Local Government TV

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Armstrong: Republicans Must Speak Truth to Power

Allentown conservative Scott Armstrong is at again, with another pithy little essay about Republicans. Here's what he says:

Over the years, the term “speak truth to power” has been used by different groups, causes and movements to promote change and/or challenge oppressive authority. Although Liberals believe they have exclusive rights to this phrase it is time for the Republican Party to take it up and use it as a battle cry against the unethical union of the main stream media and the Democratic Party. This pernicious alliance presents opinion as news and propaganda as reporting to achieve and consolidate power. Together they have become a powerful, almost unstoppable force in the country. Left unchecked and unchallenged, there is little doubt they will sweep aside the remaining vestiges of the founders’ small government, personal responsibility vision of America. In its place they will finalize a European-style high tax, low growth, big government, caretaker bureaucracy.

Time is running out for the Republicans. They must find an effective means to communicate to the American people the value of their small government beliefs and the very real dangers posed by the alliance of the press and a political party. Republicans must once and for all understand that a media aligned against them cannot be accommodated and must be treated as adversaries. Average Americans must understand the partisan press is doing a disservice to the profession, the truth, and the public. To prevail, Republicans must confront the media Democratic Party axis; they must speak the truth to power now.

Personally, I think it's time for Republicans to do a little more listening and a little less speaking.


  1. Why is he allowed to say this stuff?

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  2. How about some of that old time compassionate conservatism? The two terms are not mutually exclusive..Scott! Why is it always the media's fault? Maybe it is the skewed policies you and others espouse? Get off your high horse and come to the negotiation table..

  3. Actually, I believe Scott's posting displays great courage. It's also a view I hold.

    Why have we become so accepting of disregarding the Constitution?

    Our Constitution is the cement that binds us together, and PROTECTS us from oppresive government. It's our only hope for stability.

    When this country's citizens have no solid, bedrock beliefs, they are vulnerable to whatever the flavor of the day is. That flavor could be sour and repulsive. Then where do we turn?

  4. The Constitution is a framework..it is open to interpretation as is any legal document. Stop using IT as an excuse to act like thugs. Negotiate..not pontificate!

  5. What oppressive government? You want to secede? You guys invented love it or leave it..follow your own advice then!

  6. Sorry, our Constitution is currently LAW. At least, to some of us.

    There is a method to add Amendments. That method should be adhered to, or we have NO hope of protection from tyranny.

    America never wanted a king, a despot, a supreme arbiter of what is good for us. WE, as a collective, will decide what is good for us.

    You need to take a close look at your party's desire to negotiate. It does NOT exist. That should scare everyone, including you.

    Wake up!

  7. Fear and paranoia..what a terrible place to be. Stomp your feet and yell a little louder..maybe the dreaded media will show your ugliness for all to see.

  8. It's called Democracy..your candidate and your idiotic ideals..LOST!

  9. Thank God.. yours is the minority opinion.. in America.

  10. Red Alert..WASP's no longer control the conversation in America.

  11. I get it, now. Freedom and liberty, idiotic ideals. Heaven help us.

  12. Opinion or threat? Depends which side you are standing on and who is in power..doesn't it?

  13. 8:30 -

    Assuming you are correct, who now DOES control the conversation?

    Why the H*LL should WASP, or any other labeled group, have an upper hand?

    The tired race card in play in your mind?

  14. Who said they are idiotic ideals? I said it's open to interpretation and amendment..isn't it? 200 plus years sheds a different light on things.You were probably against that amendment that Lincoln pushed thru..right?

  15. I also said it's open to amendment, But, NOT executive fiat.

    Do you understand the difference?

  16. Fiat?..get over it..he's the president and YOU LOST!

  17. 8:39 -

    You are correct. I DID lose.

  18. Fates are fickle. With GW, Rs had the White House, Senate, House, and SCOTUS (although maybe not with Roberts). Despite his controversial election, his re-election was a beat down and he had Congress. Dems should listen to Bill The Horny Hick Clinton and never take their opposition lightly. Bill may have had a weakness for cankles and big hair, but he was a helluva politician. The pendulum always swings back.

  19. "his re-election was a beat down"

    Really? Maybe in the electoral college. He certainly won the battleground states. And he won the popular vote with Obama won about 50.3 percent of the nation’s vote. I think Romney got 48.1 percent. That's a win, but it is no beat down, no mandate. And if you don't recognize that, I think Obama does.

  20. The Republican platform of 2013 is simple. Ignore facts, and reality, and complaining that facts are a "bias" in reporting.

    "Liberals" control the media which includes Hollywood according to conservatives. So they blame liberals for violence films. Funny, every violent film coming out right now stars well known Hollywood Republicans. (Stallone, Arnold, and Bruce Willis).

    They bitch about keeping the constitution as the framers intended, then play Yankee Doodle Dandy about how we need a bigger military. I guess they forgot the militia section of the 2nd Amendment was written specifically in opposition of a standing military.

  21. Yep, the media is rigged against Republicans. Look at all those high rated liberal hosts in political media: Limbaugh, Hannitty, O'Reilly, Beck, Malkin, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Monica Crawly, S.E. Cupp, Fox News, Fox Business, the Washington Times, The NY Post, the Wall Street Journal, the 700 Club, Dick Dean and Donald Barnhouse of WFMZ, yes sir--all those damn liberals are rigging the media against Republicans.

    -Man who lives in bubble from reality

  22. We had eight years with the village idiot from Texas.
    And then you gave us the clown parade that was last year's Republican primary season.
    Your parties shit is thin Mr. Armstrong.

  23. Scott -

    Speaking to truth power, confronting the axis, will solve, exactly, nothing.

    Takers are the majority now and they can vote. They are like 5th generation heirs to a family business. The sacrificing, hard working founders long gone, it's party time. Milk it to death, and worry about it later.

    And, they are so fucking dumb they cannot fathom the consequences of their actions. Last week, I watched as a whole bunch of folks who carried on and on about the messiah and we won, blah, blah, blah. As they opened the first check of the new year, they stood in shock as their net was not quite what they were used to. And, then, later that week, they got the news that hours were going to be cut and capped.

    They asked why. It was all I could do to keep from laughing my ass off.

    They won, Scott. At least, that's what they think ;)


  24. If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, and give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; And the sixteen being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they do now, on oatmeal and potatoes, have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; But be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains around the necks of our fellow sufferers; And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second, that second for a third, and so on 'til the bulk of society is reduced to mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering...and the forehorse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression. ~ Thomas Jefferson

  25. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

    … Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses


  26. Armstrong is an imspiration to all who wish to be free.


  27. He reminds me of Dr. Martin Luther King, in many ways.


  28. Your right, we need Armstrong in a State leadership position, to stand up for the silent majority.

  29. Every night before I go to bed, and every morning the first thing when I wake up, I praise the good Lord for Scott Armstrong. Scott gives me the strength to go on to these bleak and trying times.
    God bless God and God bless America.

  30. "media Democratic Party axis"

    BHAWAAAhahahaaa.. Oh the pathos, oh the horror.

    Wow, Oh Scotty my boy, you are somethhng. Why not concentrate on trying to win in Allentown, then maybe you can think aobut a job with Fox.

    Nice essay, I give it a C-.

    Dan the Man!

  31. It's difficult to imagine the R's can't find one candidate to challenge Allentown's mayor.

  32. " European-style high tax"

    you know, the kind we had under Ike, Nixon, and Reagan.

    Maybe Scott should start by speaking truth to himself.

  33. 7:06,

    Maybe you should travel to Europe and try to buy gas, or any consumer goods, heat your building, use water or electricty. Then report back.

    Scott Armstrong

  34. been there Scott. your point is false. You and your far-right R bretheren aren't even willing to discuss returning income tax rates to a level more akin to their historic US norms. You then cloud the debate by crying "european socialism" (or the new code phrase "european taxes"

  35. 8:41,

    If you'd been there you know better. Income tax rates may be comparable depending on the country however everything is taxed in Europe at far higher rates than they are here. The taxes are necessary to support the vast social safety nets Europeans have voted for themselves over the years. Even with these high rates(and almost no military expenses) the system is unsustainable.
    Pull up to a gas station anywhere in Europe and buy gas, try to flush a toilet there and see the tiny flow of water, the mist from the shower, high cost of washing clothes...
    But not to worry, soon we may not need to go overseas to see this stuff for ourselves.

    Scott Armstrong

  36. Resident of AllentownJanuary 21, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    I detest both major parties strangle hold on power in this country, but the hard line Republican Party's "Truth" is laughable: "Just let capitalism run free and we shall all reap the benefits of its devine profits. The crash wasn't caused by unrestrained greed and deregulation, but not enough of both!" You can only piss on people's heads for so long before they realize it is not prosperity that is "trickling down" on their faces. Seems to me, some regulations from the government were put into place after the first depression many years ago for a reason, but the "Truth" of the republican party had them swept asside leading us into the brink of disaster. Seems they would like to forget about how horrible the smog was in our past or how China's air is barely breathable now due to no regulation (not to mention processed food preperation in factories). I make no illusions that the Democratic Party machine is less culpable in screwing the public, they just don't proclaim it as their policy and at least throw a bone to the masses by supporting unions and safety regulations. I, probably like many Americans, am hoping for that third part which might actually give a damm about who they are supposed to be serving, a party that will be concerned with more than just well paid gerrymandered jobs with oligarchs proclaiming their "TRUTH".

  37. Complaining that your message is not being picked up by mainstream media should give you a clue that your message is outside of the mainstream of public opinion.

  38. 9:18..Right on! Third party? Probably will never see it but our kids might. Teabaggers tried and failed miserably BUT they attached themselves onto the established R party and you see how that turned out for them. Hail to the Chief!

  39. What I like about the Republicans messages is that they can all fit on a bumper sticker. Life is so easy and everything is so simple. No complexities, just simple. And certain.

    Thanks for showing the way ----- once again.

  40. Free stuff is nice. Freedom, even better!

  41. Entitlements=votes. Thats why Obama won ..plain and simple.
    Obama had fewer popular votes than in 2008 .Romney lost 3 million Evangelical votes because he is a Mormon which is sad. Republicans need to stick to their values . Reach out to the Entitlement takers and show them how welfare and social handouts chain them to poverty because it is a proven fact. I will close by saying this .
    Historians will look back on the last 4 decades as the decline of the American dream.The cause of that decline..LIBERALISM . Anyone who will kill their own
    ( abortion) yet tell me I can't own a gun to protect myself is a danger to society and frankly a piece of shit.

  42. Yo! Nobody wants your stinkin' gun! Where did you hear that? Try to stay up to date and watch another news channel other than FOX.

  43. What is a "Teabagger"?

    Would the Civility Police approve of the use of such a term?

    Or would that be considered "hostile"?

  44. I think it's a low-IQ reference to Taxed Enough Already. You know, a concept almost everyone agrees with, no matter what their party.

  45. Mr Armstrong,Europe always had higher fuel costs then us, 1. because they lacked natural resources and fewer refineries 2.smaller cars and a vast public transportation network. Cost of doing buisness for oil companies is much higher than here,the gluts that we are with multiple car families.Then theres water.Our vast beautiful country with its water resources is unmatched in the world yet our rates our due to our gluttonous ways.South western US couldnt exist without Hoover Dam.Built during what and by whom ?

  46. Scott...Thanks for your voice of reason. All these liberals are pounding their chest because the Chosen One is in the White House for a second term. Obama received less popular votes than 2008 . He was reelected by the Entitlement crowd. Thats something for these liberal blowhards to be proud of ?! Here's the best dichotomy of them all. Liberals value the killing of innocent babies and in the same breath want to ban weapons
    that protect us from the bad guys?

  47. Just pay attention to liberal-controlled urban areas.

    Consider their fiscal health, their debt load, their crime, their tax structure, their schools, etc.

    There's a message there.

  48. Let's get the women back to being barefoot and pregnant.
    In the meantime this lifelong democrat will keep his firearms asshole.

    PS The Tea Bag moniker strikes me as perfect. Poetic justice.

  49. Scott is correct. The Europeans are clogging up the Mexican and Canadian borders, desperate to get entry into the USA.

  50. Guy,

    Gas is more expensive in Europe because they tax it a higher rate than we do. Europe also has a VAT value added tax which makes many purchases more expensive. I could go on.
    The Hoover Dam was built by the government. Private capital and individuals with a dream, and hard work created Microsoft, Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, Westinghouse, US Steel, IBM... get the drift.

    Scott Armstrong

  51. 4:34,

    Life has become very difficult for many in Europe. Youth unemployment is very high and there is talk of a lost generation.Many are leaving in search of opportunity.

    Scott Armstrong

  52. Yes, let's get back to the Tea Bag smears ...

    ... it's the civil way to behave in Obama's contemporary America.

    Ask any "expert" in the 'Main Stream Media'.

    Plus, it just feels good!

  53. When Republicans express themselves real ugliness is too often the response from the other side. I let that speak for itself.

    Scott Armstrong

  54. 4:29 and you are a sanctimonious ass.

  55. Not everyone can exude the sweetness and light displayed by the GOP and their Tea Party friends. The party of tolerance and the Big Tent.
    A life long inspiration to so many dispossessed and marginalized.

  56. Life is a bowl of cherries for millions of disenfranchised American youth also. Isn't it Scott? What with all the educational and employment opportunities here in the capitalist Nirvana.

  57. 7:46,

    I see an attempt at sarcasm here, it is at least employed correctly.
    To answer you point, youth unemployment is rising here as well precisely because our president and the Democratic Party are replicating the European model here.
    Things will only get worse.

    Scott Armstrong

  58. We need more Americorps jobs to improve youth unemployment. I think our president comprehends this and will make sure it happens. Ed is making jobs in Allentown, why can't we do this all over America? Loved the inauguration today.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  59. To anon 7:34
    Never been called a sactimonious ass before.
    Guess I hit a nerve didn't I??
    I'll rub it in a little more. Your willing to kill your own via abortion. Yet,,, want to ban the weapons that protect you and your own family from the bad guys.
    Liberalism will evetually be diagnosed as a brain disorder.

  60. You haven't a clue what my position on fire arms is you sanctimonious ass.
    There, you have been called a sanctimonious ass two times in one day. I'm a proud member of the armed left. Old school pardner!

    Actually, let me take that back. I don't know you, odds are your a decent person. It's just irritating that you leap to a whole group of conclusions about what you perceive to be an entire class of people, liberals, when life and people's political outlooks are so much more complex. Not all on the left end of the spectrum are what you think of as " liberal".

    So all the best. Just know people on the " left " are often more complicated than Fox News would have its viewer believe. Im quite certain that not all those on the right are one dimensional, even if Bernie's stable of regulars are caricatures.

  61. You hit the nail on the head Scott. AGAIN.

    The future was looking fantastic for working class and low income youngsters when President George W Bush left office. Educational and employment oppertunity were virtually unlimited.

    Obama took the wonderful situation President Bush handed him on a silver platter and proceeded to fuck it up. I still can't get over it.

    Keep speakin' truth to power dude.

  62. The inlaws clamoring for you to sponsor their immigration process Scott?

  63. I'd ask Armstrong, taking his argument local and given the rift in local party politics, who is the GOP power? Shall we question Woodman? Browning? Martin? Platt? The unamed old guard? who?

    If we question them, will you slay us?

  64. Pithy ----- yes, absolutely.
    Little ----- most certainly.

  65. Very, very little,

  66. I'd like to thank everyone who wants to whittle away at our freedom to bear arms.
    I also would like to thank all those that want to whittle away at a women's ability to have access to safe and legal reproductive health services in consultation with her physician.
    It's important that we as a society take away as many rights as we can, and I appreciate the common ground here.

  67. Who is the un-named old guard?

  68. @5:29
    Impressively intelligent comparison. You are a very very sharp cookie.

  69. Allentown Democratic Voter --- you just keep cranking them out buddy. Your style is so cool dude.
    Really tricky dude. Love it, a real blast.

  70. 11:22,

    My mother in law just passed away last year. Thanks for your concern.

    Scott Armstrong

  71. 10:43,

    The financial crisis of 2008 was the result of the mortgage crisis. The Democrats had their hands all over this and to this day try to lay the blame on George Bush. The uninformed may buy it but anyone who looked into the issue knows the truth.

    Scott Armstrong

  72. Scott, you won't face the truth,, thus you can't speak it. The fact that you deflect reference to historic facts re our yax rates under iconic republican presidents is illustrative that you have only an agenda, and not "truth".

  73. 8:39 -

    It might be helpful if you actually listed a few "truthful" tidbits yourself. You must be one of those "non-FOX" watchers who remains against whatever you think they present on that channel.

  74. Start with marginal tax rates under Ike, Reagan and Bush. Use the Google machine.

  75. Condolences on your mother-in-law. She lived to a ripe old-age and had an interesting life. God bless her. Viva la'France.
    Without those amazing people we'd still be a colony.

  76. Condolences on your mother-in-law. She lived to a ripe old-age and had an interesting life. God bless her. Viva la'France.
    Without those amazing people we'd still be a colony.

  77. my wife's parents both grew up under the occupation. Very interesting indeed.

    Scott Armstrong

  78. Scott, give us the simple and oh so obvious solution to the gun violence issue?

  79. Don't know if Scott will reply, but I will.

    Crack down hard on known criminals. Assess HEAVY mandatory sentences on every crime in which a gun was brandished. Even idiotic kids who have a gun in their possession. Over time, our youth won't go near the things. They'll remember the time young "Sammy" took a gun to school and ended up spending 4 years in a detention center.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.