Local Government TV

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Anti-Westboro Baptist Church Group Tops 100

Westboro Baptist Church, designated by The Southern law Poverty Center as a hate group, supposedly intends to spread that message at four area churches tomorrow. This group is notorious for announcing "God Hates Fags" protests and then not showing up. So I'll believe this when I see it.

Kate Wilgruber, a patient advocate and security manager at the Allentown Women's Center, has organized a counter-protest at Facebook, and over 100 people have signed up.

But in the meantime, Westboro Baptist is now claiming it will be demonstrating in Kansas and Virginia instead of here. Helpful Allentown police have also informed Wilgruber that she needs a permit to exercise the First Amendment in the Queen City, which must be applied for ten days in advance of an event.


  1. Southern Poverty Law Center, dude.

    They are only slightly better than their target. Fringer lefties who litigate any time someone farts in their general direction.

    Looks like D & C Depot will survive, unlike the poor little babies they butcher.


  2. Anti-abortionists protesting pro-abortionists, good!

  3. Clem, What an ignorant statement! The SLPC was founded in the 60s in reaction to the rampant discrimination that still existed in the South. If being opposed to racial discrimination makes one a "fringer leftie," we could use a few more. Since then, they have devoted time and resources to identifying numerous hate groups throughout the country, from the KKK to several ant-Semitic groups.

    This is by far the most ignorant comment you have ever posted here.

  4. WOW!
    BOH finally calls Clem out on his proud no-nothing position.
    Wonders never sease!
    God bless The SPLC.

  5. Meanwhile in other news------bend over and spread those cheeks Bethlehem, the SANDS is about to give you a F%#KING.

    All those gambling supports who made a deal with the devil for the quick buck look out, the dice are about to be rolled.

    Apologies for the digression Bernie.

  6. Hopefully, APD will prevent Westboro Baptist from protesting, if they don't have a permit.

    Should be easy enough to find out if they have one, which would indicate if they have any intention of showing up.

  7. There is no Clem. It's only Bernie's alter ego stoking the fires of Lehigh Valley Rambling.

  8. This comment come from the Blog Mentor, who accuses others of what he himself does all the time. I comment under one time, my own. You impersonate and comment under all kinds of goofy made up names, except when you're rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  9. Bernie's tacking to the left again. Necessary post election strategy correction,

    Blame it all on the "Blog Mentor", a winning tactic
    to deflect criticism.

    Another Anon coward

  10. Agreed. You are an anonymous coward. Now go back to rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  11. While their tactics are somewhat brutal, Westboro's message is on point with all of the problems our society now faces. Abortion, shootings, rapes, gay marriage on so on. We are living in Sodom and Gomorrah times. Too bad their message delivery is screwed up. The best way to deal with them is listen, reflect on their message and then walk away if you don't agree. If you are intrigued, then speak to them and see what you can do to change.

  12. 6:55,

    Their problem is that people have listened to them and reflected on the message they send. It's HATE.

    You say, "While their tactics are somewhat brutal..." I say they are completely brutal and show no compassion, or respect to the families of fallen soldiers.

    Just as the most radical fringe elements give all Muslims a bad name in how they interpret the Koran, this group gives Christians a black eye.

  13. Sadly, Clem is correct. SPLC morphed into a far left arm of the DNC long ago. A once worthy organization is now almost as despicable as the roaches they claim to chase.

  14. i guess they didnt like the smith decision

  15. SPLC is a hate group that wears a fig leaf of some worthy causes. They ain't what they used to be.

  16. Bernie
    Forget those W guys. It's the geese at Lake Muhlenberg making national news today.

  17. I find myself in complete agreement with Credit Worthy, although I am not Credit Worthy. Ask any bank.

  18. Yeah. So apparently, is the anti-defamation league.

  19. Bernie
    Perhaps you're not credit worthy but you do have a loyality among readers that no dollar value can compare.

  20. @6:55
    Welcome back to the Inquisition.

  21. @6:55
    Welcome back to the Inquisition.

  22. I remember these folks protesting outside of our Bethlehem church several years ago. There was a humorous irony reading signs that "God hates you" while driving into church. Its a big country; best to just ignore them on your way in to church, as they'll have moved along by the time you are driving out. Attention is the air for their fire. Don't give it to them, and they're nothing but an insignificant flicker. Counter-protests and the such just makes the flames grow.

  23. Mr O'Hare,
    This is an excellent example of why a political candidates religion, if it's doctrines reinforce bigotry or prejudice, are a legitimate factor in that individuals appropriateness to serve in a democratic, secular government.

    They is no shame regecting intolerance.

  24. Any attempt to claim that any of the mainstream religions reinforce bigotry or intolerance is just a not-so-clever way to disguise your own. You could argue that many mainstream evangelical movements promote intolerence bc adherents believe that we are doomed to perdition unless we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior. You can vilify Jews bc they call themselves the chosen people. So knock it off already. It was a disgusting display from the so-called left and you should hang your head in shame instead of trying to justify the unjustifiable.

  25. Does anyone know if this group followed through and showed?

  26. The context is not membership in a main stream religion in and of itself. Rather membership in a non-mainstream religion, sect or denomination with a history of racist,sexist,homophobic, or other clearly exclusionary dogma or practice, or specific precepts in a mainstream religion, i.e. abortion, marriage equality, etc. that could effect legislative choices.
    Isn't it reasonable to ask how adherence to such a belief system would affect one's ability to govern?
    Much like JFK was asked. His direct answer satisfied the concerns of a majority of the American public.
    If character matters, and candidates feel the need to present themselves as churchgoing people, then let's take them at their word---it matters.

  27. Blah, blah, blah. All your bullshit about "context" and unusual "belief systems" us nothing more than a pretext to discriminate a religion bc it is a religion. Every single mainstream religion would fall under your reasoning, but you use it selectively bc you are a bigot who is trying like hell to convince yourself that you're not. Don't try with me.

  28. Thanks, Bernie. I thought it was today. That explains why there wasn't any updates on the Morning Call's and the Lehigh Valley Live's websites.

  29. Sometimes the comments are more informative, if not entertaining, than the post itself. Really, how did the SLPC get linked to the Westboro wackies?
    God loves all of us, even the Westboro wackies, and even loathspme Bloggers. Now go back to watching Doomsday Preppers, there's a good one on tonight, about how to build your own tank.

  30. Every since I jumped into the river earlier today in that Polar Bear crap, I haven't been quite the same. It wasn't too cold. My room is colder. And I like cold showers, anyway.

  31. Your correct. I'm a bigot. I've got a pronounced bias against the intolerant and mean spirited---especially if they have God on their side.

  32. PS :
    ----and blah, blah,blah.

  33. Cornell law professor blasts Southern Poverty Law Center for stirring hate
    August 16, 2012
    By: Anthony Martin

    From Art:
    Further, SPLC has targeted the tea party in a similar manner, claiming that the group is part of the "Patriot Movement," which it routinely smears by falsely including in its ranks white supremacists and mass murderers such as Timothy McVeigh.

    However, there is no evidence linking the tea party to either white supremacists or McVeigh. But this did not prevent SPLC from labeling Tucson shooter Jared Loughner as a right wing extremist long after it had been established that Loughner had no such ties.

    SPLC also has a history of targeting individuals who express a fundamental disagreement with what most conservatives believe is its extremist liberal mindset. SPLC once claimed that this reporter is actually an anonymous blogger by the name of "Ulsterman," an allegation that not only is false but for which there is not a shred of credible evidence. Pamela Geller of the blog Atlas Shrugs was referred to by SPLC as a hate mongering "loon." And former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's speech at the 2010 National Tea Party Convention was labeled as an example of hate speech because she stated that "America is ready for another revolution," in reference to the Founding Fathers and the need to return to the founding principles of the nation.

    Lee right wing maniac

  34. This article comes from "Atlas Shrugs" "Stormfront" and similar "objective" outlets.

    And the professor in question is a known right-wing extremist.


  35. Take a look at this:
    A Look into the Southern Poverty Law Center

    I also Mark Potok from SLPC on MSNBC "Spuing" his crap.

    The Tea Party's Racist Roots

    Mark Potok hates on Americans and defends the US government

    Demonizing the Tea Party - MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan interviews Mark Potok and......

  36. SPLC became very political, undermining its original, worthy objective. They regularly use race mongering, like the NAACP. I wouldn't call them a hate group. I would say they're highly partisan to the point of irrelevance, and a long way from their original charter.

  37. Well done, Lee, and others.

    Bernie, I know why they were founded. That doesn't change what they are now.

    Opposing racial discrimination certainly does not make one a fringer leftie, and I said no such thing. Nice try, though.

    OTOH, what Lee has offered (I'll be glad to spend my day filling this thread with more examples, if you'd like) is what proves them fringer lefties.

    And, attacking the source because you don't like the facts is more worthy of she who rants "bagger, faux news, blah, blah, blah."

    Ignorance, indeed.


  38. 5:21 a.m. -

    No-nothing Clem, at the very least, understands that your illiterate self meant "cease".


  39. Clem, I agree that ignorance has certainly been displayed.

  40. If you think these people are crazy, I just got off the Wicked Witch's blog. She is loco mundo!!! She really loves you Bernie. That court document she filed really seems like a stretch and the pictures of the pig and his problems from the "poison" ... Man just run. Run far, far away!!!

  41. She has republished her libel again, demonstrating malice and justifying an award of punitive damages. She has now also published the allegations in the Petition dismissed last year, which means that she can be held responsible for the libels therein. No immunity attaches once she publishes those pleadings.

    She has been convicted of disorderly conduct as a result of a death threat to a West Easton official. A judge has ruled that statements attributed to her, and that she certainly made, are defamation per se. She demonstrates her contempt for the Court and the law by doing it again, and even posts a comment at The Express Times webpage about what a pleasure it would be to put a hollow point bullet thru my skull. She posts about 30 blogs, many of them misleading, about the attorney who is suing her.

    She does not seem to realize it yet, but she is in a world of trouble, and so are those who aided and abetted her in what they knew was a world of lies.

  42. Clem sure can spell. Very lmlressive.

  43. Clem is Bernie's imaginary friend.

  44. It is time for your drug cocktail!

  45. As usual, they never showed. Yet, they got their publicity.

  46. As noted above, Westboro never showed. The Morning Call purposefully did not provide any publicity - they had a reporter there just in case something newsworthy happened.

    There were about 60 counter-protesters who traveled from church to church. At two of the churches, the counter-protesters were invited inside for coffee and snacks. They included Harley riders (many of whom were vets), a cigar club, some college students, a minister, a couple high school students and assorted others. The Allentown and S. Whitehall Police kept circling around making sure there were no problems.

  47. They're job is to report the news, nit make editorial decisions that something is beneath them. The ET wrote a story, and one should have been written, in my view.

  48. Yeah. So apparently, is the anti-defamation league.....


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