky, untruthful and deceitful!
Gregory is dillusional. I am sure his threats have Stoffa et.al. shaking in their boots. He is correct though that all three will be gone next year...
Interesting reading about the subject of this post
This garbage is truly sad. You are taking a very informational and informative Blog and turning it into a freak side show. You, unfortunately started a dialouge that has brought embarrassment not only to you but to your blog. An apology might not be enough. You have chastised this guy and it has become quite obvious that you are now taking this personal vendetta public to destroy his character and his ability to make a livlihood. Back off and apologize and simply knock off the nonsense and the personal feud. Your Blog is starting to bleed.
Sign me an ardent reader
Bernie, I am not a mental health professional but doesn't it appear that Mr. Gregory needs to commit himself to a mental health facility. His words and actions are of someone who appears to be a threat to himself and or others. the guy sounds like he has lost it.
The county should at least suspend him and not allow any contacts with county consumers.
Ardent reader, When I get my facts wrong about something, I am more than ready to admit it. This blog woukd not be so inofrmative and you would not be an ardent reader if i was uneilling to be on the edge.
The story about Gregory is imprortant. He is a bulky who ahas taken adavantage of his own clients, his fellow caseworkers and other elected officials. If you were an ardent reader, yo'd see that he represents everything that is wrong with public sector unions. This has been one of my themes. I agree i got some facts wrong, and have made that pretty clear. That's what happens when you're on the edge. You just have to be hinest, sucjpk uo the pride, and admit it.
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