Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rendell: Three Things You Should Look For in Any Candidate

During his endorsement of Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan last night, former Governor Ed Rendell gave some pretty good advice. It's not just on who to pick for Northampton County Executive, but for any office. And it's advice that really should apply to candidates in both parties.

First, "Make sure that the candidate has a good head. Smart enough to understand all the issues that are brought before him or her, and someone who is also smart enough to know that they're not the smartest person in the room." - Rendell claims Callahan had the intelligence of an Einstein, or at least of Lisa Boscola ... or Sal Panto.

Second, "You gotta' want someone who has a good heart. ... I do believe that government has a job to do in promoting growth, but also in protecting our most vulnerable citizens. Our very youngest, our very oldest, our disabled, our challenged. We have to be there for them. No ifs, ands or buts about it. And we have to create opportunities for people who've never had opportunities. I think government can do that if it's led by someone with a great heart." - Rendell claims Callahan has the "heart of Mother Therese".

Third, "We need someone who isn't a wuss. Too many elected officials don't have the courage of their own convictions. ... If you run for office and you don't believe that there's some things you want to get done, some things you want to protect against, that are important enough to risk your job, then save us the trouble. Don't run. Don't run. You have to have the courage. Do you know what the most difficult thing to do in politics is? When public opinion is against something and you know you gotta' do that because, in the long run, it's gonna' come out well for the public. .. You gotta' have the courage to do it." - Rendell claims Callahan has the "courage of a lion", and after his unpopular stance in favor of a single trash hauler in Bethlehem, I'm inclined to agree.


  1. Three things many in Bethlehem were unaware Callahan has. Maybe Callahan or Rendell can tell us why the Casino fees didn't lower our taxes?

    Another trait, don't tell the truth.

    Is Rendell now the old pol for hire to the highest bidder.

  2. really?

    are u saying he was paid to endorse Callahan?

  3. The taxes didn't go down because we had the worst recession since the 1920's courtesy of W Bush and two wars that he didn't pay for. At the end of W's term, the banking system collapsed, the housing market collapsed and we were losing 750,000 jobs a month for the last 5 months of W's great management.
    Every city in the US saw their incoming taxes go way down due to the recession.
    Unlike almost every other city in the state, Bethlehem didn't raise taxes for 6 of the last ten years and the City is $90 million in less debt than they were when he took office. The last two years he had over a million dollar SURPLUS. Those are facts.....check them! How can anyone look at all the things going on in Bethlehem and not be impressed. I, along with many other people I know, wish I lived there! I would trade Callahan for Palowski any day of the week.

  4. This is what Callahan was saying last night. I have it on video and will be loading it.

  5. The only thing Rendell looked at for supporters was the size of their donation. He is the revered godfather of fracking for taking tons of cash from drillers in exchange for absolutely no fracking rules for his entire administration. He's really the epitome of a sleazy political whore. He's perfect for Callahan.

  6. You've got the wrong governor. Corbett is the king of gas driller donations

  7. Keep up with blaming Bush 9:12, How original. I guess Bush laid off all the Bethleehem emplpoyess as well.

  8. 12:22 You obviously can't read. The question was what happened to the Casino money. The answer is that, due to the recession, cities all over the state and country are in more debt today, have raised taxes every year for the last 8 years and they are in financial distress.
    If you want to deny that the recession, housing market collapse, stock market crash and bank bail out didn't happen under W bush then there is no point in even talking with you because you are in denial. The recession hit every city (big and small) extremely hard on their incoming taxes.
    Bethlehem only raised taxes 4 out of the last 10 years, they have $90 MILLION OF LESS DEBT than they did 10 years ago, development going on all over the place and on top of that Bethlehem is the LOWEST TAXED CITY in the Lehigh Valley.
    Check it out, those are the facts!

  9. Didn't they layoff the employees to trim the budget to keep taxes down? I don't want anymore taxes. Keep trimming!

  10. Cut your grocery bill,fat ass, then you can afford your taxes

  11. Some people on this site are overly sensitive. Who in their right mind would want to run for any elected office. If you cut city departments to keep taxes down.....people bitch. If you don't cut departments and taxes go up.....people bitch. If you try to save taxpayers money by going to a single hauler....people bitch. If you don't go to a single hauler the people keep bitching about the garbage problem in the city. Why even have a city phone number to complain if the City isn't going to listen or do anything about the complaints. Disconnect the City phone line and save the money!

  12. The city is falling apart and Donchez will be forced to fix the problems Callahan and his gang created.


  13. Where is Simmons?, AKA the Invisible man....

  14. Why would Simmons be at a John Callahan fundraiser?

  15. I attended the rally and saw Sal Panto there. He spoke very well and seemed very genuine. I can see why he was considered the front runner for the position. I see the vast improvement in Easton and I realize his love for his city. He convinced me to support Callahan and I am now happy to do so. I would be amzed if Callahan doesn't win the primary by a landslide and the general as well. The Panto team is a strong grass roots campaign machine and I understand they ar eall working for Callahan.

    As a sidebar, the Easton school district is nuts to have turned him down. There is an organization that really needs help.

  16. Rarely do I agree 100% with another comment, but I agree with you completely. Easton Dems are working hard for Callahan, and people at the courthouse asked me to pick up buttons for them yesterday.

  17. Being popular is great for student council in high school.
    Being known as tough, fair, yet compassionate is perfect for a public official.

  18. 5:26 You obviously don't live in Bethlehem. What are you smoking? I live in the City....it's far from falling apart. We have the greatest City in the Lehigh Valley.... bar none! Our schools are all rebuilt and/New, we have the greatest Main St. in NorthEast Pa., Musikfest, ArtsQuest, CelticFest, Harvestfest, Steelstacks, the Sands Casino, Christmas traditions, great restaurants.....and the lowest taxes of any city in the Lehigh Valley! You are clueless!

  19. Callahan has almost destroyed all the good things Don Cunningham left him in the city.

  20. Rendell is a crook!


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