Local Government TV

Monday, December 10, 2012

Panto Rules Out NorCo Exec Race

In a news release today, Easton Mayor Sal Panto, Jr., has ruled out next year's Northampton County Exec race. "While I appreciate the encouragement and support I have received over the last few months, I never considered political office for any other reason other than to assist in the revitalization of the city of Easton,” stated Hizzoner.

Panto added, “I do appreciate the support I received from individuals, former office holders and labor unions and their confidence that I have the skill set to bring about the changes needed to move our county forward.“

I happen to be one of the people who encouraged him to run, but respect and actually admire him for his first love - Easton.

Community service, historic preservation and a desire to make Easton a better place is why he shied away from becoming a Superintendent of a public school district.

“Because of my love of education, a Superintendent’s position would be the only position that could entice me to leave my position in the city.” Panto holds a Master's Degree from Lehigh University in Educational Administration. He is a frequet guest in classrooms, especially with the younger children.

But Panto stated that “our city is on a path of growth and continuous improvement. To divert my attention away from the city at this time would be a disservice to the people who placed their confidence in me during the last election."


  1. With his voracious appetite for taxes and fees and new ways to fund government spending, the thought of him spending on a school district level is horrifying.

  2. That wasn't what he conveyed in the local barbershop.

    Can you say reassessment???

  3. al bundy, to commemorate this momentous decision, is sending the mayor a pair of shoes

  4. "That plus the size of the
    Callahan bnkroll, caused me to tell the millions and millions of my suupporters from across the known universe, that I shall not, nay, cannot run for this seat"

    Gotta love a pol!

  5. Panto would be an excellent county executive but I respect his decision. As for appetite for fees and taxes you obvioulsy have him mixed up with someone else. He took his city from bankruptcy to financial soundness withour raising the taxes or fees on his residents. I wish he lived in my city becasue we need a person like him in Bethlehem.

    I wish him continued success and would receommend the EASD look him up.

    As for reassessment, when the heck are we doing it? What's it been 20some years and the law is every 10.

  6. "He took his city from bankruptcy to financial soundness withour raising the taxes or fees on his residents."

    Stop. Stop. Stop. He raised taxes on minimum wage earners and every employee at the courthouse complex. That may make you happy. But he's already mugged the rest of the county. His private sector experience left a stain that could get him beaten up in Forks, where he's regarded slightly worse than bleeding hemorrhoid.

    And he was already spending the highest tax and fee haul in the LV.

    Be serious.

  7. Its the Panto guy that want's a job. Whneever there is a post about Panto that guy comes on and goes all mancrush on himn. Even more than O'Hare.

    Fact is, Panto would get his ass handed to him in a county wide Execuitve race. Even with his thousands of supprters.LOL...

  8. Can you say EASD Superintendent? Go, Sal, Go!!

  9. He better go get that Ph.D, or settle for Principal.

  10. Known Sal for well over 20 years. He is a good man. Hard working and loyal. Keep doing the good things, Sal

  11. Botton line is Callahan is alrady ordering the furniture for his county office. His team is already seeing who will conribute to the campaign regarding jobs. The joke on the clan is Glenn Reibman will be the next County Executive.

    Sal knows he couldn't win and bowed out. Sorry butt kissers but facts are facts.

  12. Reibman, who nods off during the day and actually had all the lights turned off in his office when he was Exec, apparently is wide awake at 3 AM.

  13. Stop being silly Bernmie. You know Reibman isn;t positng now. This is politcal junkie time. It will be Callaahn, McClure and Reibman.

    FYI, the Morning Call online just reported that Reibman hired Fleck Consulting for his run. Lookslike he is a lock.

    Reibman, McClure , Calahan?? Maybe you shouldn't have disparaged guys like Heckman, he comes off like Jefferson compared to these possers clowns.

  14. Reibman (a) is very bitter about losing, just like the 3 AM poster (b) hates Sttffa, just like the 3 AM troll, and (c) suffers from narcolepisy.

    Although I can't prove it, I believe the 3 AM troll is Glenn Reibman.

  15. Santo reminds me of another one of your revered politicians. Do you know who that is? I'll give you a hint, in the form of this quote:

    "I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races--that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

    In the event you don't know who said this, it's Abraham Lincoln.

  16. The next mayor------ Phil Mittman.
    ( Or as BOH would say, Phil Mittman I )

  17. Mr. Fleck will paint such a clear picture of Mr. Callahan that Reidman will be a shoein!

    Callahan is toast!

    1. Didn't members of team Fleck support Callahan for Congress?

  18. What did Northampton County ever do to get a Callahan vs. Reibman contest?

    That's just punishment.

  19. Reibman shouldn't be bitter about losing. He did it to himself. He pissed off all the taxpayers of Northampton county with a 70 per cent tax increase. He had the biggest scandal ever in the County 's History with Mike Soloman and the midget Gawlick who maced empoyees and embarrassed Reibman with his womanizing escapade. We need someone to come out of the woodwork to run for this office. Callaghan is a loser and so is Reibman. McClure is a bag of wind that has plenty of baggage. Seyfried and Heckman are also rans that can't win. Now where do we go?

  20. Reibman destroyed the Senators reputation with his scandals. He can't win. The only reputation he has is a bad one. C'mon Bernie. Who else is out there?
    7 million dollar swaption, 70 percent tax increase. Reibman is crazy. But then, Callaghan isn't much better. He also has plenty of baggage.

  21. Time for a Republican!

  22. How can you run for County Executive with a HUGE Budget shortfall in Bethlehem of millions:

    Lehigh, Moravian, St. Lukes and LVHH aren't going to pay PILOTS - $$$$ SHORTFALL

    Single Hauler - Fails - $$$$ SHORTFALL

    Raiding the Authories Funds - Fails - SHORTFALL

    County Executive Candidacy - Fails

  23. Don't you need a doctorate to be a Superintendent?

  24. Time for a Republican!

    Yeah, that'll help. Exactly what the valley is NOT saying.

  25. The EASD Board paid for the current superintendent to get her doctorate so no you odn't need one to be a superintendent.

    Rumor has it that they also paid for her lodging while attending grad school on Philadelphia and then also paid her for vacation days that she didn't use.

    Sal is an excellent choice. Our school district is an embarrassment. He would bring the leadership that is needed.

  26. 4:52, Unlike you, Abraham Lincoln's thinking evolved as he matured, even from 1861-1864.


  28. I think Pantohas done a great job in the city of Easton. I moved to the suburbs but now find myself going back to Easton for many reasons including the restaurants, shops and the State Theatre. I still live in the Easton school disctrict so my request to him is that he submit his name.

    As a Republican I truly like his fiscal positions, he management and his conservative approach. I heard him speak last year at our service club breakfast and can see why the town is doing so much better.

    Some obviously don't like him, like the first entry, obviously they don't knwo him or his record.

  29. Going to be tough to beat Callahan. He isn't the best choice but someone will need a major bankroll to beat him. The only hope for a Republican will be if there is a lot of bloodletting in the primary, which there might be

  30. I tend to beleive that after all is said and done, the only candidate running will be Glenn Reibman.

    Callahan never really wanted to be County
    Excutive but he needs a job. if hw can find a high paying one, he will punt on the Execuitve race.

    That has been a well known secret for months. Party doesn't want him, labor doesn't want him and he has high negatves.

  31. Way too early to play at these games, will be a fun new year though.


  32. "Didn't members of team Fleck support Callahan for Congress?"

    You can alwas count on the Fleckster to do what guarantees him the biggest paycheck.

  33. Callahan is toast. He is already crying in his beer at the Apollo.


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