Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Glenn Reibman Wants to Finish What He Started

... and that should scare the hell out of all of us. I don't know how many more $25 million swaptions the County can endure. Or cabinet members jailed for bribery. Or resigning in disgrace for wife-swapping on County time. Or resigning after sexually harassing female County employees. Or 70% tax hikes. Or a re-election plan disguised as a $111 million megabond. Or layoffs and wage freezes that last three years in the middle of a good economy, driving employees into the willing arms of eleven different unions.

That, boys and girls, is Glenn Reibman's record in two terms as Northampton County Executive. It was so pitiful that he lost a primary to John Stoffa, whose idea of campaigning was promising a half mill tax increase and then going to the movies on election night because it only cost $2.

"They elected me anyway," complains Stoffa.

After this upset, Reibman pulled strings to get himself a job on the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Comm'n, which is basically a rest home for elected officials.

Now, he wants to return to the job he lost eight years ago. Last night, at the Grover Cleveland Democratic Club, he announced his candidacy, claiming he was running at the urging of "citizens of all walks of life and all political persuasions."

I wonder if one of these citizens is Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski.

Everyone denies this, but it's no secret that King Edwin was very upset that Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan refused to drink the kool-aid alike Alan Jennings did and embrace a special tax zone for Allentown. Never mind that its location, a stone's throw from Bethlehem, would hurt the Christmas City. Next thing you know, Glenn Reibman is running for County Exec against Callahan. And Pawlowski's Chief of Staff, Ismael Arcelay, is running for Council. And his campaign manager Mike Fleck, just happens to be running Reibman's campaign.

But this is all a coincidence, I'm told.

They never even spoke, I' m told.

My picture of Reibman is negative. But I'm telling you all of this as one of Glenn's old adversaries. We've tangled for over a decade.

What I don't tell you often enough is that, believe it or not, I always respected Reibman. He is and has always been a gentleman. In his own way, he has as much integrity as John Stoffa. His governing and political style, however, are wanting.

Of the three campaign announcements by Executive candidates, his was clearly the best and most well-attended. Instead of freezing my ass off at Gracedale, as I did in sub-arctic temperatures when John Callahan announced, there was a spread fit for a King Edwin. Instead of a religious revival with all kinds of  "Amens", as happened at McClure's announcement, Charlie Brown's Notorious Groove provided the entertainment.

I was feeling so good I nearly danced with Julio Guridy.

He is kinda' cute.

Although I detected no union presence with my union meters, they went off the chart every time I got near former Council member Greg Zebrowski.

Reibman was introduced by Easton Vice Mayor Ken Brown, whom I see everywhere. Pretty soon he'll accuse me of stalking him, too.

Greg Zebrowski, Glenn Reibman and Mike Corriere
Mike Corriere, a former Council member and the current Public Defender, dropped by. He, Zebrowski and Reibman, who all served together, posed for a picture. Zebrowski used to call me all kinds of polite names during the megabond debates. Instead of "asshole," it would be "nattering nabob." Ron Heckman, Reibman's former Director of Human Services and a close Reibman friend, was there. So were Allentown City Council Prez Julio Guridy and Pawlowski Chief of Staff Ismael Arcelay.

Strangely enough, GOP Northampton County Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa, who is also simultaneously running for West Easton Borough Council, was there, too. So I'll probably get sued for stalking her again.
Mezzacappa gives legal pointers to Chris Spadoni
Above, you can see and hear Glenn Reibman tell you what he'll do in a third term.

Reibman has a website. I do not see one for John Callahan or Lamont McClure.


  1. I forgot. Who was the one that had to resign while sexually harassing female employees? Some reason that one doesn't ring a bell.

  2. Bernie,

    Did you change any of the type settings on the font? The letters seem much smaller tonight.

  3. No. It looks fine on my computer. Check the View on your browser and make sure you have the right font settings.

  4. Just checked the html and that seems fine, too. If anyone else has this problem, let me know.

  5. Thanks for the info on the type settings. But you got to be kidding me? She is running for West Easton Council, too? Oh my! She really is sick.

  6. That is what she told the Slate Belt Republicans.

  7. Bernie, you did a fair job on the coverrage. I trust that the voters will make a wise choice in May.

    I actually feel worse for his firends, than I do for Reibman.

    Was the band any good?

  8. Juan Luis Pedro Felipo de Huevos EpsteinFebruary 20, 2013 at 12:45 AM

    That looks like a nice party. And your coverage this election is second to none. And it is very fair and balanced coverage and projections.

    Was the Fleckster and King Palumpa at the gathering? And were they feeding their faces?

    I would have snuck some Pott's Doggies inside.

    1. No palumpa was ocrose the nation coluting about gas explosions and the buildable blight that he has in plans for allentowns public¿

  9. The band was outstanding! No joke. They are really good.

  10. "Was the Fleckster and King Palumpa at the gathering? "

    The Fleckster was there. I intended to use him as a human shield of necessary. King Edwin was not there, and was not among the names I heard mentioned as on their way when I left.

  11. What the heck is a Chorizo pony? Some wild comments going on over at the Gracedale Goons' blog.

  12. I have a funny feeling that someone is playing games again, and I'm getting blamed. I do not post anonymous comment nor do I impersonate other people. I ask whoever is doing it to stop.

  13. God Bless Glenn Reibman

  14. God hates liars and goldbricks. God hates Glenn Reibman.

    Warm regards,


  15. Good fpor Reibman sticking it to Stoffa for not handling the swaption as a leader and for letting the county buildings fall apart. It is good sopmeone tells it like it is. Stoffa ahs gottena pass for seven years and it is good someonme has the balls to give the facts.
    Suck on that Shameus

    Bravo Glenn!

  16. who went up for briebery? i thought it was wire fraud?

  17. Give Reibman credit for a good kickoff. The band was great and the beef sandwiches were not bad.

  18. Now it's up to the voters. How about "none of the above". This is indeed sad. This may be a Republican year afterall. Where were the rest of Reibman's cabinet? Those ungrateful bastards. He gave them a start in their careers and didn't have the decency to show up and support him. Also how many people were there in attendence? Just curious.

  19. McClure didnt need notes for his speaking points and Reibman even had to look at his notes to remember his own web page. Is Mr Reibman going soft upstairs? He didn't look as sharp as usual. Bernie?

  20. Reibman looks like a cross between a manikin and a cadaver. The future of Northampton County? I don't think so.

  21. When will you be posting on the John brown announcement?

  22. Glen Reibman has a vision to move forward ... it's long overdue , i am happy to see him run again he will have myself and families support. He is a good ,decent and honest man who when he was running in the 80's found time to listen to the the taxpayer and answer any question we had never one time did he avoid a question or have any political bias ... he even found time to march in our halloween parade with all the little boy's and girl's of our small community ...

  23. There was a time when Governor's knew of the"Brown" gang (Mob-Hitman). Sargent Capone of the DJRBC recieved her job this way PERSONALLY from the Gov......her Uncle was the Hitman. Pillow-talk hearsay. Her husband @ the time was Phil Capone. NORCO(local) Politics are Mob influenced. DUH!

  24. Mongees street in Hazelton (Nanny-Goat Hill) Ball feild @ top of hill ;-).....Mob tithing @ concession stand....Sister city of here. Seriously.......how many names do you require???

  25. What was the percentage increase of our county taxes under Reibman the last time he was in charge? Wasn't it a whopping 37%? Why should we even consider this guy again?

  26. R.J. Piazza & Son's Masonry is a Silcilian Organization....he know's ALL the player's personally (Poker debt's). What, you think the Cosa Nostra went away? Who's the child now??? Pay-Up!

  27. "Where were the rest of Reibman's cabinet? Those ungrateful bastards. He gave them a start in their careers and didn't have the decency to show up and support him"

    Maybe some of them feel that whatever debt they owed the former County Executive, has been paid in full.

  28. "Wasn't it a whopping 37%??"

    closer to 70%

  29. Seeing these pics of Reibman reminds me of a t shirt I had as a kid...

    "He's tan, rested and ready. Nixon in '88"

    Good thing he has little chance.

  30. The pregnant pause when he nodded off in the middle of his speech was incredibly dramatic. I'm voting for Glenn The Sanndmann Reibmann.

  31. "You know what, I really miss Glenn Reibman running this County."

    -No one ever

  32. I love the photo ops you get with people who have been completely lambasted on this site, they are very good at giving a good pose free of scorn. Most likely they are posing for more photogs than just you, but you do have balls to snap some of the photos you do. Good story, nice to see some compliments handed out to Reibman you aren't always a miserable bastard.

  33. Yes, I have no pride. The photo involving Corriere, Reibman and Corriere was Michael Laws' idea. They agreed to let me take pictures, too, after he was done. I did not jump in and ambush them, although I would in a heartbeat if I was positioned better. Why? Because I am a bottom feeder with no scruples.

  34. Phase 2 3 and 4 at the jail will necessitate a parking garage. Does Glenny boy know that ? All toll yu are looking at 80 to 90 million. Another 100 million dollar bond ?

  35. "Phase 2 3 and 4 at the jail will necessitate a parking garage. Does Glenny boy know that ? All toll yu are looking at 80 to 90 million. Another 100 million dollar bond ?"

    It's ridiculous.

  36. 'When will you be posting on the John brown announcement?"

    His camp has to reach out to me. They know where I am.

  37. "Also how many people were there in attendence? Just curious."

    About thirty when I was there. I left early.

  38. "who went up for briebery? i thought it was wire fraud?"

    Technically, you're right. But it was bribery.

  39. wife swapping how on earth would anyone know that unless they were there ?

  40. 2ND BOMB scare at Pius X High school in one week. Police and fire dept on scene now! Whats going on in Bangor/Roseto?

  41. On the Gracedale site they are sounding pretty confident about McClure. they have a few good points about the Gracedale issue. McClure had the facts and saved the day. He is definitly the favorite at this point.

  42. 2:20 PM you have polls? or, just an opinion?

  43. Of the trhee McClur ehas the most county experience without any of the scandals of the other two.

  44. "On the Gracedale site they are sounding pretty confident about McClure."

    And McClure loves them too. He says so on his campaign page, linking to their blog. So can he be associated with all their hate?

  45. "2:20 PM you have polls? or, just an opinion?"

    They have Jesus.

  46. Callahan's campaign web page is getting the final touches and will go live soon.


  47. ""2:20 PM you have polls? or, just an opinion?"

    They have Jesus. "

    that's just FUNNY


  48. So we basically have 3 tainted D's running. McClure who is way to cozy with the unions. Hold on to your wallets. Callahan who surely cannot be trusted with money and Reibman who wants to spend at least 70 mil on the jail, gambled with taxpayer money, the swaption, spent 850,000.00 on council chambers and 2 of these never met a tax they could not hike. Wow. Well Obama got a second term so guess we will pick one and get our asses kicked again.

  49. 9:04 Not fair.

    When Reibman left office the swaption was NOT losing money, It was making money. Blame Ron Angle who didnt get it paid off as president of council

  50. "When Reibman left office the swaption was NOT losing money, It was making money. Blame Ron Angle who didnt get it paid off as president of council"

    Spare me the bullshit burgers. What Reibman did is ut Council in the untenable position of being forced to gamble with taxpayer money. No matter what they did, they would be taking a chance. If they pulled the trigger and the swaption went the other way, you'd be screaming bloody murder. It was a terrible idea from the beginning, and that is Reibman's folly.

  51. Curious about the single line, "Strangely enough, GOP Northampton County Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa, who is also simultaneously running for West Easton Borough Council, was there, too.

    Is her running again for West Easton Borough Council a rumor, or has she declared it some manner (ie., filing)?

  52. That's what she told the NCRC at a candidates' night.

  53. The swaption was in a positive finacial position when Stoffa took offcie. In his and Angle's vast wisdon they could have cashed it in and it would have been a wash finacially, or as the Stoffaholics like to say a "push". He didn't,as a result, he is responsible for a lack of learship and management that cost the citizens of Northmapton County $30 million.

    The turth is tough Bernie. Leaders are elected to lead not do public opoinion polls.


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