Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

NC GOP Exec Hopeful John Brown to Hold Fundraiser

Despite all the chatter about three Democrats seeking a seat as Northampton County Executive, there is a Republican is the hunt. Bangor Mayor John Brown is the sacrificial lamb, and will hold a fundraiser in April.

When: Sunday, April 7, 2013

Time: 1-5 PM

Where: Detzi’s Tavern
570 N Lehigh Ave, Wind Gap PA

Suggested Donation: $30 per person, $50 per couple.


  1. God bless this young fellow. He is way out of his leauge here and he is screwing up right and left. He has turned off the people of Bangor by screwing them out of their tax dollars and now he runs a fundraiser for 50 dollars. We'll see how many people attend.

  2. Detzi's has some of the best food around. Probably the best burgers in the LV.

  3. I didn't know John Brown a couple months ago; I now think he's the guy I'll vote for....in November.
    The other guys are all whackos; I like Brown's record.

  4. Brown will get many Dem votes if Callahan is running.

  5. "Brown will get many Dem votes if Callahan is running."

    yeah...yours and your therapist's

  6. Your nuts, a vote for Brown is a wasted vote. I can't wait for the debates, Brown will never recover from them.

  7. gruntled at 11:04 and 11:05.

    You like his record? What record? You obviously don't live in Bangor, or in reality. He's a terrible mayor. if it wasn't for Bob janus getting arrested and jailed, brown would go down as one of the worst mayors in the town history. Glad to see him GO!

  8. If you're so glad he's leaving..why don't YOU run for Mayor? As of today..no one has filed to be Bangor's next leader. If he was SOOOO terrible..why hasn't anyone stepped forward? More disinformation and outright lies.

  9. why dont you? you seem to know it all.

  10. Wwe heard Mareeno Saveri is running for mayor. Then he can Quadruple-dip.

  11. Bangor? I hardly even know her!

    Why Bangor when you can Mount Bethel!

  12. Morning Bernie, I still can't fathom Bangor council spending $7-8,000 for John to attend Leadership training when a Mayor has the Mayor's manual and boro code books as their bibles. I was appalled at the attitude of the council and officials when I spoke at a meeting on behalf of the Bangor Fire Department. I'm still not sure if anyone of them realized an individual was standing in front of them speaking.

  13. Thank You Carol. You did a fine job as mayor. You always stood up for the fire dept. This group has been attacking the dept for 3 years. Can you talk sense into Brown?

  14. Bangor wake up .....

    You need ONE fire company.

  15. See what I mean! 10:17 is obviously one of the clowns on council or the mayor himself. Tearing down the largest VOLUNTEER Dept in Northampton County. You think your going to win doing this? I think not!!

  16. Brown and Callahan have something in common, neither mayors are loved in their own towns.

  17. Funny thing..Brown helped taxes go down in Bangor..can't say that about Callahan. Maybe it's just you who does not like Brown..why..did he step on your toes?

  18. John Brown first raised taxes. Then he fired police chief, police secretary (didnt replace either), long -time secretary and others unnamed. Then balanced the budget on those employees wages. Then lowered taxes. Smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand. Not a true reduction. the next mayor will have a mess!

  19. Those sound like bold changes and meaningful reductions. Thanks for the info. I like him suddenly.

  20. "bold changes" refers to a loss of protection, and the security of the residents. Up till 2010, you could call the police dept and talk to someone. That is now impossible. getting rid of employees because they know more than their bosses, also doesnt make sense. And giving Mayor Brown $8,000.00 for "mayor training" is a complete waste of the taxpayers money. You suddenly likehim? you can have him! GOOOOOD riddance!!

  21. Give it a rest DAN! Report to the fire house and shine that piece of junk truck you forced down the tax payers throats under duress. Your credibility is zilch.

  22. OK Dave Houser. And you keep being the mouth piece for John brown. With all your "help", he will do great. That truck might save your sorry ass some night.

    "Under duress"? Thats a new arguement you have't used yet. Whats next? Again, You and Brown will lose with this attitude!

  23. Brown is lame. He hides behind his wifes skirt, and has Houser blog for him. Will he ever speak off-cuff? Heard the boro is buying him a teleprompter.

  24. 60K of Bangor boro taxpayer money wasted to help buy a prototype used fire truck that the Co. can't even buy parts for to fix it. It was not a unanimous vote..was it Dan? Saw right thru your scam. Heard you can't even muster a crew to drive it out on calls some days. Pathetic.

  25. And the Bangor Firefighters Relief fund has how much money in their account? Public info/State audit says..drum roll..400K. Hmmmm..

  26. Why use state funds when you can soak the taxpayers..under duress!

  27. Your gripe isn't with the mayor Dan..council has dragged you out into the light of day for all to see.

  28. Okay simple questions: Bernie have you had Dezti's Steak sandwiches? Is Mr. Brown ready for this jump? Who will or should take over as the figurehead of the Borough (the real power lays on those council members elected; PA boro code, not mine? Which, if not all, of the three Fire Companies will be eliminated? What is the future of this important entity? What is the outlook of the Police coverage? Can the Council members hold an individual Ward by Ward gathering to see what the views of these and other important issues of those constituents are of concern so they can reflect and relay this to the council overall? Maybe this would help. Just a thought.

  29. Sorry, what i meant in the end question was, our council members are elected correct? then democratically they should review concerns with those citizens in the Ward they represent before returning and carrying out business. Adhereing to the concerns of 1 or 2 won't reflect the concerns of the mass, thus eliminating that politicians future. But then again you just cannot please everyone!!

  30. Why are you asking Bernie? He does not live in Bangor. You have elected representatives. The primary is in May. The general election is in November. There is public comment, attwo seperate parts of each meeting..before and after the business part of the agenda. Come to a meeting and ask your questions and/or run for office if you disagree on the issues.

  31. Transparency in government is to provide openess, correct me if I am wrong, therefore public participation and collaberation would be involved. that would provide accountability and information to the citizens about what their government is doing. Ideally the Council members should go to the meeting and then go back to the body, in this case ward, and relay that info and get their opinion. Correct? Try it. See what happens

  32. @10:27 i am not disagreeing or being hostile, I'm just asking. I'm not attacking, you just curious.

  33. Both current Bangor 4th Ward representatives are planning a meet and greet to happen when warmer weather appears. Can't do better than that..right? It is a novel idea but the correct one. Information is power. Tentative site is Liberty Fire Co. building.

  34. Boro council representatives contact info is public information. That info is on the boro website for all to see. Nobody is hiding in plain site here. It is transparency whether you want to accept that fact or not.

  35. @10:34 that is great. Lets hope the voters of the that Ward attend and you can inform them. That's what its all about.

  36. Many decisions are made.up or down..at every meeting. To canvass the people who elected you on every issue..as to their preference..is not feasable and not practical. If you feel strongly about an issue..either call your representative and/or attend a council meeting and be heard.

  37. And if you are in opposition to the initiatives of council..run for election and unseat them.

  38. At this time..NO ONE..has stepped forward to indicate their desire to be the next Mayor of Bangor. There is still time to become a write in candidate in November. Are you part of the problem or are you part of the solution?

  39. Dave Houser was really burning up the computer last night with over a dozen posts. He must have a mirror nearby with his bag of NUTS. Continues to attack hard working volunteers with mis-information. It won't help Dave! Everyone is on to you and your buddy the mayor(for now). I feel sorry for the next mayor. John Brown has created such a mess, that no one wants the job of cleaning it up!!

  40. And you don't have the guts for the job!

  41. You truly are a coward..aren't you Dan?

  42. Should I be scared Dan? I've already been warned at a public meeting that it's not safe, by one of your fine firefighters. You threatening me too..Dan?

  43. When are you going to repudiate what your fellow firefighter said in front of the public and is on the record? You won't because he was speaking for YOU! Where's the apology?

  44. Morning Bernie, to Anonymous 10:48, I don't really think approaching Bangor Boro Council to speak at a meeting means anything anymore, I watched and listened and then spoke, we were all ignored. Carol

  45. Anybody ever threaten you Carol? Sorry you could not be there that night. Your entitled to your opinion though.

  46. Reply to 8:32, Rather confusing, threaten me for what and what meeting?

  47. It is confusing. I have no idea who "Dan" is, and thought this was about a fundraiser, not Bangor politics. But given what I see, there are a few unhappy campers there.

  48. About 5,000 unhappy campers. Only the elite few on council, the mayor, and especially the boro authority, are happy. And Dave continues commenting to himself.

  49. Carol..were you ever threatened by a member of the audience at a Boro council meeting in your tenure? Simple question.

  50. You and a few other malcontents..Dan. Stop speaking for the rest of the town..you represent no one. Run for office..then you can speak for your constituents.

  51. Everybody in town loved you..right Carol?

  52. He's the coward who keeps trying to smear the boro council along with Mayor Brown. As I have told him here..his gripe is with the council and he needs to get over it and move on with his life. He is part of the group who threatened me and hid behind the guy doing the talking.

  53. Dave, or whoever is wrong, AGAIN. "dan" is more than one person. There are many comments on this post from other people Dave. You seem to be the only one defending this injustice.

    I give you credit for having convictions and sticking to them even if you are incorrect.

  54. What injustice are you referring to? Please enlighten me..

  55. 12:14, a simple No. Carol

  56. Thank you Carol..so you have no idea what that feels like..do you? I know!

  57. Bernie has seen the transcript of the minutes of that meeting and he has read the veiled threat/warning directed at me and indirectly at council. I guess I deserved it ..right Carol? That's what happens when you say no to the wrong group of people in Bangor..right Carol? How dare we not give the FD everything they want and make the taxpayers ante up for all the bills. You always gave them whatever they demanded..didn't you Carol? Send us the bill and go away til next year. Quite a legacy Carol..we'll clean up the mess you left and thanks.

  58. Now dave houser has taken to attacking former mayor/ former county councilwoman Carol couno. EVERY post made by Carol has been positive, but thats not good enough for houser. She has been out of office since the 90's, but he thinks she left a mess to clean up. he lives in a fantasy world! No one wants to be mayor becasue of people like DAVE HOUSER! Thanks for NOTHING !!!

  59. And lastly Dave: Grow the fuck up!

  60. Was I too harsh with poor Carol? I attacked her? If telling the truth is an attack..I'm guilty as sin. Gonna burn down my house Mr. Coward? What you got in mind Mr. Coward? Gutless!

  61. Did it feel good to throw that F bomb? Make you feel like a real man? What a gutless coward you are..sign your name coward.

  62. Like you are signing your name Mr sbfan?

  63. We are reaching the point of diminishing returns here.

  64. Agreed-I suggest cutting off comments here. Thanks.

    A. Slater


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