Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

John Callahan Raised $197,289 in 2012

Bethlehem Mayor and NorCo Exec hopeful John Callahan has filed his 2012 campaign finance report, and it's a doozy. He raised a whopping $197,289 last year, and after payments to political consultant and Finance Director Rachel Doran, still finished the year with nearly $118,000 in his till.

Shock and awe baby. After seeing how much money Callahan raises, potential opponents think twice about taking him on.

Callahan has nearly three times what rival Glenn Reibman has set aside, and is ahead of potential opponent Lamont McClure by 8 to 1.

If he continues raising money like this, he'll be able to solve Northampton County's budget woes with his own campaign treasury.

Rachel, Callahan's one and only staffer, is quite the fundraiser. She's who had a medical emergency that made the report slightly late. She must have been suffering from exhaustion. I hope she's feeling better.

No question Callahan knows how to raise money. He's the only candidate who's ever been able to beat Charlie Dent in that department. Lots of the movers and shakers appear, to be sure, but Callahan also raised nearly $22,500 in small (under $250) donations.

In that respect, Callahan's finance are very similar to those filed by Easton Mayor Sal Panto and Bethlehem Mayoral candidate Bob Donchez.

Callahan's two largest donors are Greg Rogerson (J.G. Petrucci) and Ed Roski (Majestic Realty), both of whom gave him $10,000. I'm going to send a day or two looking over the rest of them. I do notice that every attorney within a 50-mile radius has kicked in as well. Callahan should be running for judge.

If he can raise this kind of money in a bad economy, and from former Reibman supporters, I'd say he's in pretty good shape.


  1. Hey Bernie, you missed his left cheek

  2. If you think Reibman was sleazy, wait till this bunch buy the county courthouse.

  3. A Callahan administration will make Reibman look like Reagan.

    How about his "stupid" facebook posts. I hope people see through Calahan for what he really is.

  4. Is Rachel Doran any relationship the the assistant city solicitor Jennifer Doran?

  5. No wonder this blog is kissing Callahan's ass as of late. Ick.

  6. OMG BOH, you slam Panto for raising a few thousand and here are two DEVELOPERS who contributed $10,000 and you say nothing. Why not mention all of the others? This is the true pay to play candidate but somehow you say nothing. Your blog is becoming more and more of a joke. It used to be your stories were factual with opinion but never did you show such support of one candidate when he too missed a deadline COMPLETELY.

  7. Are you sure this guy is running for exec and not Pa Governor? Are these contributions real or wishful thinking like City of Bethlehem budgets? Pennsylvania one of only 11 states that permits unlimited contributions. Even personal contributions are limited to $2500 in congressional races. How much did Callahan net on that race from these deep pockets. No wonder Panto chose not to run. His fifty cents would never compete with a trillion dollar war chest. I hate to say this but even Reibman looks good after seeing those numbers. Our county is being sold down the river.

  8. " here are two DEVELOPERS who contributed $10,000 and you say nothing."

    You would not know about these $10,000 donations at all, but for this blog, so it is ridiculous to contend I say nothing. I'm the reason you know it.

    Also, I'd agree with limits and do not think anyone who gives to a county candidate should be able to do business with or work for the county for 2 years. I have advocated for these changes long before i began blogging.

    You sit there anonymously and complain. The truth is that you are jealous that your boy does not have the dough.

    I oppose pay-to-play in all its forms.

  9. "Is Rachel Doran any relationship the the assistant city solicitor Jennifer Doran"

    I have no idea. I will try to find out if there is a connection.

  10. Just because someone raises money from all possible contributors he is on the take, how about HE IS A GREAT FUNDRAISER and has support from everybody he meets, except the cry babies on here who probably had their pensions cut and had to actually WORK in the city for once to get their pay checks. BOO HOO Callahan will come to the county and hold the workers to a higher standard. Go crawl into your hole where you came from you hack

  11. Interesting point: Stoffa website from 2009 campaign states: " 5) Independence: I have refused contributions from county vendors or anyone who works for the county. " We should remember that Stoffa defeated McHale, the Dem party pick and Bethlehemite in the last contest. No doubt that big contributions which would be a plus can be a negative particularly in a contest between the " clean, up-county, farm boy " and his urban mayor couterpart.

  12. Great job Mayor, kudos to you and your team. I hear your off to a great 2013 also!


  13. Is Mr. Callahan planning to borrow money to make county payroll?

    If county assets are destroyed by a family member, like when the Bethlehem cruiser was whacked on New Years eve a couple of years ago, will John make sure the story is kept quiet and county insurance is forced to pay for the party?

    John should reimburse for the taxpayers' patrol car. He clearly has the money. And he's clearly not beneath shady financial dealing to get things done.

    And he's better than the comatose zombie from the bridge commission hammock?

    We're being forced to choose between appalling levels of sleaze. I'm surprised your in the tank for any of these creeps, Bernie.

    You did love that paragon of political and legal virtue, John Edwards; indicating your judgement is either retarded or for sale.

    We're so f'd.

  14. I have deleted a link to a blog I won't permit here.

  15. Hey Semaus, everyone is looking forward to the campaign. The Dent mailers only scratched the surface.

    Kiss that oither cheek.

  16. He has more money than the fund balance in Bethlehem.

  17. Reibman sleeze or Callahan sludge. Any "D' candidate who comes out of the woodwork now will be victorious in May. What a disgrace for the Democratic Party. Isn't someone out there who will please consider running?

  18. Okay Bernie. Hang out the "COUNTY FOR SALE" sign now. Reibman did it when he was Executive and Callahan is on the same track. Two characters from the same mold. Is this the best the Democrats can offer. Next thing you know they will be bringing other sleeze bags in to endorse them like (Pawlowski, etc. etc.)

  19. All of these condemnations of both Reibman and Callahan are designed to pave the way for the sudden emergence of a Deus ex Machina, asbestos lawyer lamont McClure, who will come forward as the Savior of Gracedale and all things good. He won't bother telling you about his own abysmal record or the fact that he himself is a recent arrival from the land of corruption.

  20. 8:46 or should I say Fleck,

    I have some great ideas for Rubeman already. Does the term indictment , no show, living high on the people's hard earned dollar mean anything to you. It's going to be fun reminding the people (though most appear to remember) of how a guy who never shows up to face the public yet has the balls to hike their taxes 70%. Worst part being not a dollar of the bond was spent ttrying to fix the issues for the counties future.

    Game on flexster, your sucking up the few dollars in the account, and you know there will not be many more comming. The people's memory of what happened the last time this guy had the keys will stop him before he even starts. Do everyone a favor and be honest with your guy, tell him to run for council and redeem himself first, I know you spent a ton on signs already, but maybe they can be modified.


  21. you are right bernie. any candidate with decent name recognition will give Reibman and Callahan a run for their money. McClure is the dark horse here and will finish strong comng down the stretch.

  22. Ye, I am deeply concerned that McClure would run right by both of these guys.

  23. Both these guys are a shitstain on the body politic.

  24. Seamus sounds like he lives on Mercury.

  25. Mercury? odd choice.... Address says Bethlehem. If you don't want logical conversation about the issues then don't read my posts.



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