I will say this in defense of Barron. He's really not all that political on the job. That's because he's never there. You'll never see him on a Friday. I'm told, reliably, that his typical work week is just two to three days.
Updated 10:30 AM: Just so you know, the Fake Rev, Mario Martinez of Forks Township, has issued yet another fatwā. White is "now viewed by We The People as a terrorist columnist, who has set his sight's on We The People's representative - County Controller Stephen Barron, with the intent of helping County Executive John Stoffa destroy Mr. Barron."
Next thing you know, they'll be claiming he kicks old ladies in wheelchairs.
Run against him when his terms up BO, you have my vote.
Council agenda needs to be altered to include "The Barren Report"
12;23 AM not true. BILL WHITE has criticized Stoffa plenty. By the way you are a inaccurate jerk. The article is about Barron not Stoffa.
Sorry Harpo, you should not be jealous. there is plenty of room for you and White.
Just wait until 69 News runs it's story....
Stoffa should be given a truckload of cheese. Since he is the most whinny county executive ever. The guy is a mess. Barron gets attacked by Billbus White yet misses the part about how Stoffa let a posotive flow swaption add up to $30 million. He forgets that Stoffa let county buldings rot for seven etars than gets a new buildign a almost twice the going rate. He forgets that
Stoffa claimed keeping Gracedale woulkd mean a 30% tax increase. But that was someone else's fault, not Johnny Stoffa, he is just a victim.
What a guy. Yea, pick on Steve Barron.
Stay Classy, Bill White!
Judge not...lest ye be Judged!
It maybe good that he only works 2 or 3 days a week, he can't do too much damage!
Barron is an embarrassment to himself and the citizens of Northampton County. He should just do his job and get off his soap box. The more he talks, the more foolish he looks. Like a problem child who seeks attention at the expense of others.
"What a guy. Yea, pick on Steve Barron."
Talk about whining. Go buy a dress. Barron wears one.
Steve Barron has been a voice for those in the County who are afraid to speak out. Steve Barron saved taxpayers alot of money when he convinced council not to increase taxes a year or so ago. I didn't agree with Steve..I had felt that a moderate increase was needed at the time to make up for the loss of state funds. I didn't believe Steve's figures were right. It looks like I was wrong and he was right..The County has a sizeable cash balance and even John Stoffa's financial Whiz kids decided that a tax increase wasn't needed this year or next.
Usually when folks go above and beyond their primary work duties, they are praised and encouraged. Instead Bill White, whom I generally like by the way, attacked these attributes as political and over the top for a controller. I respectfully disagree. Everyone has a different style. I know and like John Schimmel. I respected the quiet job he did. Steve has a more aggressive style. So what..he does his job well.
I suspect Steve will be attacked continually today by Bernie and the anonymous trolls on this blog. No surprise there. I just think it's unwarranted and cowardly, especially when done anonymously.
"Barron gets attacked by Billbus White yet misses the part about how Stoffa let a posotive flow swaption add up to $30 million."
White is no Stoffa fan, but blame for that swaption lies with Reibman and the 2004 Council that voted for it. Nowhere else. Nobody should be forced to gamble with our money.
But ifyou ware going to blame Stoffa, you're going to have to blame Barron even ore. He is the controller, the financial watch dog. Under your thinking, Barron is even more culpable than Stoffa.
"Steve Barron has been a voice for those in the County who are afraid to speak out."
What a crock! Barron ha been a voice for the public sector union label, and nothing more. Incredibly, he sits down with union agents during contract negotiations and helps them soak taxpayers for more money.
A crime victim was before Council last year after being ignored by Barron. He was no voice for her. He was no voice for our forgotten veterans, when he advocated against them over the centralized human services building. He was also no voice for abused children.
"I suspect Steve will be attacked continually today by Bernie and the anonymous trolls on this blog. No surprise there. I just think it's unwarranted and cowardly, especially when done anonymously."
Gregory essentially admitted yesterday that he does post anonymously. It is ok for he and his public sector union brothers to make anonymous personal attacks, but it is not ok for anyone else. I see.
I do not post anonymously. I post as me. If i have something to say. my name is out there and i will be accountable for it.
In the case of an elected official, I allow much more leeway from my readers precisely bc they are elected officials and should be able to take the heat. I have allowed it for Gregory's anonymous attacks at Stoffa, Angle, Dent and numerous others.
And incidentally, this is not about "style." This is about Barron's political perversion of what should be an impartial job.
You are right about one thing Bernie, Reibman is responsible for getting us into the swaption. He got campaign donations for that deal. You are also right as to who shares the blame. Stoffa let the swaption run up an additional 20 million dollars after Ron Angle pointed out thatwe are in way over our heads and should bail on the swaption. Stoffa is the biggest procrastinator ever. He can't make a decision. You are also correct in who shares the balame. It is Barron for not paying attention to the store. He will pay the price in the next election. Don't defend Stoffa on the issue of the swaption because he is too blame as much as Reibman but not as much as Barron. You are also right about Bill White and his artciles about Stoffa. He has been more than "UNCOMPLIMENTARY" about Stoffa and the way he runs the County.
Everytime Jim "the mouth" Gregory shoots off his mouth he shoots himself in the foot. Kind of reminds you of "Festus" on the old Gunsmoke flicks.
White's column was such a naked hatchet job, free of facts and any kind of analysis, that you gotta wonder about the timing.
It really isn't hard to see how White ended up an old man at a dying paper. If a high school journalism student handed in such crap he'd be grateful to get an F.
Anyone for funnel cake?
You are such a liar..You assume I make anonymous attacks on Stoffa, so you print that crap..You are wrong..You think, or thought, that I had something to do with the Rumblings blog.You are wrong .I don't even have any clue who wrote it..Never did. You assume alot and print what you assume and are wrong 95% of the time..Stop the lies Bernie.Stop the cowardly sniping already..I might disagree with people on issues and I'll let them know about that..No problem. However, unless they attack me personally as you and your trolls continue to do, I do my best to stick to issues. However, you and your anonymous trolls cannot resist personal attacks and yes, then I'll respond in kind..I hope you plan to keep our appointment for tonight..I can't wait to discuss this and any other issues you want to address. In the meantime, stop the pathetic sniping..It's cowardly.
There you go again..9:32 attacks me but fails to identify himself..Maybe it's your old pal Brenda, bernie..Is she still alive, lol? You and your trolls are such cowards..Bring them tonight...
Jim Gregory, The person who posted as "Brenda" is, by her own admission, Tricia "God Hate Fags" Mezzacappa. You know, the one who has aligned herself with you and the Fake Rev.
And as I have already indicated several times, you are often one of those anonymous trolls.
You act if I am the only one critical of this administration. So everytime there is an attack on John, you assume it's me..You are wrong..Dead wrong..John knows that I and the folks at Bechtel did not want this new building but , in the end, we, as a union supported it because that's what our members wanted..It's that simple..However, to say that because I or Steve do not support Human Service clients or veterans because we don't support this building is so outrageously ridiculous it's laughable....As I said yesterday, Heckman devoted his entire life to Human Services..He thought this was a bad idea also..Does that mean he hates our clients and veterans..I know better than that but apparently you don't..Your reasoning skills are seriously lacking..Seriously
"You are such a liar..You assume I make anonymous attacks on Stoffa, so you print that crap."
By your own admission yesterday, you post anonymously. It is quite clear that you are no Stoffa fan when posting under our own name. It requires no great leap in logic to infer that you are far worse when you do so anonymously.
Over the years, you have developed a reputation as something of a squirrel who is untrusted by just about everyone, including your union brothers and sisters.
If I had respect for your integrity, as I do with Jerry Green, I would be willing to accept your word. But I can't.
As far as posting anonymously Bernie, it obviously has to be done at times because when someone posts under their name, they are immediately and personally attacked by you and your trolls. So even you with your lack of reasoning skills can figure out why most do and why I have in the past..However, if I'm attacked personally, I respond in kind. In my name. But I don't appreciate you assuming that I am attacking someone when i'm not..Knock it off.
Yea Bernie, I suppose everyone sees you as a paragon of virtue..Seriously?? You mentioned Jerry Green..Feel free to ask him what he thinks of Jim Gregory..
You don't have to accept my word..We have no love for each other and doubtfully ever will..However, I work for Mr. Stoffa and although we disagree on a number of issues and agree on others I haven't attacked him personally..I felt good enough in 2005 about his character to support him strongly in the General election at risk to myself and have backed away from efforts that call for him to resign on that lingering legal issue because I think that's a waste of time and energy. And we disagree on some Human Service issues as was the case with the privatization of ICM services...So what..He's the boss and he makes the calls..But i'll continue and I'm sure Steve will continue to critisize his polixies we disagree with..but unlike you, I refrain from the personal blog snipes..
"You act if I am the only one critical of this administration. So everytime there is an attack on John, you assume it's me..You are wrong."
I make no such assumption. There are several trolls and you are one of them.
"unlike you, I refrain from the personal blog snipes.."
Who are you kidding? Under your name, you are calling people liar and idiots. I'm pretty sure that's a personal blog snipe.
"As far as posting anonymously Bernie, it obviously has to be done at times because when someone posts under their name, they are immediately and personally attacked by you and your trolls."
In other words, you are a coward unwilling to accept responsibility for what you write.
As far as reputations go Bernie, Ive never come close to finding anyone that praises yours. Not one.
I respond in kind..Is that difficult for you to understand?
As far as I know, John Stoffa has not attacked me personally on your blog nor have I done so to him..You, yes..You've done the same. Again, what about respond in kind is so hard for you to understand?
Jim Gregory, stand down you have been verbally castrated and rendered a Eunuch (metaphorically). A damage control strategy would be best right now, perhaps quietly retreating to your favorite watering hole where you can reflect upon this blog evisceration.
Are you blind.I certainly accept responsibility for what I write..However you continue to tell your readership, the few that there are, that I wrote the Rumblings blog among many other outright lies..You assume I attack those I don't attack and print it as gospel..You assume, again wrongly, that I post in the middle of the morning when I am sleeping..That's a trick..Stop assuming bernie..You are wrong!!
Again Bernie, 1105 troll proves my point..Nothing to say but personal drivel and personal attacks..He is anonymous and a coward..If you know who it is, invite him tonight..Call him out for the coward he is..Either that, or stop attacking those who post anonymously who disagree with you..Can't have it both ways. Of course it's your blog so I guess you can..hey 11:05 coward..I am not hard to find..Come see me anytime if you have the guts..
Jim Gregory, You already have admitted to a form of deception. You admit to commenting anonymously, masking your identity. Now you want me to believe that you are not lying about other things, like anonymous attacks aimed at Stoffa or the Rumblings blog, even though I have been told you are the author from sources I d trust. Sorry. Fulsus in unum, falsus in ombibus. False in one thing, false in everything.
Jim G. I am sorry it will be impossible for me to attend your Longaberger party tonight, perhaps next week.
Gregory, are you going to actually work today? What a goldbrick. No wonder people hate public unions.
Jim Gregory, It appears that there really is no point in meeting you tonight. On this thread alone, which is supposed to be about Barron and not you, you have repeatedly called me a liar, and I certainly think that is true of you. Since neither one of us believes the other, what is the point of a sitdown? I'm just not seeing it. I don't want to be rude to you in front of your girlfriend, but that is what will happen. I think we should forget about a sitdown, at least for now.
Figured you'd back out Bernie..No surprise..Girlfriend will still get Panera dinner..
You make MCarthy look like a piker in your Ramblings..You went from perceived deceptions to deceptions to rumblings to you must lie about everything..You are a trip Bernie..
I'll still be at Panera, maybe earlier about 6..So send the trolls over to say hi.Maybe I'll invite my union thug friends, lol..Better company...And again for the upteenth time, I didnt author Rumblings, I have no idea who did, and none of my friends do either..So, as with most of your "trusted sources", anybody who told you that is a liar or just got bad info from someone else who lies..It's not true Bernie..Get over it!
Jim Gregory, I am not backing out. I just see no logical reason to meet with someone I do not believe and who does not believe me. Not much point to it. If you can give me a logical reason to be there, I will be there.
Bill White and The Morning Call says the Palace of Sport needs to "spread the wealth".
Until such time as all wives get a cushy consulting job like the RINO Senator PAT BROWNE, there is absolutely no reason to spend a single penny buying tickets to see the state-sponsored Lehigh Valley Phantoms.
Exactly why should we be stuffing the pockets of rich white guys with our hard earned money?
Good point Bernie. Up to you..We will be there either way. Up to you. Bring the cowardly 12 19 troll. See if he can say that in person
Count De'Monet
Jim Gregory, You are assuming, erroneously, that I know who any of these people are. Like I said, I don't play the anonymous game like you do. And if I did, why would I invite someone to a meeting that both of us now agree would be rather pointless?
@ "jim g said...
Good point Bernie. Up to you..We will be there either way. Up to you. Bring the cowardly 12 19 troll. See if he can say that in person 12:38 PM"....You've been to my house, Jimmy G. I've heard your collusatory verbage w/ R.J.
This is interesting. Who is RJ and what was it they were planning?
Lol.funny . He is crazier than you Bernie
where do you find these nuts? Lol. Who is r I piazza lol. you finally figuring out that your trolls are crazier than you?
So the debate tonight is it on or off? Are both contestants going to show at the prescribed time and at the prescribed place?
Bernie, go back to thinking abut knocking old disabled women out of their scooters.
So the debate tonight is it on or off? Are both contestants going to show at the prescribed time and at the prescribed place?
Damn! I wanted to show my face!
Feel free Anon..Six oclock..Pinera's ..512..Say Hi
would love to have the blow hard gregory's bosses name and number so I could call him and ask about all the blogging jimmy boy does on the county's dime.
but that's what union pukes do best - avoid their job
@ "jg said...
Feel free Anon..Six oclock..Pinera's ..512..Say Hi 4:13 PM"....considering you can't spell, TAXPAYER'S wonder if you can add correctly when you submit your estimates for review. Union Grafter! It's spelled PANERA'S
Bill White is a joke just like most of the Anonymous posts on this site. Steve Barron is an excellent controller and I only hope that he will one day be the county executive. Northampton Couty needs a respectable executive that is for the people and Steve has shown that he is for all people. He is attacked here because he beats up on you to much and he seems to right most of the time the only difference is he is honest and cares about the residents of Northampton County.
I deleted a number of nonsensical comments, as well as Gregory's reaction to them.
Good bernie. I am here at Pineras on 512 waiting for you or the trolls. No one stopped by..
I told you there is no logical reason to meet a person I do not believe and who does not believe me.
This man is a Leader, we need him to join Simmons in Harrisburg,
Gregory is over at Bill White's blog now making accusations. He is truly the best.
Hey Mark Baker, maybe you can also ask why Stoffa lets Harpo spend so much time on Bernies blog, attacking any and all who disagree with his bosses policy.
Given the Stoffa record in leadership roles there is plenty to question.
Experience is coming to county counci. Sadly ir will be too late to stop the Stoffa trainwreck policies in place.
Yes moron, 657, it's a obvious he's attacking. White. To most with an I Q of 10
I enjoy this blog. I post anonymously, mainly because I know a lot of the players or I know a lot of the people who know of the players. Its a small market and I dont wish to burn any bridges,so as long as I do not slander anyone I like giving my opinion from behind the veil. With all that said, I truly believe that some positions such as the Controller, the DA, the Coroner and perhaps the Sheriff, should be hired thru the civil service process to obtain the most qualified people for these positions.
I think the DA needs to be elected, although I can see your point.
It is not civil service it is career service and that can vary form county to county. If you don't think someone can game a career service appointment to get their "own guy" into a job, you are either naive or just pretending.
What is hilarious is that 8:14 is calling someone a moron but can't write a proper sentence. Only on blogs, anonymously, of course.
My guess would be Gregory, anonymously defending himself by attacking someone else. Then he'll invite me to Panera again.
Apparently you didn't make it. better at backstabbing then face to face.
12 mid-night, Your sister is a better backstabber. I prefer her.
The Stoffa trolls are out in force!
It only take's one....with true finess, to overturn the Apple Cart-of-ALL!
Lehigh Cpubty knows how to run a Government.
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