Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rendell: Callahan is NOT a Wuss

Before an enthusiastic crowd of about 220 supporters at the Bleu Event Center, former Governor Ed Rendell endorsed Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan for Northampton County Executive last night. He did so in his own inimitable style, after being introduced by former state Rep. Rich Grucela.

"Let me ask you a question," Rendell started. "If you were trying to decide who would be a county executive, and you had a Mayor who presided for almost a decade over a City, and that City was named by Money Magazine as one of the best hundred places to live in America, and that City was named by Forbes Magazine as one of the hundred best places to do business in America, wouldn't you elect that Mayor?"

The crowd on hand was a Who's Who of local politicos. Easton Mayor Sal Panto, State Rep. Steve Samuelson, State Senator Lisa Boscola, Bethlehem Mayor candidate J. Willie Reynolds, Palmer Supervisor Ann Marie Panella, Bethlehem City Council members Karen Dolan and Mike Rechiutti and numerous political hopefuls were in the house, dodging vegetarian egg rolls and chicken fingers to work the crowd.

Even Jennifer Sletvold, a Republican judicial candidate, was introducing herself, accompanied by Lehigh County Commissioner hopeful Susan Wild. Two of Jennifer's opponents, Chris Spadoni and Abe Kassis, were also making the rounds.

Evil Jim Hickey was there, insulting everyone. Dressed in jeans like me, he slammed Sheriff Randy Miller's dress shirt and laughed as he made people cry.

But I wanted to hear from the people who came out to see Callahan. Here's a sampling of what they said.

Carol Ritter: "I think he did a nice job in Bethlehem. If you look at the economic development projects that have gone on since he's been there, it's impressive. I love Bethlehem."

Laurel Mikovits: "He's a positive guy. He's got a real handle on what makes cities move forward. He's a good leader."

Faye North: "He's a real, positive people person. He is by far the best candidate we have in the Lehigh Valley for any office. He will be a great County Executive."

Rolf Treisner: "He moves the City forward. I don't agree with everything he's done. I like 'em all. But I know John better. I've seen what he's done."

Sam Royer: "I see him take stands for things that need to be done instead of 'I'm just going to try to be popular.'"

These are what people were saying before Rendell spoke. After the Governor was finished, Callahan picked up a few more votes. Rendell provided a voter's guide that can be used in any race of three things to look for in a candidate.


  1. Isn't Royer a Republican? How can he vote for Callahan in this primary?

  2. Royer can vote for Callahan bc he is a Democrat. This Marine and future law student changed parties.

  3. "changed parties"

    So did Callahan, no need to let convictions get in the way of politics.

    Bernie, I hope Callahan gave you the brand name vasiline, your butt deserves it.

  4. Like they say if ya can't beat them join them. Way to be Sam!

  5. What will he do for the County? Since being a councilman and Mayor of Bethlehem, he has walled up the place and has painted it as the place that only matters. He never talked the talk or walked the walk as a regional guy. Behind the scenes, he quashed major economic development projects that were not in the City. He never ever spoke about positive things in other communities like you hear Sal Panto do. This guy is in it for only a job. Not even sure he knows where Klecknersville, Rockville, Seemsville, Cherryville, Chapman, Bingen, Bushkill Center and many other places in the County are located.

  6. AAAAAHHHHH, reminds me of the old song "jealouseee, is there no cure, ". For all you asholes who never ran for office or ever did anything in your community to make it better....keep tearing everyone else down on Bernie's Blog. What a shame you will never be remembered for anything except being a naysayer and a coward.

  7. Admit it Bernie, you are being paid to support John Callahan, since your support of any candidate is a kiss of death. Ha ha Ha ha.

  8. Looks like flabby Fleck is up early.

  9. If he can do the same things for the County that he did in Bethlehem, he has my vote. I love that place. Didn't he agree to sharing the Casino host fees with the surrounding communities?

  10. "Admit it Bernie, you are being paid to support John Callahan, since your support of any candidate is a kiss of death. Ha ha Ha ha."

    If my support for any candidate is the kiss of death, and it often is, then why would they pay me? That makes no sense. Also, if I were being paid by all the pols who are supposedly paying me, I'd be blogging from the Cayman Islands. Although there are paid operatives out there, I am not one of them. Nor would I be. If it were about the money, this blog would be infested with ads. Just to be clear, nobody tells me what to write and nobody pays me to write, except when I'm writing for the local weekly.

  11. Several polls have been run:
    #1 Callahan
    #2 McClure
    #3 Brown
    #4 Riebmann

    Jus sayin

  12. You would have thought that Pawlowski would put aside his petty childish anger at Callahan over the NIZ and show up for this.

    Guess not. What a maroon.

    The Banker

  13. Thankfully, he was not there. That would have cost Callahan half the votes in that room. This isn't Allentown, and he is not King in Northampton County.

  14. Does Callahan support same-wuss marriage? Rendell is so dirty he makes the skin crawl. Given Callahan's nearly criminal ethics, it's a perfect fit. What a putrid pile.

  15. BTW, when it needs to be declared that you are NOT a wuss, make no mistake: you are a wuss.

  16. Somebody's angwy. vewy, vewy angwy.

  17. Is Ron Angle going to throw a sh*t fit at the Executive Committee to have Slatvold tossed out as a candidate because she is at a Democrat event?

    Please show us all how much of a hypocrite the two of you are in going after Mezzacappa and not Slatvold.

  18. She is running for judge and is on both ballots. It is supposed to be a nonpartisan race. For that reason, she is entitled to campaign for her office at Democratic events, and Chris and Abe are entitled to campaign at Republican events. I would expect Ron, who supports Jennifer, to support her appearance there as evidence of someone who is running hard.

    Mezzacappa, on the other hand is running for a partisan office. She is a committee person and is the Vice Chair or something in Easton.

  19. Word on the street is, once Lamont Mclure wins the CE post by a record margin he will install RMM as his spiritual adviser making him basically a latino Rasputin.

  20. The'll weed out all the Fabian socialists.

  21. The only way the casino money went to Allentown is because Stoffa and Boscola did that at a state level

  22. Sheriff Miller made an appearance without his pilot jacket on. WOW! May need to increase the $250 gift he gave to Callahan when he previously ran for State office if he hopes to keep his job. PAY FOR PLAY ALL THE WAY!!!!

  23. Hey, not for nothing Bernie but that tommy chong 11:12 comment sounds racists to me. You might want to consider removing it. It could be used against you.

    Just Saying

  24. Want to know what a well-run campaign looks like? Callahan is running for County Executive (an office many voters have never heard of) and his campaign has the energy of a more prominent, much larger race. Reibman and McClure's campaigns are silly and pointless. Haters can hate, but this one is all over.

  25. So is the county if Callahan wins, all over.

  26. Richard Nixon, "I am not a crook"

    John Callahan, I am not a wuss.

    Yeah, I get it now.

  27. Outside of the 200 people who showed up for the event, nobody cares.

    The problem with Callahan is that he's not a County guy. He's a Bethlehem guy and the County's problems aren't City problems.

    Big deal Rendell shows up. That may mean something in big city politics but Callahan needs to get out to the fire halls and the school gyms if he doesn't want to get upset in the election.

  28. I saw and talked to Callahan at The Blue Valley farm Show breakfast last weekend. Does that count?

  29. He was all over my neighborhood last weekend. I think Easton would be in great hands with him as County Exec.

  30. The wuss remarks are coded slurs.


  31. Does Callahan support city NIZ-type areas like the one Panto wants in Easton? Does Callahan support commuter taxes like the one Panto imposed on outsiders working in his city? Does he have the guts to speak on these issues? Of course not.

    Your post is incorrect. He is the working definition of wuss.

  32. People just love when some obnoxoius politican bothers them when they are trying to eat breakfat. Keep it up Johnny boy. The rest fo the county will grow as weary of you as Bethlehem has.

  33. Council meetings will be great if Callahan and Seyfried win. You got a guy who gets thrown out of a wrestling meet and one who has thrown punches in the Courthouse once before. The meetings will get better ratings than WWE Raw. Keep Marcus on as well to complete the 3 Stooge trifecta.

  34. Council meetings will be great if Callahan and Seyfried win. You got a guy who gets thrown out of a wrestling meet and one who has thrown punches in the Courthouse once before. The meetings will get better ratings than WWE Raw. Keep Marcus on as well to complete the 3 Stooge trifecta.

  35. "Hey, not for nothing Bernie but that tommy chong 11:12 comment sounds racists to me."

    Fake Rev, That's because you're a thin-skinned little priss. There is noting about that comment that is remotely racist.

  36. "Haters can hate, but this one is all over."

    I'm inclined to agree. On the basis of the hate-filled comments, the Reibman and McClure trolls know it, too.

  37. 5:11, If you want to attack Callahan for not having the course of his convictions, you should have a basis. You don't. Except for when he ran for Congress and fell under the spell of idiots from DC, Callahan has always been out front on issues, popular or not.

    Just a few months ago, he proposed a singe trash hauler in bethlehem, knowing that it is immensely unpopular, even though most every one in surrounding municipalities will tell you it is a no-brainer. He has proposed tax hikes instead of depleting a reserve. He negotiated contracts that infuriated some police officers and firemen, even though it is best for the them in the long run. More than most, he really is willing to take a stand.

  38. "I saw and talked to Callahan at The Blue Valley farm Show breakfast last weekend. Does that count?"

    If he's out in the Slate Belt, he must feel comfortable in his base. He also appears to be working his ass off.

    Were any refs there?

  39. Hey, the guy delivered on his promise of tax relief from casino dough, right? Lay off him. He's a promise keeper.

    He also spoke out forcefully on the NIZ and made his thoughts on commuter taxes on county employees very clear.

    John's not afraid of the big issues.

    An Alternate Reality

  40. "In Bethlehem, I see how this is done. If you need something done, give money to the mayor of Bethlehem."

    Charlie Dent (R-PA)
    October 13, 2010

    Ancient history, right?

  41. Rendell is correct, I will always vote for the candidate who has the ability to ask the tough questions and display the leadership needed when the decisions are not popular.
    This is Callahan!

  42. Anon 8:30, I love it, keep them coming. Going over the old
    Dent fliers, there are a million more quotes you could use.

    Word is McClure and Reibman will just resend all the old Dent fliers and re-state all the old O'Hare quotes calling Callahan a terrible mayor.

    Sorry Bernie, money can buy a blog but can't change your words.

  43. You failed to mention Jenn Mann being there. Did you see how much cash she slipped Callahan? All the lobbyests know who will sell the county. They are out in force pushing their boy Callaham.

    Everything is for sale for the right price. It is the Callahan clan way of doing business.

  44. Where is the tax relief from the Casino?

  45. "You failed to mention Jenn Mann being there"

    You could see her on the video. There were 220 people there, and many of them should be listed.

    Who was at the Barron endorsement at Dunkin' Donuts?

  46. Callahan's way of fleecing supporters and selling will make Reibman look like a child.

    You are looking at a new GOLD standard of pay to play in the county.

  47. Why did I read these? Damn you Bernie I have a brief conversation with you and I start reading comments again.

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