Local Government TV

Friday, May 24, 2013

Bill White's Extremely Cruel Hall of Shame

Every year or so, the Morning Call's terrorist columnist, Bill White, inducts another hapless and completely innocent soul into his so-called "Hall of Fame."  He likes to call it his collection of the area's "most colorful characters," but it's really the modern equivalent of our colonial era ducking stool, a rogues' gallery. It's no honor, but a public embarrassment and humiliation. It's extremely cruel and heartless.

I wish I had thought of it.

As happens nearly every year, I'm a  nominee. What kills me is that two of my so called friends,  John Stoffa and Ron Angle, are responsible. Stoffa told me he nominates himself every year, and added me this year, too. I responded that just because he's half out of his mind is no reason to drag me down with him. The nomination is bad enough. Last night I told him I feel like jumping off a bridge.

He said I should wait seven months or do it in Lehigh County.

No frickin' sympathy at all.  So much for the County Exec with a heart.

Then there's Angle. He's the bastard with the demented sense of humor, who suggested that I be lumped in with the Wicked Witch of West Easton, Tricia Mezzacappa. He even wants Mezzacappa's pig inducted.. Very, very funny. Ron should be on Saturday Night Live. I called him to complain, and all he did was laugh maniacally like Dr. Evil.

Just for that, I want you all to know that Angle has about fifty forged wills.

I complained to Allentown blogger Michael Molovinsky, hoping for some tea and sympathy. Another mistake. He is now threatening to contact White, too, with the usual "mancrush" accusations. Unlike Michael, I do like one or two people. Molovinsky did not care much for my John "Abe Lincoln, Henry V" Callahan post.

As an award-winning broadcast journalist, I figured a word with White would end this unfortunate turn of events. We're both pricks, so I figured I'd at least  get some professional courtesy. I made things worse.

What do you expect from terrorist columnist who is also a Fabian Socialist?

(I sprained my back earlier this week,and was unable to do much on Thursday, except cry in my pillow. So this rant is it for today. I will have a great story about a friend on Monday, one who did not nominate me to Bill White's Hall of Fame. )


  1. Angle should spend some money of his and build a statue of you , with your foot extended near the rotunda where on weekends dogs go to pee.

  2. Bernie you used to be good until you started drinking Callahan's Kool-Aid.

    Hope your back is better!


  3. Nominee with child's name: Bobbie Guenther Walsh, right wing fanatic.
    Is he finally convinced that man walked on the moon and that the President is a citizen ?

  4. Goober Walsh and Scott Ott will walk hand in hand with God into the Executive offices in Lehigh County.

    Hallelujah and Praise God's second begotten son, Rush!

  5. Hands down we have a strong candidate in County Controller Steve Barron. He pretty much shames his office and this county every time he opens his mouth. He is a political hack of its worst ilk and deserves to be in the Hall of Shame.

  6. How about John Stoffa. He now has a contempt charge for failing to follow a court order!!!

  7. If Atiyeh is that bigot's Rajah of Rezoning, you must be his Mick of Misinformation. Did you see that Bill White's Dago of Declaratory Judgement has sued Stoffa for contempt?

  8. Since Abe is Syrian, and Rajah is an Indian term and applies to ruler, I fail to see the bigotry claim. I think Bill was just looking for a bit of alliteration. But don't let me stop you.

    There is another Bill White who was the head of some Neo Nazi group, a third Bill White who ran for guv' in Texas, and a 4th Bill White who was involved in baseball, both as a player and as a broadcast journalist.

    One of these 4 Whites is a bigot, but i think you got the wrong one.

  9. "How about John Stoffa. He now has a contempt charge for failing to follow a court order!!!"

    And the case will be dismissed on Monday. God, some of you hate so much you just want the worst to happen. Give your hate a rest.

  10. 1. In ne of your Gregory crazy spells you yourself claimed "Rajah of Rezoning" was bigoted

    2. More than just the "jolly" John Stoffa himself nominated him. We know for a fact Be3ll White received more for Stoffa. White won't admit because Stoffa is a mancrush of his.

    3. You and Mezzacappa should get the first couples award to the White hall of shame.

  11. Teletubby Barron is a lock on this year's HoS.It will be the only award he ever wins that will be well deserved.

  12. I like this post, seems to have a hint of sarcasim. I never thought of the list as outing anyone not already in the public eye. -nlv

  13. It is true that to Western minds, the words "Rajah" or "Shiek" or "Kahn" all have an occidental flavor. To that extent, it could be construed as bigotry. But I believe White when he denies that was his intent.

  14. Just deleted a comment from the Blog Mentor. He is not supposed to comment here. So under an assumed name, he attacked Allentown blogger MM, a usual. Now he can go back to rolling around on the floor and foaming at the mouth.

  15. he is a villain.

  16. C'mon Bernie. What is this all about a contempt charge of a court order against Stoffa?

  17. It is much ado about nothing, and will be withdrawn on Monday. Only haters like the Fake Rev will try to make it an issue.

  18. I had completely forgotten that Abe's wife and in-laws are, in fact, Indian. So I do tend to think that White's epithet is at best insensitive.

  19. Two attempts to hijack this thread have been deleted.

  20. Want to talk about a shiek? How about that wise ass preist frind you have? We will be seeing him 2morrow with foghorns just so he wont miss us. Then we will see how much snap he has in his step and mouth. Go ahead FaThEr aLeX dont get caught touching those little ones, again.

  21. Hey Blog Mentor, I hope you do show up, and after I mention you and your disgusting accusations to the large Lebanese community there, I suspect you'll wish you were walking n the park. Please, come.

  22. For the rest of you, my friend, Fr. Alex, is being ordained a Catholic priest tomorrow. I am very proud of him, and so is his family and Easton;s Lebanese community. Please come, Blog Mentor, and repeat your disgusting lies there. I'll have my camera and can't wait to record what happens. I will make sure to point you out.

  23. I nominate Callahan.

  24. Sat., May 24, 2013 11:48pm

    *Redacted*, it must be very satisfying to not only have exposed Alfonso Todd and ruined his chances at City Council, but to also have been friended at Facebook by Kim Velez which, BTW, really impresses me about her (you *Redacted* I've always been impressed w/ ). Some bemoan a "low turnout" and "voter apathy." My question to Team Molovinsky/White/[Redacted]/Casey/Donovan/Todd, etc is "so how does it feel?" There were 11,245 votes cast for Allentown City Council candidates and 10,599 of them were cast for candidates other than Alfonso Todd, and all b/c of you *Redacted*. Well done. Very well done. Hope to see you at the ordination (for now) of Father Alex Joseph later today (wink wink).

  25. Oh, I hope to see him so I can point him out and the filth he has spread about someone the Lebanese community knows quite well. This will be no walk in the park or him.

  26. Congratulations to Fr. Alex.

  27. Just got back from Father Alex' ordination. The Blog Mentor, like the coward he is, was a no-show. That was probably a smart decision, but it might be too late. You can't make vulgar and false statements like that wothout facing the consequences.

  28. he is a villain.

  29. I agree with 12:20..Wholeheartedly!!!

  30. This is what all writers that have been at there for a while with there published edited out stories should be subjest to at 7th and hamilton for there part in the transgrestional part they have play in the current administrations perpatration under the color of law¿
    All wereing dunch caps at the grand opening along with the king and his court jesters too¿

  31. So what does occidental mean?


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