Local Government TV

Thursday, February 21, 2013

NorCo Exec Race Websites

Glenn Reibman and Lamont McClure both have webpages. John Callahan is reportedly putting the finishing touches on his.


  1. Lamont will win this thing and the experts will be stunned. good for you Lamont.

    Callahan has only himself to blame.

    1. I'd like some of whatever it is you are smoking!

  2. Callahan will win in May and crush whoever in November. Reibman destroyed the county and should drop out. We know he was recruited by the mayor of allentown, who doesn't even live in Northampton county. Please Glenn, for the good of the people, respectfully drop out and support Mayor John Callahan.

  3. I second 8:02s sentiment DROP OUT YOU OLD COOT

  4. No current pictures on his website. only 8 year old plus pictures. If you saw a picture of Glennnn today you would faint.

    Way to go Fleck Consulting, way to spend $5,000.00 a month and put together a cheap looking website with the feel of a free google site.

  5. Once you have taken a gander at those sites, the following will seem even more relevant: www.threestooges.com/

    The masters of mirth, merriment and mayhem!
    Who? The Three Stooges?
    No! The candidates for county exec.

  6. McClures website is terrible. Amateurish.

  7. I think they both are poor examples of websites.

  8. Sorry, McClures is much better than Glennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn's site

  9. Lamont's logo is horrible looking. The whole website looks like a 1990s website done with BASIC. Reminds me of Barron's website...which sucked too.

  10. It is a pathetic website, made more pathetic by his link to a blog that is a cesspool of hate. Anyone reading that will not a shower.

  11. Reject the Three Stooges!

  12. Can't we just give the job to Barron? He's doing all kinds of things. He seems to have a lot of extra time. The controllers job isn't requiring much of his time. Perhaps he would do the job pro bono.

  13. I tried to visit Lamoan's site...

    Compliance Alert:
    URL: http://www.lamontmcclure.com/
    Category: Malicious Sites
    Site Reputation: Medium Risk

  14. Callahan could do a better website then these 2 with finger paint. When his website comes on line, we will see the future of Northampton County. (The next 8 years)

  15. Bernie....they have Executative Administrative Auditing Priviledges over there....I come to your site for the TRUTH!!!!!
    You allow the truth to be spoken.

  16. Right 1:48 Bernie allows the "right" truth to be written all the time.

    Callahan's site will no doubt be slick. All flash and no substance, much like the guy himself.

    For accurate uncensored county news go to Saving Private Gracedale.

  17. Why save an albatross?

  18. Word on the street is, the Gracedale blog is LAME! Psychophants.

    jus sayin

  19. Keep at it Callahan clan, your feelings about Gracedale are noted!

  20. while relatively neutral, i am nonetheless amused by someone(s)'s constant attempt to make it look like anything negative said on this site re Gracedale is made by a Callahan supporter.

    It's been going on for months. Clearly, someone has a mission, an agenda, and not enough of a life.

    Because what they're spending an extraordinary amount of time trying to influence is not just LVR's readers, but the folks who read BOTH LVR and SPG. I imagine that cross-section is like, 20, 25 people?

    Gracedale's not an issue anymore. Move along.

  21. @ Anon. 6:55 syc·o·phant (sk-fnt, sk-)n.
    A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.

    [Latin scophanta, informer, slanderer, from Greek skophants, informer
    Do you have a problem with the Truth??? Learn the Language of which ya'll speak there-with.

  22. @ "Anonymous said...
    psychophant: One who attempts to garner favour by flattering influential people, but does so to a psychotic, often violent degree
    The Ex-Partearian(parte') Trish Mezzacappa. 8:45 AM"....w/ a CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT....what would she do if HER motion was Denied???? Instability in Administration sends the WRONG MESSAGE to society(it's all about sending a "Message-to-Society""....ask an Honorable Jurist!

  23. There is not one of these 3 who deserves to spend my money. If you rent you should not vote. The landlord should get to vote for all of you for he is the one who is paying them. The fact that you are all talking up your candidate like they have no obvious baggage is just shear stupidly. So we have to pick one of these bandits and hope they do better then they did in the past. Then there is Lamont who sleeps with the unions. They all will pick our pockets but I suppose if you live with mom, are a union worker or just a party hack these people would look good to you. That is just scary.....

  24. How worthy must one be to spend your money? Ever hear of F.I.C.A.?
    They just take it & spend!(Tax-n-Spent....or "We spent it & need to Taxation the Nation "

  25. @"Anonymous said... There is not one of these 3 who deserves to spend my money. If you "rent you should not vote."
    Harkens back to a time when Poaching-of-the-King's-land....was punishible-by-death. I own Land too! If this is Class Warfare, then I want Tricia Mezzacappa on my side, as she has a Gun, & I gave mine up (due to Pacifism) The Wild & Woolly Calamity Jane....of another sort!

  26. @ "So we have to pick one of these bandits and hope they do better then they did in the past."
    Robber-Barron's & The Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Mellon & Rockerfella....your idols. Ring a Bell?

  27. Then there is Lamont who sleeps with the union's Wives....ever hear of Pillow Talk?

  28. "The fact that you are all talking up your candidate like they have no obvious baggage is just shear stupidly." Secrets are only secret....when they are kept. Nice Plaid.

  29. Let's stay away from this kind of irrelevant nonsense.

  30. "They all will pick our pockets but I suppose if you live with mom, are a union worker or just a party hack these people would look good to you. That is just scary.....9:44 AM"
    All to Mamma.....you got a "thing" against Union Labor? "Our Thing"?....about those 40 native speaking interpreter's? Make it 41. You need 1 too.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Keep at it Callahan clan, your feelings about Gracedale are noted!

    9:14 PM
    Gather your linen's(sheets)

  32. "Gracedale's not an issue anymore. Move along."

    It never should have been an issue to begin with. Like Pearl Harbor, people will never rest easy or get relaxed after the near horror of the poor seniors at Gracedale getting dumped out into the marketplace.

    So Callahan clan memeber, it is still an issue and will always be an issue. One more thing to thank your buddy John Stoffa for.

  33. Gracedale in a assissted living facility....for your way out of life. Northamption County streets are for THOSE of us trying to Live.
    Empathy...does common sense make not.Please balance your Retoric.


  34. Anything done to advance the concept of self above others to be the selfish type of ego is as an excess of self love. To make yourself feel better about yourself - to brag about your ability - instead of love of self experience for YOUR child.....Are you Stumping-for-votes based on Drama? Controversially what's next? Vice??? Inappropriate Behavior displayed around Children....while you justify & mis-direct RESPONSIBILITY (your action/your feelings/your fault/your consequence) is Unseemly (wrong message)
    If you will misdirect responsibility for you Actions @ a Youth sports Event......Can you be TRUSTED while-in-Office?

    NO! I think not.


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