Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

ET Picks Up On Onembo Story

For years, I have been writing Northampton County Court Administrator James Onembo's abuse of his official position to enhance his personal portfolio. He won't talk to me, claiming that I'm a "rabid dog." That's understandable.  But he wouldn't talk to Express Times reporter Tom Shortell either, and his shots are up to date. So Shortell spoke to DA John Morganelli instead.

Two weeks ago, all nine judges huddled for a meeting with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. They dropped in town, reportedly to review a few complaints about what is now an embattled Court Administrator.

It's about time.


  1. Good job Bernie! Sometimes you just have to persevere and keep kicking at the door until it shatters..

  2. THANK GOD!! I was so happy to see the ET story, and that Morganelli decided to do something about this.

    Despite what some people think, your IS influential in exposing things that need to be exposed.

    BTW, I tried twice to post a response to RMM's "prayer" for you. Both were deleted. It appears that if someone disagrees with them, they automatically claim it's YOU posting anonymously. They said that all I had to do was simply email them and prove I wasn't you. That would mean using my real email with my name on it. There is NO WAY I would want the Blog Mentor or TM to have my name. I see what they have done to you and others. I'll pass.

    Keep up the good work in exposing this type of baloney!!!!!

  3. "Strange crew." That's a kind way of putting it.

    I never had much of an opinion of RMM and didn't care too much for you referring to him as the Fake Rev. But now I understand why. His public "prayer for you was offensive since it is clear from his postings that he doesn't have Christian thoughts for you. If he did, he would be counseling TM to stop her insane rampage. Advocating that a teenager girl be shot? Seriously? I wouldn't associated with someone like that.

    Any prayers should be saved for her and the Blog Mentor, who are deeply disturbed. I've been reading your blog for years and "saw" both of these two unwind. God bless you, because I would never put myself out there like you do.

  4. Yeah, it's funny. I saw thru him from the beginning. I'm not usually that perceptive. Maybe it's bc he cut in front of a group of us the first time I saw him. It took Stoffa and Angle a lot longer. I have never seen a more concentrated mass of cRaZies than exists in that group.

  5. So the game begins who is anononymous 12:00 & 1:10; Stoffa, Ron Angle or Bernie. Never mind, many people are still praying for you black souls.

    Or just maybe youa re one of O'Hare's poison posse.

  6. Hopefully Morganelli will also do something about Stoffa


  7. News Flash!!!

    A newspaper reports that Gov. Corbett has accepted gifts from special interests, may have violated a law implemented under Gov. Thornburgh....Check it out!!!

  8. Who even brought this angle to your attention or the press, had to be someone on the inside of the fence.No one else would have known ,right?

  9. Well Bernie, at least your blog people will help keep some issues to the attention of the voter and tax payers. This is the value of this new media. The Express Times and Morning Call are way after any news as they don't have reporters anymore that hunt stuff down or look to people that know stuff over all. It takes them 3 days on any issue as it appears.You mean they are now just finding out this issue?I could have taken a Balloon ride to China by now.

  10. 5:45, over the years, Onembo has made many enemies and has burned many people. But they are afraid of the guy.

  11. I plan to break this story in a few months.

    B. Koltnow

  12. I plan to write a humorous column about this funny case. I'll get right on it after a couple more grammar columns.


    B. White

  13. If news doesn't happen during the three days a week I work, it's not news. Nothing to see here.

    T. Rhodin

  14. I can't believe this . Mr. O had always appeared professional in demeanor and in fact wrote me a citation after I arrested and return a prisoner that went OVER THE WALL and missing. .He always was straight forward with me and I respected for it.What could this be?

  15. All this because Bernie caught O'Hare and one of his boyfriends in one of the county's men restrooms changing into womens clothing. O'Hare has ahd a hardon for him ever since.

  16. In addition to being an outright lie, your story is illogical. Whether I have it in for Onembo or not, I don'rt decide what the newspapers publish. When you lie, you should at least try to be logical.

  17. Bernie, why did you decide to take around a Callahan petition?

  18. why do you post off topic comments?

  19. Bernie, why won;t you answer the question? What are you afraid of? Either you circulated a petition or you didnot.

  20. Who cares about a petition. This unethical Onembo needs to be dealt with. That's the blog topic

  21. northamptoncountypa.org


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