The virtual meeting link to the Envision Lehigh Valley, hosted on a free uStream channel, will be shared on Envision Lehigh Valley’s Facebook page and Twitter feed, or through this URL: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/envision-the-lehigh-valley posted on the website: www.envisionlehighvalley.com.
Questions and comments can be shared ahead of time by sending an e-mail to Renew Lehigh Valley, who will be coordinating the virtual meeting. Emails to smartgrowth@renewlv.org with “Virtual Meeting” in the subject line will be gathered beforehand and integrated into the meeting in May. Feedback can also be given on Envision Lehigh Valley’s website through the orange UserVoice box or the Survey function.
Envision Lehigh Valley is a public outreach effort seeking to create a regional sustainability plan for the Lehigh Valley through community input and planning. It is a three year, $3.4 million Sustainable Communities grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that was awarded in November 2011. The project began in early 2012 and will conclude at year end 2014. The Lehigh Valley Sustainability Consortium is comprised of fourteen partners from all sectors across the Lehigh Valley.
Want to know what is wrong with big government? Check out this outfit that is funded with our tax dollars.
Scott Armstrong
We need vision! That is why I will vote for Mota, her yard sign says it all. One city One Vision.
Allentown Democrat Voter
Ask them about it Scott.
This bunch was fighting for high density housing in rural townships while others were attempting to preserve open space. They are a government funded dumpster fire.
This is the largest, most hypocritical, most disgraceful scam going. How can these people look themselves in the mirror when they brush their teeth in the morning?
What a joke!!!!!!!!!!
Do they have regularly scheduled board meetings and are they open to the public?
The overpaid, underworked bureaucrats at Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and LVPC will finally have a reason to stop sleeping at their desks. See, this EnvisionLV outfit does has some redeeming qualities.
I knew this project was going to have a rough time of it when they went with the word "Envision" as the brand. You want to appeal to the masses with something simple and straightforward so you pick that word.
This project lost buy in the minute LVEDC put an Allentown politician in charge of it. She believes that Allentown is the center of the universe.
And on top of it, it's also run by another woman who is well intentioned but straight out of college with no experience.
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