Local Government TV

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Stupid Statement of the Day

The Fake Rev, Mario Martinez, has taken a break from bashing Lebanese seminarians and protecting us from the red menace to weigh in ... again ... on Lamont McClure's race for NorCo Exec. McClure is running against John Callahan and Glenn Reibman for the Democratic nomination. Incumbent John Stoffa is retiring at the end of the year:

"Well Mr. McClure is not the County Executive YET!!! And if he was, the first thing he would probably do (and this is just our opinion) is, FIRE Stoffa."


Insightful analysis there.


  1. What is a red menace?

  2. At least this blog has flushed out the mean nasty most viscious people in the lehigh valley...the COAF group. What a bunch of devil worshippers.

  3. "What is a red menace?"

    The commies. From Barack Obama to terrorist columnist Bill White.

  4. I think my favorite part of the SPG blog is all the great photos included, they really drive home whatever point is being made.

  5. Love the spelling and great grammar, too.

  6. I've witnessed a few grammar mistakes on this blog too. IPads and greasy fingers don't mix. I LOVE talking to myself.

  7. Martinez is a religious hypocrite. Such hatred towards his opponents. Definitely not a follower of Christ's trachings.

  8. That would be teachings... but the point is he is a fake rev as you have pointed out numerous times Bernie.

  9. ... and he claims that any criticism of him is "religious persecution."

  10. His behavior indicates his only allegiance is to satan. Evil often masquerades as profit. The Greenwich Village flavor saver mustache is a dead giveaway of the sickness beneath, however.

  11. Attack the man as fake and you delete and censor any evidence to the contrary. Nice going Mr. Hyopcrite. Hope all the poison posse followers are fine.

  12. Sounds like your defaming the rev.

  13. He lasting musings are an insult to anyone that professes to be a Christian and follows the Bible. This man really thinks the world revolves around him. He doesn't realize that every time he draws attention to himself, whatever grace he gained by suffering for the Lord is taken away. He needs to brush up on his Bible.

  14. "Sounds like your defaming the rev."

    It's "you're", not "your". It's "Fake Rev," not "rev."

  15. How many identities do you have?

  16. Just one. Don't make the mistake of assuming that I'm like you, who comments anonymously or under made up names while pretending that you're (not your) an honest man of God.

  17. He doesn't say it's religious persecution. He says it' Christian persecution. Get it right if u can

  18. @12:43, Whichever goon you are nice try, your hijacking was short lived and slightly humorous. Now back to your leader's world class picto-blog where dissent is a non factor.

  19. does it really have to be like this tommy?

  20. what's the difference between a hero and a coward?

    Both are afraid, neither wants to do what needs to be done, but in the end, the hero does it anyway!

  21. Reverand Martinez acted while others talked. He is a hero. He took on Stoffa,Angle and O'Hare and he saved the elderly poor at Gracedale. Yes, you are right he is a hero and you pussies in the poison posse can't stand a real hero.

  22. A hero? Our soldiers are heroes..not Martinez. What a load of crap. Are you one of his cult followers..sycophants? He's just a man and not much of one..truth be told.

  23. Ian't he a Marine?

  24. The Fake Rev claims to have served for six years as a Marine. I have no reason to doubt that. I have every reason to doubt ho claim that he is a man of God. i am sure he considers himself a hero.

  25. 6 years Bernie? A military hitch is 4 years? What happened? Did he serve in combat? Maybe he has ptsd and that's where all this angry crap comes from?

  26. I know many people who are honorably discharged from military service after six years. I have no reason to doubt him on this point. Let's not be like him.

  27. Ok..but just because you serve your country does not give you the right to use that fact to launch a hate campaign on the level he has. He's a raving egomaniac if I ever saw one!

  28. RMM,I think it's time to update your webpage (http://spiritwithoutlimit.org) if you're ever going to get on TV ala Peter Popoff, Joel Osteen, you need to have a more polished media presence. You are a charismatic Evangelist with a long history of grassroots organizing, contact RCN and Service Electric pitch a 3 hour weekly sermon broadcast, it will be a stepping stone to some pretty big things in my opinion.
    Also where do you currently hold your weekly services I would be honored to attend one.

  29. Then how about this one? Look for the names of the partners about half way down the page:


    Strange bedfellows???

  30. There are many M.O.S. that require a 6 year commitment to get in the A school. Anybody knows this who was in the service


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