Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

I Missed Breakfast With King Edwin

This morning, the Greater Lehigh Valley and Allentown Chamber of Commerce will host its Annual Allentown Mayor’s Breakfast, with Mayor Ed Pawlowski at Muhlenberg College. I had no idea he only ate breakfast once every year, but there it is.

I just found out about this, and the memo says it's sold out.

Maybe next year.

King Edwin will no doubt tell everyone, in a three-hour power point, that Allentown is completely safe, has millions of police officers, billions of jobs and a Rising Tide is transforming the Queen City into Shangri-La.

Pawlowski's campaign manager, Mike Fleck, will be supplying the kool-aid.

Pawlowski will have no time to answer any questions. And Allentown's citizens, which have failed to produce anyone to run against him, will get the government they so richly deserve.


  1. The ACLU beer bash is looking better by the moment

  2. I hyave my season tickets for hockey and can't wait. Too bad haters, join the losers for a good cry.

  3. Bernie, The cost of a ticket to attend Mayors Breakfeast

  4. I don't have the news release any more and cannot recall the price. It is a bit above my pay grade.


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