Local Government TV

Thursday, February 21, 2013

McClure Fares Well at EADC Candidates' Night

I missed it, but am told the three Democratic exec candidates spoke at an Easton Area Democratic Committee Candidates' night last night. The report I've been given is that McClure delivered the best speech. Callahan spent too much time thanking the EADC for their support in his failed Congressional bid. "Why remind them he lost?" I was asked.

The EADC is neutral in this race.


  1. McClure did give the best speech. Reibman's speech was good but he did a poor job fielding questions and turned off some of the crowd. Callahan's speech was not very issue heavy but he did show a great knowledge of the issues when questioned by the crowd.

  2. So was McClure the only one to give a speech without written notes again?

  3. I was not there. had I known about it, I would have been there last night. This is a second hand report.

  4. The only candidates, in any position, to use written notes were Grifo and Bassil. It appeared that everyone had written speeches but ditched them after McClure's performance because he spoke first.

    As far as the MDJ candidates go... Prendergast gave the best speech. Grifo failed to perform up to expectations. Bassil and Wheeler performed as expected.

  5. The Boy Who Cried AngleFebruary 21, 2013 at 1:33 PM

    I know none of you will beleive this, so search for it on your own. But Ron Shegda just announced he is going to run this time for Nor Co County Executive outside of the Dunkin' Donuts on William Penn Highway. Oh boy! Not many people in attendance. And this weird lady kept trying to steal all the donut hole treats. I think she is related to Ron.

    And by the way, Wheeler is going to win the DJ race.

  6. I was not there but heard that you basically already posted McClure's speech as it was the same one he gave to announce. Heard similar comment that Callahan didn't shine until he started fielding questions.

    Callahan better get on the ball with a website. While a few months to go, there really isn't that much time until the election, and most voters won't be at these functions to hear them. For somebody who doesn't know any better, they might be impressed with Reibman's site, or McClure's canned speech. Of course, while Callahan is strong in this race he should not take this race for granted.

    I hope this doesn't get too nasty, but there is a smell on the horizon, and I fear the Dems might eat their own fighting for the Exec, which could impact the increasingly crowded Council races.

  7. Word on the street is, Mezzacappa gave it to you good in Court today.

  8. Your silence on Bill White's editorial today is deafening ...

    Shameful, that piece.

  9. Callahan spoke with out notes and mostly talked about why he is running and what motivates him to continue to serve the public. I had not known him well so I appreciated the biographical part myself. As far as thanking the committee, the fact of the matter is we have worked hard at EADC for him and other candidates and I for one appreciated his comments and the fact that he took on Dent. Callahan is the one person running who has been party building for years and has been helping us with the Presidential races. The other two only showed up now for votes. Callahan really did shine during the Q and A which for me was most important. I will be circulating Callahan petition he showed me last night why he will be a great County Exec

  10. At 2:10 PM's comment, thank you for using my name. Bernie you are in violation of the judge's court order. I am going to sue you and ask for imprisonment. I am going to get all of your belongings and burn them in a barrel!

  11. Lamont did well but i thought Callahan carried the night. He seemed a little too off the cuff but very sincere. I would be proud to have him as the head of our county

  12. I see the Callahan clan is out in force. He was the worst to speak. Once again he fumbled and foamed when he tried to get a sentence out. The only Party building he is building is the Callaahn Party. His way or the highway, the Callahan motto. The guy is a clown.

  13. McClure was good if you are a single issue voter. Reibman was good if you want to forget about his past record. Callagahan was good if you can believe everything he says. The best answer to questions came from Reibman when he answered a gentleman who wanted to know (and got pushy on the issue) why prisoners were charged so much for making phone calls. Reibman told him he didn't know and he wasn't concerned because the guy was in the prison to be punished and losing priviledges is part of being incarcerated. Gotta love that answer.

  14. @ "why prisoners were charged so much for making phone calls. Reibman told him he didn't know and he wasn't concerned because the guy was in the prison to be punished and losing priviledges is part of being incarcerated. Gotta love that answer. 5:50 PM" No Phone=Priviledge Denied! It is a "Private" Pre-paid company (Amarack something)....the same cost/cutting money/saving company that brought you food/meal price's down to $0.85-a/meal/service....including "FoodLoaf" for Disciplanarian "Problem's"....what ever happend to Bread & Water until they worked???? The original copy of "those" rules hang in-the-Prison. There is a "difference" in terminologies of Prison & Correctional Facilities. Which one are we? Just ask the Prevailing Wage Union's how much contraband "exchanges" inside....worse than Grateford!
    Have we?

  15. Callahan sounded like a real arrogant and entitled prick

  16. "Word on the street is, Mezzacappa gave it to you good in Court today.'

    There was no court hearing scheduled today. In fact, the judges aren't even here. Thy're at a conference. Maybe she had Court in her mind.

  17. Callahan needs a job. That's why he is running. He is banking on name recognition only and trying not to say too much. His pollsters believe that this race is his only if he does not screw it up. Don't say much and answer questions is a good tactic. Although, McClure did throw a Monkey wrench into the race by announcing his candidacy.

  18. Don't say much while answering Question's....or it'll through a Spanner-in-the-Works (PUBLIC!) F.O.I.A.

  19. psychophant: One who attempts to garner favour by flattering influential people, but does so to a psychotic, often violent degree
    The Ex-Partearian(parte') Trish Mezzacappa.

  20. Callahan say whatever you need to to get elected then follow through with nothing when you get elected if this guy gets elected it would be the worst thing for NORCO,John go look for a job.

  21. Hey 6:10 you have your head up your ass like most of the anon posters. I sit in every meeting, listen to the cabinet and give what advice I can. Guaranteed not one "pollster" has said a word yet. People know when a poll is out, you obviously know nothing or are Fleck trying to spin and confuse people. We have a race to run against two extremely weak opponents, McClure running kills rubemans money, Callahan will be fine. McClure is seen as a union guy, but does not have support he thinks. Rubeman is easily exposed as a triple dipping pension riding insurance for life sucking fraud. For those of you actually concerned the .
    Mayor does have a web page, one with real data and links, not pictures of our candidate with people who ARE NOT supporting him. It's waiting to be turned on....


  22. Seamus....you know alot about race, yet little about Life.


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