Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Democracy Still Dead in Allentown

It appears that Julio Guridy, Cynthia Mota, Ray O'Connell and Daryl Hendricks have prevailed in Allentown's City Council race. With the exception of Hendricks, who is independently-minded, the rest are all rubber stamps to King Edwin as he transforms Allentown into Reillyville.


  1. Sounds like you hate open and free elections in Allentown. The people spoke and shot down the naysayers. The city is changing for the better and the residents know when they are governed by people who are taking the them in the right direction. You on the other hand only support democracy when it suits your agenda. That is a shame!

  2. So the approach of not raising money,organizing, not knocking on doors, and relying on the media failed for Velez and company. Also it appears for all the noise being made about the water lease, the residents are with the Mayor. Wonder if Donovan goes through with his challenge now that all his allies were soundly defeated.

  3. with an apathetic public, we get the government we deserve, not the government we need....

  4. Water and sewer sale is stilla issue petitions where being signed by voters oppossing sale with the support of those that oppose sale Donovan will also get the support of Democrats, Republicans, Independenzts and other to win The Mayors ofice in Allentown

  5. No, I wouldn't say it is dead and numbers don't lie. I could blame this and that faction but I intend to stay the course and continue to do waht needs to be done with or without the blessings of the "powers that be". (Like I have done it any other way since the beginning)

    Thanks for the support!

    Alfonso Todd

  6. Daryl Hendricks is so independent minded that he had no real positions on anything. I did hear him say he supports the mayor on almost everything.
    Ask him.

  7. The will of Our Lord Jesus prevailed.

  8. God bless those people who fought the good fight against the water sell off scam. They had good intentions. They were just auwfully inept.
    At least they tried. What a sad place Allentown has become.

  9. The water lease opponents have no ground to stand on anymore. Their argument was that the council was not listening to the public. But last nights results showed that they were listening. The opponents are the minority, big bark with little bite. Time to move on.

  10. Allentown has the Government it wants, clearly.


    Es para usted.

  11. Bern
    I am hearing stories of the kings men picking up center city residents AND telling them WHO to vote for

  12. It is over for the water lease opponents. They couldn't even organize amongst themselves to get pull one of their candidates over the victory line. Spent too much time making a loud noise when they could have been talking to voters.

  13. The mayor, 17. The water warriors, zero.
    The water warriors are shutout yet again.
    I remember months ago comments on Lehigh Valley Rambling saying the water warrior leadership was weak and less than compident. At the time I though it less than charitable.
    History would suggest those commenters had the inside tract. Too bad. I was rootin' for them.

  14. No leadership = no gain.

  15. First of all you got to decide who was the democratic electorate in this election. I suspect it was mainly the staunched members of the Democratic Party in Allentown who would normally vote for Pawlowski and his program. Now their influence was compounded with low turnout. I suspect a lot of the lease rejection support gave from independents and republicans but not all republicans and non Allentonians. Of course, none of these people could vote in the Democratic primary.

    I am not saying who I voted for but as far as the resulys are concerned I accept that this part of the public voted for Guridy, O'Connell and Hendricks. But I cannot accept this part of the publics support for Mota.

    The reason why Mota will be on the November ballot and effectively elected to Council is because of her support from Pawlowski and Guridy.

    Concerning the challengers as a group people could not perceive of them taking control of Council with some understanding of the issue. At least 1 of these people should have prevailed to replace Mota but that did not happen.

    Dennis Pearson


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