Local Government TV

Monday, February 04, 2013

Lamont McClure Takes $5000 From W Easton Rehab Owner

Last year, Northampton County Council member Lamont McClure voted to approve a $450,000 lease with Abe Atiyeh for a DUI Center in West Easton. This was an about-face from his position in 2009. At that time, he was opposed to work release centers and even a child advocacy center. "Let's focus on our core functions of government as opposed to continually expanding what our obligations are, when we have no opportunity to fund them," he said at the time.

Even after Executive John Stoffa scratched the Bethlehem Township facility for a smaller one in West Easton, McClure sat on the fence a long time. What changed his mind? Maybe he warmed up to the idea of treating prisoners. But developer Abe Atiyeh gave McClure another 5,000 reasons. He donated $5,000 to McClure's campaign last year.

When Ron Angle was on Northampton County Council, he took all kinds of heat over a $3,000 contribution he received from proponents of a federal detention center for illegal immigrants in the Slate Belt, even though he abstained from a County Council vote on the matter. It was featured prominently in The Express Times and Morning Call, even though Angle eventually led Council away from the Center.

What offended people, and rightly so, is the never-ending connections between someone who wants something from the government and the decision-makers in government.

In stark contrast to both Angle and McClure, Executive John Stoffa refused, in his re-election campaign, to take any money from anyone.

Will the supposedly unbiased press cover the Atiyeh contribution to McClure as gleefully as they did Angle's? We shall see. But in fairness, Angle and McClure are just taking their campaign money where they can get it. While I have long advocated that the law should be changed, it's completely legal for a County vendor or employee to contribute to a County-office candidate. No limits, either.

McClure has been mentioned as a possible Exec candidate, and has told different people different things. He could win with a negative campaign portraying Reibman as corrupt, Callahan as incompetent and himself as the Savior of Gracedale. But he'd need a lot more money to go dark.

McClure's Atiyeh connection will cost McClure votes in both Bethlehem and Bethlehem Township. Rightly or wrongly (I think wrongly), Atiyeh is even more unpopular in Bethlehem than GEO was in the Slate Belt

McClure started 2012 with $4,560.16, raised $15,600, and spent $4,817.30. This leaves him with $15,342.86 against two other hopefuls - Glenn Reibman and John Callahan - who have a lot more money.


  1. Let`s see hmmmmmmmmmmmm does Gentile have to come up with $10,000 for his vote for the Human Servic`s Building ?

  2. Why do you have to create a bullshit rumor? Isn't the truth enough? If you have to create stories about the proposed human services center, that tells me your objections have no merit.

  3. No story here O'Hare and you know it. If ther eis than how about Stoffa and Ken Mohr. Stop the bullshit.

  4. I see. $3,000 from GEO to Angle is big news, even though GEO was not a County vendor and Angle abstained. But $5,000 from county vendor Atiyeh to McClure, is no story at all.

    Alrighty then.

  5. Pay to Play. There it is lock stock and barrel baby!! Ron took so much shit about GEO that it was in the news every other day. Now we have Abe I don't need to follow any rules because I have money Atieyeh dumping bucks into the coffers of a sketch Mclure campaign. Go figure.

  6. Your girlfriend Messycrapper, deleted her rant on the e/t site, but added all kinds of other nonsense. Are you applying for a permit to carry?

  7. I would really be interested to know how much money Abe contributed to DA Morganelli, and the Gross people of West Easton, ie, Kelly ZGross, Mayor Gross, Tom Nodoline, Tim Jones, Lou Nikko, Karl Hontz......

  8. Mezzacappa, On your way to the firing range or your shrink's office, stop at the elections office and find out.

  9. 6:54, he did not delete her rant. The ET did. I saw her other nonsense and no, i am not applying for a LTCF. The NRA tells me I don't need one.

  10. As a voter, I am so disappointed in the lack of ethics displayed by our candidates that it almost makes me not want to vote. Is everyone for sale? Isn't their any morals. As Dems we have the possibility of three bums on the ballot. Callaghan, Reibman, and now McClure. What is going on here? Why can't we get people to serve who has the best interests o the County at heart and nor their future in politics. Doesn't anyone love Northampton County enough to want to serve purely for love of County? What a disgrace this Executives race is becomming.

  11. 10:04
    I think you are being unfair, to say that they are running and they don't like the county is implying that you are in their heads. This is a ridiculous position to take and I believe all 3 would do a fine job and try their best at running the county well. Now do they have different ideas and do they differ from yours, yes, but are they evil takers, I seriously doubt it.

    NORCO Voter

  12. Doesn't anyone love Northampton County enough to want to serve purely for love of County?

    There are people who would serve with no other interest than to improve the county. The trouble is that elected office is a thankless job and you are on the receiving end of vicious attacks. The attacks may come from other candidates seeking to climb the political ladder, or those with an agenda in getting their candidate elected.

    Most don't want their personal lives placed under a microscope, often needing to defend some aspect of it that shouldn't need defending in the first place. Politics is a vicious endeavor, which is why many who hold office have little empathy toward those they represent. They are thick-skinned and willing to compromise any moral values they may have once had in order to win.

  13. 10:47 is right. You can see it on this blog. O'Hare picks and chooses who he spotlights. Wait till Calligoons late expense report is filed and see if Bernie makes a big deal about his conrtibutions. O'Hare played dpown all the moster billboards Atiyah doid for Stoffa. Stoffa never claimned them as an inkind contribution which he should have. Bernie, said, "oh no, that was OK."

    BO downplyed Cunninghamms contributions in the past and he is just fine with what Morgannelli does.

    You are so right. Blogs like this one have an agenda and they make sure they look the other way when it suits their purpose.

  14. Hey..this is Bernie's blog..not the Morning Call. Lighten up and get into the spirit of his headline. You people are way too serious. Politics is fun..right?

  15. Good Evening, This issue is that this man accepted funds from a vendor that we needed judgement on. He can not be objective if he accepted so. If we elect and retain people that COMPROMISE INTEGRITY this is our fault ,we get what we get! WE ARE RESPONSIBLE !!!

  16. That's a fair assessment 6:13. He is what he is and buyer beware.

  17. There are honest politicans at work in the trenches of NH county. They fly straight and do the right thing for the sake of the people they represent. Are there bad apples? Obviously there are. Bernie can attest to both of these statements as truthfull.

  18. I agree and will add there are far more of the former than the latter. Also, the fact that McClure took $5,000 from Atiyeh dies not make him a crook. He is doing what the law allows and is reporting it so we all can wonder and attach whatever weight to it we think is appropriate.

  19. At least McClure reported it. That is probably more than some other pol's do. Again..buyer beware.

  20. I would opine that the temptation to accept these types of donations is great under the circumstances. It is probably very flattering and ego inflating. If I was to ever find myself in that position..I would hope I could find the fortitude to swallow hard and say no thank you.

  21. Anon 6:13, or whatever you call yourself, a Mr. John Stoffa took re-election in kind assistantce for a vendor that we needed judgement on. Any feelings about that?

    Also Mr. S, brought the man in. Hmmm???

  22. 7:26 what the hell are you talking about??

  23. McClueless is the sleaziest, phoniest hypocrite politician in the county. People in his own district don't know who he is. Atiyeh buys his vote for $5K. Norco voters get what they vote for. Crooked, self-serving politicians.

  24. He's talking about Abe Atiyeh, who might have put up a few Stoffa billboards here and there. Just as Stoffa has no control over his haters, he was unable to stop people from making independent expenditures. He did not sanction or encourage them, and was mystified when it happened.

    I believe Abe is the one who did it, although I never talked to him about it. I know Abe, contrary to popular opinion, is a man of integrity. He might be tough on ZHBs and gives away way too much campaign money, but in the final analysis, he really does care about local government.

  25. Stoffa took nothing. What others did on their own was their own business, but it had nothing to do with him, nor was it sanctioned by him.

  26. "I saw nothzinggg", wasn't that the Sgt. Schultz defense on Hogan's Heroe's.

    You how to spin it O'Hare..

  27. Atiyeh cares?
    drive by Center and Dewberry to see the large scary (hospital or treatment center coming) signs he put up to inflame the neighbors

  28. If a Reibman backer just happens to put up billboards saying to vote for Reibman, O'Hare will be fine with it. Just a coincidence and not reportable by anyone. No one would even suggest that it was inappropriate. HAA!

    What a crock of crap you and Stoffa are. Now you are pissed becasue everyone knows it.

  29. Glenn, you need to go to bed. If I decide to run for office and take no contributions, but you decide to send $1 million to support me, there is nothing I can do. If you refuse to file an independent expenditure report, that's on you, not me.

    Under your reasoning, you should be screaming to throw Dan Corpora out of office. When he ran, Tom Severson launched a smear campaign against Brian Monahan. Dan Corpora had nothing to do with it, but under your goofy thinking, he should be held responsible.


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