Bangor Mayor John Brown, who has no opponent in the Republican primary, collected the most signatures. 1102 Republicans have endorsed his Executive bid. His petition was circulated by former chair Bob Kilbanks, Karen Frey (Slate Belt Republican), Teg Hughes (Slate Belt Republican), Mat Benol (Council candidate), Frank Hesch (Council candidate), Tony Simao (party treasurer), Mary Barket (former employee), Arlene Klocek (former Gracedale nurse), Ann Dally (wife of Judge Dally), Marcia Hahn (state rep.), Joan Rosenthal (Hanover ZHB), Joe Emrick (state rep), Peg Ferraro (Council member), Steve Salvesen (Hanover supervisor), and auto dealer L. Anderson Daub.
In a three-way primary, Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan collected 786 signatures, far more than his two primary opponents. Supporters circulating his petition reveal that, like Brown, there was a grass roots effort. They include bethlehem City Council members Karen Dolan, Eric Evans and Michael Recchiuti; former Mayor Gordon Mowrer; LGBT activist Adrian Shanker; peace activist Gloria McVeigh; School Board Prez Michael Faccinetto; Nazareth High School football coach Robert Melosky; former bethlehem Dem party chair John Burke; Sal Panto Democrats Randy Galiotto and Frank Pintabone; former state house candidate Leslie Atieri; Attorney Cathy Barr Heimbach; and party Vice Chair Lorraine Pasquali.
Callahan is particularly proud that he garnered signatures from each of Bethlehem's 38 municipalities, signalling his intention to be Executive for the entire County, not just Bethlehem.
Glenn Reibman filed 608 signatures, most of them gathered by $5,000 per month Michael and Alison Fleck. he also obtained some signatures from Council candidate Ismael Arcelay, Callahan critic Dana Grubb, Easton Democrat Sandra Vulcano, former NAACP President Waltar Bright and state senator Lia Boscola.
Lamont McClure had 609 signatures. As I mentioned yesterday, most of them came from Gracedale union workers.
Of the three Democrats, Callahan appears to have the most widespread support.
All signatures collected from grub should be scrutinized. His hatred of JC drives him to do strange things.
Dana Grubb is a man of integrity and honor. He is certainly no friend of Callahan, but this is America and he is exercising is First Amendment rights.
So Callahan's Facebook post says 875 signatures. Is this the kind of fuzzy math he's used in Bethlehem and bring to Northampton County.
Interesting he only got 177 signatures more than McClure and 178 more than Reibman that is not a huge difference.
Let's assume Callahan paid $5000 for his staff over the three weeks of collecting signatures. Reibman paid the same to Fleck. Callahan paid $5.71 per signature. Reibman paid $8.22 per signature.
Considering McClure probably paid no one to collect that means he pretty much paid $0.00 for a signature.
This post is a good try, but Callahan's number should be near Brown's if he was as organized and running an effective campaign as you report here.
I decided to go by my own count. You assume and discuss what probably happened. I am going by what I saw. I saw a lot of grass roots support for Callahan that I did not see for McClure or Reibman. Those circulators were not paid. Instead of spinning what is obvious, you should withdraw bc the writing is on the wall ... or on the nomination petitions.
Dolan must have been busy getting Callahans signatures becsue she scrwed up getting her own using the wrong petitions.
The fact that she used the wrong form is meaningless. You are exalting form over substance. But if it bothers you, file a challenge.
Grub used to be a man of integrity and honor.. his insane obsession with callahan has caused him to lose his way.
Callahan got his stooges in Bethlehem government to sign, nice cross-section. Plus some of the failed Long Dem's. I like the fact you brag about the petition from the coach who went to court on assulting a youth. Nice touch and fits the entire Callahan gang way if doing things.
I got to hand it to you Bernie, this could have been writtin many ways. Not the least of which would have been how few signatures Callahan got given the bankroll and the army it bought. Still, you spun it the way your new patron would approve of.
You are good at what you do in your spin room. When you are in love brother, you are in love.
Food Man Chew
Yeah, 3 members of City Council, a former Mayor, a school bard prez, a LGBT activist, an Easton School Board Director, Nazareth's football coach, a peace activist and a former chair of the Bethlehem Dems are just a bunch of "stooges." And, oh yeah, they were paid, too.
Do you realize just how damn goofy you sound? If i were Lamont McClure, I'd take your computer away bc you're just hurting him. There are people who might have signed McClure's petition and might have been thinking about voting for him. but after reading your hate, I'm sure they're having second thoughts.
The councilmemebers are known Callahan stooges. The coach, really? I doubt anyone but Callahan would welcome his attention. Ask some old Parkland cheerleaders and their moms.
Once again, pure Callahan. Money talks, morality walks. You are smart to stick with the money Bernie. I see gerat thingsfor you down the road. Apple is always coming up with new products.
' Sal Panto democrats'
I hope they arent like the Long Democrats.
' Sal Panto democrats'
I hope they arent like the Long Democrats.
What are the prerequistes to be called a McCLURE dEMOCRAT? And is it any different from being a Barron Democrat? Is that anything like being a Mezzacappa Republican that really wants to be Democrat that votes as a Tea Green Party?
That may be true, until the Public learned that he had an all expense paid vacation , to the tune of $7,000.00....paid for by the Taxpayer!
"The councilmemebers are known Callahan stooges. The coach, really? I doubt anyone but Callahan would welcome his attention. Ask some old Parkland cheerleaders and their moms.
Once again, pure Callahan. Money talks, morality walks. You are smart to stick with the money Bernie. I see gerat thingsfor you down the road. Apple is always coming up with new products"
you are one sad, sorry and bitter son of a bitch, aren't you?
seriously, take a good look at your life, and figure out where all the anger comes from, and then try to let it go. because it's not healthy.
The race is over. Fall behind Callahan and cut to the general. Unions have nowhere else to go. Callahan will throw them a bone to give them a fig leaf for November. Stop whining and get in line.
Warm regards,
Any updates on the Bethlehem city council race? Last i heard there were 6 Dems and 1 R in. And what is he issue with Dolans petitions?
I have not looked at Beth City Council, but you have it right. The problem with karen's petitions is she used the form supplied for judicial races. I honestly don't think this makes a difference.
Bernie,.are 'panto dems' the same as long dems
Bernie,.are 'panto dems' the same as long dems
"So Callahan's Facebook post says 875 signatures. Is this the kind of fuzzy math he's used in Bethlehem and bring to Northampton County"
Callahan's camp contacted me and they are sticking with their own count. I might have inverted numbers. I was doing a lot of counting on Thursday.
I happily circulated a Callahan petition free of charge. I wish "Anonymous" would have told me ahead of time I could have gotten $5.71 a signature...Damn!
Hope the Dems take a do no harm approach.
My buddies and I collected signatures for our boss. He didn't want us to know his real name. But every time he answered the phone he said his name Flicke. He thought I was dumb. He paid us in pizzas and 6 packs of beer and gave us rides. It was better pay than that guy with the funny facial hair. He just wanted to give us rides on his mustach. And that one lady want to pay us in the barter system. I thought she said chair massages. My buddies thought she said chair lap dances. She was scary.
Anon 6:14, sorry but true. Callahan is fooling no one. Even Bernie knows better but his hate of the other two and the lure of access to power has him on board.
People don't like Callahan, they fear reprisals. There is a difference. Money buys you lots of "friends".
Panto dems helping Callahan. Danger, Danger.
" Anon 6:14, sorry but true. Callahan is fooling no one. Even Bernie knows better but his hate of the other two and the lure of access to power has him on board.
People don't like Callahan, they fear reprisals. There is a difference. Money buys you lots of "friends". "
don't know what you can do. you'll continue to project the failings of your own miserable life onto some external icon. if you didn't have callahan to blame, you'll find something else, but the bottom line is, you're unhappy because of yourself.
try thinking of bunnies. cute, fluffy, lop-eared bunnies. that will help in the short term.
So what?
Bernie, hopefully you can help me with this. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Lamont McClure wins the County Exec race, and the Republicans take 4 of the 5 Council races. Now, when Lamont steps down from his Council post, that'll leave a 4-4 split. In the event of Council's inability to name a replacement, the Courts would then fill the bill. My question then is this: does Norco have the same stipulation as Lehico does - replacement must be from the same party. I pride myself on my knowledge of Norco's Home Rule charter, but this has me stumped. Thanks.
Hi, John. If McClure were elected, his spot on Council could be filled by anyone who lives in his District. That person could belong to any party or no party.
Anon may be bitter but his descrption of Callahan and his ways was spot on. Just ask Don Cunningham.
She really lost it. Mezzacrazy posted her latest incriminating post on her blog this Friday morning. She really thinks that she doesn't do anything wrong. And she seeks to sully the good names of police officers, politicians, and Bernie. If the Republican party doesn't speak out against her, I will never donate again, not even a penny, to any Republican candidate or function again.
It may be wiser to let her strangle herself rather then try to jettison her. Perception is everything. Not saying it is right but it may be the best way to end the relationship..let the voters do the dirty work. Her resume will come out and Bernie is doing a tremendous public service dragging her into the sunlight.
Fear of reprisals..maybe? I'm just guessing. Personally..I would never have let her in the door but this is America. Freedom of speech is granted to us all. She is clearly deranged from my point of view but a lot of people don't know her history. They have not been exposed to it. Bernie is doing his part but don't kill all the R's for letting her speak/pray. God knows she needs all the help she can get from the almighty.
The comment at 12:47, supposedly from Father Alex, is actually an imposter, someone trying to stir the pot.
"don't kill all the R's for letting her speak/pray."
What bothers me is that the party chair asked her to lead them all in prayer. The party treasurer signed her petition.
That fact..IS disturbing. God only knows why they bowed down. Fear of what she would say or do if they did not basically vet her? Shameful..
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