Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Citizens' Academy Grad Borso Seeks NorCo Council Seat

A few months ago, Christen Borso was a member of the inaugural graduating class of the Northampton County Citizens' Academy. She's been coming to meetings ever since, and yesterday pre-announced that she's seeking one of the five at-large Council seats up from grabs this year. A Democrat, Borso will square off against a gazillion candidates on the May 21 primary.

Although all records of my existence there have been expunged, I spent my formative years in Hellertown, where my proximity to the coke works damaged my brain. It is there that I knew Christen's husband, John, and his sister Debbie, who was the hottie of St. Theresa's Grade School at the time.

A 1987 graduate of Liberty High School, Christen graduated from NCC in 1991. Since then, she has devoted her time to starting and growing two small businesses here in the Lehigh Valley. Her son Justin, a recent college graduate, works in Delray Beach, Fl, which is where i wish I was right now.

Unlike many of the politicos who think they have to be part of the county party clique, Christen has a history of volunteersim. she's been a volunteer at Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley, is co-founder of the Women Empowering Women small business group as well as numerous other women business organizations. Last year, she won the YWCA breaking the Glass Ceiling Award. She also serves on the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.

Lamont McClure would like to end Northampton County's relationship with LVEDC, the LV's economic development engine. Borso would rather strengthen it, believing that this regional approach could market the positive attributes of the County. According to Borso, this includes an educated workforce, favorable tax rates and many existing, move-in ready buildings waiting for new tenants.

Infrastructure is another area of focus for Borso. She feels it is being ignored and that we must focus on major bridge repairs. "The time to act is now, as this has become a major problem," she states.

Christen will make her announcement official at an event planned for Tuesday February 19th at Woody’s on Easton Ave. in Bethlehem from 5-7.


  1. Finally! A decent council candidate in the field of riff-raff.

  2. You are a sadistic woman hater and woman basher....I am sure Borso is alarmed and annoyed to see you pushing her name.

    You are a radioactive POS vermin finder.

    Anyone you support goes in the toilet

  3. The comment at 8:30 AM is brought to you by Tricia Mezzacappa and/or her Blog Mentor. Their next step will be to scour the internet to find Borso's email address and then warn her about me, with a cc to me. I have about 200 such emails to various LV people. It has only ever worked once.

    By the way, I learned recently that, in Italian, Mezzacappa means half a head.

  4. I have just learned that is what has happened. Borso has received an email from the Blog Mentor, warning her about me. I guess he took a break from rolling around on the floor, foaming at the moth. He is batting .0005, and marginalizing himself even more in the process.

  5. Actually it is Latin. But in Latin or Italian it means half of a hood. The Cappa is a something that most religious wear. And in literal translation it can imply that someone is coming off not quite to the mark.

  6. What is unique about the blog mentor is the amount of "comments" that go poOf. If you spend a few seconds every day just looking at his blog, take a look at the number of comments. One day it is 198. The following day 186. The next day 189. Then today 159. That much action or that much madness? He has become everything that he has ridiculed. He must live a miserable life. Feel pity for him, because no one else will. Not even himself. Hatred and confusion have consumed him.

  7. 2:06, Thanks for the translating efforts. My experience is that the literal translation is right on the mark.

  8. 2:09, I've noticed that fr weeks.another thing he does is "update" his moths-old post every day so that his blog rises to the top of the few places that will link to him.

  9. This is what I got from the Blog Mentor this evening....

    So, I have received my first threat of BLACK MAIL since I began running for the office of ALLENTOWN CITY COUNCIL. Now, 3 people had warned me that this would happen and I was like OK. But when they dig up what they THINK is going to embarrass you and will make you drop out of a race that I KNOW will help Allentown,PA become a better place, then I have no choice but to do as I said I was going to do and offer full transparency. Thoughts? And since he said it is ON THE RECORD, so is this:

    QUESTIONS: Alfonso, attached are two dozen-plus scofflaw traffic citations on you in Lehigh County and 8 scofflaw traffic citations on you in Northampton County, including one for "Driving While License is Suspended or Revoked" (see "N8") that could (and should) score you 6 months in jail.

    Care to comment? (on the record @ LVS)

    B (you know the rest)

    ANSWER: Sure, parking tickets and a forgotten ticket. It happens and as a human (average person) I have made mistakes. I have paid or am paying my fines and i move on. It still has nothing to do with my desire to make Allentown, PA into a better place for my children, your children, and everyone else. My past has nothing to do with the great future I envison for Allentown. Thanks for the information by the way. It's appreciated!

    Alfonso Todd
    484 619 6541


    These tickets are from over a 10 year period by the way.. SMH

  10. Alfonso, I was just at a magistrate's office yesterday, taking care of one of my own tickets. Pawlowski's campaign manager, Michael Fleck, is another notorious scofflaw, as we are sometimes called. I'm a little more concerned about a person so vicious that he regularly wish death on other people, or chortles with glee when they have cancer.

    Aside from the Blog Mentor, I doubt anyone will give a shit. if it becomes newsworthy, then so is Pawlowski campaign manager Michael Fleck.


  11. I believe that kind of email is CRIMINALLY harassing.

  12. It's certainly doe with the intent to harass, annoy and alarm, but the Blog Mentor can claim he has a legitimate purpose. So it is not criminal.

  13. "It's certainly doe with the intent to harass, annoy and alarm"

    Isn't that the point of this blog?

  14. No, the purpose of this blog is to afflict the comfortable, and comfort the afflicted.

  15. Well I already released this information into the blogsphere on my blog URBAN RENEWAL / www.5minutes2shine.blogspot.com and on my FACEBOOK which has over 4000 followers. It's hard to embarrass someone who is unorthodox in his methods anyway. And the Blog Mentor should have learned his lesson from the exposure I gave him 3-4 years ago... SMH

    Thanks for the support everyone,

    Alfonso Todd


  16. A graduate of the bullshit Northampton County citizen academy? Really?

    Just another bullshit feel good invention by bureuacrats to get people brainwashed to nodd their heads an do what they are told by the government.


  17. You appear to be a graduate of the troll academy.

  18. Christen Borso is a very nice lady and woman of substance. She will be a great addition to the NorCo Council Seat.

    Alfonso Todd

  19. I just received this last night, also, BH. SMH

    So, my friends, I woke up to THIS and in the spirit of Government Transparency it IS ON RECORD:

    QUESTION / COMMENT: Alfonso, the "average person" does not have 36 traffic violations in two counties. And they're not in "the past." Your most serious violation took place in January 2013. There are 3 pages of violations on you at the PA Unified Judicial System website. It's shocking. And all those violations communicate, loudly and clearly, that you think you're above the law, or that you just don't care about laws. For example, "Driving While Operating Privileges are Suspended or Revoked," January 2013. You drove anyway, in blatant disregard of the law, got caught, and now face the possibility of a 6-month jail sentence. All this reflects badly, very badly, on your judgment. How can you expect Allentonians to trust your judgment as a member of Allentown City Council? I certainly can't. Alfonso, you really should withdraw from seeking a seat on Allentown City Council. As you must know, there's something much worse, regarding your judgment, that could also get out. Give me a call Wednesday if you'd like to discuss it.

    B (you know the rest)

    & this, also:


    Alfonso, as you must know, there's something much worse, regarding your judgment, that could also get out .

    Give me a call Wednesday if you'd like to discuss it, or I can call you.

    B(you know the rest)

    RESPONSE: So, again, my past lessons are just that, lessons. All of my lessons add value to my life which have helped me create the great vision that I have for Allentown - All of my past has everything to do with today.

    Now, THIS is BLACK MAIL and a THREAT. So, it only let's me know someone is nervous somewhere about me being in this race. Again, fines were paid and the most recent ticket in January 2013 was because I literally had forgotten about a ticket I had received 3 months earlier. (I had placed it in the glove compartment in a car I had recently sold.) Unsure how I feel "I am above the law" since I have had to deal with the Chief of Police and police officers numerous times with my and my client's events. (I've had to be a chaacter witness several times for friends/associates over the years, also) As far as 6 months in jail, it's only if I didn't pay fines/ restitution. There is no court involved. As far as withdrawing, it's not happening. And as far as ANOTHER item I have done that is WORSE, he even has my curiosity piqued. I didn't even know my life was all that exciting..... In the end, I truly speak TRUTH to power. My life is an open book. Thanks for the support everyone!


  20. How about getting back to the candidate? Congrats on seeing how your government works from the inside and stepping up to be a part of it. Bringing business knowledge to any board is always a good thing


  21. It is a bureaquacrcy slanted view of governemnt that was run by the Stoffa hacks. Maybe it taught her that we need more $186,000 parking spaces and more expensive unneeded buildings.


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