In 2010, Severson pleaded guilty to fling fraudulent campaign expense reports and submitting deceptive invoices to clients, in a rare prosecution by the state Attorney General. Prior to that, his mudslinging was well-known throughout the Lehigh Valley.
For the period between January and May, Donchez raised $55,839.76 in addition to $111,792.11 already in his treasury. He spent $117,016.65, leaving him with $50,615.22 for the waning days of the campaign.
According to his report, he paid Severson $5,300 on March 4 for "consulting." He has also paid Mike Fleck $6,000.
The Donchez campaign has been criticized for negative attacks at his opponent, fellow City Council member Willie Reynolds. At one recent West Bethlehem block watch, a citizen told Donchez she is "very disturbed" by what at that time was just one negative flyer. After a second attack mailer, Council member Karen Dolan publicly berated Donchez. "Why would Bob trade his personal image to denigrate a colleague using dirty tricks, misleading images, and un-truths as cover?, she asked.
Donchez' use of Severson appears to answer that question.
The report includes nine pages of small contributions from numerous Bethlehem citizens, indicating Dnchez has widespread grass roots support. But there's the usual array of developers and contractors, from Boyle Ventures to Joe Topper, who find it's good business to make these donations for whatever reason.
Donchez biggest contribution - $5,800 - is an in-kind contribution from the Bethlehem law firm of Broughal and DeVito. They supplied the food and drinks for a cocktail reception.
Something tells me they weren't drinking orange juice.
Seriously dude! I hope you are checking the "developer vultures" donating to Callahan. The guy is the king of pay for play. Also Severson is your buddy John Morganelli's pal and it is said he will only do Dem's approved by Morganelli.
So before you decide to attack, you may want to look at your buddies paperwork first.
So this is what we have to look forward to with Bob Donchez... Shady characters like Severson and Fleck running the show. Good luck Bethlehem! At least Reynolds associates himself with decent people.
First, he came off like the perverted uncle with his sleazy girlfriend mailer. Now, he uses a convicted sleazeball. I believe he's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Bob is an unfit weirdo. Thankfully, we're finding out about this crap ahead of time. Who knew? We do, now.
All lawyers and politicians are criminals, so what...
Tom Severson is a decorated Vietnam Vet who was in "the shit" over there in the jungle. You clowns badmouthing him wouldn't have lasted a day with Charlie hunting you from spiderholes and with booby traps most likely you'd be on the next C-130 back your draft dodging, acid taking, dope smoking hippy clan. If telling Angle off at somebodies funeral constitutes a crime, then hes guilty but hes still a hero to me and many other red blooded Americans.
Who cares what consultant someone uses. Severson's hatred for you and Ron angle is well known. He cut your buddies nuts off and you hated him for it. When you are down in the polls you go in the attack mode. Reibman is using Fleck and they are in the attack mode. McClure is doing likewise. On the other hand, Severson is probably the best in the valley for polling and predictions. If he's good enough for Morganelli, he should be good enough for anyone else. Maybe they should hire Mike Solomon. You are one of the first to give a guy a break when he paid his dues and he is on his way back. can't you cut this guy a break too.
Why doesn't anybody call Donchez for being Joe Brennan's enabler all these years. He covered up Joe's screw ups for years. Why aren't you pointing out that?
1) Bob took money from Abe Attieh.
2) Bob is paying a convicted criminal for advice, a mud-slinger he testified against in court.
3) Bob sent mailers attacking his opponent using lies and misleading "factoids" and images.
4) Bob states in mailers he has the support of "Bethlehem Police," when what he should be saying is "Some Bethlehem Police Officers."
5) Bob Donchez: Reliable? No, but he does show up to meetings. Mature? No, he's older than Willy Reynolds, but shows poor judgement. A Leader? Definitely no; He hires people to lead him.
If Bob Donchez becomes Mayor, he will do whatever he's told by people with personalities stronger than his because that's what Bob always does.
This explains so much. What is really bad is Morganelli's connection to this. DA...Convicted Criminal...Potential Mayor? No way.
"Tom Severson is a decorated Vietnam Vet"
... and a convicted criminal who talks too much about being in "the shit" over there, and who has an unhealthy obsession with knives.
Severson is the best around. Donchez is going to sweep and that's driving you nuts.
I support Bib, and think his use of Severson sends exactly the wrong message.
"no body wants to listen to me"
been telling you this empty suit looking for another pension is no good.
told you that his plastic face was a lie
told you that he wasn't a nice guy
had faith that sooner or later he would blow himself up and show his true sleezey colors.. that's what happens when you deal behind people's backs
donchez for animal control officer in Chapman
Guys who always talk about being in the shit are usually guys who cleaned latrines in Tokyo for real warriors on leave.
Donchez is a wolf in sheep's clothes. The do as say, not as do candidate. The guy enjoys this type of politics. His idea of a good time is talking politics with Morganelli.
The guy is strange. He drinks a case of coca cola a day including for breakfast, and never touches alcohol.
Donchez is bad news. Anyone familiar with him know's he can't make a decision on anything. He wants to create a committee for this and a committee for that. He has zero leadership skills!
Another case of poor judgement.
I agree this is poor judgment on Bob's part. I know he is a long-time friend. But Severson is a liability, not an asset.
All of ths is pure bullshit. Judge the candidate on his accomplihments and his record and not by a political consultant he uses to get his message out to the voter. A consultant is just that....a consultant. He will not run the City. He is a paid consultant that is paid a fee for providing political advice to a candidate.
This is a consultant who historically has been made to run dirty campaigns and who has stepped outside the bounds of the law. He is a criminal. It is a big mistake to use him.
Severson cannot be trusted for any reason . Vietnam vet, or not, he is a nasty off balaned criminal and I do beleive that part of his conviction barred him from polital consulting. That is why he didn't go to jail.
jerry s could teach this wannabee a few things about hunting seeing that he keeps shooting himself in the foot.
maybe he needs to form a committee to select a committee to write the concession speech
The only winner when this election is over will be M Fleck'
Screw Fleck. I still haven't gotten my paper this morning. Where the hell is he? Can't even manage his paper route.
as Mayor, Bob Donchez promises to keep Joe Brennan from drinking driving, or beating women in Bethlehem. He did it as Joe's assistant, (most of the time) and he will continue doing it as mayor
Bernie, One of my greatest Hero's got in trouble while a Congressmen. Randy Cunningham, Ret. Cmdr.USN . Now, he went to prison. He also shot down 3 Migs during the Vietnam War with his wisso Dissdoll ON THE SAME DAY > Now imagine yourself flying along at 600 MPH and the North Vietnam Government has jets after your ass , do you turn and run ? Not these boy's, they turned on them and shot and KILLED THEM, flaming . . They are still my hero's like SEVERNSON was a GRUNT in the USMC ,in the dirt,hungry ,no sleep, pissed off,stick'en same dudes for two weeks . you and some of the other wussies here have no idea.You need to give them a FREE PASS at least once. .They did this at the direction of this government so you and others didn't HAVE TO APPEAR in danger.Otherwise I like you ,see !
Severson is one of Morganelli's best friends. He had the attorney general handle the Severson Case because he was too close to severson. Guilty by association seems to be rampant here. Because I associate myself with someone who committed a criminal act does that make me a criminal. Of course not. You paid your dues Bernie. Are your friends guilty by association. Of course not. Stop the garbage already.
Severson was convicted in 2010 and placed on 3 years probation. He may still be on probation so I am unsure whether he has, in fact, paid his dues. He supposedly had retired, but now I see his name on a finance report in a campaign being criticized for mudslinging. What inference are we supposed to draw?
If, three years after I lost my licence for drinking, you saw me in a dar, boozing it up, what inference would you draw?
If Severson were really the friend to Donchez that he claims to be, he would have kept his name out of this campaign. This will only hurt Bob.
Bernie, after the Primary is over and you get time please contact me , I would like to see you over an un related issue to politics in the front end. WE THINK you are the guy to help bring a new RESPONSIBILITY and force an issue that some of us think needs to be done. Peter-610-248-0212
Pete, I'll call. Just don't arrest me.
I have been watching the Donchez/Reynolds race the last few weeks, and it has closed to within 7 points by my reckoning. I believe Reynolds may pull this out by less than 500 votes. He has momentum, he got a key endorsement at a crucial time, and his ground attack is marching literally, across the streets of Bethlehem.
What interests me is that most Reynolds voters are not Callahan voters at the County level. If Callahan doesn't get at a minimum, 55% of the D vote in Bethlehem, he will have trouble finding the votes he needs elsewhere in Northampton.
Callahan wins Bethlehem, Easton and the Slate Belt. You have no idea what kind of ground operation is at work there. This race is over Chris.
I also disagree with your assessment of Donchez v. Reynolds. The race will be closer than it should be, but Bob wins.
Wanna' bet? My unscientific hunch v. your algorithms?
Bernie-if the election were held yesterday, Donchez would have won 53 - 47. In ten days?
It is Donchez's race to lose, and his negative campaign is doing that.
Callahan is ahead as well at the County level. But ask Arlen Specter's ghost how being ahead in polls ten days before a primary worked out for him.
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