Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bangor Looking at Half Mil Tax Cut

It won't be official until December 27, but little Bangor Borough on Monday night tentatively tentatively adopted a budget for 2013 that will include a half mil tax cut.

Council member Dave Houser credits the "great work" done by boro manager John Kasten.


  1. John's a good man!!!!


  3. Thanks for the shout Bernie. Boro council knows the value of an excellent manager. He has taken us from deep in the red to black ink territory in a few short years. I consider him a friend and wouldn't part with him for Bangors sake for anything. More good news to come for Bangor and the Slate Belt communities.

  4. Vote on budget was not unanimous.. only councilwoman Bonnie LaBar..an avowed Republican..voted against it. I don't get it?

  5. Something is seriously wrong in Bangor. The manager forced a valued employee outthe doot. Someone really needs to question what happened.

  6. Good for Bangor Boro, just wondering when we manage to lower taxes, it usually means a cut in services or someone's budget, were the firemen cut and does the boro still maintain 24/7 police services, Carol

  7. Personnel matters are private information and protected by law. You want to know what happened? Call the party affected and try to satisfy your curiosity there!

  8. Bangor does not have 24/7 police coverage and hasn't for some time now. No other boro in the SB has it either. Bangor has the least amount of PSP coverage of the surrounding muni's. Fire service? Are there not "3" VFC's in this town and how many fire trucks?

  9. Bernie..we just cut the tax rate and people come here to complain and gripe? You got to be kidding.

  10. I'm sure they had no idea how to put together a budget with the loss of the employee who did it for almost two decades.

    My prediction: some time in the next year or two, Kasten will be out when they discover a hole in the budget that would have been obvious to anyone paying attention.

  11. What hole? WTF are you talking about? Are you accusing someone of something illegal or what? Throw something else against the wall and see if it sticks!

  12. I've seen Bangor's Boro Manager in action, and he strikes me as a serious, dedicated gentleman.


  13. Bangor "Dave" what occurred with the Police Merger...It was a PIPE DREAM!

  14. Andrew George of the ET's just did an article on the SB police regionalization initiative. Read it!


  15. Like I said, "PIPE DREAM"

    It will never Happen! This is PENNSYLVANIA!!!

  16. It will happen and then you can rant and rave about something else til your proven wrong..once again.


  17. It will never happen, you're only having wishful thinking....everyone has a DREAM!

  18. Never? Really? Where there is a will..there is a way. A major announcement will be made within a month. We'll see who is right and who is wrong. Stay tuned..


  19. Like I said, It won't happen!

  20. I'll be back here..win or lose..will you?


  21. It's a PIPE DREAM!


  22. Put down the Pipe! It won't happen!

  23. I don't smoke..and neither should you. The three municipalities will sign on the dotted line soon and a regional police force will be created. The townships can't seem to get their act together and their issues are not the same as the towns. Oil and water sort of. A lot of people have worked very hard to make this happen and they won't put the ball on the ground at this late point in the game.


  24. Like I previously stated, it won't happen.

    The wealthier TOWNSHIPS don't want involved...This leaves the land-locked poor BORO governments to create a weak and cash poor regional force!

  25. All this kissing up to the borough manager is disgusting. For some reason the borough council thinks he walks on water. I don,t know what he has done that is so great. While Dave is praising the borough manager for turning the borough around people should know he had a lot of help from the previous borough secretary/treasurer who watched the the finances in the borough very closely and was thanklessly let go for no apparent reason other than the borough manager could not control her like he does the borough council.

  26. Wealthy townships? Surely you gest. What alternate universe are you living in? You need to seriously consider going back on your medication and returning to reality.

  27. Nice try Mark...why don't you tell the people here why you really quit boro council or is it too embarassing?


  28. Ok, the POOR TOWNSHIPS don't want involved with this idea. Also the STATE POLICE PROVIDE coverage at no cost to local governments.

  29. Make no mistake..the boro manager works for the people of Bangor..he is their employee and a darn fine one. They have every reason to appreciate the job he has done on their behalf. Pick on somebody else..

  30. Just because the twsp's don't want in is no reason to stop the project. It's not an all or nothing deal. Pay now or pay later. Tax base is shrinking for some and eventually the cow stops giving milk..then what?

  31. Average response time for the PSP to get to say..UMBT..is well over 20 minutes. And Corbett has stated his intention to reduce the total number of PSP. What's your confidence level now?


  32. Don't waste Money on this PIPE DREAM!

  33. Actually..over a short amount of time..it saves money and that's a fact Jack! Why the CAPS? Is that for affect or what? And by the way..PUT DOWN THE PIPE..you keep referring to..


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