Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

GOP Ballot Challenge to Bassil in DJ Race

Tony Bassil's nomination as a GOP candidate in the crowded Easton magisterial race has been challenged.

In papers filed by Allentown Attorney Bob Daday, on behalf of John Van Arman, it is asserted that the EastonCity Controller only garnered 93 legitimate signatures, instead of the 117 claimed. Van Armen was a circulator for Sharbel Koorie.


  1. Bassil is a political opportunist who switched parties when he was about to be shown the door. He has no legal experience and can't complete a petition completely. This skill set indicates he should run for city council or mayor; not magistrate.

  2. This very well maybe a Lebanese on Lebanese crime.

  3. He's not a good candidate, but the Carmelcorn Shop is Easton's best guilty pleasure. The place is pure heaven in Easton, of all places. It may have as much to do with Tony's lovely wife, Sia. They are what's good about Easton.

  4. Lance is proud of his signatures but just squeaked by with 103. How can someone be proud of 183 signatures.

  5. Lance claimed 283 signatures but only got 103 valid ones? Is that what you are saying?

  6. I feel, that Mr. Koorie is behind this. Easton R committee man Vanarman is just the front man

  7. Its my understanding that Constable Wheeler got approximately 280 signatures from grass roots circulators and supporters. Having almost 300% of the required signatures in a 5 way primary is pretty impressive.

    I'm sure its possible to get more than that with paid circulators but I'm sure none of the candidates for District Judge would do that... would they?

  8. I feel, that Mr. Koorie is behind this. Easton R committee man Vanarman is just the front man

  9. To 2:13 - If Tony Bassil is a "political opportunist" wouldn't he use his power as City Controller to investigate if Koorie can legally run while he is a code inspector??? Is he covered by the Hatched Act??? Maybe Bassil trusts us voters, instead of nitpicking his opponents. Maybe people in glass house should not throw stones.

  10. The Hatched Act??

    I like that one.

  11. Bassil has no authority to investigate anybody. He's been a Democrat for approximately four minutes and is learning that he's a much smaller fish in a much larger pond. Opportunism works that way sometimes. He doesn't have a shot.

  12. Actually mr wheeler received only 103 valid signatures. The rest where invalid as they signatures from outside of his district or republicans.

  13. To 7:24: That allegation is simply a lie and an unbelievable one at that. Is this what the MDJ race has devolved into already?

  14. Peter J.Cochran, Peter J.Cochran U.S.Army .:Ret.Inf."March 20, 2013 at 8:47 AM

    I don't think one single person in this race is acting like a big shot.Any one who runs for anything is by definition a "Political Opportunist "then ,right? And 103 does not matter ,Mr. Wheeler is on the list,good for him! --What do you call a med student that got a 61 on his final exam fron a Mexican Medical college?--- DOCTOR !Also MR. Koorie,as code officer HAS AN American GIVEN RIGHT to run for office,Where does this stuff come from?

  15. Sharbel Koorie isn't even a legal citizen of America.

  16. That would be a bass for challenging him. Why didn't you do so?


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