Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Can You Feel The Hate?

Fake Rev Mario Martinez with union boss Justus James
As I've mentioned, NorCo Exec John Stoffa is doing an end run around Council with a contract for nonemergency medical transport services at Gracedale, the County's nursing home. Six members of Council have twice nixed deals that would have named Lifestar, instead of current provider Nazareth Ambulance. I agree with Council because I am suspicious of Lifestar's very low bid and am concerned that quality of care for residents will be disrupted. But Stoffa points out that Lifestar will be $260,000 cheaper over the three-year life of the contract. So Stoffa has decided to go the sealed bid route, which will take Council out of the equation.

Though I side with Council on this one, people of good will can have different views.  Stoffa is by no means alone. Three members of Council, as well as Gracedale's Administrator and Advisory Board, agree with him. But Mario Martinez, who has called himself "We, the People" and the "Gracedale Watchmen," responds to this reasoned view with a vicious personal attack. Here's part of his latest polemic against a gentle soul who is trying to save people money:
John Stoffa is a bitter 70 year old man that seems to be reverting to a child-like state, telling County Council: I will get my way, yes...I will get my way.

In our [he likes to refer to himself in the third person plural] opinion, John has become vindictive and deranged to the point that he cannot sanely carry out his responsibilities.

How does County Council fix this problem now? Well that's simple...Censure John Stoffa for misusing tax resources and demand his resignation.

If that doesn't work, use the home rule charter and the letter of the law to forcibly remove him from office. We [there he goes again with the Royal We] can only suggest that care is taken because in his deranged state of mind, who knows what he is capable of?
And Martinez wonders why I call him the Fake Rev.


  1. misusing taxpayer resources by saving money? guy's ludicrous

  2. Too much hate out there... Mezzacappa, He Who Shall Not Be Named, Geeting, the Fake Reverend...

    Far too much.

  3. This "gentle soul", has only tr5ied to destroy more than a few people. Really O'Hare, "gentle soul", many people now know that Ron Angle was the "gentle soul" compared to John Stoffa.

  4. B.O's Vile Poison Posse MemberApril 3, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    As he rries to point out that Stoffa is acting like a little child, the Rev acts worse. Saving money is misusing taxpayers' resources? Only on the internet.

  5. AllentownParkAtendeeApril 3, 2013 at 10:27 AM

    Good ole 3% = 3".

    See you at the park. Just remember you started it.

  6. The 10:27 comment comes from the Blog Mentor, who is not supposed to comment here.

    It is a veiled threat directed at blogger Michael Molovisnky. The Blog Mentor, in his twisted mind, apparently thinks he has permission to assault Molovinsky.

    In addition to harassing MM on hos own blog with anonymous comments, he is using this forum as well.

  7. I voted for Stoffa in an election that was as legal as the referendum. Stoffa is doing exactly as this constituent wants. Elections have consequences.

  8. This "blog mental" seems like a villian not a hero.

  9. There are two equally valid goals here. One is to use local businesses and the other is to save tax dollars. This is a hard call.
    Why anyone would get this angry (blog responses) and express this level of venom reflects on what is going on inside of them, not on the issue.

  10. Exactly. People of good will can look at the same set of facts and reach different conclusions. I initially sided with Stoffa, but was swayed by Kraft and Thierry. Both viewpoint are persuasive, and as you point out, it's a hard call. The rhetoric coming from the Fake Rev and his ilk is divisive and counterproductive. I can't believe that someone like that considers himself a man of God. Not my God.

  11. "Not my God"

    Alcohol content too low?

  12. Ahh. The hate just oozes from you.

  13. Bernie,

    Are you going on the tour of the Allentown parks this weekend?

  14. Look, Blog Mentor, you can visit me whenever you want. I won't be shrinking from the sight of a 5'5" lunatic.

  15. COAF..ACORN..AFSCME..It's all basically the same people and money. Martinez did a good job organizing the Gracedale initiative and it passed..barely. Time to shut up and go away Mario. Your 15 minutes is up!

  16. Visionary people are rarely understood in their own lifetimes. They are more often hated and misunderstood. The real results of his 8 year term will play out as the decade unfolds. He did fine.

  17. All the Gracedale initiative did was kick the can down the road. Hard choices are to come and they are inevitable. It delayed the process but did not solve anything.

  18. As a lame duck Executive, Stoffa has nothing to lose politically. If he wins, it's a feather in his cap for frugality. But, there probably will be a contract out on him for destroying a local public safety agency.

  19. 3 years and you will see the type of visionary he is. Save money now and pay big in the future. Stofffa s version of kicking the can down the road for future taxpayers

  20. The patients are stacked like cord wood and strangled and abused before they die in a sub-standard hellhole. No man of God would wish that on those poor soul. The fake reverend is 100% real evil.

  21. Your time is UP..MARIO!

  22. House of HarkonnenApril 3, 2013 at 9:37 PM

    We the PEOPLE of the C.O.A.F have selected the Reverend Mario Martinez as our spokesperson because he is dedicated, knowledgeable, honest, and well spoken. He has taken a lot of heat on this blog due to his ethnicity and facial hair which seem rather trivial to me. Perhaps you could look past the surface and acknowledge that he has shouldered a heavy load for ALL members of the county and will carry on doing so for as long as he is able to do so.


  24. Dedicated... YES. To spewing hatred and threatening those who do not agree with him

    Knowledgeable... NO. Or he would have a real job.

    Honest... In a pig's eye.

    Well Spoken... NO. A pompous wind bag.

    Well, one out of four ain't bad!

  25. Can you smell what the Fake Rev. is cooking?

  26. Stoffa is totally correct. Send out a request to quote stating detailed specs. explaining what is required -- must be specific. Assuming the bidders respond in accordance with the RFQ, then the low price takes the contract. The Purchasing Agent for the county should handle this simple requirement. That's what's done out in the real world.

  27. If I don't live in your "real world", why am I still assessed "real world" taxes.

    Another bumper sticker phrase that was already old ten years ago.

    Silly teabaggers.

  28. anonymous 1:58 and 7:10
    first the ref. passed 3:1 ratio that is 75% if you cant figure that out, it didn't barely pass!!
    second, they are residents and they are NOT stacked and it isn't a hell hole! guess you have never been in some of the private nursing homes... Gracedale is a wonderful place and the county should be proud of it!
    and Bernie talks about hate mail!!
    these are 2 real hate mailers!! get a life and leave gracedale alone for a while......

  29. I was speaking in reference to the petition drive to get it on the ballot. I gave the evil one credit but that barely passed the scrutiny of the courts. It was a huge effort but it's now ancient history! Try to get up to speed.

  30. There is no barley in court you win or lose. we won 4 times thats not barley. try to keep up to speed. thanks

  31. What you won was a huge future tax burden for citizens of Northampton County.

  32. Bernie it is a credit to you that you admit that you changed your mind by Kraft and Thierry. The fear of no competition as expressed by Thierry is a real future problem. They are running a business and low balling now for future gains. It's what a business does. It's neither wrong or unfair. Council members had to consider this as this will surely sink Gracedale in the future, but not quickly enough as they will recoup their losses before it happens from all of us. Another case where those who live in the moment can't see and the rest of us pay. And why pick a company that is based out of this country? The wrong people are having too much say nowadays. The fake rev is venomous, vengeful and not the spokesperson I would chose.

  33. Yea we have heard that for 3 years now. Gimme a break.


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