Local Government TV

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Earlybirds File NorCo Nomination Petitions

Jerry Seyfried
Nomination petitions are not due until Tuesday, but Northampton County elections officials were already busy on Friday afternoon as some early birds have already filed, ahead of deadline. I did not want to bother the workers in the office too much, bust I did look at the paperwork filed for the County Executive and Council races. As of 2 PM, two Executive and four Council candidates are now official.

Republican John Brown, Bangor's incumbent Mayor, is one of them. This consultant filed his paperwork for his party's nomination in the Executive race. So has Democrat Glenn Reibman. His supporters include State Senator Lisa Boscola, whose husband served in Reibman's cabinet. In his statement of financial interests, Reibman discloses he is collecting three different pensions from Northampton County, the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission and New Jersey, where he taught.

Republicans Hayden Phillips and Frank Hesch have filed their paperwork in the Council race, where five at-large seats are up for grabs. So have Democrats Jerry Seyfried and Ron Heckman.

Seyfried's support includes all three Executive candidates, Easton Mayor Sal Panto, Executive John Stoffa, DA John Morganelli, Easton Vice Mayor Ken Brown, Easton School Director Frank Pintabone and numerous rank-and-file employees at the courthouse. They remember and admire Jerry.

Though he did not ask, I circulated a petition for Jerry. I volunteered, and got him sixty good signatures from some great people. When I caught wind that some of my fans were going to come out against whoever I helped, I suggested to Jerry that maybe I should back off. But Jerry said that if he loses the election because I circulated a petition on his behalf, that's a pretty sad commentary. Though he and I are friends and agree on many things, we disagreed about Gracedale and differ on the value of public sector unions.

Seyfried is one of the Council members who, along with Ron Heckman and Rich Grucela, urged Council not to sell Gracedale. That triumvirate also volunteered to sit down with unions. And it was Jerry who, along with the Steelworkers' Gerry Green, publicly debated Ron Angle and I concerning Gracedale and the value of public sector unions.

So why do I support him? He has always advocated transparency and accountability, always tried to leverage spending so that we get money back, originated the County's Open Space program, has more knowledge about the Home Rule charter than anyone I know, and is a firm believer in good planning. He wants to know what the hell happened to the five-year plan?

He wrote the career service regulations.

But the biggest reason I support him is because he's promised me a date with Amanda Seyfried.

I disagree with Ron Heckman even more than with Jerry, but will be supporting him, too, for much the same reason I will support Jerry. These are conscientious and dedicated people.

He's Amanda Seyfried's cousin, too.


  1. I bet he wishes he was! I think Ron And Jerry would provide some neded depth to county council. At this point in their lives, I doubt they are doing it for any other reason than to serve. I known them both and they speak highly of each other. In fact Heckman told me he believes Jerry will be remembered as one of the best county executives

    I saw Ron the other day and asked if he would consider a cabinet job if offered, and he said, "no, and no!" He said he loves the county and wants to serve becasue he beleives he can be an even better councilman today then he was the first time around.

    They are both good guys whether you agree or disagree with them. At least they are honest about were they stand and good to their word. I hope they do well.

  2. Oh my God please stop with recycled political hacks. It's as incestuous as a West Virginia gang bang down there.

  3. Any Bethlehem candidates file?

  4. I'm glad to se we finally agree on something..With all of the cuts in Human Services by Corbett and the possible sequester cuts to come from the federal Government, the County is going to have to step up in regard to Human Services..There will be some tough choices to make. When these choices are made it will be good to have someone as knowledgeable as Heckman, who has spend much of his adult life in Human Services, on Council..As you are aware, Human Services is a sizeable chunck of the County budget. We need people there who will know best how to direct those funds..
    As far as the comment on recycled political hacks go, I'd rather have have people who have years of county government experience under their belt than newbees who know little about Government and just shake their heads yes when the County executive presents them with a proposal on anything..8

  5. My take is that these two old farts, though filled with knowledge, need to step aside and let some new faces and new energy sit at the dias.

    Same goes for Peg

    new faces, new energy, new ideas

    The old farts need to take a rest already

  6. age isn't a factor ... knowledge is , they have my vote !

  7. The ageism expressed by anon 8:42 is duly noted, and is the very reason some of this "new blood" won't get elected. Also the "new blood ,almost sold Gracedale and let Stoffa buy and build buildings we don't need and can't afford. It will take a combination of experience and new ideas to fix the ills of the county.

    We tried the new blood thuing and it has been a disaster.

    Good to have at least a few people who know what the Hell they are talking aobut as opposed to just reading Pary talking points.

    Neither Ron or Jerry will have stars in their eyes when the next executive says we need to do something and his "special committee's" and experts agree. It will be refreshing to have qualfifesd people who can look past the pwerpoint and seek out and ask the relevent questions.

    Or you could have all the new blood Ed Pawlowski has in Allentown. Does Northmapton County want another County Council that is just an extension of the Administration?

  8. For all the nay sayers who are downplaying experience and knowledge about county government, I recommend you go out to hear these candidates speak and then judge them. Times change and so should the ideas. Heckman and Seyfried both agree on saving Gracedale, maintainging vital Human Service programs, and putting forth progressive ideas. They get my vote.

    Former Gracedale employee

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. If you ant to make a personal attack, you need to ID yourself.

  11. " Heckman and Seyfried both agree on saving Gracedale, maintainging vital Human Service programs, and putting forth progressive ideas. They get my vote."

    They get mine bc they both know what they are talking about, are extremely knowledgeable and tend to follow their conscience. If an elected official must agree with me on everything, I would not be able to support anyone.

  12. Jerry is not going to be a polarizing factor on County Council. He will inject his "when I was County Executive we" blah, blah, blah.

  13. Bernie, Jerry and Ron are attacked for their age and knowledge of the system by supporters of candidates that attended the twenty hour county government school. The idea of the school is nice for a general overview but if you think you saw or heard anything the officals didn't want you to see and hear, you are delusinal. The real action is behind the scenes

    To attack experience as "old ideas" and then brag about some publicity driven 20 hour 'make nice' county governemnt school, is the difference between an ant and an ardvark.

    I would like a few legislators on council who can sift through the chaff to get to the wheat of issues. We have Peg but she is too concerned with being liked and not offending anyone. I admit, I know both Jerry and Ron and I did disagree with thewm on Gracedale but they were both upfront and honest on what they bleieve and why. Peg wrings her hands a bit to much and will often abandon her experience rather than confront a difficult choice.
    Attacking age and experience is not to smart.

    An Old Fart and proud of it!

  14. What really sucks is that there is quality younger administrative talent at the local level right here in Northampton County. If the local Democratic and Republican Parties would court these people, the race would be much better than the retread politicos being fronted for this job.

  15. At some point..everybody had to learn how the county operates and who does the operating. In other words..everyone started out as a rookie. It is a learning process and unfortunately..some county operations have not changed in decades and those areas need new blood to dismantle them. Even the veteran Ron Angle would not approach certain areas of county government for whatever reason. A balance of older and newer candidates is desirable.

  16. " retread politicos"

    If Sal Panto is an example of a retread, I'll take four.

    In his first stint as Mayor, a young and inexperienced Mayor made many mistakes. Not only did he learn, but his years of experience in the private sector gave him the experience he made to be a quality administrator. He is now the best Mayor in the Lehigh Valley.

    Heckman and Seyfried are seeking far less demanding jobs, but have every bit as much experience as Sal.

    There is also nothing wrong with the younger people seeking this role, and I especially admire the candidates like Hunter and Borso who attended the first Citizens' Academy. I often see both of them at meetings.

    As 7:47 noted, balance is the key.

    I will be casting 5 votes and have a good idea where 4 are going.

  17. Elections are open to all. If people run they run. If you are backing people that can't win thats your problem. Want some whine with your cheese.

    By the way, people know who the neo-Long Dem's are who are trying to sabotage the races of a couple people becuae they only want new Long Dem's on county council.

    Good luck, you'll need it.

  18. Bernie..please let us know when the debates will begin. Give my best to Johnny Casino tomorrow night..

  19. This County needs new young leaders with common sense and proactive thinking and ideas. Problem is there aren't any running and some young people who want to are restrained by the Hatch and Civil Service Acts. These acts need to be reworked or eliminated.

    Some of these old timers are so bored as they have not found anything to occupy their time with in their golden years, that they want to relive the good ol days at the taxpayers expense.

    Can someone please tell them that this is 2013 not 1980s or 1990s?? This is a whole new era that will require vision not nostalgia.

    That being said, good luck to all running!

    Please don't vote for Reibman!!

  20. There are a couple Long Dem's that have recrutied and want some people to win. This isn't the first time. The last time they used their strategy, the Republicans swept county council. They are angry that some people they didn't want to see run are running. Welcome to relaity. No one is giving anyone a pass.

    As for wonderful new idea's, would that be selling Gracedale or leasing a building that will contribute to less money for servcies or staff. Maybe it is the new "idea" of just nodding your head yes to whatever the county executive and his consultants say or leads you to believe.

    It is interesting to hear so much hate in the "New Democratic" Party for people with experience and knowledge. Too bad there isn't a county executive candidate that knows nothing of county issues and never held an elected office, they would be perfect.

    The old Democratic infighting begins.

    I like the campaign slogan you have, "vote for me, I haven't a clue"


  21. I see the mayor of Reading is being checked for his finances. Didn't Fleck run his campaign? Does Fleck have his hand in this?

  22. I wouldn't trust Glenn Reibman, for this reason: With 3 Pensions....He is too eager to be the "ONE" whom control's assignment's & allocations....without any recourse for redress based upon " The Power-of-the-Purse". Ergo: He doesn't NEED the money. Serious people have something to lose, and he has no "skin in the game". He is self-sufficient economically speaking. Losing his paycheck would only simplify his life....with 3 pensions already.

  23. Just because someone gets a Government pension doesn't mean he or she is a bad guy. C'mon already. Government workers, for decades, were the loswest paid employees in the Country. They were repeatedly told that if they worked for low wages now we will take care of you later in your life. It is only in recent years that things started to go the other way. Where were you people when steelworkers made more than the people who taught your children. Business employees in general made more than government employees. No one wanted to work in government. Now that things are turning everyone seems to envy what the undeerpaid government has. A decent pension and benefits.

  24. Well Clinton ,you could also look at it as he he is not worried about losing his job like some, and will do the right thing. Jack Kennedy once remarked that he was fortunate because the other elected officials "needed" their jobs and that puits pressur on their decisions.

    By the way "Clinton", let us be clear. John Callahan qualifies for a city pension, he wil be working on a county pension and he isn't done yet. John St0ffa hs at least three or four public pensions, does yjhat make him evil? Even Lamont has some public money in the family.

    Your argument is not only weak but a stretch. Callahan used that argment to bury Delgrosso but I doubt it will work this time, since he is in the same situation. Unless he has a signed and notirized certification that he will forgo all future city and/ or county benefits.

    Knock it off already, and try to stick to the issues. You must be backing some mighty weak candidates if this is the best you got. Pensions and age. What a tool.

    Face Time Tim!

  25. I would not hold Reibman's three pensions against him. He earned them, and he did not have to report them on his Statement of Financial Interests, but did.

  26. @ "Government workers, for decades, were the loswest paid employees in the Country. They were repeatedly told that if they worked for low wages now we will take care of you later in your life. 2:18"
    Is it your argument that Gov't worker's are ENTITLED?

  27. Entitlement and hard economic decision making do not go hand in hand. Paying for Administration verses building material's.....what do we actually get for our taxes? I don't actually know Mr. Reibman, I just know I wouldn't be afraid to lose my job, if I had an alternative revenue stream, or in his case....stream's. Crunch the Numbers!

  28. Clinton..he's a political puppet! He has strings attached to him that stretch all the way to Allentown. Whatever the King wants..the King gets.

  29. Money is not the object here..it's political power!

  30. It's also the money that you don't see changing hands..the pensions are public and are just the icing on the cake!

  31. "I bet he wishes he was! I think Ron And Jerry would provide some neded depth to county council. At this point in their lives, I doubt they are doing it for any other reason than to serve. I known them both and they speak highly of each other. In fact Heckman told me he believes Jerry will be remembered as one of the best county executives

    I saw Ron the other day and asked if he would consider a cabinet job if offered, and he said, "no, and no!" He said he loves the county and wants to serve becasue he beleives he can be an even better councilman today then he was the first time around."

    Remember Vincenzio Foster??? They would make Great running mates! ;-)

  32. Anon 7:54, another anonymous twit. Why don't you run for ofice insted of just running your mouth.


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