Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Atiyeh-Backed Candidate Wins GOP Primary in Bethlehem Tp

Pat Breslin, an Abe Atiyeh candidate for Bethlehem Township Commissioner, has defeated incumbent Paul Weiss in the GOP primary, 120-43. But this race might not be over. Weiss was waging a write-in campaign on the Democratic side.


  1. Wasn't that the guy who doesn't even live in the Township or rents some shack?

  2. That's sad. An Atyieh puppet who doesn't even live in the township.

  3. Abe ran a write in candidate on the other side as well
    If that person wins the write in Abe cannot lose because he has a candidate on both sides. Abe is buying the township and now has a majority. It is his board; he recruited and ran all these candidates. You can look at their expense records and the people he put on the last cycle all lead back to ABE

  4. Bernie we lost a gem in Weiss. He was so informed and full of common sense. This is a real blow to the township. This man gave our township credibility and stability. The people were hoodwinked.

  5. I believe Paul might have a shot as a Dem write-in.

  6. Shame on the Republican voters if Bethlehem Township for not caring enough to pay attention. Shame on them for not getting out to vote!

    How could you vote for someone who isn't even a resident of the Township? How could you vote for an Atyieh carpetbagger?

  7. The Twp. What can you say. Ignorant people. The type who elect M.H.

  8. I voted for Weiss but I wish he would have run a campaign

  9. Now what happens to that beautiful park?

  10. It's Bethlehem Township. People there don't give a shit.

  11. Carpetbagger (Merriam-Webster) : outsider; especially : a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politic

  12. Will be interested in who the write-in Dem will be. You mention Weiss waging a write-in. Did Breslin do the same? Did Russin? If November is Breslin-Weiss, I would hope there is an actual healthy debate and campaign. If its Breslin-Russin, would two Atiyeh candidates have enough honor to differentiate themselves? If its Breslin-Breslin,.....

    You deserve the government you elect. I guess what I found most surprising is that primary voters tend to be the more informed "super voters” so I am curious what Weiss’ negatives were and/or Breslin’s positives that (according to NorCo results) Breslin won 68.88% of the vote.

    Prisons, rehab centers, apartments.... I guess Bethlehem Township voters have spoken as to which of those they want, and which they don't.

  13. when only 180 people come out to vote in the 4 th ward expect the unexpected. The largest ward in the township has to be over 6000 residents. Go figure. What does Abe expect to accomplish and Thompson is up against Hudak in November, another Atiyeh shill. Ugly stuff.

  14. Russin the guy who sued Bethlehem Twp along with Atiyeh about the Madison Farms project was the other person stomping for a D write in at the polls.

  15. Zoid:

    I think what the voters expect is responsible government, which clearly over the past few years they have not received.

  16. Pave the whole fucking place. It's what the people want.

  17. I love 2:31 comment and it is what the people want

  18. Beware beware !!! Atyieh has another carpetbagger running against Hudak in the second ward in November.
    Hopefully the republicans will wise up to Abe's underhanded attempt at perverting our elections. Abe's puppet in that ward is Mickey Thompson Abe's lawyer and COO of his business. Best bet for republicans is not to vote at all or write in for Hudak. Thompson CLAIMS he lives in a house in that ward which by the way is owned by Atyieh !!! Where were you on that one Bernie? Guess he slipped that one by you.

  19. Observing the dynamics here are interesting. Some classic NIMBY behavior on the part of voters, though no one would likely admit it. When Atiyeh wanted to build a treatment center and/or prison in the first ward residents were up in arms, though fourth ward residents didn't get worked up, as it was not in their backyard. However, First Ward residents rejected Mrs. Atiyeh when she challenged Nolan.

    Slyly, almost cynically, Atiyeh has aligned himself with the Not In My Backyard Madison Farm crowd, and his candidates are winning.

    Eventually, he will want to build again--it is after all what he does--and folks will be up in arms and not understand why the new Atiyeh Board of Commissioners (could be 4 of the 5 by then) is so accommodating to whatever zoning changes may need to be made.

    I have to hand it to Abe. He is very shrewd, and the voters are playing their part.

  20. 4:30, i am very well aware where Mickey works and lives. I am also aware he is a very good father, an excellent lawyer, a very good Solicitor to the Bethlehem ZHB, and is interested. In doing the right thing for people.

    I have not written extensively about this race, although i believe i broke the story about his candidacy. Both Mickey and Hudak were unopposed, so it made little sense to go into the race in any detail. But I will do so for the Fall election. Mickey does have his ties to Atiyeh, and I have mentioned them on this blog. Hudak is a Democrat in a Democratic ward. He should be a shoe in. But he is his own worst enemy. Your snide comment, which suggests that I am not doing my jib, is exactly how Hudak operates as a Comm'r. I find him to be condescending and arrogant,with a parochial agenda.

    So be careful what you ask for. You might not like what I have to say.

  21. Bethlehem Township is in serious trouble if Abe's people get in. Neither Breslin or Thompson live in the Township and will be pro-Atiyeh votes.

    Bethlehem Township - wake up now!

  22. Bottom line is if "affordable housing goes in with any developer on William Penn Hwy.Kiss your ass good buy ! Crime will spike,New Jersey THUGS WILL MOVE into Grandma's apartment you rented her on here New Jersey Social Security payments,, and away the cop costs provisional contract should state "DEVELOPER PAYS ALL COURT COSTS OF ANY DEFENDANT that has HIS address!

  23. Big loser here is Hudak,although he doesn't know it yet.
    Weiss kept (barely) Hudak's most thuggish tendancys under some semblance of control. Without Wiess,Hudak's arrogant posturing and bully-boy manner reach full flower. He will crash and burn and the whole Twp. will get shit on their shoes. The guys a major loose cannon!

  24. Weiss is one of the best public servants I've ever seen. He works very hard and is really committed to the Township. He took the election lightly, unfortunately. While I don't much like Hudak and he doesn't much like me, I do think he cares, too. But My criticism of him stands.

  25. Keep the taxes low and develop like there is no tomorrow.
    The hell with the quality of life as long as I've got mine.

  26. The Township has turned upside down. Looks like the 1980's are returning.

  27. Hudak is a charming fellow and a true gentleman.
    And smart. Very smart.

  28. "Abraham Atiyeh,... said the city was essentially "being blackmailed into a deal."

    “I know. I do it all the time,” Atiyeh said. “I say I’ll put a treatment center or a prison in. I do it all the time.”"

    Right out of the ET this morning and this is what Bethlehem Township is going to get. An admitted Blackmailer??? Hoping this is not true or taken out of context by the ET reporter.

  29. “I know. I do it all the time,” Atiyeh said. “I say I’ll put a treatment center or a prison in. I do it all the time.”
    This is the quote from Abe
    There are two board members now beholden to him; Marty Z and Felix Barnard and now he is running three more guys Breslin, Russin and Mickey Thompson

    He will soon have a 4 out of 5 bought board members in the township "He does it all the time"

  30. Curious Bernie. You say you don't like HUDAK and he dosnt like you. What's up, what did he do to you? Never heard or read anything. What did you do to him ? Care to share? Hope you can remain unbiased in this. You seem to already be hyping Thompson. Friend I assume.

  31. I'd rather not get into it here. Suffice it to say that I do my best to be fair. I am just not going to allow someone to make the kind of snide remark I hear from Hudak all the time.

  32. In response to 1:31 AM-And if you don't believe it, ask him. He'll tell you so himself. Very arrogant.

  33. Democrat here disheartened that Weiss lost to the Atiyeh sock-puppet. There was no Weiss write-in movement articulated when I voted.

    Friggin' Republicans.


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