Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dent Reintroduces Colorectal Cancer Research Act

In 2011, LV Congressman Charlie Dent first introduced his Fight Colorectal Cancer Stamp Act. It would allow the post office to sell a “semipostal” stamp that raises money for critical colorectal cancer research programs. Funding for proven federal research programs could thus increase, without increasing federal government spending. Dent re-introduced that bill yesterday.

In a statement announcing his re-introduction, Dent notes that over 140,000 Americans are diagnosed with colorectal cancer every year. fifty thousand of them die. Sixty per cent of these deaths could be avoided if people just undergo screenings. Identifying and removing precancerous polyps would reduce the number of new colorectal cancer cases by 76 to 90 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

"They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," says Dent. "Consider the relatively low cost of this preventative service versus the gigantic costs of extensive cancer treatments and hospital stays that those suffering from colorectal cancer must endure. It’s not just dollars and cents, it is life or death.”

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.


  1. The single most preventable form of cancer. My sister was diagnosed with stage III at age 20 and was told it was inoperable at a local hospital. Memorial Sloane Kettering in Manhattan saved her life. 20 years later she is still with us. Good for Congressman Dent. It can happen to someone you love too. Get screened.

  2. Good for Charlie. I want school kids to wear rubber bracelets that read "I Heart Ass."

  3. Keep up the good work Mr Dent


  4. Another Program!

  5. Lovely,First their talking about Vaginal probes now this.Would rather have polititions continue with their hands in my pocket.

  6. Charlie Dent - risk taker, trailblazer.

  7. Bernie, is this true or is it more of your satire? It's getting hard to tell the difference.


  8. More Malarkey from Congress.

  9. Hi,
    Very impressive blog. Colon, or colorectal, cancer is cancer that starts in the large intestine or the rectum. Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Early diagnosis, though, can often lead to a complete cure.

  10. I like it whenever people get together and share thoughts.
    Great blog, keep it up!

    Check out my site symptĂ´mes du cancer


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