For years, he and I have often on the opposite sides of County issues. In other words, he's often wrong. But I know he's sincere and will do his best. He has always been approachable and willing to explain himself. He also has a terrific sense of humor. Other than Jerry Seyfried or Ron Angle, I can think of no person more knowledgeable about County government than he. Also, he has never lied to me.
There's just one thing I want to correct. According to Heckman, I have a little shrine at my estate, with candles always burning before statues of Ron Angle, Charlie Dent and John Stoffa. Actually, they are small portraits that I drew myself.
When Ron says he wants to serve the citizens of Northampton County "because this is my home," I believe him. His statement is below.
Today, I am announcing my candidacy for Northampton County Council in the spring primary election on the Democratic ticket. County government is a predominately service-based level of government. It is responsible for providing several services. Council must do that job with professionalism and in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Council must also do their homework and ask tough questions. My extensive experience in both the legislative and executive branches of county government has provided me with the knowledge to ask these questions.
During my tenure as Director of Human Services for Northampton County, I utilized my thirty years of experience in the private and public sectors to manage the county’s largest department. As Manager of Regional Partnerships for Lehigh County, I worked with local municipalities on ways to maximize governmental efficiency and lower cost.
My record has been one of providing the most effective county government possible for the least amount of taxpayer dollars. During my two terms as councilman, I never voted for a tax increase. I voted to eliminate the personal property tax and reduce the county’s real estate tax burden. I also sponsored the county’s first farmland preservation resolution.
As your County Councilman, I am determined to focus much of my energy on the needs of the Department of Human Services. We must ensure that the county’s nursing home, Gracedale, is properly maintained and supported. We also must ensure that services vital to our most vulnerable citizens are protected and delivered efficiently. Our citizens demand that we maintain the county’s structures including our bridges, buildings and parks that they have paid for with their tax dollars. To not do so will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars in deferred maintenance. We must also work with the courts to curb the high cost of prisoner recidivism.
I want to serve the citizens of this county because this is my home. I learned traditions and values while growing up in Moore Township that have served me well in life. I would like to give back what I can in service to a county that has provided such great quality of life for all of us. I will again put my experience to work for the citizens of Northampton County.
The problem is he is out of touch with reaity. For him to say he always wanted a consolidated human servces building and then speak up opposed to Stoffa`s proposal is absurd . He stated the money went to the courts from the 111 million dollar bond .DUH1 Thus , he didn`t get his building.Did all of it go to the courts ? He also never got the money to repair the leaking windows at Gracedale . Did he even ask for it ? Doubts abound. He was part of the most corrupt adminitration {Reibman} in Northampton Conty`s history . DId he blow the whistle on anybody ? It took Angle to do it . As human services director in Northampton County no one knew where he was half the time. In Lehigh County he spent all hs time on his cell phone on the second floor lounge with nothing to do . Come on Ron stay on the sidelines;let new energy and new blood take over.
just food for thought.....
out with the old and in with the new should be the campaign slogan in norco.
there always seems to be more bad then good spoken of those who have served in various capacities in the past.
what say you, BO?
this is my home. and you kids get off my lawn.
Another retread.
If he were to win does he collect 2 paychecks ? One for retirement from Northampton County and one for Council ? And then can he buy the Council time to extend the retirement benefits ? YIKES!
This is my that i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What type of new blood, Mr. 5:48? Like the last council elected in 2009 that let the swaption grow from 9 million to 25 million before the new council finally put a stop to it.. What new blood? Like the last council that let human services become decimated and did nothing? What type of new blood we speaking of? New inexperienced blood so the new county executive, whoever it is, can run roughshod over them..I want to puke when i hear that new blood crap! Bringing Seyfried and Heckman back to council with their years of experience is not only a good thing bu is a desperately needed check on any new executive who might try to pull the wool over the eyes of the so called new blood folks who know crap about County issues.
Guys who feel it necessary to use "utilize" instead of "use" should not be elected. He's already cost taxpayers enough. Go away.
This clown has lunch with the most corrupt CE in the county's history and you support him, Bernie? WHY?? you just demonstrate how inconsistent you are and how you sell out your principles based purely on whether or not you "like" someone. Hackman can be charming, but he was a terrible human services director who could have cared less about Gracedale when he ran the dept. He let the place deteriorate, losing money left and right, and now has the nerve to oppose a much needed facility to house human services that he previously supported! How the hell can you back this guy?
By endorsing him, do you realize you might have placed the Bernie Jynx on him?
OMG..The guy has lunch with someone and he must be evil??? 6:53, you seem a little nuts if you don't mind me saying so..Gracedale was doing well when Heckman was there. He , in a million years, never , ever would put it up for sale. In fact, my guess is that he opposes the new Human Service building is that he feels more money should be put into services and less into new buildings. Makes sense to me.. To this date , the county is cutting human service staff in most departments and also lost an entire division..Since state and federal cutbacks are ongoing and inevitable he probably feels it's best to ensure people have services than spending money on new buildings..
Can someone please tell me when we are going to get NEW Blood!
Recycling is good for the environment but not government!
Wow! Haters gotta hate. The cowards from the sidelnes are going for it. I guess if you speak your mind about a policy you are not for government.
Wow Bwernie, the Stoffa gang is wild, so he has my vote.
And so it begins.
You got new blood 8:53 in 2009...They tried to sell the County nursing home..The county residents told them to shove that idea where the sun don't shine..They elected Ron Angle as Council President and then had to unelect him cause they figured it was a real dumb idea to do that in the first place..Duh.. They are led by the nose by any county executive because they have little clue of what county issues are about and rarely take the time to learn..So you got your new blood in 2009 and people cant wait to correct that mistake...It will be corrected for sure..
"If he were to win does he collect 2 paychecks ? One for retirement from Northampton County and one for Council ?"
I guess he will just have to handle it the way Stoffa has for the past seven years.
This guy and 5:48 are obviousdly the same hater. Every morning the 7:00am troll comes on and attacks any and all who have opposed anything Stoffa. Why aren't you guys doing what we are paying you to do in those Adminstrative Offcies?
"This clown has lunch with the most corrupt CE in the county's history and you support him, Bernie? WHY??"
I have no regard for Reibman. None. I have disagreed with Heckman more than I have agreed. But I am not voting for him because I like him. I am voting for him bc (1) he is very well-informed on county issues, much more so than some current members of Council; (2) He puts in the time and prepares; (3) He is sincere, meaning that I believe his positions on issues are well-intentioned, even when he and I disagree.
Dammit Bernie,
You sound so logical in his defense. Are you back on your meds?
The smartest politican around is probably Grucela. He sensed the time to retire and avoid this crap
I think the county would be better off with someone who knows what the Hell the county does.
we tried the other way. His record on taxes is better than the faux-tea party types on council now.
Souunds like a good fit. I don't have to agree with soemone or even be in their Party, if they knwo what the Hell they are talking aobut an dare honest.
With Johnny Casino probably moving his crew in, we will need all the knowledgable people we can get. His crowd has made a science out of hiding stuff.
Bernie, this guy let Gracedale go to hell during his tenure and has the nerve to criticize Stoffa for trying to sell it. He speaks of it as the county's "crown jewel" yet he treated it worse than a Zircon when he was in charge. Leaking windows, mold in the walls, inefficient operations that cost the county millions. That was his record while overseeing the facility. He is a hypocrite who was probably the worst DHS director ever, and yet you support him? Examine his record while in the Reibman administration then tell us why you think he is such a good candidate for council.
That is such a crock of crap 855. During his "Tenure" Gracedale was doing well and mostly, if not always running a profit..Show me in the record of that time when you had Gracedale employees coming in and complaining about the building as they do now. Stop the crap..He never considered, nor even suggested privatizing gracedale because he knows the worth of the facility..The great thing is he will win. If you can do better, then please, run..That is if you already arent and just using this forum to attack your opponent..That would be sad.
" He is a hypocrite who was probably the worst DHS director ever, and yet you support him?"
He's not running to be director of human services. He is running for county council. I find your accusation hard to believe. When he worked for Reibman, he attended every Council meeting, even after Reibman told his cabinet to stay away. he never ducked a question, and seemed to be like by the people who worked for him. Now I admit this is not my bag. I'm more in tune with the row offices.
8:55 obviously has an agenda and a hard on against Heckman. Maybe you are one of the thug employees he disciplined. Maybe you are someone he diden't agree with. Maybe you are one of tne Callahan clan promoting your own team. Or maybe, you are one of the Stoffa goons who are known to hate Heckman becasue Stoffa does. Stoffa supporters demand complete loyalty and it burns him and you that he has had an opinion you don't condone on some of your policies, who knows and who cares. Most employees know he truly cares about them and will supprt him and that burns you, doesn't it?
If you are so knowledable run for offcie. Instead of your cowardly lies.
While Director he had Gracedale's elevator capacity doubled. He spent time with Gracedale employees and the staff. He was here at least once or twice a week. We are lucky if we saw the other guys once a month. He knew the programs and couldn't be bullshited by he Divison heads. Maybe that is your beef. Most HS Directors are clueless but Heckman was known by the employees to call bullshit on some of the HS Departments so-called "experts". You one of them? That is more than his predessor and the current guy ever did.
So come out of the shadows and run. I never saw Heckman shy away from a fight. I am sure he will be happy to debate you in a campaign.
By the way, the Gracedal windows were fixed by County Executive Brackbill in arounbd 1995, the leaks statred much later because the job done was crap.
Try thre truth, if you can do it without your tongue burning.
" Stoffa supporters demand complete loyalty and it burns him and you that he has had an opinion you don't condone on some of your policies, who knows and who cares."
This is ridiculous. It is assholes like you that make me think twice about Heckman. I am one of Stoffa's biggest supporters and he has never said a bad word to me about Ron. You are out of your mind. If you really want to see Heckman elected, do me a favor and don't speak up for him. Every time you do, he loses support.
Whoever made that ,comment is an idiot .That is the problem with zealots.. All is black and white.
In fairness anon 8:55 was the idiot and got another idiot to reply. I know Heckman and I doubt he has much in common with either idiot. He is a pretty pragmatic guy.
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