Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

48 Years of Wedded Bliss ... at Least For Jerry Seyfried

Julie and Jerry Seyfried are celebrating their 48th wedding anniversary today. Congratulate Jerry if you see him, and offer Julie your condolences.

"I don't know how she put up with me for 48 years," Jerry told me yesterday.

I know.

Poor eyesight.

All kidding aside, they are a wonderful couple, and if you spend any time with them, you'll see that they are still very much in love.


  1. A lot of people celebrate wedding anniversaries. Has this become a Seyfried kissass site as well as a Callahan kiss azz site. You really want to pump up his numbers don't you.
    What a crock of shit O'Hare.

  2. 48th wedding anniversaries are somewhat rare. Your comment is unnecessary and unkind. Feel free to hate me. I don't give a shit. But there's no reason to dump on someone just bc he has a happy marriage.

  3. Seyfried is one of the Callahan approved candidates. How much grease is Callahan providing old Jerry's race?

  4. What a special occasion. Congratulations to two really nice people.

  5. there's a special place in hell for people like 12:53 and 2:05.

  6. 6:29,

    Best comment of the week!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats to the Seyfrieds

  7. congrats to them both .... i'd love to see Jerry become county executive ... great guy and knowledgeable we could use some of that here in northampton county .... he'd have no problem straightening the mess the county has become after this last administration!

  8. Congratulations Jerry, 48 years is an example of making marriage work, along with its trials and tribulations, nothing made Archie happier than Jerry picking him up for a wrestling match, Archie's daughter

  9. Jerry is a putz. Check his record.

  10. When she nags me, I tell my wife of 40+ years that she should back off because I'm the beat she could get, apparently. Best to the anniversary couple.

  11. anon 7:39, I guess that is why Seyfried was beat by a write in candidate the last time he ran for county ofice.

  12. 12:28 P.M.
    what does this have to do with his marriage you idiot. I know Jerry and his whole family. Their two children are very successful in the private sector and don't live around this area. Congrats to Jerry and Julie for rearing two fine children and for sharing their love for each other for more than 48 years. There is a time when you knock a guy and a time when you let a guy have his day. This should be a day of memories for them. You ought to ashamed of yourself but you won't be because you're too fucken ignorant.
    Bernie, you should delete those assholes remarks. The Seyfrieds don't need that nonsense.

  13. Jerry is a great guy and he has a wonderful wife who is always by his side. More people should have what these two have, we would be much better off.

  14. 1:34, Julie is not looking at the comments bc, if she does, she'll cry. That's how some assholes roll. I will take them down in a day or two, but if I do it now, the Callahan haters will be back and spew more venom.

    I saw Jerry and his wife briefly late this afternoon. They were going out to dinner to celebrate.

  15. It is a shame that Jerry sold his soul to the Callahan machine just to sit on county council again.

  16. Congrats to a very nice couple and I hope you have many many more years of happiness. 48 years means you worked at making a marriage everything a marriage should be and I'm sure it wasn't all ice cream pie and roses.

  17. Why is it that someone always has to blow out another persons candle to make their candle shine brighter? Those negative jerks on your BLOG are probably in a lousy marriage and will never make it to the milestone the Seyfrieds have. What a shame we have such jerks in this world. They "THANK GOD" are in the minority. Best to Jerry and his wife on this special day.


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